Demon God

Chapter 84: Know your place!

"Let's go."

Jarina urged Desire as she turned around to look at the man who was looking at them from afar.

Although they were already familiar with each other, the man's eyes were intense.

It was as if the man were looking at an enemy.

Well, that was the obvious reaction as the person who made him and his lady do some troublesome tasks was now here.

Although he didn't really mind it as something like a search didn't really matter, the fact that Grizelle was exposed to danger was enough to trigger Gladior.

That was why, as the trio of Desire, Jarina, and Teresa walking towards them, Gladior had a sour look on his face.

And when a few seconds passed, the trio was finally standing near Gladior.

However, they didn't stop there at all.

After all, Jarina didn't stop Desire there and just kept moving forward.

No, she did at least give a glance towards Gladior's way as she looked towards him.

However, the way Jarina looked at him wasn't friendly at all!

It even looked like Jarina was looking down at Gladior as she passed by him!

And before Jarina's group completely disappeared from Gladior's view, he heard a voice.

And what that voice said was...

"Know your place, human."

And when he heard it, Gladior opened his eyes wide! His face became shocked, and he looked horrified!

After all, the owner of the voice wasn't some little kid.

It wasn't Jarina as she already passed him, but instead, it was the woman who was walking behind the group, Teresa!

Gladior couldn't believe that Teresa would say those words to him.

After all, Teresa was the one who was holding Jarina back whenever she was about to erupt.

However, if you think about it, it was absolutely reasonable.

Why? It was because Gladior certainly looked disrespectful by how he looked at them.

And Teresa didn't like that look at all.

After all, she only stopped Jarina from acting out because of their alliance.

What's more, it was also due to the fact that Jarina was acting out to Grizelle.

If Jarina were to somehow get into an argument with Gladior, Teresa wouldn't stop her.

After all, Gladior isn't the one who makes decisions on their party, and Grizelle is the only one who actually holds value to them.

That was why Teresa couldn't forgive the way Gladior looked at them as if he were some higher being.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the attendant of Grizelle, Teresa would like to separate his neck from his body right here, right now.

And because her killing intent was real, Gladior could feel it crawl up on his skin!

And without even him noticing it, a line of blood suddenly appeared on his skin at his neck.

However, even with that happening to him, Gladior couldn't speak out about it.

Why? It was because no matter what, the one who was in the wrong was him.

He was a human, and they were monsters. He couldn't expect that he could just give them that look and get away scot-free.

And besides, it was just a minor problem. Even Grizelle wouldn't really pay much attention to it.

Anyway, as the trio finally passed by Gladior, they could finally see the woman who was still sitting on the ground.

And when Desire's eyes laid on that woman, he only had one thought on his head.


Beautiful. That was the only thing he could think of when his eyes witnessed Grizelle's beauty.

His eyes landed on her head, which was crowned by long, red hair.

Grizelle's eyes were closed, but Desire could tell that those eyes were sharp.

Of course, it didn't lessen her beauty at all.

Her face was well-shaped, and she even had a perfect jawline!

And to top it off, the lips that she has was just sweet.

However, that was not all.

As she was sitting, Desire couldn't really see her body, but Desire could guess that she was slim.

Well, that was easy to see as Grizelle just looked that way.

And because of the clothes that Grizelle was wearing, a coat that looms all over her body, Desire could only see the skin on her hands.

However, if one thinks about who was thinking about all these things, one would think that it was weird.

Why? It was because it was Desire who was charmed.

Desire hates humans, and that hasn't changed.

All that changed was just how he controls his emotions now and didn't display his hatred in his actions or words.

That was why it was just weird.

Just because you can control your emotions now, that doesn't mean you no longer hate something.

However, as if his hate didn't really exist, Desire was being charmed by a woman.

He didn't even know what charmed means, yet, he was charmed.

It's not like Desire was a man now. He was still a child.

What's more, Desire didn't have any hate for this woman at all as he just wondered at Grizelle's beauty.

And because Desire was looking at her with such intensity, Jarina was able to notice that quite easily.

It was then that Jarina bent her body forward to whisper at Desire's ears.

Before she spoke, she covered her mouth with her hand and glanced at Grizelle.

Although Grizelle shouldn't notice it with her eyes closed, Jarina knew that Grizelle was 'looking' at them.

After all, she could feel it, and she thought it best to mock her.

Well, it was nothing but a childish way to get back at Grizelle.

"This is the woman who attacked you in the forest. Do you remember?"

However, it seems that Jarina didn't expect the answer that Desire gave her.

"I don't really know, but even then, I don't mind it at all."

I don't mind it at all.

That phrase echoed out inside Jarina's mind as she looked at Desire.

"Y-you don't mind it?"

She stuttered as she spoke as she just couldn't believe it.

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