Demon God

Chapter 142: Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles

It didn't take long for Lionel and Desire to reach the Lion's forest as Lionel was fast. He wasn't a Conqueror for nothing.

Of course, Aimon was able to follow Lionel as he appeared right after Lionel appeared with Desire. It seems that Aimon decided to just let things go as he didn't know what was going on in Lionel's mind.

Besides, he could just ask Lionel himself if there were something wrong. After all, although they rarely met with each other, they were still friends and all.

Lionel would probably answer something so basic as why Lionel is rushing things.

Of course, that was just Aimon's thoughts, and his thoughts were disrupted as Lionel spoke as he put down Desire on the ground.

As Desire wasn't used to Lionel's strength, it took him quite a while to adjust and he stumbled on the ground as he fell.

"What? You fell just because of that? I should probably rough you up as soon as possible." Lionel said as he looked at Desire with quite an annoyed look.

After all, Desire fell on his butt just because Lionel moved his too fast. Of course, fast was an understatement, but it was reasonable.

Desire didn't have the tolerance, and he wasn't used to moving at a fast pace. It would be even weirder if he were able to take in Lionel's speed.

"Ahhh..." Desire murmured as he shook his head. As soon as he got a hold of himself, he stood up as he looked at his master.

Desire didn't speak at all as he just waited for instructions. However, the one to speak was not Lionel, but Aimon.

"Shall we start? Where would we do it? Just here?" Aimon said as he started walking with his hands behind his back.

He observed this place as he turned his head left and right, up and down, and as soon as he finished observing, Aimon was amazed.

After all, the place was just that superb, and it didn't have any traces of someone else stepping in here.

It was clear that no one else has come in here except for a very minimal number amount of people.

However, the real reason why Aimon was amazed was the very center of this place, there was something like a shrine.

It wasn't a real shrine, but it just had the feeling of one. It was also crafted with woods that Aimon could tell was a very special wood.

It didn't have any doors or rooms, and it was very small. It had stairs around it, and as soon as one climbs those stairs, there was space that one could probably rest on.

However, that space was very little as Desire is probably the only one who would be able to fit in there.

It was then that Lionel spoke as he urged Desire to follow him.

"That's right. Well, you would be doing it on top of this Healing Well."

"Although it is a Healing Well, it isn't really that good."

Right after saying those words, Lionel lifted Desire up as he put him on top of the Healing Well.

Of course, Desire didn't really put up a fight or resist as he knew that this was for him. And as soon as he was on top of the Healing Well, Lionel spoke to him.

"This is the Healing Well. I've said before that this process is extremely hard and that is because it is painful."

"Some of the pain would be relieved by the Healing Well, but all of it won't be gone."

"You would be forced to feel it all even if you pass out, so just endure it."

"Got it?"

And when Desire heard those words, he just nodded his head. Desire has already resolved himself for this when he agreed to do it.

Although he didn't know that someone else would be doing it for him and not his master, it didn't really matter.

As long as Desire gets the desired result from this, he would be satisfied. After all, that was all that matters.

Of course, Lionel could see the fiery determination Desire had in those little blue eyes of his. That was why Lionel had a smile on his face.

After all, Aimon had already told Lionel what would happen in the brief moment they were together.

That was why he knew those things.

"Alright, just lie down on the ground face down." Lionel said as he instructed Desire.

Of course, Desire did as he was told, and it didn't take him long to do it.

And when Desire was done with that, Lionel looked back on Aimon. He then spoke as he nodded his head.

"Shall we?"

It was then that Aimon finally spoke as he waited for the master and disciple to finish doing their thing. He didn't want to interrupt them, after all.

"So, it's a Healing Well. You sure do spoil your disciple a lot." Aimon said as he shook his head while having a wide smile on his face.

After all, he didn't expect that Lionel would do so many things just for his disciple. It was definitely weird for Aimon who knew that Lionel would erupt in anger just by seeing another clan master's disciple.

Of course, he didn't plan to nitpick on that part, and that was why Aimon began the procedure.

His body...started to blur as mist came out of his body!

Aimon the Phantom Hands was turning into mist!

And it didn't take long for the Phantom Hands to completely disappear as mist replaced him in this place. Of course, Lionel didn't worry about the mist as he knew that was Aimon.

And as Lionel observed the mist very carefully, his eyes soon saw a radiant golden light shining in the middle of the mist.

It was strange how there was nothing like that before, but Lionel didn't think it so. After all, Lionel could see the radiant golden light surfacing from the mist!

And what Lionel saw...was two hands and in between each of those hands' fingers, there were 10 golden needles.

The 10 golden needles had an aura of reverence, and Lionel clearly knew what was the reason for that.

'Aurus Gold...this old bastard was hiding something like that?' Lionel thought as he saw Aimon move his hands and his body towards Desire.

Aurus Gold. It was a metal that was made by the Gods, but that was not enough to surprise Lionel. After all, Desire had the Krussi, and Krussi was composed of Aurus Gold.

The reason why Lionel was surprised by it was that Aimon...could probably use the Golden Needles. After all, he brought it out! There's no way Aimon would just bring something out, and not use it.

And the fact that Aimon could use something so articulate as a needle and the needle was created using Aurus Gold...that in itself was amazing.

Wielding an item made with Aurus Gold is something not many could achieve, and even some of the strong people cannot do it. That was why Lionel was surprised by it.

What's more, Aimon probably doesn't use the 10 golden needles that much. But the fact that he was using it for the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles means that Aimon was serious.

'I'll repay this favor, Aimon.' Lionel thought as he watched the mist gather around the Healing Well.

The mist wasn't really that thick or dangerous. In fact, the mist only looked like dust that rose up, and it would be easy for the wind to blow the mist away. Of course, that was not the case as Aimon was the mist.

However, it was the truth that the mist was looking so weak. It didn't look like it belongs to someone who is as strong as Aimon! And it seems that Aimon was thinking the same as he did something with the mist!

The mist started to spread out with the Healing Well as its center! The mist didn't stop even after a minute has passed, and it was only when the mist...started to dominate the air around the Lion's Forest did Aimon stop.

It seems that Lionel didn't care about that as he just watched it all with careful eyes. Of course, Lionel could still see Desire and the Healing Well.

It was then that Aimon's head suddenly formed on top of the mist. His hands that were roaming around with the mist as his arms were looking quite creepy. Of course, now that Aimon had his head out, Aimon truly looked bizarre!

What's more, Aimon's head and his hands weren't really that solid. In fact, they looked like a total blur even to Lionel's eyes. That was how much of a phantom Aimon was.

And with that kind of look, Aimon finally started as the mist started to attack Desire! The mist that was dominating the air around the Lion's Forest started to move towards the Healing Well to attack Desire!

Aimon then spoke out loud as his right eye started to shine!

"Ghost Needles!"

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