Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Ultimate redo button part 3

[3535 words] Jesus fuck. This bitch took me an hour to proof read and edit.

This chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



[A/N: This is the last chapter in this world, NEXT WORLD IS AVATAR]

"Wow Max, That was a pretty intense staring contest", Chloe made the same joke again.

 "Yep, Guess you should call me the new arcadia bay staring champion", I said jokingly with a smile.

"Yeah right, If you wanna get the title you'll have to beat the staring queen herself!", Chloe joked in mock haughtiness as she turned to face me with a confident smile.

'Oop, Looks like she doesn't hate me anymore, Well that's expected after all there's no more world suppression.', I thought.

I couldn't see any more hatred or hostility from Chloe's eyes.

"Oh? You're approaching me? Even though your friend Max stood no chance against me.", I said to Chloe dramaticaly as our staring contest started.

"I can't stare you down without getting closer", Chloe said as our faces got closer.

"Then get as close as you like", I said without breaking eye contact with her as our faces got closer until they were only a couple of inches from each other.

Feeling her soft breath on my face made me have butterflies in my stomach but i wasn't going to give even an inch. A higher being like myself can't lose to a lower being just because of a few feelings.

Our intense staring contest lasted for only 50 seconds before it was interrupted by a shout from a familiar mechanical voice that came out of my phone.

<Nuclear bomb incoming! Get as far away as possible!>, GLaDOS shouted from my phone.

As soon as I heard her I stopped time. The world became gray and everything ceased moving, Even the air.

'Why is everything gray? Why can't I move? What's going on?', I heard Max's voice in my head and looked to my side.

She also wasn't moving and was also completely frozen in time though it seems like at least she's conscious.

'Well, She still has her powers it seems.', I thought as I grabbed my scythe, Got up and walked away.

Theoretically speaking it should be impossible for me to move, I mean even the most common speed formulas tell you that in order to move in stopped time one needs to have an infinite amount of speed.

Although I feel like I'm high on speed I definitely can't move at infinite speed. I also shouldn't be able to see since light is too slow.

I shouldn't be able to move due to the air resistance basically making an immovable wall, But I can move, see and breathe just fine, Infact I feel completely zero air resistance as if it doesn't exist at all.

This state of being in stopped time feels weird, I'm used to constantly hearing noise from everywhere. But now the only sound around is the one produced by my insides.

'Wait, Why is no one moving? Why can only she move? Why can't I rewind time? What is she planning? Wait what was that about a nuclear bomb?!', I listened to Max's thoughts as I walked out of the diner.

Hearing her voice and thoughts is slowly helping me get rid of my sense of disconnect and weed out all the Mad Max from my head.

Nothing against Max as a person but her personality isn't very good for my goals, D is far better, Although not perfect he's definitely more fit for the task of pursuing power and knowledge for all of eternity.

But damn all these new feelings are quite entertaining, As foreign as they are. I'm actually feeling bad for leaving Max to freak out by herself, I mean she's probably very scared, Not being able to move or even speak while there's a possible nuke heading your way has got to be scary.

'Damn pesky basic sense of empathy'

Looking up at the sky I spot a small object that would as tiny as a dot to a normal person. But I could see it in 4k with full detail.

A fucking nuke, And probably a really strong one falling straight towards the diner. 

'No nuke showed up last time, So why has it shown up this time? I doubt me having a staring contest with Chloe and making a Jojo reference would have such a drastic butterfly affect and in such a short time to boot.'

'Unless it's not a butterfly affect at all'. I thought as I let time resume it's flow.

The bomb Kept falling for a few moments before I stopped time again.

'Considering it's momentom, It should hit the diner in about 30 seconds from now. Exactly the time left before I killed Max in the previous timeline'.

'So, This is fate's hand at work. That's some serious black air force activity.'

'I first thought that it was a last "Fuck you" by the world consciousness but the world consciousness is too much of a pussy to try and do that. I mean all it's done is made a few animals attack me and made a few defective products known as the ability users go after me, No earth quakes, No tornados, No volcanic eruptions, No nothing.'

On a side note having powers is all fun and games until your soul origin starts to get damaged and you start losing control of your rapidly strengthening powers along with your sanity.

Humans have a pitifully low amount of MA energy, Max for example wouldn't even be able to reverse time for one 0.000001 seconds, Much less spam it like she does on the regular.

The reason she can reverse time at all is because the principals of time are deeply imbedded in her soul origin meaning all she has to do to mess with time is focus a bit.

This is a REALLY good deal as it means that she doesn't even need to consume any MA energy to use her power, But on the other hand extended or repeated use of her powers will lead to the complete and utter destruction of her soul at worse and a permanent crack in her soul origin at best.

In the end all the different powers of the ability users are just golden nooses slowly tightening around their necks.

But they are a jackpot for someone like me, I managed to snag the principal of time, Principal not law, Principals are far higher than laws.

Each world has its own laws and principals, If the world is a brick house then each law is a brick while each support beam is a principal.

Me managing to snag the principal of time is probably the best thing that will ever happen to me PERIOD. You have no conception of how much I lucked out.

I shouldn't be able to get my hands on even a single law But BAM I managed to get a principal, And not just any principal, I got the principal of time bitch, It's like suddenly waking up and finding out you can control Mars.

That means I currently have this world by the balls. I can mess with time as much as I want, The only sealing is the strength of my own soul origin.

And as is currently being demonstrated by my ease in stopping time, My soul origin is pretty strong. After all I've lived for more than 56 years and I've seen the full life of three other beings. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm pretty mentally stable. 

Although my moral compass, Priorities and what I consider fun and entertaining is admittedly a bit different. You can say that I'm stable in my instability.

'Welp time to have a dick measuring contest with fate itself', I thought as I walked back inside the diner. 

I found Max in a position that was half standing up from her booth as she was grabbing Chloe who was wearing a bewildered look on her face.

I loosened up Max's fingers which were holding on to Chloe.

'No no no no! Stop!', Max screamed in both our heads.

"Don't touch me!', She shouted as she slapped away my hand, She surprisingly managed to move.

I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up, She kicked and punched at me but I didn't budge. It took her around 2 minutes before she was frozen in time again after getting a mad nosebleed.

Looks like moving in stopped time for two minutes damaged her soul. The reason why she had a nosebleed is because the brain is the relay point between the soul and the brain if the soul gets damaged so will the brain.

The brain is the most important organ, As soon as it stops functioning the soul gets separated from the body, Usually also getting knocked out cold in the process due to shock.

Even I'm not immune to this. If my brain gets destroyed I wouldn't be able to move until it regenerates, Although my soul wouldn't get knocked out I wouldn't be able to control my body anymore, The brain is the only relay point in the human body.

Trying to move your body without a relay point would be like grabbing someone's disembodied arm and trying to use it to do your taxes, It just won't be as good as using your own arm.

I held the frozen Max under my arm like a handbag and walked away when is suddenly felt a tugging at my heart.

I really wanted to bring Chloe and the other people along so that they don't have to die but doing so wouldn't benefit me so I just ignored the tightening in my chest as I walked away.

I didn't undo the stopped time until I had gotten 20 miles away, I was starting to feel a mild headache so I decided to stop.

<Detected instantaneous switch in coordinates, Caution is highly recommend, Searching for possible cause behind the switch of coordinates>, GLaDOS's voice rang again, Well I did basically teleport. That probably set off some alarms in her head.

"Stop. That was my doing", I said, Making GLaDOS stop her search.

20 second later a large fireball followed by a large mushroom cloud and a shockwave.

"Chloe! No!", Max screamed hysterically.

"Care to explain? GLaDOS", I said.

<#182 The neckbeard who can talk to machines, Found out your position and sent a plane with a nuke onboard to get rid of you, I hijacked the plane taking control of it so that your date wouldn't get interrupted but due to a series of extremely unlikely mishaps the nuke ended up falling on the diner you were sitting in anyway>, GLaDOS explained.

"well-", I was about to answer when I heard something, I heard the sound of something gigantic heading in my direction at a fuck ton of speed and it was coming from above.

I looked up just to see the clouds above me split to reveal a gigantic flaming meteorite so large that it occupied my entire field of vision falling down towards me.

<You leave the desert for not even half an hour and a mass extinction event happens>, GLaDOS said in a flat mocking tone.

"How the fuck weren't you able to detect that", I asked in a flat voice as I pointed at the meteorite that was getting bigger by the second.

<I can't even explain that one, All the satalites and observatories on the planet must go down for years for that to happen without anyone seeing it coming>, GLaDOS said, Even though she was about to die she talked casually.

If this thing lands on us she will die, Although she can roam any part of the internet she wants, She can never upload herself anywhere, She's stuck inside my phone.

If my phone gets destroyed she dies.

'Huh, So this is what it feels like to have a mass extinction event drop on you all of a sudden, In hindsight I'm a menace', I thought.

I doubted that I could survive this so I reversed time back to before I was teleported by GLaDOS into arcadia bay using a portal.

<Detected instantaneous switch in coordinates, Caution is highly recommend, Searching for possible cause behind the switch of coordinates>, The same alert from before rang again.

"Yeah yeah yeah, Don't worry about it. Open a portal with a clear shot at Max Caulfield", I said.

<How do you know about that? It was supposed to be reported only next month>, GLaDOS asked suspiciously while opening a portal with a clear shot at Max's head anyway.

I brought out one of my Kagune tentacles, It Hardened and thickened and multiple sharp spikes grew all over it.

This is my Kakuja, A tougher version of my Kagune with numerous spikes on it that can also be fired off as projectiles.

Two spikes shot out through the portal at blinding speeds smashing through the glass of the diner window and penetrating both the heads of Max and Chloe.

Their bodies instantly buckled and fell face first onto the table.

Like puppets that had their strings cut.

(A/N: This is the most realistic description of death. People just go limp.

The exact moment when a person dies can almost never be pinpointed even in clear cases where someone shoots themselves in the head. 

I personally find the transition between living and death always so jarring, I mean the contrast between someone being alive and being dead, Limp, Without any movement is always so unbelievable. 

The Moment when someone goes from being someone to something is always so sudden even if you see it coming from a mile away.....

Can you tell that I watched more than a dozen videos of people dying very graphically and brutally cuz I wanted to learn how to write realistic deaths.

I watched people get blended by trains, Mall massacres, Cartel executions, Suicides, People burning alive, The entirety of Three guys one hammer. 

You can't really understand what real death looks like through reading it or watching it in movies, No matter how well done or realistic, It's never like seeing the raw real thing........really fascinating........

And no, Before you ask I'm not sharing the sauce to the vids, I don't wanna go to jail)

They were born into this world, Loved by some people, Hated by others, They had dreams and expectations for the future.

Throughout their lives they had countless thoughts, Taken billions of breaths, Years of living, All of it gone just like that. By the hands of someone insignificant in their lives.

Every time I see it happen I can't help but feel.......ABSOLUTELY EUPHORIC!

<......So you had me stalk a girl for you like a creep for 5 years straight just so that you can snipe her?>, GLaDOS said, Her voice sounded more mechanical and cold than usual.

"Don't worry about it, You did a good job, Anyway open a portal to your place I wanna go to sleep", I said after a yawn.

A portal opened Infront of me soon after and I stepped through it, Entering GLaDOS's Lab.

I was teleported into a large empty room, Nothing decorated the plain white walls or floors, The room was well lit by the sealing lamps, The only exit was in the form of a metal door behind me.

Facing me was the only thing in the room, A man hanging on the wall with all sorts of wires and tubes hooked up to his body, Two lit up screens were placed Infront of him.

As soon as they turned off the portal that I stepped through closed.

"I take it that's the guy behind Le portals", I said as I stared at his vacant expression.

<Yep, I got lucky to find him, He almost never used his ability, Apparently because it split someone in half the first time he used it>, GLaDOS replied.

"So those screens show him where to open portals", I assumed.

<Yep, He can only open portals in places he can see, He was hard to train but nothing a few weeks of brain washing and torture can't fix>, GLaDOS Said.

"Well I would love to hear about it later but I really have to go to sleep", I said while stretching my arms.

<Right, Let me take you there>, GLaDOS said and the floor tile under me started moving and taking me out of the room and through the hallways where I saw a bunch of androids walking around. A few minutes later I ended up in a large room with a luxurious queen sized white bed, Three beautiful naked women were laying on it.

"Marry, Unicorn pajamas", I said as I rested my scythe on the wall.

My clothes turned into a white unicorn onesie as I jumped into bed while ignoring the women, I instantly fell asleep.

I didn't remember dreaming about anything that night.

I woke up an unknown amount of time later finding myself in darkness while laying on my soft bed.

I clapped my hands and the lights turned on.

<Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border?>, GLaDOS said.

"Ugh, How long was I asleep", I groggily asked, Surprisingly I wasn't feeling any disconnect, I thought it would last for at least a few days, But I'm not complaining, Having a basic sense of empathy feels tiring, Do people really feel like that all the time?

<762 hours>, GLaDOS replied.

"Damn, That's gotta be a world record", I said as I got out of bed, I felt bloated from all the sleeping.

The tile under me started moving and soon took me to a dinning room where I was greeted with all sorts of lavish dishes, All of them had meat, But not just any meat, It was human meat, The best kind of meat in my not so humble opinion.

I was about to dig in when I remembered something.

"By the way GLaDOS, You've been doing a good job lately so I'll give you a reward, You can build yourself a body you like, Use any resources you need, You can also upload your consciousness into it", I said while grabbing a sparkling golden knife and fork.

<Well this is quite the unexpected surprise, But a welcome one, Thank you>, GLaDOS said, She spoke nonchalantly like she didn't care but I knew that she was happy, I made her after all.

Now that I gave her a reward her mind won't be able to help but fantasize about what sort of rewards she might get in the future, Maybe just maybe she might be able to get her freedom.

I want her to bear though her suffering while hoping for a brighter future, Pure suffering without hope is flavorless.

I decided to live in the facility for my remaining time in this world. I captured and enslaved ability users on mass so that GLaDOS and I could use them for our experiments. By the third year all the ability users had been captured with most of them diced up.

We discovered many things about all sorts of abilities, Types of effects on ability users due to different drugs; Some drugs were able to make them completely incapable of ever using their abilities again while some made their abilities reach their full power which would kill the immediate no matter how weak their ability was and regardless of it's type.

We also found out that abilities could be transferred, Sadly I couldn't gain any new ones as that would definitely shatter my soul into tiny pieces.

GLaDOS also managed to create a snazzy body for herself that looked like an extremely pale skinned woman with white hair and orange eyes.

(GLaDOS body image)

But do not let her looks fool you, She's probably more deadly than I am if I don't use my time abilities , I can't make people disintegrate by just looking at them.

It was finally time for me to leave this world

GLaDOS and I watched as her lab blew up due to the antimatter bomb we left there, our research results belong to us, There not for other people to find, I would hate it if a civilization managed to advance due to my work.

I clushed my scythe as I transformed into a giant spider with a human torso and released my Kakuja, This is basically my most powerful form, I am about to cross into an unknown world so it's best to be prepared.

GLaDOS got on my back and hugged my torso from behind with one arm while holding what looked like an assault rifle in her left.

With that I activated my ability as we disappeared from this world, The only mark on it left by us being the antimatter bomb explosion among a long list of war crimes and atrocities we committed, But you can't commit war crimes if there's no war so we're basically innocent, Yep like newborn babies.


Welp that's the end of it, Big boy chapter. Hope you read it all.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.