Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Consequences of mass genocide.

[2150 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



OOOOOOO!!!!-", My shout was interrupted by an overwhelming sense of dizziness.

I held onto my scythe for support as I did my best to try and breathe, A task which had suddenly become extremely difficult even while doing my best to take a breath I could barely intake any oxygen into my lungs, It felt as if I was trying to breath with a thick clothe clogging my throat.

My vision had become very blurry and my hearing was drowned out with white noise as I felt the entire world spinning around me.

I was forced to drop on one knee as I felt myself becoming too weak to stay standing.....or was my body just too heavy? I couldn't tell.

I laid my back on the the ground while trying to regulate my breathing as my chest rose and fell in a desperate attempt to breathe.

I felt as if i was on the cusp of losing my consciousness, A part of me wanted to just take a nap on the soft dirt I was laying on while inhaling it's earthy smell.

'Maybe when I wake up everything would be fine.....', a fleeting thought.

There was still a chance that this was an enemy ambush, I needed to stay vigilant.

I kept my nerves tense in preparation for a sudden attack but nothing ever happened.

After an hour of resting on the dirt my vision and hearing finally started to restore, My sense of balance was still a little messed up and breathing was still hard but it had definitely gotten better.

I shakily got up before struggling to lift up my heavy scythe of the ground and rested it on my shoulder.

'ugh, I'm starting to regret making such a heavy thing into my main weapon, Anyway what's with this fucking dizziness and heaviness I'm feeling, I almost fucking passed out, there was also some dizziness and a sense of disconnect last time I teleported between worlds but this is way too much just to be that, is the gravity here just that high?, no the gravity here is normal even though i can't stand without feeling like I'm going to topple over the next second', I thought while looking around the area I hopped to.

The white full moon hung above shining it's light to reveal a large forest with tall pine trees all around me.

'hmm, One singular white moon of normal size, Looks like I can at least disqualify goblin slayer.....', I thought while gazing at the silvery white moon.

I brought out my phone which looked more similar to a small glass panel then to the phones from my origin world.

well flimsy as it looks don't underestimate this bad boy, it's basically a super computer and it's jam packed with all sorts of helpful programs or information, This bad boy could basically hack an entire planet.

I clicked on one of the Icons that opened up a special application I had, This application allowed me to find any sort of signal tower or satellite around and gain complete access to it.

I started it up and after a few seconds it managed to connect to a satellite that was right above me

'This means that this world is at least a bit technologically advanced'

I used the satellite to gain connection to the internet.

The first thing I checked was the world map. it was exactly the same as that of Earth. Looks like I was currently in some forest in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Africa.

I wasn't sure if the map was exactly the same as the one from my original world but I postponed doing a thorough scan until I figured out more about this world.

I then started checking the date, It was currently May 3rd 2008. Ahhh the early two thousands good times.....

next up was the world population, the current human population was around 6.7 billion, seems normal, pretty standard for 2008.

I then started checking the internet, looking for any strange happenings, irregularities or distinctive traits or events I could find that would allow me to zero in on which world this was.

after only just twenty minutes of standing I started feeling tired, I have definitely gotten weaker for some reason.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I walked towards a large pine tree with a mighty thiccc trunk with steady steps so as not to make an embarrassment of myself by accidentally stumbling and falling on my face.

'Pine trees in Africa.....huh weird', I thought as I gripped my scythe and lined it up with the tree's trunk.

'Sorry pine-Kun but you're gonna have to die, But worry not for you died for a great cause.....becoming seating for my buttocks', I silently mourned the heroic sacrifice of my companion tree-Kun before swinging my scythe, Felling him with one clean swipe

(.....get it?, cuz when you cut a tree it's called felling it....yes I needed to explain the joke considering that most of the people on this site haven't touched a tree in years...)

Tree Kun tragically fell to the ground with a heavy thud that shook the ground and startled some birds away.

I took a seat on the stump and rested my scythe on the ground next to me, I fished out my phone from my pocket and got back to business.

As dawn broke, And after six hours of surfing the internet I still couldn't find much, Though I did enjoy the feeling of nostalgia from surfing through the web from 2008, The internet felt much more free and less orderly and constrictive, A wild west sort of vibe.

It was time to get up, I was currently in the central part of Africa so I decided on going north towards Egypt.

who knows, I might stumble upon a time stopping gay vampire there.

I got up, picked up my scythe and started heading north, While enjoying my stroll i remembered that I still haven't checked the world map in detail.

I opened up my phone again, grabbed this world's map and a downloaded 2008 world map that I got from the last world I was in.

The earth from Detroit become human is basically the same as the earth I originate from, geographically speaking.

I put both comprehensive world maps through an algorithm that would compare both of them.

After running it I put on some music to keep me company on my little road trip.

(A/N: song is woman by doja cat)

<hey, woman>

<hey, woman>


<let me be your woman, woman, woman, woman, I can be your woman, woman, woman, woman, let me be your woman......>

I kept listening to the song while unaware of a certain event happening all around the world due to my arrival here.


All over the world thousands of people all got the same dream, Vision or hallucination.

Somewhere in Brazil, a boy could be seen slumbering on his bed, Unfortunately it seemed he wasn't having a comfortable sleep as was indicated by his constant rolling and the buckets of sweat pouring off of him and soaking the dark green bedding under him.


Manuel suddenly woke up on the ground in a strange place, A forest full of pine trees, He could see around clearly even though it was night a star-less night

Looking up he saw the beautiful silvery white full moon shining it's light and illuminating the forest, however he would soon wish that he had never seen it.

Because sitting right under the moon he saw something that made him freeze and made all the hair in his body instantly stand on end. he didn't see a pack of hungry Wolves nor did he see a hungry lion.

Right Infront of where he was laying down, A shadowy figure was sitting on a stump with only the distance of a few inches between their feet.

The only features from the figure he could make out were it's long silvery blue hair sparkling in the moon light as it softly fluttered and it's glowing, peircing red eyes, Those eyes seemed to be a portal to oceans of blood.

In it's hands it held a glowing rectangular object that it would intermittently tap with it's fingers.

On the ground next to the figure rested a giant scythe with a long curved blade that shone with a sinister gleam.

This sitting figure brought an immense terror to Manuel's heart, Thankfully it seemed that it hadn't noticed him as it had it's full attention on the glowing rectangle it was holding.

Manuel tried his best not to move even a muscle or breathe even a bit too hard in case it noticed him.

But his efforts were to no avail as he couldn't stop his breathing from getting quicker, He instinctively clasped a hand over his mouth in an attempt to contain himself.

Sadly that was to no avail, Manuel despaired as soon as the figures eyes looked up from the rectangle and aimed it's terrifying gaze right at him.

And at the moment when they made eye contact, he was struck by a soul crushing fear, In the reflection of the things eyes he saw himself tortured and killed in countless horrific ways each way, No less brutal than the one before it.

He could smell the scent of his own blood as it splattered along with his maddening screams of pain and despair, his twisted and morphed expressions of agony.

He was burnt until he was charred black, Cut until his blood was drained, He begged for his life, He was toyed with and given hope and made to obey before finally being pushed off the cliff of despair and robbed of his life.

He was made to scream as his limbs were torn off, His eyes crushed and his tongue ripped off. Making him into nothing more than an insect only capable of crawling on the ground.

The scenes of his unending torture were suddenly cut off however as he was startled awake by his sister violently shaking him.

By instinct he jumped away crashing heavily into one of his bedroom walls.

He looked around in a panic while breathing heavily, He slowly calmed down after confirming that he was just in his room.

'looks like it was just a dream, I really thought I was going to die....did I meet death in my dream?', Manuel wondered fearfully while calming his hurried breathing

'wow looks like he's finally lost it', Manuel heard the voice of his sister.

"shut up!, no I didn't!", He shouted at his sister in response

"what are you talking about?, I didn't say anything!", His sister shouted back him

"yes you did, you said tha-", but just before he could retort, A plethora of countless voice all rang in his head making it feel like it was going to explode.

He covered his ears with his hands to stop the noise but that didn't even lower the volume, He could still hear all sorts of voices talking over each other.

He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground while clutching his head tightly, Luckily for him he was spared from the pain as he passed out just a few seconds later.

Similar events to this one happened all over the world to random people with no real connection to each other. Some would wake up to find their beds frozen, Some would blink and find themselves on top of roof tops while others would start seeing people's names above their heads.

The only thing all these people had in common was that they saw a vision of a terror striking figure in a forest and that none of them were caught while awakening their abilities, They all knew by instinct that the thing they saw in their visions was evil without a doubt, So evil that their stomachs churned everytime they thought of it.

No matter how much they tried to dismiss the figure as just a weird vision or dream that coincidentally happened when they awakened their new super powers they could never get it out of their heads.

And the more they familiarized themselves with their new abilities the stronger the urge to find and kill the figure became, untill it became all they could think of.

as for our protagonist? What was he doing in this important moment?

"you've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal....."

he was singing smooth criminal in a savannah while doing the moon walk....


welp that's the end of it, a somewhat boring chapter but this one is to build up the story. leave a comment or something...

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