Demon School

Chapter 140 - Day 3

In the morning, mathematicians from various mathematics halls came to the stage to explain their views on future mathematics. Edward Witten showed everyone the latest results of using mathematics to promote the development of high-energy physics; Tao Zhexuan reported that he was cracking the Eldersh difference Problems encountered in the work of the problem.

Of course, the biggest sensation in the venue came from two neon people. Mochizuki Shinichi took the lead in declaring that he established a new world that he called “intercosmic theory” and saw the hope of cracking the “conjecture”. He defined Various unprecedented mysterious terms, such as “Hodge Theater”, “Alien Arithmetic Holomorphic Structure”, etc .; I hope everyone admits that they have created a completely new mathematical system like they recognized Robachevsky’s non-European geometric system, but All this is useless, and no one can understand what he said.

Another guy named Satoshi Nakamoto claimed that he used cryptographic knowledge to create a brand new digital currency. This currency does not have a centralized issuer, but is generated by the calculation of network nodes. Anyone may participate in the manufacture. , And can be circulated around the world, can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet, no matter where they are, anyone can mine, buy, sell or receive this currency, and outsiders can not identify the user during the transaction process Information is not controlled by any central bank or financial institution.

He regarded this currency as the universal currency in the future Internet era, and vigorously described the bright future of this currency, calling it another great revolution in economic history since paper currency replaced financial currency! But like his compatriots, he did not gain much recognition from mathematicians.

Of course, the morning exchange is not without any results. For example, the Langlands Program was recognized by most mathematicians as the next major breakthrough in the mathematics.

Robert Langlands is a Canadian, and later came to the United States to obtain a doctorate from Yale University, and then came to the Princeton Institute for Advanced Research to win the Wolf Prize in 1996.

In 1967. That is the year when he was promoted to professor, he wrote a letter to André Wei, one of the early members of the Burbuck School, the authority of number theory and algebraic geometry, in which he proposed a set of far-reaching Conjectures, these conjectures accurately predicted the possible connections between interdisciplinary fields of non-commutative harmonic analysis, automorphic form theory, and number theory in mathematics, and tried to unify them.

This conjecture has been gradually confirmed by the efforts of him and other mathematicians; in Freeman-Dyson’s words, Langlands is doing bird work.

This link greatly inspired the passion of mathematicians, because the Poincaré conjecture is great, but it does not necessarily directly affect his research field, and now the fierce collision between various views at the conference The spark of inspiration produced may benefit you directly!

Until noon rest time. They also walked into several groups for intense debate, all trying to persuade the object of the debate. The opinions they hold are correct, and they are the development direction of modern mathematics. They will not stop until they enter the restaurant. , Talking and eating while holding plates together.

“The emergence of irrational numbers allows humans to accurately study the properties of the static world. The emergence of calculus allows humans to study the properties of the dynamic world, fluids, heat, electromagnetics. Theory of relativity, etc. The breakthrough of mathematics should not be to face a mirror in an empty room The solo dance should provide strong support for the development of real disciplines such as physics, so I hope that the next breakthrough will provide the entire modern physics with a solid mathematical foundation like the original calculus and differential equations! “Witten Flirtingly described his expectations.

“Then the mathematicians let you down, so did you start studying mathematics yourself?” Someone made a joke. However, Witten’s identity is indeed interesting. Obviously the authority of physics, he has won the Fields Medal, and Nobel has always refused to be attached to him.

“I just looked forward to a breakthrough in quantum algorithms. Lu painted a beautiful picture for us last night. I hope he can make achievements in this field as soon as possible!” Said another person.

“I think it’s unlikely, after he has decided to graduate …” Witten shook his head. He wrote a recommendation letter for Lu Qiujian, but when he thought about it, it seemed that Lu Qiujian did n’t announce that he was exposed, so he quickly shifted the topic, “Oh, let ’s guess who will give the closing speech. ? “

“Since Alexander is coming, who will be qualified besides him?” Compared with the status of the rivers and lakes, there are indeed no characters who can stand alongside Grothendieck.

“I also think it is Alexander!” Someone immediately echoed, “I was shocked when I saw him. He hadn’t appeared in the mathematics for more than ten years! I didn’t expect to come to China!”

“The Poincaré conjecture alone is not enough to attract him. It seems that he really appreciates Lv Qiujian!” The man turned his head to Witten, “What did Mr. Deligne say to Mr. Grothendieck? You and Deligne. Mr. is a colleague, should I know something? “

“Actually I don’t know! But I also think that Mr. Grothendieck is the best person for the closing speech!” If Grothendieck didn’t come to ~ ~ then he might also be qualified, but even if he is, From the current point of view, the influence on the mathematics community can not be compared with Grothendieck.

“But the theme of this meeting is the Poincaré conjecture, and Mr. Grothendieck is good at algebraic geometry!” Of course there will always be different opinions, “I think Professor Thurston or Hamilton are more suitable!”

“At the beginning of the century, was it more appropriate for Mr. Grothendieck to look forward to the future development of mathematics like Hilbert in those years?”

“Mr. Grothendieck has been away from mainstream mathematics for too long!”

Everyone is caught in a heated debate, but most people think that Grothendieck is the most qualified person to make a concluding speech.

After dinner, the rest was over, and it was the last process of the meeting; at three o’clock in the afternoon, these mathematicians returned to the lecture hall, quietly waiting for the beginning of the concluding speech.

To their surprise, Grothendieck was still sitting in the front seat, talking and laughing with the people next to him, and had no preparation for a speech.

Just as they continued to guess, the last process of the meeting began; Lu Qiujian slowly spit out from the host ’s mouth, and they were all surprised to grow their mouths! (To be continued.)

Ps: seventh, with good grades, and after the tenth is released at 9pm; red packets are issued in the group, everyone is welcome to join the group.

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