Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Ultimate redo button part 1

[2063 words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



Walking through the portal, I found myself on a sidewalk across the street from a dinner with a whale sign above it with "Two whales dinner" written on it.

The portal disappeared as I looked around to make sure that no one saw anything, No one had been looking in my direction while I was crossing the portal so no one saw anything, GLaDOS probably opened it while no one was looking.

She did a good job maybe I should give her a raise? Oh wait it's not like there's a higher position for her to reach, I also don't pay her, Maybe I'll build her a snazzy body? or maybe help her get experimental subjects? She has been talking about how she's starting to run out of them.

But to be honest almost none of them live past a single week so it's no wonder she's running out, I mean there are only around 160,000 ability users in the world and many of them aren't suited to be brought into the facility.

"Mary, Put a mirror mask over my face", I ordered my clothes as I crossed the street without looking at both sides of the road first.

(....What a menace...)

(image of mirror mask)

I heard screeching tires and a loud honk at my side, I didn't even look at the cause of it as I just flipped off whoever it came from.

That seemed to infuriate them as they got out of their car, And I heard angry footsteps coming in my direction.

'Oh shit', I thought, I couldn't risk spooking Max away so I used the last bit of my MA energy I had left to temporarily link my soul with the soul of max who was currently sitting in the dinner talking to her friend.

This would allow me to share her perception and read her thoughts, This way I would know if she rewinds time.

"Hey! Did you just flip me off you blue haired little freak", A brown haired blue eyed Caucasian guy who seemed to be in his late teens screamed at me as he grabbed me by the collar and baled up his fist. Seemingly preparing to punch me, He wore a red jacket typical of high school jocks and blue jean pants.

'From what I remember, This guy is Nathan Prescott, The secondary antagonist of life is strange 1, The guy who shoots Chloe in the bathroom at the start of the game.

His family is the richest family in arcadia bay, So he feels like he owns the town and everyone in it, He's also showed signs of being pretty unhinged, But that's kinda meh to me.

(Nathan Prescott image)

I grabbed his wrist with my free hand that wasn't holding my scythe and with just a tiny squeeze I completely crushed it as it let out a wonderful crunch as he screamed in agony.

"Agh, My wrist!", He screamed, Wonderful! Oh how I missed this! It's good to know that no matter how old I get or how many times I do it, Subduing others using sheer force always makes me ecstatic.

'I haven't heard such screams in years! I want to hear more!', I thought as the edges of my mouth curved into an impossibly wide, Twisted smile.

Sleep deprivation is one hell of a thing.

I let go of his wrist and he fell onto the ground and curled up while holding it, His screams seemed to have caught some attention as the people who were walking by stopped and started staring at us.

The people in the dinner were also looking through the windows, Probably thinking stuff like, "That brat finally got his ass kicked", Poor Nathan.

I grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head off the ground. He sheilded his head with his working hand while cowering and closing his eyes.

Many people hate Nathan Prescott but I find him quite sympathetic, He is clearly just a child who became a bully after being bullied by adults, He probably faces a lot of pressure from his family, Particularly his father.

Well although I can sympathize, I can't empathize with him, After all I'm a "Defective" human being who isn't capable of empathy.

That's why I don't feel bad about hurting people. That's why I won't feel bad about hurting him or Max.

I clushed him tightly from the hair by the back of his head. I then smashed his face repeatedly on the pavement.





I couldn't help but let out a crazy giggle as each intimate impact between his face and the hot asphalt of the road felt more wet then the one before as his nose was broken followed by his teeth being knocked and his skull fracturing as his face became a bloody unrecognizable mess that painted the ground.

He struggled and squirmed at first but soon enough he went limp, He wasn't dead, I could hear his heart still beating.

It's no fun when their not conscious so with one particularly heavy smash, His head was flattened on the ground like a pan cake of brain matter and skull fragments.

I was about to walk to the dinner when I suddenly found myself back at the sidewalk I landed on.

There was no body on the ground and no blood on my hands, Everyone was going on about their business like nothing happened.

'Looks like she reversed time', I thought as I looked at the direction where Max should be sitting, She was looking Back at me through the window.

A red truck passed by me with the brat that I just killed a few moment ago.

'Wait, Why didn't she cross the road like before.', I heard another voice inside my head, These were Max's thoughts.

I got off the side walk as I slowly walked across the street.

'I feel like I've seen her somewhere, I just can't remember where, Maybe If I see the face under her mask I might be able to remember, Ugh what are you thinking about max! She just killed Nathan! She's too dangerous, I have to think of something to stop her from hurting anyone else!', I listened to her freak out as I pushed open the door to the dinner.

A bell sounded as I entered, The tip of my scythe's blade scratched the glass door as I walked in.

I stood Infront the counter and rang the worn out golden bell that was placed on it.


A crisp ding sounded but even after thirty seconds of waiting the woman behind the counter still seemed to have no intention of serving me.


I frantically rang the bell until she finally walked up to me and snatched the bell away.

"Could I get some coffee please? I haven't slept in so long you wouldn't believe it.", I said, My voice was a bit muffled due to the mask, Making it more eerie.

"We're out of seats", The blonde woman in her thirties said in a snarky tone.

I turned my head all around the dinner animatedly and stared at all the empty seats and booths.

"You sure? Cuz I can see a lot of open ones over there", I inquired while tilting my head and grabbing my chin.

"Ugh, Just leave", She said as she walked away.

"Hey, Mister, Aren't you going to say anything?", I asked the police officer who was sitting while drinking a cup of coffee.

"I'm off duty", He said without even bothering to look at me.

'Why is everyone acting so mean to her? What if she snaps again?!'

"Uh, You can come sit with us", A blonde girl wearing a grey hoodie said. This was max Caulfield.

(Max's image)

She wasn't doing it out of kindness however, She was just afraid that I would kill everyone here.

I walked up to her booth and sat next to her blue haired punk girlfriend, Chloe, Who seemed not to like the idea of me sitting next to her very much.

(Chloe's image)

"Hi, Thanks for letting me sit here, I hope I'm not intruding.", I said as I gave her my hand.

She reluctantly reached out shook it before asking the barista to bring me a cup of coffee.

"So, I uh have never seen you around, Are you not from arcadia bay?", Max asked me.

"Yep, I came here for someone", I replied.

"Oh, Whose that? I might know them, You know it's a small town everyone knows each other", She said, Trying to extract information out of me.

"Rachel amber", I said

"What?! Do you know where she is?! Why are you here for her?!", Chloe who had been silent until now jumped on me and started asking me all sorts of questions.

"Chloe stop!", Max said as she pushed Chloe away from me, Afraid that I would lash out and kill her.

"I'm sorry", Max apologized for her friends rudeness.

"It's just that she's been missing and we've been looking for her, So we would be grateful for any information you could give us", She explained.

"Well sorry to disappoint you but I don't know where she is either, I just saw some of her pictures and wanted to see if she was interested in being part of a fashion magazine. I sent tons of letters but no one responded, I'm on break so I thought that I would pay her a visit, I didn't know she was missing, I am terribly sorry" I apologized and explained politely.

"Oh, Well thanks anyway", She said while seeming disappointed.

It was then that the barista brought over my coffee and put it on the table before starting to walk away, I saw some spit floating in my black coffee, Normally I wouldn't say anything and would just drink it since it wouldn't affect the taste, But since I had a living quick save button sitting right across my table I decided to have fun.

I grabbed the coffee mug and stood up, Hearing me stand up, The barista turned around and look at me.

"What's the problem, You want some sugar with that", She said in a snarky tone.

'Why is Joyce acting so weird?', Max thought.

I grabbed the barista by the head and violently threw her outside onto the street through the glass window. A passing truck then smashed into her, Crushing her body, It all happened so suddenly that no one could react.

"That's what you get for spitting in my coffee", I said in a cold voice.

Time reversed again as I found myself sitting back on my seat.

The barista brought over my coffee cup again but before she could put it on the table Max stood up and stopped her.

"Joyce could we talk for a second?", She asked.

"Well of course Max", The barista said those four words with a hundred thousand times more affection than I've seen from her all day.

Max dragged her away to the kitchen leaving me and Chloe alone.

"I like your hair, It's the same as mine", I said while curling a few strands of my long blue hair around my finger.

"Yeah, Cool...", Chloe said disinterestedly.

'Wow no one likes me in this world, It's a weird experience, That's for sure, I mean in the past not many people hated me since most of them died before they got to do so.

Everyone who hated me had a good reason for it. But here, Everyone just hates me for no reason, Being hated without having done anything to be deserving of such treatment is slightly...vexing.'

'Well, Max seems to not particularly hate me, Maybe she's just so scared of me that she doesn't have room for anything else. Although she doesn't show it, She is on the verge of breaking down. I mean she's only known me for not even five minutes and she's already seen me brutally murder two people while demonstrating super human strength.


welp that's the end of it, Fun fact this chapter was the fastest I've ever written, only took me 3 hours to write. half the usual time taken.

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