Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Ultimate redo button part 2

[2438 words]

This chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



Max came back along with my cup of coffee a few minutes after she left.

"One cup of authentic arcadia bay black coffee", She said as she placed the cup Infront of me and sat back down in her seat facing me.

'Smooth job Max! Now it's time to see the face behind the mask', Max thought.

'I heard women like men they find mysterious, Though I don't think that's why she's so eager', I thought.

 "I hope it's famous rather than infamous", I said as I grabbed my mirror mask from both sides and slowly removed it for a bit of dramatic effect.

Max was on the edge of her seat as she watched in anticipation as the mask was removed allowing her to see the face hiding behind the reflection of her own.

She stared at the face that was revealed to her for a few seconds. The person Infront of her had the most flawless face she had ever seen, It wasn't flawless because it was extremely beautiful, Although it did certainly have beautiful features.

The reason why it was flawless was because of the condition of it's skin, The blue haired girl's skin was white and prestine with zero blemishes nor scars. No zits, No moles, Non of the marks left on human skin due to time, The skin's condition was so perfect that it should have been impossible.

Max observed the other features of the face as well, Smooth glossy thin lips, Small nose and red eyes.

As soon as she looked at those eyes, Max was frozen stiff, As soon as Max had seen D, She had no doubt that the person Infront of her was the same one that she saw in her vision.

Although their clothes may be different and their face was hidden. Their hair, Build and Scythe were all the same.

What made Max freeze was that instead of seeing those cruel and concentrated Blood thirsty shinning eyes that would reflect her worse tortures, She saw almost completely different ones.

They were still red, But their gaze was different, It seemed vast, Almost ancient. They were as dull as the eyes of a dead fish with no luster to them, Like the eyes of a doll.

Like deep pools of blood, They reflected nothing. Even though they were staring right at her it was as if they were staring at empty space at the same time. 

Staring into them made Max feel like she was slowly drowning in a sticky bottomless ocean of blood. No matter how much she struggled she still felt like she was being pulled down.

If in her vision, D was living in an ocean of blood, Now he was the ocean itself.

The eye contact between Max and Myself only lasted two seconds before Max broke eye contact, Leaned to the side and immediately started hurling on the floor.

It seems she hasn't eaten anything yet as all that came out was a puddle of stomach acid.

It almost got on my scythe, Which was leaning on the table.

"Hey Max, You okay?!", Chloe said worriedly as she jumped over to Max to check on her.

"Wow, Biling at my mere sight", I offhandedly commented as I grabbed my mask and used it to look at my own reflection.

(A/N: Biling=Puking)

My face was the same as it has been for the last 25 years, Well maybe except for my eyes, They weren't as sharp as they once were. No, They were still sharp, They just don't have any of their usual luster.

They were extremely dull but still pretty sharp, In my opinion they look much better, The contrast between the youthful face and the completely dull eyes is very mesmerizing.

My mask suddenly disappeared from my hand and my line of vision switch as I found myself staring at a somewhat pale Max with Chloe sitting beside me again.

Max had reverse time again, Guess she got worried that I would get offended. 

'Kekeke, She's the one with the time powers yet I'm the one playing her like a fiddle', I was having a lot of fun.

Watching all the ways she's forced to rely on her rewind power so much due to her lack of power is quite entertaining.

She has what's probably the most powerful ability on this planet with extremely good potential for development yet she's so limited due to her lack of other abilities.

Other than her ability to rewind and stop time, She is just a human, She's not exceptionally intelligent nor does she have enough strength or ability to use her ability to it's full potential.

Fate exists, I don't know about other worlds but this one certainly has fate, It's not unbendable but it's definitely hard to interfere with in a meaningful way.

One can imagine fate as an extremely large ocean. Average humans aimlessly drift around it in small row boats that set off ripples, Both small and big, In the ocean of fate, But they are still ripples. They can only make ripples.

A more powerful being like me for example can set off waves in the ocean of fate.

When a ripple is set off by someone, That person is later on hit by a few ripples themselves. Due to them being ripples they barely affect them in extremely significant ways.

When I set off a wave, A few others come crashing towards me. However due to my power I can easily withstand them or completely avoid them.

Now what would happen if a normal human on a row boat sets off a wave?

Well a few waves will come crashing on them, Sinking their boat alongside them.

That's what Max Caulfield is, A blind person trying to navigate a stormy sea while on a row boat.

Max had set off a wave by saving Chloe from being killed by Nathan Prescott.

Fate would try to correct itself Which is shown by all the times Chloe ends up dying with max having to reverse time to save her.

A bullet she shoots at a car in the junkyard ricochets and hits her, She gets her foot stuck only a few hours later in a train track and gets run over by a train. She then gets shot in the head just a few days later by Mark Jefferson.

Max interferes with fate time and time again. That results in Birds dying in the droves, Half a dozen whales getting beached at the same time, Snow in October, Two fucking moons and eventually a monster tornado that wipes out arcadia bay.

The only reason she herself manages to survive is because she can literally control time.

 "I hope it's famous rather than infamous", I said the same words I did before as I removed my mask.

Max managed to keep eye contact with me without puking this time. What a tough cookie.

Though it seems she takes it as way more of a challenge as she hasn't broken eye contact with me and it's starting to get awkward.

But I won't avert my gaze first, In the wild, Eye contact means a challenge, The first to break eye contact is the weaker party. I am D I won't lose to a bug, Even if that bug can rewind time.

The longer the eye contact between us persisted, The paler Max grew and the more her breathing started to become irregular as it hitched often.

After a minute, Max finally cracked as she averted her gaze, Looking down at her plate.

"Wow, Max that was a pretty intense staring contest", Chloe joked.

"Commendable effort, But I won", I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Pfft, Max can kick your ass, She's just tired", Chloe said in her attempt to defend Max's honor. Well that was at least some of her reason, She mostly just wanted a reason to antagonize me.

"Nope, No competition, I could keep my eyes open forever if I wanted to, Granted I would go blind, But I would still win", I said as I grabbed Max's plate and brought it closer to me. I felt hungry.

"Not if I poke your eyes out first", Chloe said with malice in her tone.

I stared at her for a few seconds.

"Seeing as you are a fellow 'blue hair gang" member I'll let your blatant disrespect slide just this once", I said as I took a bite of the omelette on the plate that I snagged from Max as a show of dominance.

Chloe grabbed my coffee cup and went to spill it on me, I seized the cup from her hands and pinned her down.

I then held her left eye open forcefully and poured the hot coffee directly on her eye. Burning it and her face along with it.

"Aaaaahhhhh", She shrieked at the top of her lungs.

Before I could finish giving her the Zuko treatment, Time was reversed again as I found myself reaching out for Max's plate again.

i didn't drag it towards me like last time however. This little game was starting to get uninteresting, And I was too sleepy to play.

I looked up at Max who was staring at me with full focus.


'Why did he stop?', Max questioned in her head anxiously.

"Could you please stop doing that? It's getting annoying", I said while looking at her in the eyes, Her pupils dilated.


"I don't know what you're talking about", She said as she averted her gaze subconsciously.


"So you didn't reverse time when I curb stomped the kid in the red truck or when I threw the barista out the window or when you puked your guts out or just right now when I gave your girlfriend's eye a nice hot drink", I said.


"I uh I don't-", She tried to stammer a response while in her stunned state of disbelief.


"Don't worry about it too much, Max", I said as I dragged over the plate and stole the cutlery too.


"I know more than 150,000 people with powers just like you, You're rare but nothing I haven't seen before.", I said calmly as I took a bite from the omelette.


"Wow, I mean....", She seemed lost for words as she opened her mouth and closed it repeatedly like a fish.


"Max, What is she talking about? She killed mom and you reversed time?", Chloe seemed angry as she looked at me.


"Then why are we sitting here with her?", Chloe asked as she turned her angry stare towards Max.

'And 70', I thought as I grabbed my scythe with extreme speed and used it to cut Max's head in half along with her booth before she or anyone could react.

She died so fast that by the time her brain received the information that I moved she was dead.

I immediately used my ability to absorb Max. In just a single second I experienced the entire 18 years of Max's life.

From her birth to her death nothing was ommitted, I lived every moment of her life. From the most important to the most trivial.

Experiencing an entire 18 years of life in a single second along with my extremely sleep deprived state made for the mother of all disconnects.

Have you ever slept so deeply that you forgot who you were for a few seconds after you woke up?

Imagine that but a few thousand times worse.

I only managed to remember that my other name was D instead of Max Caulfield when I felt an impact on the side of my head.

I looked to the side to see Chloe with her gun pointed at me with smoke coming from the barrel.

When I looked at Chloe I felt warm and happy inside, A sense of familiarity, Trust, Nostalgia and affection washed over me.

This is what Max feels when she sees Chloe, D only felt like this towards a single person in his entire life making me remember a plethora of memories. About a woman D would never forget called Eva.

Now Three options have been presented to me on how I can respond to the feelings I felt for Chloe at this moment.

Option one: Hug Chloe.

Option two: Kiss Chloe.

Option three: Kill Chloe.

Without hesitation I immediately used my scythe to cut Chloe in half. Who am I kidding there was no choice, As soon as I realized that what I felt for Chloe was similar to what I felt towards Eva, Something inside me immediately kicked in not leaving me any choice but to kill her.

D no, I vowed to always kill love for power no matter how many times I needed to and no matter how much I feared that my life would feel empty after killing said love.

Anything that can slow me down should be cut off or transformed into something that will help me speed up.

I took a deep breath. The world suppression was completely gone, The air felt very refreshing, Helping me sober up.

I stared absorbing MA energy from around me, I was finally able to restore my drained Mana pool.

The world suppression had made it previously impossible to replenish my MA energy, But now doing so took almost no effort.

Being at my full power felt almost as good as slaughtering all the people in the diner and eating them, Almost.

My D side loved doing it, While my Max's side absolutely abhorred it, Which made my other side enjoy it even more.

Self sadism? Wait isn't that masochism? Welp, Guess we learn new things each day.

Once I was done with my snack and had fully recovered my MA energy I decided to do a bit of experimenting, I still felt the mother of all disconnects and just wanted to sleep for a few centuries but this was extremely important.

I sat back in my seat uncaring of the blood on it and reversed time back to the moment before I reached out to grab Max's plate.


welp, That's the end of it, Next chapter will be experimenting on the new powers and probably the last chapter in this world, I know a lot of people don't like this world cuz it's boring and Shiz but don't worry, Next world is avatar the last cock bender- I mean air bender!

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