Demented psycho through the multiverse.

World consciousness

[2176 words]

This chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



"Billie jean is not my lover, She's just a girl who claims that I am the one, But the kid is not my son, hoo!", I sang while doing finger guns towards a snake that was looking at me from on top of a tree.

The snake just looked at me weirdly at first, Then it suddenly lunged at me from on top of the tree with it's mouth open wide revealing it's fangs, It didn't even hiss in warning.

I caught it mid-air by both it's jaws, Tightening my grip and exerting a bit of strength I tore it in half.

'Weird, From the the position of it's fangs it shouldn't have even been poisonous, Not to mention how small it was. It shouldn't have attacked me, Maybe it just doesn't like Michael Jackson?', I wondered as i casually started plucking it's scales while continuing on my walk.

*Hee Hee!*

(yes, his ring tone is a hee hee by Micheal Jackson)

A notification rang from my phone, Pausing the song, I checked my phone. The notification was informing me of the results from the comparison of this world's map with the one from the other earth.

The result was an over ninety eight percent similarity, some terrain was different while there was an extra sea side town in Oregon U.S.A. The town was called Arcadia Bay.

As soon as I read the name I was instantly reminded of the Arcadia Bay from the click adventure game, Life is strange.

"keh keh keh", I couldn't help but let out a sinister chuckle when I remembered the power of the protagonist of Life is strange.

'Max Caulfield, A student of Blackwell academy, She gained the ability to rewind time after seeing a girl get shot in the bathroom, She also later got the ability to stop time while trying to prevent her fellow student Kate Marsh from commiting suicide, Whatever happens I need to absorb her.'

'From what I remember, She should awaken her ability around 2013, So 5 years from now, For now I'll stay clear from America and will try to stay off the radar as much as possible so that I don't interfere in her awakening, I'll keep tabs on her through satellites and street cameras so that I know as soon as she awakens.', having decided on my next course of action for the next five years I kept on marching north.

The snakes were really aggressive, No matter what type of music I played they all would try to attack me on sight, And after a few hours it wasn't just the snakes who were attacking me.

All the animals around came at me in waves, Wether they were herbivores or carnivores, Big or small, They all came at me with no regards for themselves.

The more I killed the more would spring up, Normally I would think their determination was admirable if it wasn't for the fact that they were so annoying.

I had to walk while fending them off by the droves for hours before they finally stopped their maddened assault, Presumably due to me having exterminated all life in the area.

Was the wild life here just that aggressive? Did they just not like humans? Or was this the work of an enemy stand user?!

Three hours later I stumbled on a dirt road so I decided to walk through it instead of the crazy animals infested woods.

Don't get me wrong, I do indeed find killing quite the enjoyable pass time, But today I'm feeling tired and heavy.

The scorching sun shone above while I walked through the yellow dirt road, It was almost noon when from a distance I spotted a carriage stopped to the side of the road.

I decided to catch up to it as I ran towards it, Who knows? I might be able to hitch a ride.

Jogging up to the stopped carriage I took a look around, There was no one in the coach seat of the carriage.

Well, Calling it a carriage would be giving the thing too much credit, The carriage bed was made from an assortment of random planks, The wheels carrying the carriage weren't made from wood but were actually car wheels made from rubber.

The carriage wasn't drawn by a majestic horse instead it was drawn by a donkey who was casually eating a carrot from the hand of an unconscious boy laying on the ground.

I didn't feel like watching a YouTube tutorial on how to drive donkey drawn carriage so I decided to wake up the unconscious boy.

He was laying face first into the dirt so I turned him around, Grabbing him by the shoulders, I started shaking him violently, I am truly a saint, Selflessly taking time from my busy schedule to help a stranger on the side of the road, Ah the benevolence!

"Hey! wake up! it's time for school!", I shouted in his face while shaking him.

'Damn it D, Kids don't like school! now he won't wanna wake up even more, Um what's something that would make a kid wanna wake up?'

"wake up! they just released a limited edition new Fortnite skin! If you don't wake up you'll miss it!", I shouted, but then I remembered that it was 2008 and Fortnite wasn't out yet.

As soon as I had that revelation I froze, Dropped the kid back to the ground without care and looked up towards the blue sky......'Damn.....this year is a good year, No Fortnite, no TikTok and Michael Jackson is still alive........somehow the sky seems more beautiful....', I pondered silently while admiring the beauty of nature with an imaginary tear flowing down my cheek.

"ahhhhhh", my peace didn't last long as it was interrupted by a terrified shout, it was the kid who shouted.

He jumped away from me in fear like a cat that had just seen a cucumber.

His hasty retreat was interrupted as his back crashed into a tree making him fall down.

"Hey you, You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Walked right into that imperial ambush, Like us and that thief over there.", I said to the extremely startled kid. He probably wouldn't understand what I said but if he did, He would definitely instantly trust me seeing as I am a man of culture.

But it seemed however that he wouldn't calm down. He wasn't just startled, He was terrified, Maybe he had a bad dream?

The kid tried to get up again, He grabbed the tree trying to get up, But the next second however the tree decayed quickly at a visible rate, First turning black and then disintegrating into a pile of ash.

This surprised me, But not by much, I already knew that I am in the world of life is strange, It was no surprise that there were people with super powers.

But from what I know they should be pretty rare, I am surprised that I got lucky enough to manage to find someone with an ability on my first day here.

He also has a pretty good ability kinda similar to Shigaraki Tomura's Decay quirk, in all honesty if I didn't have my heart set on Max's rewind and time stop I would definitely snag this one.

The kid looked at the disintegrating tree and then at his own palms in a daze, he then stopped looking at them and slowly looked up at me.

'Oh, I did indeed see your ability kid, I wonder what you'll do?', I wondered as I put one hand inside my coat.

He suddenly kneeled and put both palms on the ground, He wasn't kneeling to apologize however. As soon as he touched the ground the ground started cracking and disintegrating at a rapid pace making a large crater appear around him with himself as it's center, His donkey neighed as it turned gray and disintegrated along with the carriage.

'Hoh?, so you choose to silence me? I approve of your methods kid! Too bad for you I am not that easy to silence.'

As soon as he touched the ground I instantly jumped high into the air, My strength was being suppressed heavily and my senses were a little wacky but I still was strong enough to jump at least 80 meters high.

I brought my hand out of my coat and consecutively threw three Bo shuriken at him, The kid's instincts were good because even though the Bo shuriken were fast he was still able to react and put both his palms Infront if his head and in the way of the first Bo shuriken, Probably planing on disintegrating the Bo shuriken.

Before the first Bo shuriken could make contact with his hands however, It was hit by another Bo shuriken which forced it to change direction so that it would miss his hands and pass next to the kid's head, it was then hit by another shuriken forcing it to change direction again, This allowed it to by-pass the kid's hands and lodge itself deeply into the side of his forehead, killing him.

His eyes opened wide in shock as he fell to the ground face first. His death seemed to have stopped his ability as the ground stopped disintegrating.

I landed back to the ground and saw his soul leave his body, It was a decent bit bigger than average.

The inner area of his soul had a light blue color while the outer area had a grey color.

Almost all the souls I've seen have the same color, A light blue color at their inner area and a transparent outer area.

The only exception to that trend that I've seen is my own soul which has a dark grey inner area, And now there's this guy who has a grey outer soul area. maybe due to his ability?

I extended a soul tentacle and used it to grab his soul, I wanted to take a look at his memories. As soon as I extended the soul tentacle the MA energy inside it started to dissipate all by itself.

This wasn't normal, it shouldn't Dissipate, I haven't done anything that would warrant consumption of MA energy.

I tried to stop the MA energy from dissipating but it was impossible, Seeing as I couldn't stop it, I hurriedly started digging into his memories.

Name irrelevant. Age 16. Lives around the area in a town 20 km south from here. No living relatives.

There was mostly useless information. I wanted to know what made him awaken.

After a bit of digging I manage to find a recent dream he had, Infact he had it while being unconscious earlier. He dreamt of a blue haired, Red eyed silhouette in a forest sitting on a tree stump while holding an unknown rectangular glowing object in it's hands.

The figure brought terror to the boy just from seeing it, It then tortured him by showing him very vivid scenes of himself being tortured.

After fully watching the dream I let go of my hold on his soul, Jumped out of the crater and continued on my way.

That kid awakened his ability because he saw a dream of me sitting on the stump last night.

From his memories from our meeting earlier, As soon as he saw me he felt extreme fear from the depths of his soul, And after discovering his ability, His fear turned to hatred and the desire to kill me for the sake of his survival.

His fear and hatred however were not his, They were irrational, They weren't things he felt by himself, Instead they were injected into his soul by someone else, Or in this case something else.

The suppression of my strength, the hostility the animals have towards me, the dissipation of my MA energy. These were all the doings of this world, more precisely these were the doings of this world's consciousness, it seems like it has judged me to be a threat that needs to be dealt with.

"kekeke, this reminds me of the world suppression from that novel, age of adepts", i said after chuckling sinisterly.

Now that I knew what was happening, I could now notice a sort of weak presence all around me. it seems this world's consciousness has been keeping a constant eye on me.

"I am not here for you nor do I have the goal of hurting you. We can put this all behind us, But if you do insist on coming after me I will get rid of you, Same as the last guy.", I said in an attempt to reach an understanding with the world consciousness.

There was no response however so I kept walking on my marry way.


welp that's the end of it, I'm taking a slow pace for this arc, hope you don't mind.

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