Demented psycho through the multiverse.

D lab rat.

[2142 words]

I lost this entire fucking chapter because my fucking phone crashed so here's a shittier version I wrote 

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior

here's a joke

what do you call a tired author who spent six hours on a chapter only to have it get deleted?



I lost this entire fucking chapter because my fucking phone crashed so here's a shittier angrier version

[A/N: post chapter rewrite, it's actually a bit better than the original in my opinion]

I woke up after what felt like decades to an extremely bright white light, I was naked and bound to a cold metal operating table by my neck, arms and legs with thick steel cuffs. two annoying voices were talking.

"subject's anatomy seems very similar to that of a normal human", one voice said

"yes, if we ignore the subjects extremely flexible, resilient and tough physic and the extra sac like organ then the subject is very similar to a human, subjects species could have evolved from a similar species to that of humans", the other voice noted

looking around the room without alerting the owners of the two voices I observe my surroundings and the owners of the aforementioned voices.

white walls, white sealing and white floors, there were many blood stained metal surgical tools on an metal table next to me, it wasn't just any blood, it was fresh blood it was MY BLOOD.

looking at the owners of the two voices they were two men in lab coats and white gloves and surgical masks, the fingers of their gloves were stained with my blood.

these fucking parasites had fucking tied me up on an operating table and disected me like some sort of fucking lab rat.

I felt absolutely fucking livid, as if the +2k words chapter I had spent six hours on had been fucking lost, like all my fucking effort and hard work went down the fucking toilet.

an overwhelming sense of anger permeated my body.

I instantly released my kagune and used two of it's glowing red tails to drill through the scientists stomachs



they cried in agony


and with the sound of straining metal i tore of all the thick metal cuffs binding my neck, arms and wrists.

getting off of the cold metal table I lifted them up to the air by the tails in their stomachs.


"ahhh, please stop", one of them begged

"honestly I feel very insulted, to think you would use such flimsy materials to try and constrain me, just another example of how foolish and miss-guided you humans truly are", I said lightly as I shook the tails in there stomachs making the two scientists bounce a little



"but you know right now I am feeling absolutely LIVID, to think that you filthy monkeys dared to lay your filthy appendages on my body, I should exterminate your entire miserable species", I said and I started smashing their bodies violently on our surroundings, walls, floor, sealing random pieces of furniture.




they were turned into mush in just a few swings, dying me and the room crimson, some of their limbs were in an acceptable condition so I grabbed two arms, I was feeling terribly hungry, most probably due to having had to regenerate more than sixty percent of my body.

<warning security has been breached, I repeat security has been breached, all research staff members are to evacuate immediately>

<warning security has been breached, I repeat security has been breached, all research staff members are to evacuate immediately>

an annoying alarm sounded through the room, some gas then started flooding the room, and the doors were locked shut, It was all honestly quite pathetic, the gas was of no use against me of course, as for the door


I just smack it with one of my tails making it fly out of it's hinges and imbed itself into a wall, with the door gone the gas started flowing out of the room.

walking outside i was met with a large amount of men wearing heavy suits of black armour and armed with weapons that looked like assault rifles, they were a stark contrast to the pure white surroundings of the large hallway we were standing in.

"you, freeze, identify yourself intruder!", one of them who seemed like the leader which was Identified by a white stripe on his shoulder shouted at me while pointing his gun at me

'intruder?, you're the ones that brought me her, and what's with the authoritative tone of this guy, have I become some sort of joke these days?', I mused to myself as I enlarged and elongated one of my tails and used it to swiftly crush them all to pulp, the formerly white spotless ground had become dyed crimson and littered with mangled unidentifiable body parts and broken shattered pieces of armour.

'ah, I was too hasty I should have kept one of them around to show me the way out, meh I'll just take my time, it's not as if these guys can pose a threat to me, I wouldn't be worried, as long as they don't drop a nuke I'll be fine', I thought to myself as I walked through the gore filled corridor, staining my bare feet with their warm insides

walking through the winding corridors I met with another squad, this time they tried to ambush me by using grenades, the gronades rolled to my feet, I didn't try to dodge the gronades or defend from them, I had already spotted the soldiers hiding in wait from a mile away.

even if they try to elude my sight by hiding behind walls I can still easily smell their sents, the smell of humans, the smell of the sweat on their bodies, the smell of old gun powder smoke on their gun muzzles, I can hear their hearts beating, their organs moving, their blood coursing through their veins, I can hear it all from a mile away literally.

my senses have gotten so sharp at this point, I can feel even the gentlest of air brushing past my skin, my senses have gotten so sharp that a normal human would probably go insane if they were to suddenly posses them.

being able to hear sounds on frequencies that would normally be silent for a normal human, being able to see even an ants legs from five hundred meters away with perfect detail, being able to see clearly as if it was mid-day even in absolute darkness.

in gaining this much power I have lost the ability to do many things that I formerly enjoyed doing, I can't enjoy silence for in reality there is always sound to be heard in frequencies unknown to the human ear.

I can't enjoy complete and blinding darkness for It is always bright

I can't enjoy stillness for there are always movements unfelt by the normal human sense, a small spider here, a heart beat there and the moving air everywhere.

I retract my earlier statement, in a world where movement and sound can be constantly perceived without pause a human would certainly go insane.

when you read novels or stories about normal people gaining incredible power and abilities they never talk about being unable to sleep at night because of their new enhanced perception, they never talk about the mind crushing headaches.

in all honesty the only reason why I've been able to function without my brain exploding from a constant influx of information and sensations is because I somehow subconsciously figured out how to start thinking with my soul instead of my brain.

because of that the only things my brain has to do is act as the connection between my soul and my body, my body sends information to my brain which is then sent to my soul, my soul then decides how to respond to said information and then sends it's orders to the brain which it transmits to do body.

due to that, one might think that my mental faculties are slower than that of a human but that is incorrect, my soul is far more efficient than any human brain, it takes time for a brain to process information, thought and orders also take time to do

my soul on the other hand can process information instantaneously and can have not only one but tens of thought processes at the same time running at almost incomprehensible speeds.

example, even though I've gone on this entire tirade about senses and soul processing vs brain processing, only half a second has passed by now and I am currently watching the grenades explode in slow motion.

I am capable of doing all of this even though I am only using around 39% of my full processing power, and my soul will only continue to get stronger the more life forms I absorb, when I absorbed the spider my soul had gotten stronger slightly but curiously enough my soul didn't strengthen after absorbing the E-boy even a bit.

maybe cuz he was so brain dead?, or maybe I didn't absorb his soul?

a familiar blue screen opened up Infront of me, on it was the most recent notification I had been given, it read.

[skill activation requirements have been met]

[would you like to activate skill on target lifeform known as <Adam>?]

[warning, due to the destruction of target's soul it is impossible to absorb it's soul area, MA energy and memories, would you like to proceed anyway?]


'ah, that explains it'. I thought, as for wether the "system" and it's words could be trusted there was no doubt after all this "system" isn't sentient nor does it posses a soul of it's own it's just a small part of my soul that I subconsciously separated and reformed to keep track of my {world hop} and [L.U.T.F] skills it isn't capable of thought or anything of the sort.

hell it doesn't even have the ability to activate my skills, all it does is keep a cool-down timer on my {world hop} skill and tell me when the condition requirements on my [L.U.T.F] skill have been met.

if it had any sort of free will or advantage against me I would have done all I could to get rid of it, after all only an idiot would allow some unknown system in their soul and be perfectly fine with it just cuz it gave them some cheats and promised more.

anyway back to the there real world the grenades have finally exploded, all it did was blow my hair around, I let the smoke clear for dramatic effect before walking out unharmed, I then used my tails to demolish through the walls and crush the people behind them into paste

'humans are so fragile these days. they don't make them like they used to', I thought to myself while shaking my head in disappointment

'ah back in my day we used play baseball with meteors instead of baseballs and skyscrapers instead bats, whipper snappers these days are so sensitive, all it takes is a man eating monstrousity completely ammune to bullets and gronades to beat them, me and the Bois could beat something like that with just a rusty nail and an overcooked cheese sandwich', I thought to myself as I continued wandering the hallways aimlessly while occasionally munching on body parts I picked up.

coming up on an intersection in the hallway I couldn't decide where to go

'hmmm, left or right, what to choose? what to choose?', I pondered while animatedly scratching my chin

but then I had a stroke of genius and for the first time on 2b2t history...slave labor

wait wrong line wrong line let's backtrack a bit

but then I had a stroke of genius....nope it was just a normal stroke, I then fell to the ground and started spasming

....huh, wait wrong script, let me just uh get the other one

*shuffle shuffle*

ah here it is, found it....just uh give me a second.....yep here page 7.

but then I had a stroke of genius.

grabbing a half eaten arm I was carrying I threw it in the air, it spun in the air splashing a bit of blood around but I paid that no attention, when it landed it did so while pointing to the right.

with a direction given to me by the omniscient hand, I decided to follow it's devine decree


finally it is done, when the chapter got deleted I could have just fucked off and went to sleep but I stayed and got the job redone, it's pretty alright if I had to say

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.