Demon Dragon

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The subordinates still don’t understand why they do such a thankless task, but Jin Lin’s prestige has changed.

Black Horn’s words best represent everyone’s thoughts: “Boss, I don’t understand what you are saying, but what the boss asks me to do, I will do it well!”

One of the best To the north, one of the southernmost ones, the group of Monster Palaces is almost full of elites, and all the Monster Races above the Core Formation Realm that already have the ability to fly have been dispatched. They traversed the distance of several hundred li across the entire Cabernet Island, and went to the aid of a Monster Race force that had nothing to do with them.

Grandiose’s Monster Race army took a few hours to fly over Chixia Mountain, over Chixia Island, and arrived at Chiyan Ridge in the north. The other Monster Race forces along the way were stunned. No one could have imagined that in less than a year, the group Monster Palace actually had so many monster cultivators above the Core Formation Realm!

At this point, more than half of the Chiyanling Monster Race had been killed or injured, and the Iron Sword Sect was about to win. But, they have no chance to win anymore, because Jin Lin and his brethren are here!

The army that came to the rescue can almost be described as covering the heavens, shielding the sun. The Iron Sword Sect didn’t want to fight when he saw this scene, and fled in a hurry after dropping a few corpses.

In this battle, Chiyanling suffered heavy losses; in this battle, the Monster Palace was killed.

After winning, Jin Lin didn’t ask for any favors, and directly ordered all his subordinates to evacuate. The site of Chiyanling still let them make their own decisions.

This practice is still incomprehensible, and once again surprised some Monster Race bigwigs to the point of dropping their jaws.

But on the second day, the boss of the Monster Race from Chiyanling came to the Monster Palace in person and made three bows and bows, saying that he would lead the crowd to join the Monster Palace and follow Jin Lin to the death.

Served! Completely convinced.

On the third day, two stockades took the initiative to surrender, but Jin Lin didn’t accept it, he only left a sentence for them: “When you think about it clearly, you can really do everything and listen to me. Yes, I will accept you.” And Jin Lin publicly announced that if he wants to join the Monster Palace group, he must obey the order completely, otherwise he will not accept it.

Of course, there are some power bosses who are definitely unwilling, but they can’t even control their own subordinates. The island found a place to be an ordinary monster cultivator.

A year later, all the forces of Chixia Island have joined the Monster Palace. And for those monster cultivators who really couldn’t obey the orders, Jin Lin didn’t embarrass them, just let them stay in Chixia Island, cultivation with peace of mind, and be an ordinary monster.

The demons of Chixia Island are finally completely unified. Jin Lin is regarded as the master of the demons!

This year, Jin Lin was eighteen years old.

In the past year, Jin Lin hasn’t let up for a moment. Having been in this world for so long, he has long understood that his own strength is the real foundation of his foothold. Jin Lin has reached the late stage of Core Formation, and among his monster cultivators, one has reached the Early-Stage, and there are more than a dozen Primordial Spirit Realm. But no monster cultivator dared to underestimate his late Core Formation.

Not entirely because he has a mysterious and unpredictable “friend”, but also because of Jin Lin himself.

One unimaginable rule after another is so unbelievable in Monster Race’s view, there are some rules, even at first thought that it is impossible to achieve. But Jin Lin announced it and executed it.

For example, there is a controversial rule: all monster cultivators in Cabernet Island cannot kill the monster race that has been opened by spiritual wisdom.

The unopened wild beast of spiritual wisdom, if you want to kill it, I don’t care. Because wolves eat rabbits to survive, this is Heavenly Dao, Jin Lin dare not interfere with Heavenly Dao.

However, if the rabbit spiritual wisdom has been opened, cultivation has started, and the monster cultivator has entered the stage, then Monster Wolf, including any other monsters, cannot kill this rabbit monster.

Jin Lin completely distinguishes between monsters and beasts. This is because of his own selfishness. In his heart, he has never been able to match himself with wild beast. After all, demons have spiritual wisdom, and those who possess wisdom are no longer wild beasts. Jin Lin did this, perhaps to comfort himself, he still couldn’t forget his identity as a human.

This rule is indeed inconsistent with the survival status of Monster Race for thousands of years. Weak are prey to the strong has long become a habit.

“I don’t want to change either, and I can’t change the entire world now, but the demon of Chixia Island, you must do this for me, or please leave Chixia Island.” This is Jin Lin’s rules, he now has the confidence to say so.

In fact, the demons who want to understand can understand Jin Lin’s rules. Because it does not violate Heavenly Dao and does not hinder the survival of wild beast. The demons who have already started cultivation lack the way to increase the cultivation base by devouring the inner core of other demons, but in exchange for the improvement of the overall strength of Chixia Island, they also exchange for their own safety, which is very beneficial to their cultivation. .

So, it’s not very difficult to accept that.

The situation on Cabernet Island, with Heaven and Earth turning upside down, everything seems to be moving towards a better direction.

But Jin Lin’s heart, there is a trace of unease, because this time they defeated a cultivation sect.

Although the Iron Sword Sect is not a Great Sect, it is a well-known cultivation sect after all, which is completely different from the cultivation loose cultivator that they usually come to. The world of cultivators can tolerate a few weak cultivators being killed by demons, and they can only blame themselves. But they absolutely cannot tolerate that a cultivation sect is defeated by the demon forces, because it means that the majesty of the cultivation sect has been challenged.

It’s been a year since Iron Sword Sect’s defeat, and they haven’t come back for revenge this year.

But it was because of the quiet year that Jin Lin was even more uneasy. Before the rainstorm came, it was always very calm. When the cultivator comes again, it will definitely not be on the same scale as before.

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