Demon School

Chapter 148 - The world\\\'s top laboratory

High-energy physics has always been a hot field of scientific research. In addition to the European Nuclear Research Center, the large-scale and expensive laboratories around the world also have the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Agung National Laboratory, and the Stanford Linear Accelerator. Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory of the United States, Fermi Laboratory of the United States, Helmholtz National Research Center of Germany, Modan Underground Laboratory of France, the famous Cavendish Laboratory, Lucia Research Center Kurchatov Research Institute, Neon National Institute of High Energy Physics; and China ’s National Laboratory for Heavy Ion Accelerators, Key Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.

However, these laboratories have their own advantages and disadvantages. The several laboratories with national names in the United States are closely related to national security. I am afraid that it will not be easy for a Chinese to enter, even if Lu Qiujian changed his nationality and became a citizen of the United States. It is not easy to reach the core of the laboratory, let alone climb to the upper floor across the transparent ceiling, and let the laboratory experiment according to its own design.

Germany, France, Lucia, and neon are also the same. Their protection against outsiders is much stricter than that of the immigrant country, and the investment and research facilities of those laboratories may not be stronger than the country.

Cavendish laboratory is equivalent to the Department of Physics in Cambridge. The founder is the famous founder of electromagnetic field theory Maxwell, and among his successors are Daniels such as Joseph John Thomson and Rutherford; since Cavendi Since the birth of Xu Laboratory in the 1990s, a total of 29 Nobel Prize winners have been trained, and its strength is simply jaw-dropping.

But after all, he is a university laboratory with relatively limited funds and equipment. If it is just to learn theoretical knowledge, it is not enough to participate in or even lead a large-scale experiment! This does not match Lu Qiujian’s needs.

As for the laboratory in Huaguo, it is still in its infancy. Although the country ’s economy has been developing rapidly in recent years, there are many places where money is spent. It is far from the point where the money is later and I do n’t know how to use it. The support of these laboratories has not yet reached the level that Lu Qiujian wanted.

So the European Nuclear Research Center became the best choice. Many people may not have heard of the name of this institution, but his research results are closely related to everyone.

The world’s first website, the first web server, and the first web browser–web were born here. In the 1980s, Tim Berners-Lee entered the particle laboratory of cern. The researcher is everyone familiar with Ding Zhaozhong; there he accepted a task. Cern commissioned him to develop a software that allows laboratories distributed around the world to quickly share information through computer networks.

By 91, he successfully completed this plan and brought the world into the Internet age.

Of course, the Internet is just a by-product of cern, and it has also achieved good results in the field of high-energy physics. It is currently the world’s largest particle physics laboratory. It was jointly established in 1954 by 12 countries including Germany, Britain, France, and Italy, and now has 21 member countries.

Lab is located near Geneva, Switzerland, and has more than 3,000 full-time employees. There are about 6,500 scientists and engineers from 80 countries, representing more than 500 university institutions, conducting experiments in cern. This accounts for about half of the world of particle physics.

In addition to the unparalleled talent pool, it also has super scientific research equipment such as linear accelerators, proton synchrotrons, super proton synchrotrons, antiproton decelerators and the most important large hadron accelerators.

Excluding the construction of large-scale equipment, cern’s annual budget is about 1.1 billion Swiss francs, which is more than double the research expenses of the European Aeronautics and Space Administration. Globally, it is only less than the gold-absorbing monsters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) of the United States.

There is no shortage of talents, equipment and funds, and there is no identity restriction like other national laboratories. At least for now, there is no better place than here.

There are several ways to enter cern. One is to apply directly to work or study here, and the other is to take a circuitous route to colleges or research institutes that have a cooperative relationship with cern, and then enter here.

Lv Qiujian chose the second way. The reason is that China is not an official member of CERN, so it is difficult for Chinese to become regular employees here. Second, I want to work here. PhD degree is the starting price, Lv Qiu Jian now only has a mathematical phd, which is not quite the counterpart.

As for coming here to study, although there are also many Chinese people who come here to communicate through their work units for long-term or short-term study. However, the premise of this path is to have a work unit that cooperates with cern, which turns to the second path.

There are also several universities and institutions in China that cooperate with here, but since you want to study, why not find a better mentor? Although there are cattle like Witten and Dyson in the United States. But the distance from where to Geneva is too far, it is not as convenient as it is from Europe.

Considering the distance, the closeness of the relationship with cern, the level of tutors and other factors ~ ~ Lv Qiujian set the selected targets on Germany and France, these two countries are very close to Geneva, or cern One of the core sponsor countries also bears a large share of cern’s operating expenses. The status in cern is equivalent to the status of permanent members in the United Nations.

As for the specific colleges and tutors, Lu Qiujian is still screening. The method of his screening is to first find the colleges and universities that have a cooperative relationship with cern and accept foreign students from China, and then find out the closest and physical The higher ranking part of the Department of Physics of the World University, then go to the official webpages of these departments to collect relevant information about the instructors.

Then list these tutors to find out their status in cern, collect their papers for study, and then analyze their academic level, personal personality and other relevant information according to the papers, and finally score each condition to screen out The tutor most suitable for him applies for his doctoral student.

As for the other party will admit themselves? Lv Qiujian never worried, with the recommendation letters of Edward Witten and Freeman Dyson, plus his own strength, as long as the other is not their rival, there are universities in the world that they ca n’t go to?

Of course, before that, he still has to pass the language test of the target country, just like IELTS and TOEFL in English-speaking countries; whether it is French or German, Lu Qiujian is already prepared, as long as you do n’t forget the time to register . (To be continued.)

Ps: has not been repaired in reality, but this is a parallel world, and let it be completed in advance for plot considerations.

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