Demon God

Chapter 63: Or he will die.


The fire incarnated called Grizelle was strong and fierce when it showed up.

It burned the heaven and destroyed the cold, but even so, it didn't burn anything near her.

It was as if she were just showcasing what she and her fire could do!

It would normally be seen as arrogance, but the people near her wouldn't call her arrogant at all.

Even Jarina, who was somewhat prideful about her strength, wouldn't deny Grizelle's strength right now.

After all, she was that explosive and strong that it would be right to categorize her as one standing at the top.

However, her presence only lasted for a while as the fire, and her strength soon disappeared.

The fire on her left arm became smaller and weaker, and the fire on her right arm did the same thing.

Because of the fire, Grizelle's body was blazing hot and was emitting smoke. However, her body soon returned to normal, and her eyes didn't shine red light anymore.

And when everything calmed down, they soon saw an unbelievable sight.

And that something unbelievable was that the scenery in the mountain was normal.

The trees were not burned, the grasses were fine, the soil was alright, everything was normal.

Even Gladior, who was near Grizelle when that anomaly of fire happened, was fine

It was ridiculous if you think about how fearsome and strong the fire looked when it erupted.

That was why Jarina could only tilt her head as she thought about things.

'What the hell is going on...'

She couldn't believe that things would be normal after that crazy outburst. It was just that insane!

However, she couldn't continue thinking as she snapped back to reality as she heard someone speak.

"What was that?!" Teresa's voice resounded out in the mountain as she spoke harshly.

She was also flabbergasted at what happened. After all, she knew how strong Grizelle was and what happened just now wasn't something she could do.

At least, that's what Teresa thought about Grizelle's strength.

However, Grizelle didn't answer Teresa as she immediately sat down, her legs were crossed.

She then opened her palm, but surprisingly, she didn't have the marble of fire that caused the change that happened earlier.

It was quite weird that it suddenly disappeared, but if you thought about the fire that came out, one could only nod their head.

It was then.

As Teresa was about to ask Grizelle again, Gladior suddenly stopped her by placing his hand in front as if he was defending Grizelle.

He then spoke with a bit of courtesy, but Teresa couldn't deny the intensity Gladior had on him right now.

"Please step back. Milady is going through something important right now."

Gladior's face was definitely calm, but his eyes were giving the killing stare!

It was as if he was ready to go for the kill if Teresa didn't take his words seriously.

However, maybe because she was flustered about what happened earlier or how Gladior spoke to her, Teresa snapped with a vein on her beautiful face.

"What do you mean by that? You haven't even explained what happened, and you are saying that I can't even ask about it?"

It was needless to say, but Teresa was absolutely furious about it.

Even though they weren't close, allies should still be allies. Gladior acting like this was enough to hit a nerve for Teresa.

"This is a personal matter that you people should not know. I am sure that you also have your own, don't you? We just want you to walk away from here and do not mind us. If you don't..."

As Gladior trailed off his words, he raised his hand up curled together. He was about to snap his fingers when a voice suddenly disturbed him from behind.

It was Grizelle, who was keeping quiet the whole time and was the reason why Teresa and Gladior were about to go at it, who spoke.

"Stop. You don't have any reason to fight, is there?"

Her voice was calm, and she didn't have any emotions, unlike before when she was surrounded by fire.

It was expected of her to be like this as the people didn't react much to it.

Well, except for Gladior, who was already on his knees with his head in a posture for a bow.

"Yes, milady. This one shall obey your orders." Gladior spoke with much respect for Grizelle.

Well, it was because he knew what happened. He also knew what that meant, and it was expected of him to act like this.

It was then.

Jarina also spoke up to calm down Teresa, who was clearly fuming over what happened.

"You, as well, Teresa. You're the one who said that they're allies, right?"

Jarina's voice was soothing and the winds brought her words to Teresa's ears, making the green-haired woman nod.

Teresa breathed in and out first before speaking. It wasn't to Gladior, but for the two humans.

"I am sorry about what happened." She bowed her head as she apologized.

She understood how politics and domestics worked, and an alliance is something comparable to domestics.

That was why she understood how to keep the relation as perfect as it can be.

Well, not always, but she certainly knew how to make an effort to keep it balanced.

"It's fine. It's not your fault. I will explain what happened later, but first..." Grizelle spoke as she accepted Teresa's apology.

When Grizelle began to speak, Gladior stood up as he kept watch of the surroundings. After all, they were still in a dangerous land.

"...I found him. His whereabouts." Grizelle spoke as she looked at Jarina.

Her voice was quiet because of her calmness, but Jarina heard it loud and clear.

And because of that, Jarina's eyes widened to the brim as she spoke.

"Where is he?!" It was clear that Jarina was excited and elated to know the news as her voice rang out in the surroundings.

However, Grizelle's answer made her doubt her ears.

"He is in a Dungeon right now."

Jarina blinked her eyes when she heard Grizelle's answer. She then tilted her head as she asked one more time.

"Where...?" Her voice was weak, but it seems Grizelle didn't have a problem with it as she answered Jarina.

"He is in a Dungeon right now. Hmm..."

Grizelle then put her finger on her chin as she thought about it. It was through the marble of fire that she was able to know Desire's location.

She was also able to understand many things all at once, but since it was so sudden, she wasn't able to take it all in.

"S-so it was there..." Grizelle murmured as her face turned dark and horrified.

After all, what Grizelle was desperately looking for was easily answered, but Jarina didn't give a fuck about it.

"Where is he?!" Jarina raised her voice a little bit as she got angry at Grizelle's late response.

Even though Jarina was impatient, Grizelle was not. She took her time in understanding the information that the marble of fire gave her.

Of course, she didn't react to every single thing that was relayed to her by the marble of fire.

It was as if she were just taking it in and was planning to react to it later. After all, that was the most reasonable thing to do. Wasting time by reacting to every single thing was just…pointless.

And as she was about to finish, Grizelle finally spoke with her eyes wide open.

Shock and confusion were evident on her face, and even her tone of voice was shaken and hoarse.

"T-the Spirit of Fire actually wants him…?"

After all, what she found out was that shocking. No, for Grizelle, it was more than shocking. It was equivalent to having her whole knowledge turned upside down.

And it was more like how she couldn't accept that fact.

It was then.

As Grizelle kept thinking about things and didn't answer her, Jarina finally snapped and decided to do something outrageous.

Well, if it were for Desire, nothing was too outrageous for Jarina.

"You…!" Jarina spoke as she released some magic in her hand.

She looked at Grizelle with hostility, and her eyes were bloodshot red!

Her voice was laden with thick killing intent and even that the people could feel from her was rising!

Her aura and presence as a monster were increasing, making herself known!

This only meant one thing; Jarina was ready to kill Grizelle!

Her decision to suddenly raise her power took Teresa and Gladior off guard, making them unable to react at all.

However, Grizelle was completely fine as she spoke calmly when she saw Jarina was about to rush at her and attack.

"You can't do anything about the kid, right now. He's at the top of the mountain, which is where the Dungeon is located."

"What's wrong with it?" Jarina answered, her intentions were clear as she didn't pull or retract any of her strength.

Of course, it didn't matter to Grizelle as she closed her eyes and spoke with tranquility.

"That type of Dungeon is a Trial. Only one person can go in."

Grizelle stopped her words there. She then looked at Jarina with cold eyes, and the wind blew as it brought music to their ears.

Surprisingly enough, it was Jarina who broke the silence as she spoke with horror etched on her beautiful face.

"He can't go out unless he clears it…"

It was because Desire has to clear the Dungeon that he is in right now, or he will die.

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