Demented psycho through the multiverse.

69 UwU street.

[2080 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



(A/N: sorry for the late chapter, I wasn't busy with anything I was just procrastinating, btw I recommend that you listen to the soundtrack of stories when reading fanfics about them, it really gets me in the zone, I also do it when writing)

-3 months later-


I walked through the relatively empty, well lit city street.

my footsteps left behind a rhythmic pitter-patter sound as I walked through the small puddles left behind by the rain

I noticed that a convenience store was still open which was indicated by it's lights still being on

I pushed the glass door with an open sign displayed on it and walked in

"welcome, how can I help", the cashier behind the counter said

I didn't answer and just extended a soul tentacle into his soul and started fiddling around.

for these last few months I've been trying to familiarize myself with souls and their machinations.

only being able to control arousal wasn't good enough, I wanted to be able to edit people's memories, rewrite their instincts, rewire their feelings and change their loyalties.

even though I had already anticipated how difficult it would be, I still underestimated how much of a monumental task it would.

it was as hard as it would be for a newborn infant to learn complex programming all by itself with no assistance whatsoever.

the only way it can try to do so is by fiddling around with a computer's code and hope to stumble on a way to gain some understanding.

it was all trial and error, fiddle with each separate part of the soul to see what would happen.

once you've done that, fiddle with different combinations and test out what happens again.

although it sounds simple it's an extremely long and drawn out process that requires a lot of test subjects.

what makes it even harder is the fact that all souls are different, sometimes the difference between two individual souls is barely noticeable and sometimes they are vastly different from one another which throws most advancements made in most areas right through the window and into the rubbish bin.

while fiddling around my subjects soul as usual something unexpected happened, after trying a random combination, the subjects soul instantly shattered into small particles and faded away.

as soon as that happened the cashier fell face first into the counter.

he was breathing and his body was certainly alive but due to the destruction of his soul it seems he's gone brain dead, looks like there is a sort of self distruct button in souls, that's good to know.

"hah.....", I sighed softly under my breath as I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialed 911, I had already been seen by this store's cameras and multiple cameras around the street.

running away would just cause me unnecessary trouble, after all I only entered the store and the cashier suddenly fell down and stopped responding.

"911, what is the location of your emergency", a woman's voice answered as I walked around the counter and laid the cashier down on the ground and pretended to check his pulse

"hi, I'm at the 24/7 convenience store on 69 uwu street, the cashier just suddenly collapsed on the counter and isn't responding", I said as I mimicked the voice of someone in a slight panic

"okay sir, just calm down, an ambulance is coming to your location, could you check his pulse and see if he's breathing", the responder said

"yes he's breathing normally and his eyes are open, he's just not responding", I responded

"okay sir, could you stay with him until the ambulance arrives?", she asked

"yes", I confirmed

a few minutes later an ambulance and a cop car arrived, feels kinda scummy.

the medics took the cashier on a stretcher while the cop asked me a few questions.

"ID please", he said

I handed over my fake identification that I made with the help of a very willing female volunteer.

"Darrell Dickson, ey", he said as he wrote some stuff on his notepad

"so, what do you do for a living Mr. Dickson?", he asked

"I'm currently unemployed", I replied

"so where were you heading?", he questioned further

"hm?, oh I was just taking a stroll", I said

"this late at night?", he asked as he lifted one of his eyebrows

"yep, the quiet night helps me clear my mind", I responded

"so, what exactly happened when you entered the store?"

"well, I entered, the cashier said 'welcome, how can I help' and then face planted on the counter, I then called 911", I recounted the incident

"you sure that's all that happened?", he said, obviously trying to get me to say something incriminating

"yep, that's all, if you wanna check, there are probably some cameras in the store", I said with a smile.

"alright you're free to go, but we'll call you if we need another statement", he said as he handed me back my ID

I grabbed my ID and walked away

"ugh, what a drag"


-3 years later-

"huhuhuhahahahahhahahahaaa, I did it!, I fucking did it!, after three years of effort and after countless trials and errors not to mention the mountains of corpses, I finally did it!", I laughed as I reveled in my success.

I finally increased the chance of me making an absolutely loyal slave by tampering with their soul to 100%

that means that as long as my soul is stronger than someone's then being able to turn them to a slave is Guaranteed with a capital G

I was currently standing in an abandoned building and a man was kneeling Infront of me.

"use your own flesh to make me dinner, I am hungry", I ordered the kneeling man

"Yes", he said as he got up and walked to the kitchen that I had set up in this temporary residence, he then chopped off one of his legs decisively and without hesitation.

he paid the gushing of fresh blood from his stump no heed as he dedicated all his efforts into executing his master's wishes.

first draining all the blood from the leg, expertly skinning it with a knife and cooking it with all sorts of toppings and seasonings to enhance the flavor.

I just sat down at the dining table as I watched my dinner cook itself.

after 40 minutes my dinner hopped out of the kitchen with a large plate in hand, his complexion was already very pale, the only thing fueling him to stand or hop in this case, was the sheer determination to please me.

I watched as he hopped his way towards my table, blood would gush out of his stump with every hop, staining the floor with fresh blood, spreading it's appetizing scent all around the room and letting it mix with the aroma of the food.

he wasn't concerned about his depleting blood however, he was only concerned with not spilling even a sliver of the plate's contents due to his hopping

he managed to succeeded in his endeavor as he finally managed to serve the plate Infront of me without spilling any of it's contents.

"I am honored to be able to become your nourishment, master", my dinner expressed it's feelings of gratitude to me before silently standing aside and letting me enjoy my meal.

(insert detailed and mouth watering description of the dish that brings out it's true elegance and perfection)


I cut a part of the meat using a knife, the knife cut through the meat like cutting through butter, letting the wanderful juices of the meat spill

using my fork I took a piece of the meat to my mouth and chewed on it, it was delectable, the seasonings were perfect both in choice and the proportions used

the meat was chewy but not too much, the delectable juices flooded into my mouth with every bite.

"meh, it's acceptable", I said, giving the dish my final evaluation

the man that was standing behind me awaiting my judgement finally collapsed after hearing my evaluation, finally letting himself slip into nothingness with a content smile plastered on his face.

I didn't spare him even a glance as I continued to enjoy my meal in silence.


-2 years later-

I sat down on a comfortable chair in one of my luxurious penthouses and enjoyed the view of my city as I casually sipped from some of the worlds finest and most expensive wine.

it's been five years since I've come to this world and two years since I started taking over it.

I have already completely enslaved all of this world's leaders and corporate giants on this planet.

it was all dreadfully simple, I found the owner of a large sized company, turned him into my slave, used his connections to organize a large banquet full of all his rich and powerful contacts, and made them also into my slaves.

rinse and repeat for two years and I had already become the most powerful entity on this planet.

I could kill whoever I want, go wherever I want and do whatever or whoever I want, and wherever I go people will kneel and beg for the honour of being able to kiss my feet.

I continued to stare at the city's sunset, this city is beautiful, this country is beautiful, this world is beautiful, and It all belongs to me.

but this beauty isn't the one I want, I am looking for something different, yes something much more......explosive, it was time to entertain myself.

I picked up a luxurious phone which laid on a coffee table near me and dialed the number 0.

it couldn't even continue a full ring before it was eagerly picked up

"good evening my Lord, how may I assist you today", a sexy Australian voice came from the phone, it was the voice of my assistant, an extremely sexy Australian woman, I picked her to be my assistant due to her extremely nice voice

"yes, I would like you to send out an order from me", I said in an emotionless voice

"yes, whatever it is my Lord I will do whatever it takes to execute your orders, no matter what they are~", she said with a flirtatious undertone at the end, she would probably die from happiness if I ordered her to come to my place and spread her legs for me, but I wanted her to bake in her lust longer

"mine out every single bit of uranium in this world and make it into the most powerful of Nuclear bombs, you have five years to complete this task", I apathetically ordered what was essentially the extinction of all life in this world

"yes, it shall be done, do you have any more instructions for me, master~", she said in a seductive voice

"no, how is the bipedal sheep farm project coming along". I inquired, it was a project to produce humans with a high amount of RC cells in their bodies and put them into farms, I call them bipedal sheep because well....they are basically cattle.

"it is coming along splendidly master, we've almost managed to make all cattle reach a minimum RC cell count of 10,000", she reported

"good keep up the good work, and how's the progress of development for the poison alloy?", I asked, this poison alloy was something I asked to be developed, i ordered for the making of the strongest alloy possible that would then be infused with my strongest poison, I made the budget for this project unlimited.

"it is estimated to take two more years to make and be forged into your weapon of choice, with an estimated spending of 736billion dollars.", she reported

"very good, is there anything more that needs my attention?"

"yes, it seems Mr. Dimitri, owner of thunder air ways has made a request for you to personally visit him at his estate in order to discuss something with be so arrogant as to request the personal presence of your lordship, would you like me to dispose of him master?", she said in a cold tone

"no need, I am bored anyway, schedule a visit for me tomorrow", I ordered


welp that's the end of it, next chapter will probably be an R18 chapter

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