Demon God

Chapter 83: Desire meets Teresa

Desire was excited to see the first ever human that he would meet.

That was why he had such an expectant look on his face as he spoke to Jarina.

"Is that them?"

Jarina was worried about Desire if ever his emotions would get out of control, but she soon shook her head at that thought.

'He trained for this...'

Jarina is the person who was there for Desire when Desire was training himself.

She is also the one who suggested Desire practice the Cold-Blooded Trait.

That was why it was wrong for Jarina to doubt Desire at this point.

Although she knew how hard it is for one to keep control, Jarina wanted to see for herself.

Jarina wanted to see the moment when Desire wouldn't fuss over something like a human.

Either way, the result would come up naturally as the duo emerged from the trees and arrived at a place where there were no trees.

It was quite weird as this place was the Muscula's nest, which is essentially a mountain.

However, everything became clear when they saw a man who was moving something like trunks.

It was not only a man but also a woman who was using magic to clear the way.

And that duo of a man and a woman was Teresa and Gladior, who was clearing the trees in order to make it more comfortable to stay.

Of course, without holding anything back, Jarina called out to Teresa.


It was only then that Teresa and even Gladior stopped whatever they were doing and turned their heads towards the source of the voice.

Teresa stopped using her mana, and let down the trunk of the tree she was holding, and walked towards Jarina.

Gladior also stopped, but he didn't walk towards Jarina or something like that.

He just stayed where he was. After all, right behind him was the lady he was serving.

He wouldn't dare slack on his duty just to meet with someone he didn't even really know that well.

Anyway, Teresa spoke when she neared Jarina.

"Miss, how did it go?" Teresa asked as she looked beyond Jarina.

However, Teresa couldn't see anything or anyone behind Jarina.

And that was weird as Jarina went on to fetch Desire up.

And if Jarina came back and showed up here, that would only mean that she already met Desire.

That was why Teresa was tilting her head. However, her confusion soon became clear as Jarina spoke as she moved to her side.

She then tilted her body sideways as her hand moved as if she were presenting magic.

After all, that was how it looked to Teresa when Desire suddenly popped out in her field of view!

"Ah! Right, I forgot..." Teresa spoke as she slumped down a little bit.

The reason why she didn't see Desire immediately was that Desire was small and wasn't easy to see.

Because Teresa hasn't met Desire a lot of time, she forgot that Desire was a child and didn't even live for a long time.

However, that doesn't change the fact that what she did may come across as her being rude.

That was why she immediately spoke to avoid any misunderstandings.

"I'm sorry about that." Teresa spoke as she bent her body to look at Desire right at his eyes.

For anyone else in the human world or even in the monster world, something as simple as this would definitely cause trouble.

However, who was Desire?

He was a child who loved monsters so much that he didn't even put humans in his eyes.

He was a child who would go to extreme lengths just to meet monsters and even possibly protect them.

That was how extreme Desire was when it comes to monsters.

However, maybe because it was due to his trait, or maybe because it was due to him changing personally, Desire only smiled a little bit as he spoke.

"It's fine."

And that caused a reaction from both the monsters who were here.

They knew that every time Desire meets a new monster, no matter the race, he would react overly excited.

For Desire to react like this to Teresa, who he didn't meet before, that would only mean one thing.

'Hmm. So, I guess it paid off.' Jarina thought as she turned to look at Teresa.

It only meant that Desire's training paid off. After all, this meeting with a new monster is the same as the warm-up trial.

If Desire couldn't even get a hold of himself while meeting Teresa, there's no way he could get a hold of himself when meeting a human.

That was why Jarina set it up beforehand with Teresa.

She wanted to see first if Desire would be able to control himself before a monster, before meeting a human.

And it seems they didn't have to worry too much, thought Teresa as she threw a furtive glance at Jarina.

That was the signal that it was now time to introduce her.

After all, Teresa could see that Desire was waiting for them.

Desire didn't want to take the lead in this situation when he didn't even know a single thing about her.

Anyway, Jarina caught that signal as she turned around to speak to Desire.

"Desire, this is Teresa. Although you haven't met her, she saw you once before."

Jarina then turned to look at Teresa as she continued speaking.

"Teresa, this is Desire."

And it was then that Desire spoke up.

"Nice to meet you, I am Desire." Desire's voice was normal, and it didn't seem like he was that excited.

He then bent his body forward slightly as he bowed his head a little bit.

"I hope we get along with each other."

"Yes. I am Teresa, and I hope, too, that we get along."

Teresa also bowed her head as she spoke.

Although she didn't expect such reception from Desire, she didn't freak out or something like that.

She was used to something like this as she knew diplomatics well.

It was then that Jarina spoke once more.

"Now, let's go..."

It is now time for you to meet a human.

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