Demon School

Chapter 147 - Target cern

In addition, Hawking also participated in the shooting of “The Big Bang Theory” and recorded music with the old rock band Pink Floyd. These behaviors made him often appear in public vision; Experience makes it easy for those who do not have a deep understanding of the scientific community to think that he is the top scientist in the world.

This also provided great help for Hawking to seek funding and promote his academic thoughts; think about it, when the academic level is similar, Hawking and someone who has not heard your name come to spread your own Doctrine, who would you believe?

Lv Qiujian is now more well-known among the people in China than academicians such as academician Qiao. In addition to Poincaré ’s conjecture, it is inseparable from the hype about him by major sports media; but this is not enough, so He only recorded such a show. If he waited until his status in Chinese people’s mind was about the same as that of Hawking, whether he set up his own laboratory or application fee, his own popularity would play a big role.

Of course, it would be better if the Fields Medal was won at the International Mathematician Conference two years later! The winner of the first heavyweight natural science award in Huaguo, this title will give him a layer of aura of glory; with this thing, it is enough to ignore the bad habits of seniority and let yourself be in Huaguo Science. The world becomes the existence of the wind and the rain.

For the above reasons, Lv Qiujian took extra care when producing the program, trying to make more people understand and like his teaching method; in order to better achieve his goals, he also used educational psychology in the program , Communication psychology and other related knowledge, we must maximize the effect.

In addition to his reputation, there is another reason to complete his plan, and there must be a large number of subordinates with solid knowledge to cooperate; what he is doing now is to lay a solid foundation in the mathematics of these children and let them pass the exam After college, whether it is to study physical chemistry or mechanical computers, mathematics will not hinder them.

Because each episode is not long, he ca n’t spend too much time on it, working half an hour in front of the computer every day. The update on the second day was completed successfully; the rest of the time was reserved for classes and physics studies.

In addition to taking his own professional classes in the classroom, he often went to the physics department to attend classes, because relying on self-study is not efficient enough.

The Department of Physics of Beijing Normal University has developed rapidly after the unrest. With the help of Li Zhengdao and other overseas Chinese physicists, he has been struggling to catch up with the frontiers of international research; during this period, the Research Center of Modern Physics established by Mr. Li Zhengdao started. Great effect.

The main role of this center is to organize research and activate academic exchanges at home and abroad. Promote scientific research in the frontier field of physics in China; cultivate a large number of young physicists for China and Beijing Normal University, making them a backbone force to catch up with the international frontier.

This is also very good for Lu Qiujian. At least some basic knowledge can be answered smoothly by the substitute teachers, which saves him a lot of time.

The relationship between physics and mathematics is always close, and I want to learn physics well. Like group theory, mathematical equations, partial differential equations, differential geometry, statistics, probability theory, etc. are necessary basic knowledge, so students in the mathematics department want to transfer to the physics department is much more convenient than other majors, at least no longer for these Basic mathematics is anxious. They can start with the most basic mechanics, thermals, optics, and electricity, and then slowly deepen into theoretical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and computational physics … until higher-end general relativity and quantum field theory. and many more.

So these teachers also know that this person Lu Qiujian always politely answers every time he encounters a question, and sometimes comes up with his mathematical confusion and communicates with him. After learning that he wanted to transfer to a graduate student in physics, he enthusiastically helped him introduce the current status of the physics departments of various universities in the world today.

“If you want to learn high-energy physics, the United States is still the best choice, like California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Princeton where you were before are the world’s top level!” The teacher of the Physics Department explained to him patiently. “If you do n’t want to go to the United States, the United Kingdom can also. Oxford and Cambridge are not weaker than the three schools above, and Imperial College is also very strong. In addition, the University of Paris 6th and 10th in France One university, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich also has its own uniqueness. Of course, the Russian university in Lucia is also very powerful, but it may be impossible to compare with the previous schools in terms of funding! High energy physics is the most expensive project, no Money can’t be played. “

“The school is important, but the mentor is the key!” Lu Qiujian replied with a smile, he had already verified through various parties about the choice of the school. I found which one is best for me.

“Well, that’s right! But since you have stayed in Princeton ~ ~ then why don’t you go to Witten or Dyson? Now the physicists who are still alive, can you compare with them?” It’s a pity that he was full of face when he talked about this. “I counted, but nothing more than a few people like Weinberg, Philip Anderson, Hawking, Weltman, Higgs, Gros, and Yang Zhenning. If I had the opportunity to go to study under his door, you let me Do whatever you want! “

It can be seen from this list that the Nobel Prize is not the key to evaluating the greatness of physicists. Among these people are Yang Zhenning, Anderson, Weltman, Weinberger and Gross. Higgs won’t win until the Higgs boson is discovered.

The reason. It is because the Nobel Prize is very cautious about theoretical research. For example, the reason why Einstein won the award was the discovery of the photoelectric effect, and the greater achievement theory of relativity missed the award; Yang Zhenning ’s award was also because of the theory of non-conservation, not The greater Yangmi equation. The examination of applied physical results is easy, and the theoretical one is countless times more difficult. The Nobel Committee is also afraid of issuing wrong awards.

If they make requests to Dyson and Witten, they will all agree to accept themselves as disciples after evaluating their physics foundation.

But Lu Qiujian did not choose this way, because there is something more attractive to him in Europe, that is the European Nuclear Research Center (cern); any theory requires experimental testing, and the European Nuclear Research Center has the world’s largest High-energy physics experiment facility. (To be continued.)

Ps: Addition of 300-month pass!

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