Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Valient mule [Slight R18]

[2322 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



walking through the winding and complicated corridors in the direction that the great zha hando had indicated to me in it's divine oracle.

I occasionally munched on a heart I had taken from one of the soldiers I massacred and a few eye balls.

I had already eaten quite a lot, at this point I had already eaten more then half my body weight in human flesh and organs, I was finally feeling a bit satiated, although I could definitely go for another round.

the taste of human flesh was different, much more delicious than I remember it being.

I've eaten quite a bit of people in my day and let me tell you, humans have about the same taste as oversalted low quality bacon, the only nice part is the eye balls.

they are squishy and have a nice smooth texture, I like popping them into my mouth and sucking on them like lolipops or jaw breakers.

but now, human flesh and blood tastes much 

more delicious.

the blood tastes like honey, like the finest nectar I've ever drank, it's taste is intoxicating.

their flesh tasted even more heavenly, it was soft and chewable, and this magnificent taste, no other meat can ever compare.

now I understood why there were ghouls who would eat so many humans, when there are seven star meals walking the streets why wouldn't you take a few bites every now and then?

'hmmm maybe I should convert into an all human meat diet?', I mused

the main reason for my decision however wasn't the taste, that was just a nice bonus, the main reason was the so called RC cells.

from what I know, the more RC cells a ghoul has the more powerful they get, and the main source for such RC cells is humans.

of course the most efficient way to gather RC cells isn't through eating humans but through devouring other ghouls.

sadly there are probably no other ghouls around in this world, well there are yet to be any that is, but who knows, maybe the humans might figure out how to make ghouls through my DNA, I wonder how that will pan out.

and so I kept strolling through these seemingly never ending white hallways, well there's no hurry anyway.

I then heard a human heart beat from far away.

yes a singular human heart beat not a whole bunch of them, I haven't encountered any soldiers in a few minutes, they probably figured out that they could do nothing except get massacred if they tried to face me.

well although I seem to be just playing with them and I am. I won't lower my guard against them, after all humans have always been resourceful.

it takes resourcefulness for a species of bald monkeys who's only talent is sweating and throwing pointy sticks to go from being bodied every single day by other animals or by weather conditions to become the absolute apex predator on the planet.

I finally reached the location of the human heart beat, it was in a closed room, the lights inside were turned off maybe an attempt to make me ignore the room, it was a futile attempt however.

I peeled off the metal door like peeling off the wrapping from a gift I got for Christmas, letting some light shine from the corridor and into the room.

what I found inside however wasn't a new play station 5 but a black haired female scientist wearing a white lab coat.

she seemed to be hiding from something as could be deduced by her curling up under a desk in one of the corners of the room.

as soon as I opened the door she halted her breathing, afraid of making even the slightest sound that could alert me, but even if she could silence her breath she couldn't do the same thing for her heart which was drumming, an indicative of her fear and panic.

an adult woman hiding in desperate fear from a mere child, a peculiar scene, an ignorant observer at first glance might think that it was just a game of hide and seek between a woman and a child

but upon closer observation of the "child", one can easily notice the glaring peculiarities around the scene, the fresh blood dripping off the child's entire body, leaving red stains on the white ground.

the four large tail like body parts protruding from the child's lower back glowing a sinister, pulsing red.

it all painted a dark, sinister picture, the glaring contrast between the child's small stature and cute features and the bloody atmosphere surrounding it.

'we do a little trolling', I thought as I got a nice idea.

I pretended to look around the room for a bit before walking away with small wet footsteps. the woman sighed a small breath of relief after I left even that sigh was supressed in order not to alert me

once I judged that I had walked far enough for the sound of my footsteps to have disappeared from her hearing, I entered another empty dark room.

I destroyed the cameras inside and transformed into a small spider only an inch in size, all the blood that was on my body splashed on the ground due to the sudden downsizing of my body.

I shook off the small amount of blood that drenched my spider body and ran out of the room as fast as my small spider body could.

I ran back to the room with the woman inside, she hadn't moved from her hiding spot under the desk, I entered the room and went all the way behind her without her noticing due to my magnificent but small form.

I then silently transformed back to my human form and hugged her from behind.

wrapping my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist, and pressing my body against her back, I then activated one of the abilities I managed to copy from the E-boy.

the ability to make those from the opposite gender aroused. yes copy not take.

I couldn't take the ability as it was part of his soul which was destroyed, however from observing him for so many years I managed to copy it, it was a soul based ability, a sort of soul tampering magic, as long as the target's soul defenses weren't all that strong it can be used to effect their soul origin.

to explain a soul in simple terms, a human is like an egg, the body is the outer shell which is used to host the soul, the soul is comprised of two areas,

first an outer area which is like the egg white, this area is also used to store what is known as MA energy or mana depending on what you wanna call it.

the larger the outer area the more MA energy it can store, and the stronger it can defend the most precious part of the soul which is the inner area.

the inner area, also known as the soul origin is the most precious part to any living being, it is YOU, it is the soul origin, it stores within it a life forms personality, memories and consciousness.

this part can never be allowed to be damaged or tampered with, if damaged, the best case scenario would be permanent loss of memories, personality and growth potential.

the worse case scenario would mean complete and total annihilation of the soul, the truest and ultimate form death.

the souls inner area or soul origin is the highest priority for defense, if damaged it can never properly recover, the outer area on the other hand even if damaged would only mean a loss in MA energy capacity, and could still recover with time.

that's why this particular ability of the E-boy is the most dangerous, after all no matter how strong physically a ghoul is they can never harm someone's soul.

this ability on the other hand can tamper with someone's soul origin, if used to figure out how to affect souls, one might become able to mind control or kill anyone with a weaker soul then them.

of course it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, even a fly's soul origin is a hundred more times complicated than a human brain when it comes to structure, so right now I can only effect people's souls to make them aroused by me, though I did manage to remove the limitations on gender.

and again it's not all sunshine and rainbows, using this ability requires extending a tentacle made from my souls outer area and using it to penetrate through my target's soul defenses and tamper with their soul origin.

if they manage to resist then that would result in a backlash meaning the destruction of said tentacle resulting in a temporary loss of MA energy capacity.

with that in mind I activated my ability on the woman, it was a success. her heart started throbbing, her body temperature rose and her breaths grew ragged.

I let out a soft hot breath into her ear and whispered to her.

"auntie, I'm lost. could you please show me the way out?~~", I begged her in a child like voice

with that, all semblance of sanity or resistance she had all completely shattered

I could hear her blood rush to her nipples and clitoris making them hard and erect, she was fully turned on.

i trailed my fingers over her clothed body from her collar bone and headed downwards slowly.

her body shivered from my touch and she put her hand over mine as It kept going down in a slow, sensual pace.

I finally reached her lower abdomen, at this point she had gotten considerably heated up, her breathes were hot and heavy as she panted like a bitch in heat.

she watched in heated anticipation as I slipped my hand inside her drenched pants and soaked panties, I then slipped my fingers inside her drooling, searingly hot lips, and into her hot, moist and spasming insides.

it took only that single action for her insides to tighten to their limits around my fingers and a second later an explosive orgasm insued.

"aaahhhhhh~~~", she moaned at the top of her lungs

I removed my hand from her pants and brought my fingers Infront of her face, she grabbed my hand and started sucking on my fingers drenched with her naughty juices with glazed over eyes.

she rolled her tongue all over them, licking them thoroughly.

"if you take me out of here, I'll give you a nice treat, even better than this", I whispered sweet temptations in her ear.

she paused for a second before getting up with me still wrapped around her back, she then ran out of the room while still carrying me.

I simply removed my fingers out of her mouth, wiped my hand on her lab coat and enjoyed the ride.

'wow this ability is sooo useful, look at her, giving it her all to follow my orders, and all it took is a small promise of some sexy time'

'I thought that I wouldn't really like this ability since I like it more when they resist me, but making them into my submissive slaves through what is essentially mind r*pe, is also quite enjoyable, might do some of both in the future', I entertained myself with such thoughts as I kept riding my loyal mule

she kept galloping valiantly through the white identical hallways, not even flinching when she was met with an entire squad of heavily armed soldiers that opened fire at our first sight.

I was tempted to watch this valiant mount of mine fall tragically under a hail of bullets, I wanted to watch as her eyes fueled with conviction, slowly dimmed before finally fading away.

would she hold onto her conviction untill the bitter end? or would her conviction shatter in the face of deaths embrace?

I badly wanted to know but I knew that getting another guide as willing and eager as her would take time and I had gotten bored with this place.

so I used two of my rinkaku tails to shield her from the storm of bullets while I used the leftover two to massacre the soldiers

they were equiped with much heavier armour this time, but it was as effective as cardboard in the face of my attacks, their weapons were also much more powerful they seemed similar to the mini-guns from earth, but much stronger.

each bullet they fired was about as strong as an anti tank rifle bullet, if I had met them before I absorbed the E-boy then I might have been torn to pieces, but now, although they stung me quite a bit they still didn't really hurt me.

my mount fearlessly kept on advancing as I carried on with my slaughter, after I crushed them to bits I snagged some of their miniguns for myself.

my mount kept on running until we reached a stairway, after that it started climbing it using all four of it's limbs.

after another 3 minutes of her climbing the stairs while panting her lungs out she finally reached the top, upon doing so she immediately callapsed.

"haa, haa, haa, the haaa, exit is, haa right through, haaa, that door", my mule said as she pointed at a door while panting.

"now for what you promised...",she said as she crawled towards me in her messy sweaty panting form and reached for my cock.

"watch your tone Mf"


I said as I backhanded her through the door she pointed to earlier.


welp that's the end of it, we are coming up on 500 collections, I'll do a special chapter when that happens.

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