Demon School

Chapter 185 - What is the use of the collider?

The places where Lu Qiujian is now can not be accessed by ordinary people. The high-energy physics institute ca n’t control the background of those journalists, not to mention Professor Zhang and the physics department of Beijing Normal University. People know that Lu Qiujian went to this place.

“You have learned all the relevant norms! But there is still a difference between actual contact and theory. I will let Xia Jia accompany you. If you have any questions, just ask her!” On the way to the High Energy Institute, Director Guo said to Lu Qiujian.

Is a girl named Xia again. This girl sent by Director Guo to accompany her is an undergraduate student in the Department of Physics of Beijing Normal University. It looks like a top place in the Department of Physics! It is said that he is also one of the masters of the physics department. As early as last year, he participated in the cooperation between the physics department of Beijing Normal University and the High Energy Institute. Both the theoretical knowledge and the experimental level are quite good.

Speaking of the gap between the experimental level and theoretical knowledge, Lu Qiujian remembered his future master Heisenberg; this Daniel has the theoretical level of blasting the sky, and also has extremely weak experimental ability; because he almost did not take it To a doctorate.

The mentor of Heisenberg ’s doctoral thesis defense was the originator of quantum mechanics and atomic physics, and the outstanding mentor Sommerfeld, who has taught the most Nobel Prizes in physics in history, in his name, in addition to Heisenberg Pauli, Debye, Bate, Lenz, Kramer, Pauling, etc. have left legends in the history of science; and William Wien who made the famous blackbody radiation experiment and won the Nobel Prize in Physics .

In the defense of the thesis, Heisenberg ’s theoretical ability and the experimental ability that even the kindergarten children were not as good as at the same time shocked Sommerfeld and Wien. The two gave very different results; Sommerfeld gave the highest a En gave the lowest e, and finally integrated Heisenberg was lucky to get a doctorate with a score of c.

Of course, Professor Xuft learned the lessons of his teacher. When he studied the theory, he never forgot the experimental ability, and became a world-class presence in both fields; this is also why Lu Qiujian chose him instead of Witten as a tutor. An important reason.

The reason why Director Guo finds a girl to come to here does not necessarily have any dark thoughts, only that Xia Jia ’s level is indeed good, and secondly, women always have some advantages in socializing; if some things make Lu Qiujian angry, women The unique gentleness and weakness are also easier to forgive.

“Then Xia Xuemei is in trouble!” Xia Jia is two grades lower than Lu Qiujian, and this year has only just a sophomore year.

“No trouble at all!” Xia Jia’s eyes shone with curiosity. “I wish I had a chance to get in touch with a big scientist like you, maybe it will bring a lot of inspiration to my writing!”

“Writing?” Xia Xiao likes to draw cartoons. This is writing again. Is it that the surnamed Xia are all young female artists?

“Hehe. Xiaoxia is a talented girl in our physics department!” Director Guo introduced with a smile. “Not only did he study well in this major, but his writing skills are top-notch, too. Xiaoxia has published many science fiction novels now! A character! “

“Then I have to come and read and read!” Lu Qiujian flashed a flash of light in his head, and any major project required a lot of human and material support. So, can we use the power of literary and artistic works to create public opinion, thereby promoting the development of public opinion in a direction that is beneficial to oneself? At the end of his thoughts, he couldn’t help but say, “I just have some ideas here. If you have time, I can tell you to see if you can spawn a new work!”

Talking about his hobby, Xia Jia’s nervousness just disappeared unconsciously, and soon had a chat with Lu Qiujian, talking and laughing. When they reached the gate of the high-energy institute, the two seemed to be Friends for many years.

Director Guo had made an appointment before he came. Waiting for a while at the door, some people hurried out to pick them up. After going through a series of trivial and complicated procedures, Lu Qiujian finally entered.

“A lot of people here will ask us what is the use of spending so much money to make a collider? Can they make our country stronger? Why not put this money in poor mountainous areas that need more funds?” Xia Jia took Lu Qiujian said while walking inward.

“This question can be answered by a letter from Dr. Ernst-Sturinger of nasa to the nun Mary-Eukenda of Zambia in 1970. On the one hand, the national investment in scientific research and the investment in poverty alleviation are divided It belongs to different budgets. On the other hand, the final results obtained by investing in scientific returns will play a huge role in solving poverty. This role is far more than simply using money to relieve poverty! “Xia Jia has many stories in the history of science and technology It is familiar and familiar, and the human feelings of literary and art workers are hidden under the calmness of scientists.

“Oh, have you ever heard of the name Da Liu? Recently I saw a metaphor about a collider in one of his manuscripts, which is very vivid!” Xia Jia turned her head suddenly. UU reading

“Of course, but I don’t want the scene he described in” Chaowen Dao “to really happen!” Lu Qiujian knew that the big Liu she said was Liu Cixin, and “Chaowen Dao” told about alien wiping. Go to the largest particle accelerator in humans. Because the proof of the unified model will bring about the destruction of the universe, “If this is really the case, wouldn’t our work be meaningless?”

“Oh, that’s just a novel!” Xia Jia’s laugh is unique. The cold machines around them also seemed to bring a touch of warmth because of her laughter, “Da Liu in his new novel compares the collider to a watermelon knife!”

Xia Jia stretched out his hand and gestured, “We first cut the proton, and its charge flowed to the coffee table, which was sticky. There was a fragrance; after the neutron made me cut in half, the quark inside jingle rolled away. When they came out, they were all walnut-sized and colorful, rolling on the coffee table, and some of them rolled to the ground … “

“Protons, neutrons, and quarks all exhibit quantum effects, which shouldn’t look like that!” Of course, Lu Qiujian had read “Spherical Lightning”, and he replied in the original Lin Yun’s words, “But if protons and neutrons are true What can be put into such a big, then it is a great gospel for the entire physics session! “

“Yes! This is the role of the collider! This is a tens of billions worth of watermelon knives, a great tool that can help us understand the operation and principles of the smallest particle physics world to the largest stellar world!” For a moment Xia Jia looked like a poet.

This analogy of Da Liu is simply awesome! (To be continued.)

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