Demented psycho through the multiverse.


[2437 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



the next day.

the morning sun shone it's light rays through my bedroom window, prompting me to get up.

I wasn't sleeping, I rarely slept anymore, I prefer to spend my nights doing leisurely activities that I enjoy, I mostly just surf the web to pass the time or learn about this worlds technology.

yesterday I learned how those super efficient electric planes and helicopters are made.

speaking of planes, today I have to go and see what Dimitri wants.

I reluctantly got up from my luxurious Queen sized bed and went to my walk-in closet which was bigger in size than some people's houses.

'Ugh that bed is evil, always trying to seduce me into staying with it's devilish comfort', I thought as I looked around the closet trying to decide what to wear today.

a suit maybe?, no there's no need for me to be formal

a hoodie then?, no I'm not really in the mood for that.

a German Nazi military uniform?, no I'll save that for another occasion.

aha, found it, I know just what to wear today.

after deciding on what to wear I took the pieces of clothing that I had selected and wore them.

I first put on my black pair of socks and pulled them up all the way to my thighs, put on white panties and a black pleated skirt, after that I put on my black top that barely reached my belly button and put on a white tie for decoration.

today I decided to wear a school girl uniform.

I went Infront of the mirror and did a small spin that made my skirt flutter slightly.


'damn, I look sexy as fuck, crossdressing is really fun'. I thought as I struck a pose while doing a peace sign.

was I ashamed of the fact that I, a 41-year-old man was dressing up in a school girl uniform?

of course not, I find cross dressing quite a fun activity, being a trap is fun.

"onii Chan~", I said in young girls sweet voice.

"onii chan", I said in my usual gender neutral voice

"onii chan", I then said in a deep male voice, with the tone of a gangster.

"pfft Uwahahahahahaha, that's so funny, I might start always dressing up like this if it's this fun, haha if someone tries to grope me and then finds out I'm a male, wahahaha, the look on their face would be so funny.", I laughed while rolling on my bed

(wow he's really starting to lose it)

after I was done, I brushed my hair, and had some of the new bipedal sheep be prepared for my breakfast by my personal chefs, they tasted wonderful!!!

after I was done with my breakfast I went up to the roof of my building using my personal elevator.

awaiting me on the roof was my personal helicopter on a helipad.

"lord D", a grey haired old man in a neat black tuxedo said to me before bowing to me respectfully and opening the helicopter door for me.

watching an old man bow down so respectfully to a blue haired Loli in a school uniform was quite comical but no one would dare laugh, after all everyone here were the Loli's loyal servants.

after going inside the helicopter, the old man closed the door and walked around the helicopter before going inside and taking the pilot seat.

"lord D, it will only take an hour to reach our destination, please enjoy our flight", the old man turned back and said to me respectfully before starting up the helicopter.

flying over the city, I crossed my legs as I leisurely enjoyed a glass of expensive champagne while looking down at the ants in the city streets down below.

they were all walking through their insignificant lives blissfully unaware of how little time they truly had left.

only humans lived in this city, androids were forbidden from entering, this was because I didn't trust Androids, and why would I?, they could become sentient but had no souls.

any human can be easily controlled with a little bit of tampering to their souls.

androids on the other hand, meh not so much.

why did I keep the androids around if they were a threat to my rule?, well that's simple, Androids are more competent than humans, that means that companies would rather hire them than humans, after all they are much more efficient.

I'm keeping the androids around in order to give the normal humans an enemy to compete with and stay focused on.

once the androids gain sentience and will start asking for equal rights and equal opportunities, I will grant them what they desire.

they will then start competing with humans for their jobs and start pushing the humans from the job market.

this will cause the humans to see the androids as the reason for their bad living conditions, that conflict will be enough to keep them distracted from everything I do in the shadows.

"ah there's nothing more entertaining than watching the weak wage war on their own kind to entertain their oppressors", I said out loud while swishing my drink.

"I am happy that you are entertained, my Lord", the pilot said

I didn't answer and merely kept sitting down, enjoying myself in silence


one hour later we landed in a helipad in Dimitri's estate.

his house was very large, from what I know he only has three children.

so why does he need a 40 room giant lakeside mansion.


'rich people am I right always splurging on unnecessary stuff', I thought to myself while conveniently ignoring the fact that I drank a bottle of champagne worth more than most people's entire life savings.

getting off the helicopter after the door was opened by the old pilot I was greeted by a single prostrating skinny old man.

"I am very honored that you have come despite my selfish request lord D", this old man prostrating himself Infront of me was the one and only commercial flight overlord, Dimitri Ivanov.

"well I had some time, so I thought to pay you a visit", I said nonchalantly while scanning the entire mansion for any signs of life.

there were only three other life signals in the mansion, this was expected, after all not just any random servant or peasant is allowed to know about my existence.

the three life signals were those of Dimitri's children, two twin boys and a girl.

I haven't brainwashed them yet but seeing as they were already peeking at me sneakily through their windows I should probably do so.

I extended some of my soul tentacles into each one of their souls.

the two boys were first, they were your standard pretty, blond, rich boy twins, nothing special.

I peaked a bit into their thoughts to see what they were thinking about while watching their dog of a father prostrate himself Infront of me.

"what is father doing?, who is that girl?", twin N1 thought

"what the fuck is going on?, first that fucker dismisses all the servants for today, and now he's kissing the feet of some blue haired freak!!!, that bitch, I'll make her pay, and that shitty old man I'm gonna kill him in his sleep", thought twin N2

meh, nothing special, though it seems the second twin has some animosity towards his father, hmm?, I wonder why, well let's dig deeper and find out

after a bit of searching through his memories I found a certain interesting one.

"agh, Lana baby, I'm already gonna cum...", the heavily breathing naked Blondie said while a beautiful black haired naked girl bounced on top of him

"it's ok, let it out whenever you want", the girl said, it was glaringly apparent from the LED on her forehead that she wasn't a human tho, just an Android that was supposed to be his servant.

"ahh.... hah hah...." with a final slam of his hips the boy finally splooged inside the android

after the android got off of him, he hugged her and drifted off to sleep with her in his arms.


his sleep didn't last long however as he was suddenly awoken by the splashing of cold water on him.

he woke up startled, only to see his angry father standing right next to his bed with an empty bucket in hand.

"father I-", the blonde started


but before he could say anything he was slapped harshly by his father, so harshly infact, he almost fell unconscious

"good, good, good, you beg me to buy you an Android to help you with your studies, but what do you use it for huh?!!, you fuck it like an animal!!?", his father rebuked harshly, he was so angry that he started the sentence with fluent English but ended it while screaming in Russian.

"wait father it's not what it looks like", the boy said while moving to cover the android behind him.

"hoh, you want to protect your woman huh?, well let's see about that" Dimitri said while pulling out a pistol and pointing it at his son's head.

the blonde looked at the gun in fear

"you have until the count of ten to move or I'll pop a cap in yo bitch ass", Dimitri said as he removed the guns safety





"five", the blonde seemed to have decided as he shut his eyes but stayed unmoving



"eight", the blonde looked resigned to his fate as a single tear silently rolled down his cheek


"....ten", Dimitri looked at his son with sadness, disdain and disappointment as he squeezed the trigger.


the blonde heard a loud bang, but he was alive, and so he reluctantly opened his eyes

before he could take in what happened he felt something heavy land ontop of him.

it was the android, in the last moment she had pushed him and sacrificed herself in his stead.

the blonde gazed absent mindedly stared at his love's punctured forehead and the blue blood trickling out of it.


"clean up and go to school"

his father spat at him and walked away.

the boy clenched his fists untill his nails dug into his palms making blood come out of them, he felt anger sadness and rage, he wanted to get up and kill his father, but no matter how much rage there was inside him he didn't move.

he just stayed there in his room and hugged his first love's corpse while crying.


'wow that's some dramatic stuff, but Dimitri's questionable parenting aside, looks like that android was a deviant, looks like they're already starting to pop up, well kid no more need to cry yourself to sleep at night thinking about your dead robo GF, from now on serving me is the only thing you're gonna have to think about, ah the benevolence!!!', I praised myself as I turned both twins into my newest loyal slaves.

'well let's check out Dimitri's daughter.' I thought as I sent a tentacle to the last life signal.

'Ara Ara', I thought as i went through her soul, from her memories I can see that she looks pretty hot, even though she still looks young she really hot, black hair, emerald eyes, cute face, perky breasts and nice hips.


I didn't make her into my complete slave, it's more fun when they have free will, instead I just made her extremely turned on by me.

I wonder what she will do, will she try and bang me behind her father's back or maybe she will just pounce on me.

"well then Dimitri, won't you invite me inside?", I said to the man still prostrating Infront of me

"uh yes, my Lord, please let me guide you", Dimitri said as he hurriedly got up

I followed Dimitri, through his large house until we finally arrived at his study.

going inside I naturally took a seat on the luxurious desk chair and put my legs on the desk.

Dimitri bowed Infront of my desk and awaited for me to let him speak

"well then, speak what was so important that you felt the need to call me here", I said to Dimitri lazily

"well as you know my Lord, I'm already very old", Dimitri began

"yes, Dimitri I do indeed have eyes", I said while proping my chin on my hand

"well you see my Lord, after a recent visit to my doctor, it seems that I am not long for this world and I won't be able to serve your lordship for much longer, that's why I wanted you to meet my children and pick from them who will replace me in serving you", the old man explained sadly.

"how impudent, you made me take an hour flight all the way here yet you have the guts to lie to my face about the reason you called me?", I said and in response he just lowered his head more

"you didn't call me here solely because you wanted me to pick out a new slave to replace you, you called me out here so that you can see me one more time before your insignificant life comes to an end", I said while checking my nails.

"well, coming here at least wasn't a total waste of time. Dimitri I want a drink, go tell your daughter to dress up in something nice and send her over to serve me some wine. after you do that, go take a long drive with your sons and don't come back until I tell you to, is that understood?", I ordered him coldly.

"b-but lord D my daughter doesn't know how to serve drinks, please let me do i-", he said before I interrupted him

"Dimitri do I have to spell it out for you?, I want to bend your daughter over this desk and fuck her brains out", I said as I repeatedly tapped my finger on his desk

"yes, thank you Lord D, it would be my entire family's honour if you bless my daughter's unworthy body with your divine seed", he looked extremely happy as he said as with tears of joy streaming from his eyes

after that he hurriedly left the room


welp next chapter's definitely gonna be R18 and probably the last one in this world, by the way do you think I should make less R18 chapters in the future?.

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