Demon School

Chapter 135 - Pope Grothendieck

A true **** in algebraic geometry, when you open any textbook or monograph on modern algebraic geometry, you will often see nouns such as-,-,-and so on. His theory has fed nearly half of the mathematicians in the world today. -Grothendieck ’s evaluation, mathematicians looked at this maverick man with the Christian view of the Pope ’s sunshine.

Born in Berlin in 1928, he fled to Paris with his father after the Nazis came to power; when he started reading, in his math class, he could distinguish what is deep, what is superficial, and what is not in his math class Is right and what is wrong. He found that the math problems in the textbooks were always repetitive, and they were often isolated from those things that could give it meaning, “This is the problem of this book, not my problem”-maybe he also said this sentence The second year of middle school, but unlike the second two, the second world cannot change the wrong world, but Grothendieck can change the mathematics.

While studying at the University of Montpellier, he rediscovered the concepts of measurement theory and Lebesgue integral; after graduation, under the guidance of his teacher Shura, he returned to Paris to find an important figure of the Bourbonky school Henry-Jia When, there he met first-class mathematicians such as Claude Chavalle, Jean-Derza, Jean-Diudone, Roger Goodman, Laurent Schwartz and Andre Weil , And joined the Bulbaki school, and pushed the Bulbaki school to its peak.

Michael Adin of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that in the late 1950s and 1960s, “the mathematics world needed to adapt to him”, the declaration of the middle and second period became a reality; someone visited his institute but did not see a book , Grothendieck said, “We don’t read books, we write books ourselves,” and he finally got rid of the wrong math book.

50s and 60s. Grothendieck revolutionized algebraic geometry thoroughly, published more than a dozen great books, and established a grand and complete set of “probability theory”. His work can be called the pinnacle of algebraic geometry, and his work is known as the “Grotendick Bible”. His theory is of value. On the basis of the probabilistic theory, mathematicians have achieved one after another eye-catching achievement: he gave the first algebraic proof of the famous Riemann-Loch theorem.

It caused the following events:

In 1973, Deligne proved Weiy’s conjecture (winning the 1978 Fields Prize);

In 1983, proved the Modal conjecture (winning the 1986 Fields Prize);

In 1995, Wiles proved the Gushan-Shimura conjecture, and then solved the Fermat’s theorem with a history of more than 350 years (won the 1996 Fields Special Award).

These achievements represent the highest level of contemporary mathematics, enough to last forever. Many geniuses and Fields Prizes emerged in the algebraic geometry of the 20th century, but there is only one God, Grothendieck.

Grothendieck was also a radical ecologist and environmentalist because of his father ’s death in the Nazi concentration camp during World War II and his mother ’s depression after his death; for this reason he rejected the Fields Prize and the Crawford Prize. . And he resigned from the French Institute of Advanced Studies for part of the funding from the Ministry of Defense; he took the microphone of Lucia mathematician Pontryagin at the International Conference of Mathematicians because his report covered the issue of missile tracking aircraft .

Left Paris in 73 and moved to the countryside. In 1990, he left all the manuscripts completely away from the mathematics world and lived in seclusion. Unexpectedly, even this time he was shocked, and Lu Qiujian was very surprised.

With Grothendieck’s identity and status, a Poincaré conjecture seems to be insufficient to attract his arrival; he is more excited than Lu Qiujian as a teacher and early mathematician of Beijing Normal University!

The mathematicians who learned that Grothendieck arrived had rushed to the hall for pilgrimage. Yes, in their hearts, Grothendieck was the incarnation of the **** of mathematics on the ground.

The headmaster was so excited that he couldn’t help himself. What a great glory Grothendieck chose to return to the mountain after a lapse of more than ten years!

Although he is more than 70 years old, Grothendieck’s thinking is still keen, and he can quickly answer the questions raised by these mathematicians. It was just a few tires after answering a few questions.

Don’t dare to disturb everyone, quickly leave! “Lv, teacher, please stay here!” Just as Lv Qiujian was about to leave, Deligne kept his voice.

“Okay. Sir!” Lu Qiujian gently closed the door and walked back, standing respectfully in front of Grothendieck.

“What do you think of mathematics?” Grothendieck looked at him for a while before slowly asking.

For this question, different people will have different answers. Hardy would say, “Mathematics is beauty, and beauty is the primary touchstone: ugly mathematics cannot last forever.”

Engels’ answer is more orthodox, “Mathematics is a science that studies the quantitative relationship and spatial form in the real world.”

Russell believes that “mathematics is a class of propositions of the form p containing q.”

However, are these the answers Grothendieck wants? Of course, Lu Qiujian would not think so. He thought carefully about Grothendieck’s experience, and then replied, “Mathematics is the need for human survival and the manifestation of the order of the universe.”

The reason Grothendieck gave up mathematics was that there was something more important than mathematics, that is, “the need for survival and the promotion of a stable and humane order on our planet ~ ~ Lv Qiujian’s answer was I agreed with mathematics.

Grothendieck did not say right or wrong, and instead asked other questions, “Pierre said you are the most talented mathematician he has ever seen, and may become the next me.” He looked at Love He smiled and shook his head again, “But I never thought that everyone is unique, Grothendieck is Grothendieck, Deligne is Deligne, Lu Qiujian will only be Lu Qiu Jian! “

“Okay! What else are you preparing for this time? I read your article a few days ago! I seem to have a hunch that a storm is coming in the mathematics world!” Grothendieck’s eyes were deep and distant, and there was no trace of it. turbid.

Perhaps this is the purpose of attracting him? There was a burst of rejoicing in Lu Qiujian’s heart. If he could persuade the Pope to support himself, he would undoubtedly achieve great success at this report meeting, and then he took a solid step towards the completion of the plan.

“I intend to give a speech on the last day of the report!” Lu Qiujian opened his bag, took out the speech, and handed it over with respectful hands.

Grothendieck is fluent in English, German and French, and this manuscript is written in English, he can understand it completely.

About Grothendieck, you can search for an article called “As if from the void-the story of Pope Grothendieck of algebraic geometry”. (To be continued.)

Ps: Second, there are too many references in this chapter, I am sorry to charge, so set it as free. Just like it if you like it.

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