Demon School

Chapter 136 - The report will start

The appearance of Grothendieck has almost taken away the brilliance of all mathematicians. Whether it is the famous rivers and lakes like Wiles, or the new martial arts like Tao Zhexuan, he can only retreat under the shine. ⊙

On the second day, all the invited mathematicians were present, and Beijing Normal University held a grand welcome dinner, where Lu Qiujian met many familiar faces, from the professors who supported him in Princeton to the textbooks. The authority of the field, from the familiar names in the four major journals to the partners who have been printing together.

“I still wanted to accept you as my student before. Now it seems that I want to be your student. I’m afraid it’s not enough!” Professor Hu of Modu also came. Now he doesn’t worry about the story of the story he wanted to accept. Maybe his name will appear in the history of mathematics because of this interesting thing.

“You have won the prize! Without the efforts of your generation to catch up, how can I be today!” This sentence is sincere. Professor Hu’s generation lacks the world’s leading achievements, but with their efforts, Hua Guo The gap with the Western scientific community has been shortened, which is also a remarkable achievement.

“I am Grigri-Perelman! Your proof process is very wonderful!” A middle-aged man with a big beard came over!

Lu Qiujian was a little embarrassed, and quickly reached out to shake his hand, “I have read the article you are in. I think you will crack it soon without me! I am just lucky. In front of you! “

Perelman shook his head, and made Lu Qiujian’s words a joke, “Congratulations on your achievements, but I think I should change my research direction!”

“I wish you success as soon as possible!” Of course, Lu Qiujian is happy to see this happen. A breakthrough in mathematics will shorten the time for him to complete his plan. Such a genius has shown his fighting spirit, and it is indeed a matter of celebration. .

Walked around the crowd with a wine glass, and said a few words to one of them from time to time. Or answer the other party ’s questions about Poincaré ’s conjecture and his published paper, or exchange views on a novel point of view, or simply talk about today ’s food and wine.

Of course, Grothendieck was more sought after than Lu Qiujian at the dinner. Even after disappearing for more than ten years in the mathematics circle, he did not weaken his charm. The believers who went to the pilgrimage were endless. Those who reached him were reluctant to leave, lest the Pope’s Hadith be missed.

“Lv, come down!” He saw Lv Qiujian in the crowd and beckoned him to come to his side.

“Seeing today’s scene. I have to say that your departure was a huge regret!” Lu Qiujian walked over with a smile, and he also wanted to know that if Grothendieck has been conducting research, today’s mathematics session What will it look like again.

“This is a great guy!” Grothendieck patted his shoulder, “I feel that sooner or later he will surpass me!”

Huh ~ There was a marvel at the scene. With Grothendieck ’s position in the mathematics world, he was able to say such things. It was like Zhang Sanfeng was patting the shoulder of a chivalrous young man. Will definitely surpass me! What a noble praise!

Everyone who knows Grothendieck knows that he will not say insincere words for a certain purpose. So he is really optimistic about Lu Qiujian! At this time, everyone saw Lu Qiujian’s vision even more differently!

Professor Zhang and the president of Peking University glanced across the crowd, first shook his head slightly depressed, and laughed together again! Hey, what if you ca n’t stay at Beijing Normal University? Everyone will never forget that he is a man from Beijing Normal University. that’s enough!

The deputy prime minister who came to the welcome dinner today looked a little strangely at the abnormal situation here. Someone who knew the situation immediately came to his ear and whispered a few words. He nodded thoughtfully. In the next time in. The eyes turned to Lu Qiujian obviously became more frequent.

It’s a good start, but unfortunately it’s too early to get in touch with people who are too high-level. Lu Qiujian put the other person’s attention in his heart. Continue to greet the guests who attended the dinner!

Since tomorrow is the official start time of the report meeting, the mathematicians who participated in the meeting are some older, so the dinner lasted until 9 o’clock and gradually disappeared. The mathematicians returned to the room to rest, preparing to listen to Lu Qiujian Tomorrow’s report.

Early the next morning, the renovated lecture hall was full of people, and the background on the rostrum was replaced by a huge projection screen. The front of the screen was the lecture platform. The angle of the display was just right to allow the audience to see the screen without being affected. The speaker blocked.

In the front row of the auditorium are the elders, deputy prime ministers, ministers of several related departments, and other government officials, the prestigious mathematicians such as Grothendieck, the senior members of the International Mathematical Union, and the president of Beijing Normal University. People; mathematicians from around the world are sitting in a better position in front of the line of sight; teachers and students from the Department of Mathematics of Beijing Normal University and representatives of other colleges and universities are further back.

The time for the report meeting started ~ ~ The president of Peking University first came to the stage to give an opening speech, and then the elders at the meeting expressed their welcome to the mathematicians and the blessings for the successful holding of the meeting and the praise to Lu Qiujian.

Their speeches were very concise and did not delay for a long time; then the current chairman of the International Mathematical Union Jacob Parris took the stage to speak.

Jacob is a Brazilian. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. He studied under the Fields Medal winner Stephen Smel. There are a few coincidences. Which year did Smel win? Grothendieck He is also a winner, and Smeer ’s reason for winning the prize is precisely the huge progress made on Poincaré ’s conjecture.

Jacob first reviewed the report of the International Conference of Mathematicians in Beijing last year, and then mentioned the efforts made by mathematicians in solving the problem of Poincare ’s conjecture in the past 100 years, and finally said, “Gauss At the age of 19, he made a regular 17-sided shape, and Galois’ 18-year-old group theory completely solved the problem of drawing! And today, another young mathematician has achieved major results at such a young age! Lu from Beijing Normal University Qiu Jian completed the cracking of Poincaré’s conjecture when he was 20 years old! Below, please ask Lu Qiujian to tell you how he solved this problem! “

There was a sudden round of applause at the scene. Lu Qiu built the whole suit, walked quickly to the stage, stood on the podium and looked around, and began his own report, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing Normal University. ….. “(to be continued.)

Ps: It seems that the starting point is to recommend adding more before the shelf, after the shelf, monthly tickets and subscriptions are added. I still owe Chapter 21 to recommend the change, please subscribe for the monthly ticket

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