Demon God

Chapter 64: Fireboy

While Jarina and Grizelle were having 'fun' about their conversation about a certain someone, Desire was currently walking in the Dungeon.

He was currently observing the inside of the huge, black door while walking slowly.

After all, he didn't know anything about this place. It wouldn't hurt Desire if he took this seriously and carefully.

And the scenery that his eyes took in was just darkness. Although he could see well in the dark, the darkness now was so thick that he couldn't see through it.

It was fine as Desire had another trump card regarding darkness and stuff like that.

"Light." Desire murmured as he raised his hand in front.

Shung. A small light that was penetrating everything appeared in his tiny hand.

However, the scenery was still the same, and Desire still couldn't see anything.

Well, if there were anything he could see in this place, that would be his hand that was shrouded in his light.

"I wonder what I am supposed to do here..."

If this were how it was going to be, Desire didn't know what he was supposed to do here.

After all, he literally couldn't see anything. It's not like he could guess it when he didn't have any experience in conquering a Dungeon.

Although he didn't let his guard down while he was here, it was pointless if he couldn't even solve the problem he has right now.

And that was that he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't begin his journey down.

It was then.

As Desire tried to increase the light coming out of his hand through sheer will, a voice suddenly intruded from behind him.

"Hello." The voice was...small, and Desire could say that it sounded like him when he was just a baby.

When Desire looked back, he couldn't see anything that could help him identify the owner of the voice.

However, that soon changed when a familiar fire showed itself.

And Desire knew exactly what or who that fire was. It was the fire that followed him everywhere he went.

However, because Desire thought it wasn't the owner of the voice, Desire kept looking around while tilting his head.

After all, the direction of the voice that he heard was exactly where the fire was standing.

His Heavenly Demon Trait wouldn't miss something so simple.

"I'm sorry about this." The voice spoke once more as it entered Desire's ears.

"Who are you?" Desire spoke while keeping his guard up, and preparing his legs.

He then bent his knees as he sharpened his eyes like a hawk. What he learned from the recent journey was that everything could become dangerous.

People, monsters, places, and even a fire - Desire knows that they could kill Desire as he was so incredibly weak right now.

That was also what he learned when he tried playing around with a Muscula, only to be hit straight in his face.

"Don't worry, I am not your enemy. Also, I am right in front of you." The voice spoke once more as he tried to direct Desire where he was.

And Desire could tell where he was judging from the direction of the voice, and it was obviously the fire.

However, Desire couldn't believe it as he looked at it with wide eyes. It was quite strange as the scene was exactly just a fire and a light coming from Desire's hand.

The darkness was that overwhelming here.

"The fire...? I thought you couldn't speak..." Desire spoke with a hoarse voice.

After all, the fire didn't speak the whole time it was with him. It also didn't do anything when it was giving him directions on where to come.

That was why it was weird that the fire was suddenly talking now.

Is it because it was going to kill Desire? Is it because there was something the fire wanted from Desire?

Although Desire didn't know it exactly, he knew that the fire was interested in him.

However, he didn't know in what way it was interested in him, whether it was good or bad.

"Ah! I'm sorry. It looks like I am still in my fire form."

It was then.

After the voice said that, a change suddenly happened in the fire that was right in front of Desire.

The fire was ignited even though there was no cause, and it grew bigger and larger without holding anything back!

However, that was not the point of the transformation as a pillar of fire emerged from it.

It was on its right side, and another pillar of fire emerged from the left side.

The scene was so shocking that Desire could only gulp his saliva. However, it didn't end there as another pillar of fire emerged from the center body of the fire.

It was crazy, but Desire could see where this was going now.

After all, he murmured as he narrowed his eyes.

"He's reshaping himself..."

Right, the fire was reshaping himself into something more...human. It was as if he were trying to show Desire his physical body.

And Desire wasn't wrong about that as the fire finished his transformation.

Four pillars of phrase it more correctly, it was two pairs of limbs; arms and legs.

And as Desire looked at the fire now that had arms and legs from the bottom to the up, he soon tilted his head.

"There's no head?"

Although it was weird that the fire had a body, which was clearly burning hot, the fire didn't have a head or something like that.

However, Desire couldn't voice any more complaints after hearing what the fire had to say for himself.

"Don't be so hasty. It's hard to do this."

And as soon as the fire finished speaking, a new pillar of fire emerged again from the spot that looked like its neck.

The fire wasn't strong or anything like that; it just formed a shape that looks like the head.

The fire's head wasn't detailed; it only had the rough outline of eyes, mouth, and nose. It was as if he were just an outline of something.

"Are you done?" Desire asked as he felt impatient about it.

After all, he had a time limit for conquering the Dungeon and ranking up to prevent something from taking over his vessel.

It wouldn't be funny if this event took his time. He also didn't know if him clearing the Dungeon would save him some time.

After all, he knows that one can rank up from clearing a Dungeon.

However, he just wasn't sure. If he could clear a Dungeon, it would only mean that the Dungeon was so weak that a weakling like Desire could clear it.

"Yes, I'm done. Thank you for waiting." The fire said as he smiled a little bit.

His body was burning, as he was a fire, but it wasn't so unpleasing to the eyes.

"My name is Fireboy. I am the Spirit of Fire that is attracted to you."

"I knew it. I have a question, will you answer it?"

Desire asked Fireboy immediately after hearing his introduction. He had a question for the Spirit of Fire that was interested in him.

This question was always in his mind that it bothered him the whole time, even though he didn't show it on his face or actions.

"What is it?" Fireboy said without any hesitation. It seems that he would answer any question Desire might have for him.

Pleased that Fireboy was willing to let Desire ask his question, Desire asked as he prepared himself to run.

He didn't want to battle some weird fire right now when he was in a tight situation, after all.

"Why are you interested in me? did you even find me in the first place?"

Desire didn't have any intention to go to the top of the mountain if he met some Muscula down the mountain.

He would be happy to kill some Muscula by risking his life and doing his best.

However, he couldn't do that as he couldn't find any Muscula at all.

That was why Desire was sure that Fireboy was somehow connected with it. After all, he couldn't see or meet any Muscula after he was knocked out.

Desire could speculate that Fireboy already found him by then and decided to lead Desire here to the top of the mountain, where the Dungeon was located.

And after he woke up, he was being threatened that Desire's Vessel would be taken over. The timing was too close.

That was why if ever Desire saw any clues that this Fireboy was somehow connected to the Monster, he wouldn't hesitate.

Although he knew that Fireboy was strong, Desire would go for the kill right then and there.

However, the answer that Fireboy gave was something Desire didn't expect.

"It was because of the blue fire that followed you around. I am connected to the one that gave you that blue fire."

"You're connected to the one that gave me the blue fire?"

Desire remembers that the blue fire was the one that saved him from a monster.

However, if that were the case, Fireboy was trying to kill him when that monster appeared in the cave.

After all, this cave was the entrance of the Dungeon, while the Dungeon was the Fireboy's house.

It was easy to see what was happening.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

Desire spoke with a low and cold voice as he realized it.

And without him knowing it, his presence and pressure changed completely.

Unknown powers covered Desire as his eyes turned bloodshot red.

"If you are...I'll fucking kill you."

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