Demon God

Chapter 143: Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles II

"Ghost Needles!" Aimon shouted out loud as his face and hands floated down towards Desire.

His body, the mist, also floated down towards Desire as it attacked him!

The mist was just basically touching Desire's skin, but that was not the case at all.

The mist was entering every pore in Desire's body, and it was forcing its entrance!

And since the mist is Aimon himself, that means only one thing!

Aimon was currently forcing to enter Desire's body, and as if he was really used to doing this, the mist had no problems with entering Desire's pores!

And the man himself, Desire, didn't react to it at all. It was weird as his body was forcefully being opened up and all that.

However, it was reasonable for Desire not to react to this.

After all, Desire...was already knocked out!

The pain of having the mist enter his body is unimaginable! After all, the mist was basically tearing apart Desire's muscles and skin.

What's more, the mist that was entering his body was not little at all!

The mist once covered the whole Lion's Forest, and all that mist was cutting up Desire's muscles, skin, flesh, bones! Basically, the mist was cutting everything up!

However, that was not all that the mist was cutting! The mist was also cutting...Desire's life force!

And life force is literally Desire's life! If that runs out, Desire would be dead!

That was why Desire couldn't do anything and just straight up passed out from the pain.

Of course, it's not like Aimon's goal with this was to make Desire's life force run out and kill him.

That was definitely not the case as this was just the normal process for what he was about to do.

Right, Aimon has not even started the first step for the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles.

And that was because Aimon was looking for something as his right eye...was still closed, but it was clear that his Eye of Truth was shining.

'Hmm...Where the hell is his Spiritual Vein?' Aimon thought as his head moved up and down.

The reason why Desire was lying face flat was that the Spiritual Vein was located on the back of a human.

However, no matter how much Aimon looked at Desire's back with his left eye, Aimon couldn't see anything at all.

He couldn't see anything that could be described as the Spiritual Vein, and he also couldn't feel anything like it.

Although the Spiritual Vein is located on the back of a human, it isn't located at the same place for every human.

Some might have their Spiritual Vein on their very nape, and some might have their Spiritual Vein on their lower back.

That was why Aimon was having a hard time right now.

'Am I forced to use my Eye of Truth so early in the process?' Aimon thought as he considered opening his right eye.

Of course, as Aimon couldn't see it with his naked eye, he thought that his special eye would be able to solve the problem.

His special eye was the Eye of Truth. With such a special name, finding Desire's Spiritual Vein would be an easy task.

That was why he was thinking of opening his shining right eye right now, but he stopped himself.

After all, Aimon wouldn't be able to handle using his Eye of Truth for long.

He knew that this would take a long period of time, and that was why he didn't want to abuse it.

Aimon also didn't want to pass out while he was doing the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles on Desire.

That would just mean disaster for the both of them.

'However, how the hell am I supposed to find his Spiritual Vein without it...I'm already done with the preparation.'

The preparation that Aimon was thinking about was the mist entering Desire's body.

Although the mist was still floating in the air right now, it wasn't as thick as before.

It means that most of Aimon's mist was already inside Desire's body.

And Aimon needed to proceed to the next step as soon as possible, and that was why Aimon was actually having a hard time deciding right now.

Although not much time has passed, Aimon needed to find the Spiritual Vein.

After all, what Aimon was about to do was enter Desire's...'Spiritual World.'

And to do that, Aimon had to enter Desire's physical body and pierce open Desire's Spiritual Vein so he could enter Desire's Spiritual World.

One of the conditions, entering Desire's physical body, has been fulfilled.

Aimon now needed to pierce open Desire's Spiritual Vein, but since he couldn't find that Spritiual Vein, things...might go wrong.

'Damn...this is...'

Hard. Aimon thought as his eyelids on his right eye started to twitch.

Aimon decided that it would be better to use his Eye of Truth right now than mess things up right now.

After all, he was already inside. If he were to force things to stop now, Desire...might actually lose his life.

'I probably cut down half of his life force by entering. If I exited now, he would die.' Aimon thought as he brought his hands together.

Since Aimon already decided to use the Eye of Truth, it was only a matter of time until he finds the Spiritual Vein.

He wanted to get ready for that moment as Aimon didn't want to miss that moment.

"Awaken, my Eye of Truth!" Aimon said as his right eye opened.

Of course, the Eye of Truth was shining in the color of red! However, that was not all that was happening as the usual blood flowed down to Aimon's cheek.

Aimon didn't care about that, and he just went straight to look at Desire's back.

His left eye was closed so Aimon would be able to focus only on what his Eye of Truth was seeing.

However, when Aimon looked at Desire's back, the Eye of Truth that he was counting on...still saw nothing.

Right, Aimon couldn't see anything that could be described as the Spiritual Vein!

But that was not all that was happening as Aimon's vision was gone!

He couldn't see anything at all!

'What the?! Is the Eye of Truth not working?!' Aimon thought as he tried hard to open his left eye!

However, for some reason, Aimon...couldn't open his left eye at all.

It was as if Aimon's body was not his. And even though his Eye of Truth was open right now, Aimon...was like a blind man!

It was weird as Aimon was a man who could go toe to toe with a Conqueror!

However, the weird things that were happening didn't stop there at all.

And the next strange...bizarre, weird thing that happened to Aimon was that...he could feel his body move.

No, it was not his mist, which could be considered his body, but instead, he felt his hands move!

Of course, Aimon was not doing that, and that was why it was weird.

There's no way his body would just move without his consent! After all, Aimon's body was his own body! It was not someone else's!

'What the hell is going on?! I can't see, and my body is moving on its own?!' Aimon thought as he was literally confused.

After all, he couldn't do anything right now. It was only natural that he would be confused about what was happening.

However, things didn't stop there at all as Aimon felt something very familiar to him.

There was a familiar feeling near his hands, and Aimon knew very well what that feeling was.

'The Spiritual Vein!?' Aimon thought as he felt his hands move towards the Spiritual Vein!

Of course, his hands were using the 10 golden needles, the needles forged with metals made by the gods!

'Don't tell me...are my hands trying to pierce open the Spiritual Vein?!'

Although Aimon's intention was to pierce open Desire's Spiritual Vein to enter his Spiritual World, Aimon didn't want to do it now when he has no control over his body.

After all, things could become messy and dangerous! That was why Aimon was worried about it, but in reality, there was nothing Aimon could do in this situation.

No matter how much Aimon tried, he couldn't control his body. He couldn't also open his left eye or close his right eye.

In other words, Aimon didn't have any choice to make in this situation.

It was then that Aimon felt his hand piercing the Spiritual Vein! It was a sensation that he felt before, and it was a feeling that left a huge impression on Aimon.

That was why Aimon knew that he pierced the Spiritual Vein. However, as if his body was not his, Aimon's mouth moved on its own as it shouted.

"Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles!"

Aimon shouted out loud, and it was then that sucked inside Desire's Spiritual World.

The mist floating in the air, his hands, and his head! Everything about Aimon went right inside Desire after Aimon's mouth shouted those words out loud.

Although many things happened with Aimon, the fact was that...only a few seconds have passed ever since Aimon started the process.

Of course, Lionel watched through all that, and he knew that only a few seconds have passed as well.

Well, he couldn't really know about Aimon's inner struggles as Aimon didn't speak at all.

That was why, for Lionel, nothing weird was going on.

"Hmm...I guess I'll just have to wait for the both of them to finish." Lionel said as he turned around.

He then walked away to a place where he could guard the Lion's Forest better.

And it was only a matter of time until his disciple awakens as a monster who could practice all three styles.

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