Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Demented ambitions of world domination.


this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



the thot scientist flew through the door at a tremendous speed, absolutely obliterating the green wooden door.

with the exit now open I was treated to the sight of multiple bright spotlights shinning on me.

I was face to face with an army, a large amount of heavily armoured troupes, most wielded rifles with some of them equiped with those futuristic mini-guns, there must have been at least two hundred soldiers.

that didn't worry me however, what made me alert were the four futuristic tanks with their barrels pointed towards me.


in the sky, multiple heavily armoured military helicopters were hovering above with their rutters spinning constantly, they were all carrying large machine guns and missiles, all were pointed towards me.


I used my entire souls processing speed to fully assesse their numbers and positions. 0.0175 seconds have passed since I threw the woman through the door, opening it, none of them have yet to react.

'well, this is a dangerous situation, the mini-guns already stung a bit, if those tanks are also stronger than the ones on earth which they probably are, then I might be in a bit of a pickle', I assessed the situation.

'what was the best course of action here?, I didn't want to show my full capabilities so I can't use my full speed or strength, nor can I allow them to hit me with their missiles or tank shells as that would reveal too much information about my durability, the spider powers were also out.

I was trying to intimidate them as much as possible while revealing the least amount of my full capabilities.

I could easily run away without them ever being able to catch me but that would reveal how fast I am.

I could obliterate them completely, by using my webs to drag down the helicopters from the sky and make them crash into the foot soldiers, effectively exterminating them

all I would have to do then is deal with the tanks, although they might be able to pack quite the punch, I was confident in being able to easily avoid their attack.

but doing this would be even more idiotic as it would expose both one of my hidden abilities and my physical strength.

the best course of action was very simple in fact, and I was about to demonstrate it.

what I'm worried about most is that I didn't hear any of them, even though those helicopters are making so much noise with their continuously spinning rutters I still couldn't hear a thing before I smashed the door in, is it some sort of noise canceling technology?', I wondered as I waited for them to react

"open fire!!!", someone ordered frantically as soon as the mangled corpse of the woman that I flung through the door landed in the crowd of foot soldiers making quite a few of them comically fall like dominos.


all the helicopters fired their missiles from above at the same time.


a large fiery explosion erupted as the building I was in was completely demolished. leaving only a pile of burning debris behind.

•••••-one week later-•••••

in a large bustling plaza a black haired man wearing a simple black long sleeve shirt and pants sat on a park bench with a blank stare as he observed the crowds of people passing by


well that wouldn't be completely accurate, some of the "people" weren't actually people.

they were Androids, they were robots that were made in the image of humans, although the androids walked among humans these Android's didn't hold the same status as that of humans, they weren't their companions nor friends, hell they weren't even their pets.

they were a commodity, a luxury item, they were walking computers far more intelligent than humans yet they were just toys, servants and slaves to be used for cheap labor.

although they looked extremely similar to their human owners, distinguishing them from actual humans was still quite an easy task.

the most distinguishing features are the LEDs displayed on their foreheads and their clothing, most Androids dress in attire that clearly shows their models, R-900 is an example.

'detroit becomes human, ey. this world is interesting, the main plot of the game focuses on three main characters, Cara, Marcus and finally, Conor. all three characters are Androids.', I mused as I got up and started walking and weaving through the crowds

'since all of them are Androids the main plot also focuses on the androids of this world and their struggles.

Marcus leads the androids to try and achieve freedom and equal rights.

Conor has to make a decision on wether to side with his creators or brethren.

while Cara tries to survive and do her best to protect Alice.

an interesting story that challenges the humans concept of what is considered a living being'

just a few thousands of years ago when humans developed awareness of themselves, they believed that they were different from other animals

they thought that there was something special and magical about them that made them higher beings then animals, they thought that the world was built for them.

but alas it wasn't, nor were they all that special, as time went on they got more advanced and managed to figure out that humans were made of cells, billions upon billions of cells made up their entire bodies, be it flesh, skin or organs, it was all made of cells.

but, so were the animals, they were also made up of cells, be it rats, humans or whales they were all made up of the same stuff, they weren't special, they just thought they were because they were a bit smarter than the other living beings on earth

the human brain likes to make itself look better than it actually is.

for example if you were driving down the road and someone zooms past you, you would think that they are a manic, but if you were driving and passed someone driving slowly, you would think that they're an idiot.

it was the classic egotistical human brain, it's not necessarily a bad thing, infact it is a survival mechanism, after all a hunter that steals another's prey is more likely to survive.

people like to put themselves on pedestals of their own making, that's why they thought it wasn't wrong for them to drive entire species into extinction, that's why they thought it wasn't wrong to enslave others from the same or different races, they thought it was justified, after all they were smarter and more competent, they were more "human" than others, they were more "living" than others.

that's why for most of human history 90 percent of all humans were either slaves or serfs.

and it is also why humans refuse to think of androids as living beings, to them they are just like their cellphones, commodities, goods that could be mass-produced at the push of a button.

but I wasn't here to talk about why they were wrong or anything of the sort, the androids didn't interest me nearly enough nor would I gain something from them.

if there was a zero percent chance of them ever developing sentience then I would be very interested in them and the way that they are manufactured, but since that's not the case then I'll put any interest in them on the back burner.

what interested me in this world is the human social classes, most of this worlds wealth is owned by only 1 percent of humans.

companies are more powerful than countries, infact companies basically have total control over countries.

the middle class has all but gone extinct, you were either born into a rich powerful family and had all the freedom, luxury and power passed onto you by your parents.

or you were born like 99 percent of this worlds population, into poverty, you grow up in a shit hovel you call a house that doesn't even have painted walls or floor tiles, in neighborhoods riddled with crime, thrown into schools that tell you WHAT to think and HOW to think, schools that require you to raise your hand just to go to the bathroom.

you go through countless crushing hardships and struggles through life just to have a chance at becoming a blue collar wage slave being paid barely enough to live and maybe splurge on a TV or something.

if you are lucky enough to get a job then you would have to live out your days in constant pressure to always deliver to your boss's expectations, you are just another cog in the machine.

if you aren't doing a good enough job constantly then you are going to be replaced, after all there are many people as qualified as you or even more qualified than you who are just waiting to be picked out to replace you.

of course this was how it was before the androids came along, after they started being mass produced and as their prices got cheaper, companies started replacing their flawed, needie and most of all expensive human rights bearing employees with Androids

after all androids had no human rights, they didn't need breaks, they didn't make mistakes and most importantly, they didn't require wages, the only expenses are the ones needed to buy and repair them Incase they get damaged.

this world has arrived at the destination my world was heading to, ruled by corporate greed and oppression.

and the reason for that is the aforementioned egotistical human brain, after all to the people on top, they had 'earned' what they had

they managed to do it so the impoverished can only blame their bad quality of life on their own incompetence.

as for the impoverished people, well they wanted their jobs back, they wanted to have good lives, they wanted fairness.

so, why don't they rally together and spark up a french style revolution?, after all they are the majority.

well the truth is that even if they wanted to do so they wouldn't be able to unite. that should be easy, shouldn't it?, I mean the internet exists, so getting into contact with like minded people should be easy, right?

well, yes but actually no, you see the corporations and companies already have full control of the internet and the media.

that means that you only get to see what they allow you to see.

you only get to hear what they allow you to hear.

and most importantly, you only get to say what they allow you to say.

they can easily remove or censor anything they want, wanna form a forum to gather people to start a large protest?, nope, forum deleted.

wanna make a site to gather members for a resistance group?, nope, site deleted

this censorship can be easily observed wherever you go on the internet, and considering that the real world is heavily connected to the virtual one that means that the real world is also censored.

a small example of that is me, I destroyed several city blocks and caused the deaths of almost three hundred people when I crash landed with the E-boy.

the only answer provided for what happened is an "unforseen meteorite strike".

this excuse was extremely lazy and so full of holes, for example, how did the country only manage to discover that a meteorite had entered Earth's atmosphere only after it struck even though they had technology that should be able to easily detect that?

the excuse was full of bull crap and everyone knew it, but they couldn't do anything about it.

ah, you have been probably wondering about what happened in that research facility, and why i am in the form of a black haired adult man instead of my usual blue haired, red eyed, 120cm tall form

well, I used the missile explosion as a cover to turn into a small spider and scuttled out of there unnoticed.

.....what?, did you actually expect me to fight all those people?

although I could definitely win, there wasn't much sense in fighting in the first place, that would only serve to display the extent of my abilities, plus who knows?

maybe if I killed all those guys, they might have just called a bigger army, if I beat that too, they might have dropped a nuke, only I get to nuke people, not the other way around.


well you might ask with your small pea brain, why would I show any of my abilities like my kagune in the first place if I wanted to hide my abilities?

well ladies and gentlemen that's because I want to not show my full abilities not none of my abilities, by showing them some of them, I am giving them something to focus on, by doing that I can predict any future plans they might have, well not like they are gonna get to use any.

after all as soon as I escaped and disguised myself in the form of the E-boy with an addition of black hair instead of white

It was already check mate, check mate for this entire world.

if anyone thinks that I'm just gonna lay low then you are dead wrong

the reason why I've been going on this entire tirade about this society's structure and have been emphasizing how much power a select minority of this world has is because I am planning on taking over this entire world.

after all they have it all set up for me, all I have to do to become the ultimate ruler of this world is turn all of this worlds corporate giants into my obedient slaves, and I have a an ability just for this sort of work.

after all, why hide and sneak in the shadows in fear of the light when you can easily devour said light?


welp that's the end of it, yes I'm planning on having the mc take over this world, I was thinking about making him hunt for people at night while avoiding capture, or have him fight clones of himself, but then I was like, wouldn't it be a waste if I made him only use the soul tampering ability for only small stuff, I mean why not take over the world using it?, just seems natural to me.

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