Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Switch Bondage Switcharoo Swapparoos

All it took was Snaps tripping Shadada down into the first of those flesh sack constrictors.

My arch angel/paladin/fuck buddy bff let out an eep, made some kinda mad acrobatic maneuver to spin mid-air and try right herself, but a tentacle shot from the ground and grabbed her ankle. 

Her legs disappeared into the skin-tight hug. Tiny tendrils began crawling up her legs and the sack convulsed, rippling up along her body, while she grunted and resisted it.


“Shadada-nngh!” A tug on my rope collar pulled me back from helping.

“Not quite yet.”

“We need to- nngh, get her out.”

Snaps laughed. “Right. Yes, we do. Once she’s unconscious and ready to be trussed up.”

“Wha– you?”

“Am betraying you, of course.” Snaps struggled with her wrist bondage, while Shadada failed to escape the plant as it slowly encased her in a thin body sack. 

She let out a wail of pleasure when tentacles invaded her lower body and began ravaging her. Her struggles grew weak from there on out. Other thin tendrils found her wrists and pinned them to her body. The sack slurped up to her waist, then took her arms and breasts. A tentacle plunged past her lips and started thoroughly raping her face. The sack sealed her in. Shadada continued to writhe inside it, fighting against the forced pleasure.

Meanwhile, Snaps had gotten her wrists free. “There. Now, let’s get you two little treasures ready.”

“H-how can you do this?” I demanded. “I thought we had a thing?”

“Mmm. We do.” Snaps stepped closer. She brushed a finger along the lewd crest etched on my tummy, sending a shiver down my spine. “You are my slaves, and I am your humble pirate captor.”

I growled.

She laughed. “Awww.” Snaps brushed my hair behind one of my pointy sensitive ears, causing me to twitch. “Well, let me assure you, sexy little goddess, that, were things different, I would very much like to keep you for myself. Or have fun with you. But alas.”

Shadada’s moan of orgasm was muffled by the sack binding her. I could see her helplessly blissful subby expression through the green plant plastered against her face. Her arms were tentacled behind her back now and she had no way of resisting their gropes.

“Now, a question while we wait for her to be fucked silly,” murmured Snaps, still holding onto my leash. “Do you want to cum while watching her, or should I have fun by myself?”

Damn her. I glared at her.

And kept glaring while kneeling before her, careful to avoid tripping with my half-bound legs. 

“Goood girl. Good little goddess~”

Fuug, the praise went straight into my slut-brain. I caught another glimpse of Shadada’s plight and felt a jealous twinge in my nethers.

“Well, I may sell you both by the end of this, but… we do have a while to get out of here to know each other.” Snaps gathered the leash into her fist, keeping a tight hold of the rope collar to choke me lightly. She tip-toed to raise her perky butt and turned to offer it in my face. “So, my little goddess, I’d like to see if you can eat ass.”

“Aaahh…” I tried to reach my slit, but the damned bondage held both my arms and tail imprisoned. “You promise I’ll get to cum?”

“Mm-hm. If you’re good.”

I made another small growl of protest before submitting to my role. Her ass tasted of the ovipositor tentacle fruit that we’d played with just this morning. The pirate leaned against a tree and started breathing heavily as I spread her sphincter wide and explored her anus with my long drae tongue. Being basically the goddess of good little bitches, I am an expert ass/pussy/dick licker and gave her some good leg-trembling, while marinating in my own arousal.

At some point, Shadada’s body went limp. She remained alive, of course, the plant wanted her for breeding, but she’d passed out of pleasure inside it.

I kinda expected to be forced to hump Snaps’ foot or do something else humiliating to bring myself that promised orgasm, but big surprises weren’t over! 

“Now, my reward for good little goddess,” said the sex and tropic sweaty beauty, gathering her hair into a rope-ponytail. 

She yanked me up by my hair and kept me standing despite my legs wobbling for being on my knees for so long. Expert hands tied my hair tight and hoisted a rope over a branch. She pulled and I let out a yelp, expecting pain.

But somehow, the pressure was evenly spread on my scalp and it held. 

“Hurts?” she asked.

“N-no.” I felt a tug, sure, but no pain, while hanging from my ponytail and flailing my hoovetips towards the ground, trying to find a footing.

“Good. I wanted to see how you dance in rope.”

A hand slid down my hip. She copped a feel of my ass, then eased off the ropes binding my thighs. One by one, she undid parts of my bondage, and then added new ones. 

She folded one of my legs up into a bind, then gave my other leg a rock to balance on my hoof-tip. She moved my arms into a separate hang behind my neck and adjusted my hip harness with a devious crotch-rope that let me put pressure on it if I choked myself lightly. An asymmetric body harness was slowly tied onto me, digging deep into my lewd curves, while forcing me into a forward leaning ballerina pose that left my rear and mouth exposed for anyone to use.

“You like this,” she murmured, voice heavy with arousal. Any time I glimpsed her naked loins I saw a glistening pussy, swollen with need.

“Yessh,” I moaned in a whisper.

“Need my rope back so I can get tied with these…”


“Nothing, toy. Nothing for you to think about. Now say aahh.”


“Good girl, goddess.”

Two ropes entered my mouth. One raised my tongue up from the floor of my mouth and the second pinned it against the other. She then tightened the gag with a head harness. My tongue was pinned to loll helplessly. 

“There you go, all pretty and roped.”


I kept having to wiggle and balance on one trembling leg. Drool began to accumulate and though I tried swallowing, it started to flow down my chin. I felt it draw long cold rivulets down across my breasts and chest. A wonderfully sinful pressure hugged my tiny leather thong against my sex. Any struggles and shifts on my body rotated the tiny knot that rested against my swollen clit and shifted the restrictive hug of my bondage, making it feel like I was being groped by living ropes.

“Good little, nngh goddess.”

Snaps fondled herself openly while leering at my tied body. She’d given herself a crotch harness and used the rope to masturbate.

“Writhe for me.”

I let out another obedient whine and got squirmy. Ropes shifted. Pleasure built up wonderfully slow and steady. Though trussed up and helpless, I did have enough give to stand straighter, lean lower, and change the pose of my limbs a little. I shifted through the poses while rubbing myself against rope, catching glances of my aroused captor’s raptured eyes as they feasted on my body.

A climax was quickly earned, but I held myself from cumming bravely.

“Huh… why didn’t you?”

Body tense with anticipation and self-restraint, I stared into Snaps’ eyes and moaned out a long drool-infused plea, then moved my hips just enough to keep myself on the edge.

“Pheahhwe,” I begged. 

“By all the Seas and Stars…”

I ground my hips on the rope again, almost cumming. “Pheeeawwwfff~”

“Y-you want me to– Ohhffuu…” Snaps arched on the ground, a finger keeping her rope taut as she screamed fucks and pirate profanities. 

She rose from her orgasm with a messy look and heavy breath still clouded by desire (for me). I presented myself again, begging my captor mistress.

Snaps cursed under her breath and approached me. Athletic human pirate curves pressed against my rope-criss-crossed lilac flesh. Fingers entwined with ropes behind my head and back. Things went oh-so-wonderfully tight in every right spot.

I let out a whimper of delight. 

“Come for me little goddess.” A hot messy pirate pulled me against herself, breasts to breasts, bound hip to hip, tied tongue against a free one. Helpless to resist, I had my mouth invaded and my tongue bullied.

My collar tightened. My harness constricted. The bindings on my limbs grew tense. The pussy knot started wiggling with her fingers, rubbing at a perfect rhythm.

The high was sudden and explosive.

I blanked out for a bit and dreamt of being taken advantage of for the rest of the evening.




Next day, the three of us were trekking through the jungle towards a nearby mountain (from which we could hopefully spot some civilization) with a new marching order. Snaps had taken all our ‘clothes’, of course (the bitch! though she did look really sexy in them). 

“Hurry up, slave goddess!” Snaps tugged on the leash, adding pressure to the huge plug trying to escape my ass.

“Ihhff nuhh eehhhfy hu hahh ihh hiihhh,” I shouted back through my new gag.

“My, my, do my pirate ears hear complaints? Do you need a bigger ass plugs?”

Shadada let out a hopeless whimper.

“Gnnnh…” I bit down my frustration and hobbled on after the pirate.

My right leg was tied right up against Shadada’s left from the hip, thigh, knee, and ankle. Our rope collars were also attached to each other with a short leash so that stepping off sync meant both or one of us were gonna get choked. We were both straddled with thick wood-and-rope bridge gags that turned our breathing into dumb slutty moans. Our arms were behind our backs, thoroughly secured. Finally, that damned pirate traitor had taken totally unnecessary revenge on our poor buttholes.

She’d tied up the leftover rope into huge knots and dipped them into some slippery tentacle goop, before shoving the ropes of several fist-sized knots into our asses. A couple devious hoops secured the oversized ‘anal beads’ inside us and led to a single leash that she could tug to almost pull the first bead out.

“A little payback for the beach,” she had said.

As if. I think she just liked watching us writhe and moan, which… fair. 

Only problem was that, well… Snaps was a pirate captain.

“My, my, it seems we took a wrong turn somewhere,” said Snaps some hour into wandering the jungle, when we’d walked past our morning camp the second time.

“Mohhon,” I said, grinning smugly.

She punished my ass for that.

“Are these drinkable?” asked Snaps again, an hour further in, while pausing by tree with a multi-level fountain-like trunk full of pink fluids. “These are drinkable?”

“Who hohh,” shrugged Shadada. 

Snaps punished both our asses for that.

“Ugh, climbing with two captives isn’t going to work,” said Snaps later that evening, when we were staring up at a short cliff that led up towards our goal. “If only you sluts hadn’t tossed away my magic rope.”

We chuckled.

“I’m going to adjust your ropes elf, but no funny business.”

Shadada overpowered her almost instantly.

She hoisted up up the cliff and the going continued with me and mostly Snaps tied up, for the few hours until Shadada needed a pair of helping hands and picked Snaps over me.

Chaos ensued.

Some mornings I was the only one free and led us up. Then Snaps tricked me to sit on a tentacle. Then Shadada got free and caught the former captain again. Then we fucked and all three of us were tied up for a good while.

The following morning, while struggling to get out of the three-girl snuggle-fuck-bondage, we had some time to contemplate our shortcomings.

“We aren’t leaving Perilmuda without working together,” declared Snaps. “Besides, whoever we run into is likely to capture all three of us as their playthings anyway, if some monster doesn’t take us as their breeding bitches first.”

Her face was squished against mine. We’d somehow managed to tie ourselves up into one bundle, faces pressed together, limbs restrained.

“Ahh, nghh, yeah, aggh-reed. Ahh! Ion!”

I was teasing my elf’s sensitive ear, suckling it right before Snaps’ horny little face. My tail was the only thing free enough to move between our legs, leaving me the only one of us with the divine power to grant orgasms. I’d been showering Shadada in them for the last… a while.

“So.” Snaps swallowed thickly. Her body tensed against the ropes. I felt her thighs rub against each other. That uppity little pirate bitch was beyond needy. “That tail, I… well–”

She looked so desperately delish. So teasable. I let go of my elf’s ear and squirmed up even closer to her (we were on the ground, at a small mossy campsite). 

“You can have some.”

Her face lit up with relief, though she hid it quickly. Grinning a little too feisty for someone currently tied up against two sluts, she said, “Well, hurry up then.”

“Hmm. Here?”

I withdrew my tail from Shadada’s pussy and slithered it over Snaps’. She tensed, groaning softly, but I only caressed her sex. My tail continued deeper, squeezing through the tiny gap between her bound thighs, following the path to her rear.

Snaps sucked in a sharp breath through grit teeth. “Hey, what, ahh… Ooohhhh…”

I teased her butt hole with my tip, almost entering.

She tried to stop my tail by clenching her thighs, but our downstairs had gotten so slippery that it was no use. 

“You don’t like it there?” I asked innocently.

“No, I do, but… Nngh, haaaahhh. Ahh, stop teasing, idiot goddess.”

“You dare mock my goddess?” slurred Shadada, still dizzy from the eargasms. “I should have you tied up.”

I continued tracing the edges of Snaps’ hole, applying pressure. Her expressions started melting further into dumb-horny-slut with each groaning huff. 

“Jerk. Sea damned traitor. Weren’t we-nnghhh oh~ fuugh, supposhed to be… working… together now? Is this revenge? I thought you liked the shibari.”

“I did. It was nice.”

“Then what?!”

I let out a heavy breath and leaned in to kiss a ropeless spot on her neck. “I wonder.”


“If you’d make a nice apostle.”

“What?” said both of them.

“She’s a traitorous pirate!” “I’m a piratenngh!”

“But she likes being tied up.”

“That’s skipping like ten steps between liking bondage and being an apostle to a not yet-nngh! LET ME FINISH ahhh–”

“Nu-uh, speak while I tease.”

“–damn you! …liking bondage and being anghhg… apostle to a disgraced goddess without powers.”

“But you don’t worship anything right now.”

“Why should I? I-ahhngh-am my own mistress.”

“Uh-uh. But do I look like a mistress to you?” I squished my body closer to hers, sharing sweat, rubbing my bound thighs against hers as I nuzzled into her ear, whisper-licking words directly into her orgasm-ready brain, “Look at me, helpless little goddess. A dumb slut who can’t go a day without being bound or used. Do I look like a mistress? I could be your rope bunny, your hole cleaner, your toe licker, a torture toy, furniture, or breeding sow for your crew, but mistress?”

“But younngh’re teasing me.”

“Yu-uh. Cos you’re just like me.”


“No? Sexy powerful girl with magic, minions, and resources not for conquest or domination, but so you could enjoy this.” I punctuated my point by finally entering her anus, slooowly penetrating without stopping, sliding inches of tail into her hug pocket.

Snaps screamed in pleasure, mouth and eyes wide. Her tied up figure tensed against ours.

“The only reason you wanted power was to enjoy being powerless however you wanted.”

“Nggh, lies, no!”

“Really?” I stopped my tail. 

“Why… hahh… why’d you?”

I breathed my words into her ear in one hot and huffy mess of words, “Tell me to serve you like the little maso-bitch I am and I’ll give you the best buddy-bondage tail-fuck of your life. Or… make me your slutty little goddess and I’ll help you live like I do, forever.”



I felt her shiver.

“You can’t–”

“Forever ever, as my apostle.”

“You, you don’t have any power. It’s an empty promise.”

I backed from her ear to meet her lust-drunk eyes and saw in them despair.

“You can’t. Not with that brand. They’ll find you. You’ll never become a goddess again. I’ll end up sold if I stick with you, as some shitty sex slave for some unimaginative master. I can’t.”

“I am…” and though I spoke softly, I felt an eerie tremble in my voice. Like each syllable played on some invisible instrument beyond the veil. A familiar feeling of a cosmic constant resonating with my will. The sense, the first faint tingling whisper, of divine power. Only, this time, it answered my conviction. “...the goddess of degenerate masochists.”

Two bodies glued against me stirred with gooseprickles.

“They can enslave me till the end of time, seal me outside reality, throw me bound into pits of hell, but they can’t stop me from becoming this. No one can.”

And I knew it true. Felt it deep in my existence. 




Eyyy, quick comment here about my thoughts at the time back then (these current updates are pre-recorded from when I didn’t have divinity obviously), but thanks so much to ya’all at Lesser Deity Afternoon Club, and all the random extraplanar entities I also shared some of these blog posts with. The me without divine intelligence buffs is kind of a big dummy, so I didn’t realize it at the time, but turns out that recording my dalliances and perils over here helped give me that initial divine power boost, since some of you had turned into worshipers. Neat huh?

It wasn’t much, and I’d probably have gotten it from the next couple chapters anyhow, but it did help convince Snap, which I’m thankful for :) She’s become quite dear in the following centuries.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.