Demon Dragon

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Occasionally, Jin Lin remembers the little girl named Yuner.

Although I was forced by the situation to survive at the time, I lied after all. He promised not to tell others that he had seen her and her big brother, but he told Hu Huahua and Hei Xiong that they were hiding nearby. Every time I think of this, Jin Lin always feels a little guilty in his heart.

Maybe at that time, I didn’t want to harm them, I didn’t want to lie, I just wanted to make a decision for myself, I wanted to completely cut off the relationship with human beings, and really treat myself as a demon. ? But why after so long, I still can’t see it?

“I hate you!”

Yun’er’s voice was thought of in Jin Lin’s mind again. Yes, you should hate me. Yun’er, you are a cute girl who can’t bear to hurt even a demon, but Jin Lin big brother, I, hurt your pure heart. I don’t know, how will you be in a few years? Can you still be so innocent?

Forget it, what are you thinking about… She is a human, I am a demon, our lives are just two independent straight lines, and the trajectories of our respective destiny intersect at this moment. However, this crossover may be the only time in this life.

I’m a monster, I’m not supposed to be sentimental, Jin Lin laughed at himself. Or go to cultivation, only in cultivation, will you forget these chaotic thoughts.

Days go by, and in the blink of an eye, autumn and winter come.

There have been several cultivators on Chixia Island these days, but the Monster Palace is not what it used to be. Jin Lin has set up sentries in the area controlled by the group of Monster Palaces. Once they find out that there are cultivators who want to hunt down Monster Race, they will inform them immediately. The group of Monster Palaces will immediately send powerful monster cultivators to stop the cultivators. . Under this mechanism, it is difficult for the cultivator to obtain any benefits.

Of course, a particularly powerful cultivator, such as those who return to the virtual period, is not something that the Monster Palace people can handle, but they can delay it for a while. At this time, Jin Lin invited “Zhang Idiot” to scare people with his Divine Sense, which was so powerful. After all, Zhang Baichi is the cultivation base of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and he has resisted eight heavenly thunders, only the last heavenly thunder failed, and his strength is indeed far more than the cultivator in the recovery period. Often he sends out a Divine Sense, and those cultivators run away.

Of course Zhang Baichi doesn’t do things so well, but Jin Lin has a hundred ways to play with him. Besides, Jin Lin really asked Zhang Baichi to drive away the cultivator, and Zhang Baichi of course thought that the cultivator would definitely come to kill Jin Lin. This is his future fleshy body, and of course he has to protect it.

So, these days, except for a few monster cultivators who were wounded by the cultivator, within the control area of the group of Monster Palaces, nothing was killed or captured. This brings huge support to the group Monster Palace.

When did Monster Race meet, an organization that would protect them? Monster Race has always been world-wise and play safe, even if there is a collective concept, it is mostly a family concept.

It can be said that this is a huge change. And the monsters in the Monster Palace group, at first, didn’t understand this practice, and even resisted a little, thinking it was too troublesome and tiring. They were only passively taking orders, but gradually, they found that the attitude of those ordinary, especially weak Monster Races towards the group Monster Palace had fundamentally changed. From the indifference and even some hostility in the Ao Lie era, to the current enthusiasm. Without even needing them to collect, some Monster Races took the initiative to send the food and treasures they got to the Monster Palace.

The monsters of the Monster Palace realized that Jin Lin really thought about the Monster Race, and he was a very wise boss. However, he is only seventeen years old!

Azure Wolf didn’t understand Jin Lin’s approach either, but he had already made up his mind to arrange Jin Lin’s flattery, so Azure Wolf followed suit and copied it in the “Group Monster Palace Qingfengzhai Branch” Jin Lin’s set, although not in place and somewhat unsatisfactory, still achieved some results.

As for the other forces on Chixia Island, it is completely different.

Perhaps the cultivator discovered it, the monsters in the south of Chixia Island seem to be particularly powerful, and there is an extremely terrifying old monster that may even have succeeded in Transcending Tribulation, so the cultivators in the south are coming more and more. less. And the cultivators have also discovered that the old monster simply does not want to leave a very far range, and he will never go to the northern area.

Therefore, some timid cultivators simply do not dare to come to Chixia Island. And the very courageous part did not dare to come to the south of Chixia Island, but specifically chose the north to start.

The contrast is very obvious at once. Monster Races from other places have migrated to the southern group of Monster Palace to seek shelter.

The leaders, bosses or kings of other forces really have unspeakable bitter suffering. Although their own territory has not become smaller, the number of demons they really control is less, and the treasure of tribute is also not enough. And what’s even worse is that the younger brothers have begun to have other thoughts.

But these leaders, ah, etc., dare not fight the idea of grouping Monster Palace, because everyone already knows that there is a “Great Ascension Realm expert” in the group Monster Palace.

Chixia Island is a huge island, with several hundred li in circumference, among which there are countless birds and beasts whose spiritual wisdom has not yet been opened and are still in the wild beast state. There are tens of thousands of monster cultivators, and there are seven or eight large and small forces, but it is clear that the Monster Palace is the best mixed group, followed by the Qingfeng Village, and there are rumors that the recent Qingfeng Zhai has applied to be officially merged into the group Monster Palace, and even the title of independent helm is not needed. Because Azure Wolf wants to learn the way of Jin Lin, but he really can’t learn it. He has been confused by the bits and pieces. He is a monster, how can he understand those things? So Azure Wolf figured it out. It’s not bad to be the king of the mountain. It’s not bad to go to the Monster Palace to be the leader. Anyway, it’s good to follow Jin Lin.

And then there was a small force that couldn’t last, and actively asked to accept the jurisdiction of the group Monster Palace, but Jin Lin actually said, don’t want them. However, Jin Lin also gave them a period of investigation, saying that if you can meet my requirements during this time, the Monster Palace will accept you.

Anyone who doesn’t want a site and doesn’t want a younger brother? This news is really amazing. Everyone is asking, what exactly does Jin Lin want?

The answer is very simple, there is only one sentence: protect the Monster Race under its jurisdiction and not bully the weak.

This sentence is very simple, but it is very difficult to do. Several cottage bosses who heard this answer each shook the head…

A subsequent incident caused a shock in the entire Monster Race of Chixia Island.

An overseas cultivation small Sect Iron Sword Sect, because the Disciple in his Sect was damaged in Chixia Island, actually gathered the Sect people to take revenge. Of course, this cultivation sect has long known that the demons of Chixia Island are also divided into several forces. As long as they don’t provoke other forces and only target one of them, they are still confident.

The attacked place is called Chiyan Ridge, which is a rocky stone mountain area in the north of Chixia Mountain, the main peak of Chixia Island. It is also near the northern coast, because there are many red rocks. name. Chiyanling was attacked by the Iron Sword Sect and couldn’t support it at all. In desperation, he had to go to several nearby Monster Race forces for help, but those forces were worldly-wise and play safe, and none of them were willing to rescue.

When the demon who escaped from Chiyanling, finally without any hope, ran to the group of Monster Palace in the south to ask for help, Jin Lin said simply, “I will save you” .

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