Demon School

Chapter 139 - Day 2

“… At this step, the answering work enters the work scope of Yangu and Yamaguchi, and then we can see …”

“The problem you raised is inherently flawed. The theory you just gave is not complete, and there are obvious logical flaws between the first and third points …”

“Regarding this question, Mr. Grigory Perelman from the Skeglov Mathematics Research Institute already has the answer. He will come to the stage tomorrow to give a report, so you just need to wait patiently!”

For those questions, Lu Qiujian either answered positively, or relentlessly refuted them, or gave the opportunity to answer this question to the speaker who will appear tomorrow. ◇ ↓

At the beginning, the principal and Professor Zhang also worried that Lv Qiujian was asked by others not to come to Taiwan. Just last year, Professor Martin Deng Woody of the University of Southampton announced that he had proved Poincaré ’s conjecture and put his five-page certificate Go to the Internet; “nature” and “” reported this news one after another, but soon someone pointed out the error, and then Professor Deng Wudi corrected it, the paper became six pages, and then the error was found and revised. … after several cycles, he finally gave up.

Although Lu Qiujian’s paper has been published for several months, no one has found a flaw, but what if there is a chance? With such awkward psychology, they listened to intense questions and answers, but as the questions continued, they became more relaxed; from the current point of view, Lu Qiujian is enough to deal with these questions.

“Thank you for your answer!” Professor Blanca from the French Institute for Advanced Studies returned to his seat with satisfaction. Lv Qiujian took a hurry to take a sip of water, ready to meet the next question; but no one waited for three minutes. Stand up and look out the window, the sunset has reddened the clouds on the horizon; it turns out that more than four hours have passed unconsciously!

“It seems that everyone has no other questions for the time being, so today’s report will come to an end! Tomorrow’s schedule is supplemented by other experts who study Poincaré’s conjecture, and the speaker is Ge Ge from the Skeglov Mathematics Institute Mr. Rigori Perelman, Professor Cao from Lehigh University of the United States, and … please prepare the above personnel in advance! “The host was late, so I ended today’s arrangement. Start to introduce tomorrow’s schedule, “Okay, the organizer has prepared exquisite food for you, you can go back to the hotel to rest after dining; at the same time, the hotel also has a public communication space, if you are still energetic, then welcome to communicate . “

After dinner, everyone returned to the hotel. Older, less energetic people like Grothendieck returned to the room early to take a rest; and young and energetic people like Perelman arrived happily. The public communication space prepared by the Beijing Normal University, walked around the crowd with wine glasses, and exchanged their views on today’s report.

Lv Qiujian once again became the focus. Some mathematicians who are responsive and have digested the questions he answered at noon have started a new round of questions.

“If you have finished asking, how should Grisha report tomorrow?” Of course, Lu Qiujian did not come here for the limelight. He answered the afternoon’s question about Poincaré’s conjecture. Start the topic, “Yes, I recently found something interesting in quantum algorithms …”

“Oh? What is it?” Everyone’s attention was easily transferred to other fields, and Lu Qiujian began to talk eloquently. From quantum algorithms to Langlands program, from non-commutative geometry to Gromov geometry group theory …

On the second day of the meeting, Grigory Perelman first appeared, and he began to talk about his extension of Lu Qiujian’s thesis; if the problem-solving process of a mathematical problem is likened to Go. The national hand can see the next five steps from two steps. Lu Qiujian completed this part of the work; but among all the mathematicians, the national hand strength is ultimately a minority, and the missing five steps for them are Loopholes. And Perelman ’s job is to follow Lu Qiujian ’s thinking and drop a piece, so that the direction of the game is more clearly exposed to them. Even those who are slightly weaker in chess can help with his report. See clearly the future of chess.

Because it is a supplementary speech. Perelman did n’t have much time left. After half an hour, he finished his report and spent another half hour answering the questions of the audience. His report ended here.

The following is also true of Professor Cao ’s report. After him, mathematicians from other universities came to the stage to explain their research results on this issue; with the help of these people, about one-third of the people present were right Lu Qiujian’s thesis has a clearer understanding.

Of course, the remaining two-thirds of the mathematicians and almost all the students did not understand what they were talking about in the past two days, which is also impossible. Because from the second half of the 19th century, mathematics was important The field has become very much, UU reading most mathematicians are only proficient in their own research fields, such as Cauchy, Weirstras, Cantor are good at axiomization of calculus, brother Del is proficient in mathematical logic and basic theories of computers. Chen Shengshen and Weir are distinguished in differential geometry and mathematical physics, respectively … but they may not have a clear understanding of cutting-edge problems in other fields, even if they are like God Grothendieck covered half of the mathematical world.

The same is true of other disciplines, whether it is physics, chemistry or biology, fewer and fewer people know the whole field; so Einstein is so respected, because in the theoretical physics session, he is almost omnipotent! No one can do this after him; maybe Yang Zhenning can barely count in half. He is an authority in the fields of high energy and condensed matter. Although he has no great achievements in cosmology and relativity, he at least understands After all, he taught general relativity for a while in Shixi.

The morning report will be over. Although it was not as sensational as Lu Qiujian ’s yesterday, it has achieved good results. Without understanding Poincaré’s conjecture, the way of thinking in these reports can still provide a lot of help to the theory they are good at.

This is also an important reason why they are willing to attend this report meeting, otherwise they will not waste their precious time.

The process of the second day soon ended, and on the third day everyone gathered at the venue again, and the last day of the report began! (To be continued.)

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