Demented psycho through the multiverse.

A milf appears.


this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior


[note: slight fan-service] 


"welcome home!!!", shouted a pair of seemingly enthusiastic man and woman, while popping party poppers sending confetti flying into the air with a bang


'wow this shit is awkward, let's make it worse shan't we', I thought as I gazed at the pair of man and woman frozen in place clearly awaiting some sort of response or reaction from me, but I just stayed silent, dragging on the awkwardness, just as how you would slowly drag a pig to the slaughter house, instilling it with dread helplessness and silent fear

"....i-", and just as the man was about to speak up to clear the atmosphere, I chose to make my move

"umm, too?", I said in an uncertain and awkward tone further strengthening the fear in the little pigs,,i mean awkwardness

"uhhh sure, well why don't you come on in I'll get your bags", said the old man while taking the small bag I carried and walking me inside the house

upon entering the house I started observing thoroughly and methodically from left to right, ' humm, tidy, neat and orderly without any sighs of rushed cleaning, the walls have no cracks, all the floor tiles are meticulously scrubbed, no signs of dust on the class coffee table and all the photo frames and paintings on the walls are all lined up without even a single one of them tilting even slightly, looks like they are responsible just like that officer said, but maybe a bit too much maybe?'

'although it is understandable to tidy up ones home before inviting someone into it, but it seems that this is the norm for them, maybe one of them has OCD?', I thought as I was slowly led to sit down in the living room

"well here we are, welcome to our humble home", said the man, again. 'oi oi oi what do you mean HUMBLE, a property like this must be at least half a million dollars on the market', I thought as I gazed at his thin figure and slightly graying hair, he kinda reminds me of how Walter white looked like at the start of breaking bad (baking bread lol)

feeling me silently gaze at him with my red eyes he slightly combed through his hair and said

"well, uh you must be tired from your journey here to Georgia all the way from Texas so we won't be keeping you, so uh honey could you show him to his room and put him to sleep", he said throwing the job to his wife who unlike him who seemed to be middle aged and scrawny, she looked still young with no sighs of her being advanced in age

the woman in question just nodded, looked at me and said "follow me", got up and started walking towards the stair case that led upstairs

following her to my room I would have thought she was trying to seduce me with how alluringly she swayed her hips if it wasn't for the fact the that I looked like this, I mean I am literally 120cm in height that is around the same height as a seven year old


(according to the internet a seven year old is 120 cm in height and according to the wiki rimuru tempest is 120cm in height, that concludes my Ted talk) 

but anyway this woman is definitely milf material, red ginger hair, black eyes, long legs, curvy figure, smooth pale white skin, and a tight ass, milf hunter kakyoin approves

walking down the upstairs hallway I am led to a door which the milf promptly opens, entering inside she gives me a small tour

"well this is your room, that's your desk, that's your closet, that's your bed and that door over there leads to your bathroom", she says while pointing at a dark wooden desk sitting next to a window showing the sinking sun and the crimson orange sky, a closet that looks to be built into the wall and a large double bed with white sheets neatly laying across it

'damn a double bed and even a personal bathroom, this shit's deluxe', I thought while looking around, the milf then walked to the closet, opened it and took out a set of white pajamas and underwear and layed them across the bed, after that she took my hand and brought me closer to herself, I let her do as she liked and just watched her

she crouched down, grabbed my shirt and started pulling it up, I cooperated by lifting up my arms, after taking off my shirt she brought her hands to my pants she undid my pants and pulled them down, I watched in slow motion as I saw her eyes widen, mouth slightly open in surprise and her hands stop moving momentarily, but just as suddenly as her movements seized, they resumed, but this time her movements were a bit more hurried and flustered, her eyes no longer looking at me but she sneaked a few glances at my tool from time to time

after fully undressing me she started helping me change, she started by helping me put on underwear, I unhurriedly placed both my legs through their place in the underwear and let her bring it up to it's place, but a slight hiccup happened when only half my shaft entered my underwear while the rest was left hanging, I eagerly watched as the milf slowly and hesitantly brought her hand to my shaft and grabbed it, and then tugged it into my underwear, she then hurriedly helped me put on the rest of my clothes, tucked me in bed, and left my room almost stumbling on her way out

"pfft" hahahahaha what a funny bitch, her flustered movements, her surprised and embarrassed expressions, and the way she practically ran away at the end, but damn, It was hard to stop myself from getting erect especially when she grabbed it with those nice, smooth and cold hands of hers

but anyway now that the fun stuff is out of the way, it's time to get to work, I got up from the bed I was laying on and went to the desk, not because I wanted to appreciate the wood work but because I wanted to use the laptop that was on it, it was probably something they gave me since it's in my room on my desk, pretty weird thing to do considering it was 2010 currently

opening up the thiccc laptop and turning it on I hear that classic windows startup sound, the laptop seems to be brand new from both it's condition and the fact that it was completely empty of any content except of course for the stuff u get by default after buying a laptop duh

I opened up chrome and started using Google for my research, what was I researching for exactly?, well I was trying to figure out the kind of world I was in, the world hop skill said that It gives priority to worlds I was familiar with, so either earth or worlds from fiction, of course i didn't know exactly if i ended up In this world due to my world hop skill or something else, though i was more inclined to think that it was the former considering the fact that it was currently on cooldown

I was now trying to figure out clues to point me to the direction of which fictional world i was currently in, and if I was in one in the first place, if i was then there were four kinds of fiction worlds I might be in considering my observations of this world as being basically the same as earth back from 2010

-the first kind is an Isekai world, the kind of world where people get taken from and sent to who knows where, this kind of world is generally not impacted by the plot as it mostly happens in another world, so as long as he didn't get caught up in a summoning he wouldn't be affected

-the second kind, is a world where some people do have super powers but are hiding themselves or information about them is hidden by the government, this kind of world is dangerous as he could get into trouble by awakening a power or by running into someone with a power, if he was in this sort of world he is probably already on some government watch list, after all a naked kid with strange hair and eye color with no memory or even a trace of them shows up in the middle of bumf*ck nowhere in Texas, no matter how you look at it that's sus as f*ck, so he's already lucky that they haven't dissected him

-the third kind, is a world that is normal at first but then for one reason or another super powers start appearing, these kinds of worlds are dangerous but also have a lot of opportunities in them especially for someone with his abilities 

-the fourth kind, is a world that is completely normal without any super powers, these kinds of worlds might have either a plot that is small and inconsequential and doesn't affect the world, a plot that effects the world slightly, or an apocalyptic plot like the sun exploding, aliens invading, nuclear fallout, or a zombie apocalypse etc, these kinds of worlds are unpredictable and usually wouldn't have much opportunities for him

with all of this in mind I started searching for rumors or any sort of sus happenings or sightings, wether it be ghouls, people who could teleport, murder cases, missing cases, weird anomalies or mutations in people or animals, or even bigfoot sightings, he searched through everything he could find, by the time he was done it was already the next morning, and so he got up off his chair, turned off the computer and stretched his arms, legs and waist he then walked to the bath room washed his face brushed his teeth and took a shower

'even after pulling another all nighter I'm still not tired, damn eternal youth is so convenient', this was already his 12th day without sleep but he didn't feel any physical nor mental fatigue, no slowed processing, no hallucinations, no slowed thinking, no reduced attention span, no worsened memory, no poor or risky decision-making, no lack of energy, no mood changes

after getting out of the shower I dried my body and hair which took a few minutes, I started brushing my hair

after wearing some clothes, nothing special just a dark blue t-shirt and and black shorts, both of which fit me perfectly, no loose or hanging parts, it seems I'll have to be thankful to my new foster parents, going down the stairs I saw my new mommy (UwU) preparing food in the kitchen while foster father was sat at the dining table reading a news paper, 'damn a news paper this really is 2010'

"oh, morning young man, looks like you're up early", his foster father looked up at him and said

"good morning", I returned the greeting, it is only proper after all (....hypocrite)

after sitting, the milf brings a plate of bacon and eggs which wasn't very hallal mode in my opinion 

she bends over allowing me to look at her white cleavage that seemed almost about to spill from her green open callared shirt

'wow looking like a child seems to have it's perks, two of which I can see right naw'

'although this body is much weaker and slower than the one I had before, it still fully compensates with it's almost infinite stamina, and stupidly fast and accurate reaction speed, eye hand coordination and processing speed, plus the strength issue can be easily solved using my ability [L.U.T.F], which is what I'm going to be calling it since saying let us be together forever is cringe and too long, I mean what kinda idiot comes up with a name like that'


 why can't you call it something like [predator], [gluttony], [devour] or [plunder].

(........I wanted to be a bit original with the name, plus since using it allows u to absorb a person's soul and memories it kinda feels like an ability the protagonist of a romantic fairytale would use to always be with their I chose a name like that...)


[currently disclosable information]


-nickname: D

-soul age: 26 years

-body age: 1 month

-date of birth: unknown day, unknown

month, year 1996

-date of death: January 1st, 2022

-likes: the sun, reading, watching TV, surfing the internet, manipulating and toying with humans, depictions of violence

-dislikes: unknown

-fears: unknown 


welp that's the end of the chapter make sure to enjoy it thoroughly, u have to read it at least a million times a day before AND after every meal, and here is the milf image for the devoted followers that reached this part

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.