Demon School

Chapter 138 - Q & A

Wiles under the stage laughed the most. Lv Qiujian’s concluding remarks were exactly the same as when he finished his speech to Fermat’s Theorem, and there were people saying to him next to him. Presumably, he also remembered the scene in Cambridge in ten years. .

Other Princeton professors have a little regret. The achievements of Wiles and Lv Qiujian were completed in Princeton, but the report will be placed in Cambridge and one in Beijing Normal University; but they will be relieved in a flash. His attachment is a natural thing. Besides, this will not weaken the glory of Princeton; in just ten years, two major mathematical problems have been conquered in Princeton, and the status of the world ’s first mathematical academy has been consolidated again.

Perelman, Hamilton, Smel, Thurston and Qiu Chengtong applauded the scholars who had studied Poincaré ’s conjecture most sincerely, and only those who were present could understand the significance of Lu Qiujian ’s thesis. And the essence.

The president of Beijing Normal University, Professor Zhang and others are all applauding. This is a rare honor for the academic world of Beijing Normal University and even the entire Chinese universities. They have witnessed their scholars stand at the highest peak of the industry. How can one be dissatisfied with excitement?

“Okay, everyone! Mr. Lv Qiujian is already very tired, and it’s lunch time now. You may wish to ask questions after dinner!” Seeing everyone eager to try, as the host, the president of Beijing Normal University quickly picked up the microphone , “In addition to the papers on this report, we have printed enough copies, please go to the door to collect in order!”

Until this time, the talents discovered that it took so long to unconsciously, so they had to bury their doubts in their hearts, as the crowd slowly walked to the door; smiling, elegant volunteers will print They handed out beautifully prepared thesis brochures one by one.

Some anxiously stopped at the door and couldn’t wait to turn and looked. It wasn’t until a dissatisfied voice came from behind that he found himself blocking the road and quickly apologized and stepped aside.

Minister Zhang hurriedly directed the photographer who specially borrowed from the TV station to record this precious moment with a lens, secretly proud, they all said that five hundred copies were enough, or they insisted on printing more. Now it seems that my persistence is right!

“Congratulations, Mr. Lu! Your report opened my eyes!” This title seems awkward, but who made Lu Qiujian too young to get the title of professor!

“This is the most glorious page in the history of mathematics in the 21st century! I am proud that I can listen to your report with my own ears!”

“In the 21st century, less than three years have passed, and a more glorious page is still behind!” Lv Qiujian thanked them for their gratitude.

“Mr. Lu, the elders and the prime minister let you pass by!” A secretary-like person approached Lu Qiujian’s ear and said softly. go with.

“Xiao Lu, congratulations!” As soon as he walked over, the elder reached out his hand and shook hands with Lu Qiujian. “Congratulations on your achievements this time and let the world appreciate the style of our Chinese scientists! I hope to make persistent efforts and make greater achievements in future work!”

“Thank you for your teaching!” Lu Qiujian nodded, and then the Deputy Prime Minister and the leaders of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Mathematical Society and other departments also shook hands with him and encouraged them.

The principal looked at Lv Qiujian nervously, fearing that he would say something out of date, but when he saw his decent language, he did not show any arrogance before letting go; at the end of the conversation between these leaders and Lv Qiujian I went to issue an invitation to stay at Beijing Normal University for a meal, but the elders and the deputy prime minister left after busy work, and the rest were full of promises.

When the elders and the deputy prime minister went out. The deputy prime minister suddenly leaned into the elder’s ear and said something. The elder’s footsteps slowed down a bit, looked back at Lu Qiujian, and then nodded slightly. It seems to have agreed to a certain proposal from the Deputy Prime Minister.

At noon, although Beijing Normal University borrowed a senior chef from a nearby old-time hotel and only made exquisite Chinese food, how many of these mathematicians thought about tasting these? They stuffed their mouths indiscriminately. While excitedly exchanging his views on this report.

After eating and returning to the hotel for lunch break, he even lay in bed and turned over and over and couldn’t fall asleep. The brain was full of Lv Qiujian’s voice and the page of proof on the curtain.

Sometimes it is hard to get to the beginning of the noon meeting. They can’t wait to come to the lecture hall and pass the questions they have prepared over and over again.

The report will continue. When the host announces that he can start asking questions, the brush raises countless arms at the same time; the host glances around and takes the lead in pointing at a familiar face, “Please ask John Mogan of Columbia University Professor questions. “

“Thank you!” Professor Mogan took the microphone. “My entire life as a mathematician was dedicated to Poincaré’s conjecture. I never thought I could see an answer. I originally thought no one could do it. Fortunately, you have completed the final proof; but I have another question, how did you come up with this solution to the singularity? “

“It starts with my family ~ ~ Lü Qiujian does not need to translate the results in the same voice, and began to answer Professor Mogan ’s questions,” I grew up in the family area of ​​a large factory. After school, I always wandered around the factory. At that time, I liked watching the process of repairing damaged car fenders by skilled workers. They knocked out the bumps, cut out the irreparable parts, and patched the rough edges. These I was deeply impressed by the skillful movements; when I got the test paper, I was wondering if this method can also be used to solve the problem of singularity? And I also found my own hammers, knives and welding torches, that is the flow, i flow is applied to the three-dimensional space, it will start to make a smooth, smooth it … “

Took ten minutes to answer Professor Mogan’s question. Professor Mogan sat down contentedly, and more arms were raised again.

“Ask Professor Oscar von Luo Yantal from Humboldt University for questions!”

“Hello, what I want to ask is …”

“Thank you for your answer!”

“Please ask Professor Napier from Trinity College Cambridge to ask questions!”

“There is Professor Mochizuki Shinichi from Kyoto University!”

“Please tell us your question, Professor Suvalov of Moscow University!”

One by one the name of the international mathematics session was pointed out by the host, and he asked Lu Qiujian one difficult question after another. (To be continued.)

Ps: Fifth, I want to subscribe for my outbreak

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