Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Welcome to the rice fields bitch.

[2518 words] Medium size chungus

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me your only god and savior



Anyway welcome to this multiverse fanfiction, I know, Very original idea but it's not always about the Idea, It's about both the Idea and how it's executed, So if u haven't already skipped this part or the entire first chapter cuz let's be honest the first chapters of fanfics are always tasteless and boring (except for mine), It's always a guy whom you don't care about dying for some reason u couldn't give a shit about, So if u don't feel like reading the death scene, I'll explain it in a way your brain can comprehend.

Pipe go woosh, Brain go splat


[A/N: All the paragraph comments got deleted cuz I fixed some paragraphs that were lacking upper case letters. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined]

"I'll kill..... you..." Uttered a voice full of hatred

In a back alley of an unknown place one could see three figures standing atop another figure laying down, One of the figures was holding a long poll like object which features could not be discerned, In fact none of the four figures exact features could be discerned so it was a wonder that such a low hoarse voice could be heard.

Whose voice it was, Could easily be discerned if one looked at the blood shot eyes of the figure laying down.

Upon hearing the voice silence reigned over the alley for a few seconds before two of the standing figures suddenly burst up into laughter, As for the other figure it only silently and indifferently raised the poll like object in it's hand in the air, Grabbing it with it's second hand and tightening it's grip, It swung down upon the head of figure laying down.


And with the sickening sound of bones being crushed, The life of the figure laying down had come to a skull smashing end

"???" pov

"I'll kill..... you...", I let out as I looked up hatefully at the three who stood above me.

Hatred, I wanted to kill them and take all they had just as they planned to do to me.

[Confirmed.....attempting to aquire skill {Gluttony king be'elzebub}]

[Skill acquisition failed]

[Attempting to aquire similar skill]

[Skill acquisition successful]

[Gained unique skill {Let us be together forever}]

I felt anger, Anger at the ones in front of me anger at the ground beneath me, Anger at this world itself, I wish I could leave this piece of shit world, I wish I could kill everyone in it, But I probably wouldn't be able to live long enough to do that huh, I thought as I watch the fuckers Infront of me burst up into laughter as if I'm some sort of cockroach they could step on for entertainment.

[Confirmed...attempting to aquire skill {World hop}]

[Skill acquisition successful]

[Attempting to aquire skill {Death lord Demiurge}]

[Skill acquisition failed]

[Attempting to aquire skill {Eternal Life}]

[Skill acquisition failed]

[Attempting to aquire skill {Eternal youth}]

[Skill acquisition successful]

'How annoying', I thought as I looked at the rusty metal pipe heading towards my head.


And with that I felt my very being fade into comfortable darkness.


I suddenly feel the subtle pull of gravity which jolts me awake as I open my eyes to see dirt Infront of me.

"Ah", I open my mouth and Let out a stupid. Stupid sound, Why was it stupid you might wonder, Well the answer is because it resulted in me instantly eating shit or more accurately dirt in this case.

"Ugh", I groaned as I got up and spat the dirt in my mouth, After spitting for a few more times I wiped my mouth with my hand.

While wiping my mouth I saw from the corner of my mouth a strand of hair which was already quite strange after all my hair wasn't that long, But what was stranger was it's color, It was a light blue and glistening in the sun, A breeze flew by me making my hair sway, I could feel that my hair reach all the way to the middle of my back.

That breeze also made me realize something else.....I am completely naked, Now that I realized that my body was different I started examining it carefully and thoroughly.

Long blue hair, A white skin tone, Slender arms and legs, Much shorter stature than before, And finally. An absolutely MASSIVE COCK, Nope just above average for someone of my previous height, But with a body as petite as this one it looked quite big.

Confirming that my ten inch girthy friend was still there I started observing my surroundings.

A blue sky, The sun was still high above shining it's warmth upon the earth, Meaning it was around morning to early afternoon, The sky was cloudless and the earth was pretty baron not a patch of green earth in sight just yellow grass?, Anyway it wasn't the type of land good for growing produce but was pretty decent for growing cows and sheep.

I kept observing my surroundings until an aged voice called out to me from behind.

"Ey you girl what're ya doin on my property", The question was asked in English, Quite peculiar since I don't live in a place where people speak English but then again I seem to be inhabiting a new body so maybe my soul hijacked the body of someone in an English speaking country and not any country, From the slightly southern American accent we might be in America the land of the fat entitled dumb and lazy, While thinking such things I turned around and stood there without even bothering to cover myself and stared at the old man pointing a shotgun at me, That alarmed but I just kept staring all the same, At this point it was a battle of wills the first one to react to the others weapon would be the loser.

"I asked what are you doin on my farm, boy", The old farmer asked.

Hearing his question I simply answered honestly.

"I don't know", I replied in fluent English

"You messin with me boy"


"What's your name boy"



"I said my name's D" That was a lie, I would never give out my real name to anyone, Call it paranoia or whatever but I've never shared my name with anyone ever since i could remember whenever someone asked me what my name is I would always simply answer that my name was D. Yes a single letter.

"Don't be lyin to me boy", The old man said in a threatening tone as he came closer towards me slowly after a few steps he stoped and asked.

"Where are you from"

"I don't know"

"Why are ye naked"

"I don't know"

"Then what do you know"

"just my name and that ur scaring me", That was also a lie, Someone who died with a glass bottle full of cockroaches inside their rectum would never be afraid of a gun.

"Alright", The old man said as he lowered his gun, He then started rummaging in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a handkerchief.

"Here wipe that blood off your forehead", The old man said as he threw me the handkerchief.

'Blood?', I wondered as I caught the handkerchief and looked down upon it, It was then that a drop of blood slid down my nose and dripped onto the white handkerchief staining it, I brought up my hand and touched my forehead with my index and middle fingers bringing it back down I looked at the blood on my fingers, 

'Huh I must have not noticed but it looks like I fell on the ground pretty hard, Oh well it's just a scratch,' I thought as I licked my fingers and followed the old man who started walking away while wiping the blood on my forehead with the handkerchief and occasionally giving my blood a few licks.

'So he pulled out a gun on an injured small naked kid, What an interesting old man, Good thing I don't retain my looks from my past life otherwise he would have probably shot me in the back without even asking me anything.'

After following the old man for a few minutes we soon arrived at a pretty large farm house.

"You go sit there", The old man said as he pointed at a chair on his porch, After that he went inside and came back after a few minutes and handed me a black T-shirt and beach shorts not to mention a pair of slightly rugged flip flops.

"I'll go make a phone call, Move from here and I'll break yer legs", He said before going back in.

I wore the clothes given to me and as expected they were all a very loose fit the shirt almost reached all the way to my knees while the shorts had to be tied tightly in order not to fall off.

After wearing my newly acquired heavenly equipment I look through window which showed the house's insides, I saw the old man speaking on the phone to someone, the content of theirs conversation was unknown, Maybe he was discussing with someone about the price on which to sell me or maybe he was calling the cops, The answer to that, Only time can tell.

Through the window I could also see my reflection, Long blue hair, A beautiful face that could neither be said to be strictly that of a man nor a woman, Petite slightly feminine body oversized clothes, I looked like a young child dressing in one of their parents clothes

Of course the most eye-catching feature of mine were my bright redish pink eyes, Or were they perhaps pinkish red?, I looked quite similar to a character from an anime I watched called that time I got reincarnated as a slime, His name was rimuru I think, Well my red eyes might cause me issues after all it's not a natural eye color plus people usually link red eyes to evil creatures like demons, After all although blue hair and red eyes might be normal in 2D but in 3D it was quite freakish and eye catching, I pondered while looking at a random chair.

(image, but without the clothes) 

"Someone's gonna come and pick you up", Said the old man breaking me out of my in-depth thoughts on the tenth dimension quantum physics and the big crunch, After that he sat down on a chair nearby and started smoking a pipe, I just nodded and said nothing, I am pretending to have lost my memory so it's best to speak the least amount possible so as not to slip up.

Half an hour later a police car came through the dirt road and stopped Infront of the house, The old man then got up with a grunt walked down to the car and started talking to the cop inside about something while i just kept sitting down quietly, Few minutes later the cop got out of the car, Walked up the stairs up to the porch and came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Brian I'm a police officer I heard that you were lost and don't know where you are, So if you want would you like to go back with me to the police station to see if we can help you?", The officer called Brian said in a gentle tone as if afraid to scare a kitten, I nodded.

"Alright follow me ", I got up and silently followed him back to his car.

While walking towards it, I saw a bug crawling on the floor, I naturally stepped on it after that a blue screen suddenly appeared in front of me, I stopped momentarily but then kept walking all the same as to not seem SUS.

The pig I mean Brian walked to the passenger side of the car and opened it for me, After I got in he closed it, Quickly walked to the driver side of the vehicle and got in

"Ah, safety first", He said as he put his seat belt on, I watched him do so closely then copied what he did, He then started the car and we drove away.

While sitting down I looked at the blue screen Infront of me.

[Skill activation requirements complete, Would you like to activate the skill {Let us be together forever}]


'Hmm, Is this some sort of system?, Have I became a reincarnated edgy anime protagonist with a cheat?, Plus what kind of skill name is that?, Is this some fairytale fantasy bullshit?', Just as I thought that the words on the screen disappeared and we're replaced

-Skill name: {Let us be together forever}

-Skill grade: Unique

-Skill type: Active

-Skill discription: A skill that gives the ability to take everything a life form has after activating the skill, User will be able to take everything a target has and absorb it completely, Be it the soul, Memories, Abilities, Appearance, Species, Traits, MA energy and MA energy capacity

-Skill activation requirements: Skill can be activated by killing specified target

-Skill cooldown: Skill can only be used once in each world

'Woah that's OP, but damn what kind of fucking cooldown is that?, Isn't a cooldown supposed to be a fucking measurement of time not an entirely different world?, Plus I seem to not be in a world where individually powerful people exist, I mean both the pig and the old man seem to be completely normal when it comes to ability, Oh well I'll just kill a mantis or some other bug or insect that should make me hella fucking strong, I wonder if I got any other skills though.

And with that the words on the blue screen changed again, I wasn't surprised as I figured something like that would happen

-Skill name: {World hop}

-Skill grade: Unique

-Skill type: Active

-Skill discription: A skill that gives the ability to teleport to one of the infinite worlds within the multiverse while taking priority to teleport to worlds the user is familiar with the most.

-Skill activation requirements: None

-Skill cooldown: Skill can only be used once every ten years.

-Time remaining till next available usage: 3649 days, 23 hours, 1 minute, 2 secs

-Skill name:{Eternal youth}

-Skill grade: Unique

-Skill type: Passive

-Skill discription: A skill that grants an immense amount of vitality granting its owner an infinite natural Life span, High resistance towards disease and sickness, Extreme increase in stamina and healing speed.

'Well that fixes my first skills cooldown issue, And what does it mean by worlds the user is most familiar with, And aren't all these skills too well matched I mean I'm literally being handed a multiverse travel package'.


well that's the end of the chapter hope u read and enjoyed it thoroughly cuz it took me 6 hours to write this, first chapter might be a bit boring but that's only cuz I had to lay down the foundations using it, next few chapters we'll have a lot more fun and murder I pinky promise.

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