Demon God

Chapter 141: Calm

"This is the moment that you would have to work hard for it." Lionel said as he looked at Desire.

Of course, Desire was able to hear all those words with his ears. And he became...a little bit shocked.

Although Desire knew that he would have to work hard for it, he didn't expect that there would be another person involved in it.

What's more, the other person...looked like to be a human.

Desire has not met a lot of humans. In fact, he just met Grizelle and the other guy.

However, Grizelle...was able to mesmerize Desire. That was why nothing much happened to Desire's...emotions.

Desire also met another person, but he wasn't sure if that person was a human or not.

Desire doesn't have a lot of experience in meeting humans, and that was for sure.

Now...a completely different human was here right in front of Desire?

Desire didn't know how to react to it, and he didn't know what to feel about it.

Although Desire has gotten way, way better at controlling his emotions, Desire was still not confident in meeting...another human.

That was why Desire was preventing himself from looking at the human once more.

However, it seems that it was not his choice to make as Aimon spoke out loud.

"This little bastard...he got no respect for other people, does he? Why isn't he saying anything?"

"Are you sure you raised him right?"

Aimon then walked towards Lionel and stopped right beside him. And that was why Desire...could see him right now.

After all, Desire was looking at Lionel.

And as soon as Desire saw...the old man, who was full of wrinkles, Desire felt nothing.

He felt nothing at all. It was so strange that Desire was shaken up to his core!

After all, a human was able to raise a ruckus in Desire's emotions. Monsters could make a ruckus in Desire's emotions.

However, why is it...this man did nothing to Desire's emotions?

It was as if the old man was just nothing for Desire!

'This is...getting weirder and weirder by the day.' Desire thought as he looked at Aimon.

However, it's not like Desire has the time to be shaken up. If this old man did nothing to Desire's emotions, then all is well.

After all, that was what Desire has trained hard for the past year! It was all to control his emotions better.

'Although I don't know if it's because I have gotten better or not, this result is satisfactory.'

What Desire thought was right. Desire might just be new to this...not feeling anything when meeting a new person.

Although Desire wasn't sure, Desire suspects that this was the result that he yearned for a year ago.

This moment was the time Desire was able to eat the sweet fruit that he planted a year ago.

'Right, nothing is wrong.' Desire thought as he shook his head.

He then got a hold of himself as he strengthened his resolve.

Although so many things happened ever since he woke up, Desire's goal was still the same.

And that was to get stronger.

"I'm sorry for not greeting you, my name is Desire." Desire said as he took a bow at Aimon.

He then raised his head and looked at Lionel as he tilted his head.

"Master, what do you mean this person would help me in being able to wield all three styles?"

Of course, when Lionel heard that, he quickly spoke so that no one would misunderstand anything.

"First of all, have you completed your foundation?"

"I think the system will say something like 'you completed your foundation' or something like that."

Desire nodded his head as he did receive something like that. Desire then remembered that his system was the Unknown now, and that was why he put his guards up.

After all, he didn't want anyone to know about Unknown, even his master.

The very first thing he learned ever since he met Jarina was to keep his own secrets.

If he couldn't even do that, Desire won't be able to live in a society.

That was why Desire was...ready now for any questions Lionel might have regarding the system or whatnot.

However, it seems that Desire didn't have to do that anymore as Lionel spoke.

"Good. I told you before that humans don't know much about the body foundation."

"The humans have no way to identify one's body foundation, and all we know is how to upgrade it."

"Of course, even if we do upgrade it, we have no way of telling what we did upgrade."

"The reason why we don't know much is also partially because of the system."

"The system doesn't tell humans about what kind of body foundation one got, or what grade."

"It just literally says one got a foundation."

"I think you understand now how the system isn't really that accurate."

"There are many more inconsistencies that the system has, but we won't tackle that part anymore."

"After all, I and even Aimon are here to make you stronger, not to make you learn about the system."

Lionel then turned around as he urged the other two to follow him.

"Let's go, we would go to the center of this forest so that we could start the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles."

Lionel then disappeared together with Desire as Lionel grabbed Desire's nape without him even noticing it.

And the one who was left behind, Aimon...was tilting his head.

After all, The way Lionel acted just now...Aimon was not used to it.

"That cat...why is he rushing things?"

After all, Lionel seems to be in a rush.

He wasn't explaining things thoroughly, and he wasn't giving enough insights into how the system works.

Although there wasn't anything wrong with what Lionel said, for Aimon who had a disciple before, Lionel's teaching was immature.

"Ah, I guess this is his first time teaching someone. And it fits his personality, too...however..."

I can't help but think that he is rushing his disciple's training.

Aimon thought as his left eye turned sharp.

'Does that bastard...plan to do something in the near future?'

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