Demon School

Chapter 186 - Observation and learning

Speaking of the relationship between Lu Qiujian and the High Energy Institute, it is not just the Beijing Normal University. Mr. Zhang Wenyu, the first director of the High Energy Institute, one of the founders of cosmic ray research and high energy experimental physics, can also be to some extent. It is said that Lu Qiu built a double principal at Peking University and Princeton University. 【】

After obtaining a master’s degree from Beijing Normal University, Mr. Zhang Wenyu obtained the qualification to study abroad at Gengzi and went to the famous Cavendish laboratory, where Rutherford became his mentor, Chadwick, Kokraft, Wall The Nobel Prize winner in Physics is his classmate.

In order to return to China as soon as possible to contribute his part to the war of resistance, he gave up his great prospects and applied for a doctoral thesis defense in advance. Rutherford did not take it seriously at first, but he was finally convinced by his thesis; he even went to Germany to help the war of resistance I learned the searchlight technology at my own expense. Unfortunately, the party-state didn’t pay attention to him after he returned home; in desperation, he had no choice but to accept Princeton’s invitation to go to the United States to continue his research work.

At Palmer Labs in Princeton, he achieved excellent results in the field of high-energy physics; after learning the news of the founding of Xinhua State, he and Qian Lao broke through the FBI’s heavy obstacles to return to China, and for the development of high-energy physics in China lay a solid foundation.

It was first proposed in a letter to the Prime Minister in 72. From the second year after writing this letter, he began to serve as the first director of the High Energy Institute. Under his leadership, the Beijing positron-electron collider After the project was successfully completed, Huaguo finally had its own high-energy physics experiment base.

On October 16, 88, the first positron-electron collision was realized. It was hailed as another major breakthrough in the high-tech field after the success of the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb explosion and the satellite launch.

If Mr. Zhang Wenyu stays in the United States or the United Kingdom, his personal scientific research path will undoubtedly be smooth many times. Mature laboratories, high financial support, and high-quality partners will all increase his reputation in the field of world physics research. Pushed to the peak; but he chose a more difficult path. Shen Ke’s century-old Hua Guo even needed practical technology that could directly generate benefits at the time, and had no ability or funds to carry out basic exploration of high-energy physics. ; So Mr. Zhang Wenyu did not get the honor he deserves.

Compared with Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao and even Qian Lao and Deng Lao, his reputation seems worthless. But in the long run, Mr. Zhang Wenyu’s contribution is equally great. To put it in a familiar saying, your name is known by few people, and your achievements will remain forever.

Of course, now Mr. Zhang Wenyu has undergone tremendous changes. After many renovations, the comprehensive functions have been greatly improved, far from being comparable when it was first built.

“Hey, it’s a pity that this big baby will end the operation in less time, ready to be demolished!” After the visit. Xia Jia said slightly sadly.

It is a matter of course to replace the new experimental equipment with the old one! The reason why Xia Jia is a little sad is that she has her own literary and artistic female attributes, but Lv Qiujian didn’t feel that much. It is regrettable that it is also because the operation is about to end, and she has fewer opportunities to participate in the experiment.

However, the opportunity to witness the re-construction of the collider is also rare. This thing is at least starting from the cost of nine or ten digits. That is not the funds obtained after hard application. In general, which unit will be okay to dismantle and repair. Xiu’s play?

Although compared with cern, it is an outright little guy; but the size of this little guy is not to be underestimated, the linear accelerator is 202 meters long, and the prototype accelerator is 240 meters in circumference. With a height of 6 meters and a weight of 500 tons, together with the transmission line and the synchrotron radiation test device surrounding the storage ring, the whole facility covers an area of ​​57500 square meters, which is about the size of eight standard football fields combined. !

And the 57500 square meters of land is not the rough reinforced concrete used to build the football field, but is densely covered with various precision instruments that represent the most advanced scientific level that mankind can reach! The difficulty of transformation can be imagined!

“The demolition is for better development!” Lu Qiujian looked around and his eyes were full of stars. After more than a year of hard work, he finally came into contact with things that can help him achieve his plan! “I believe that the high-energy institute in a few years will definitely play a greater role than today!”

“Well, I hope I will have the opportunity to work here!” Xia Jia nodded. “It takes five years for the renovation project. At that time, I probably just graduated with a master’s degree! In your case, it takes about three years to go to Germany to study for a doctorate. You can participate in its completion celebration in two years after you get a doctorate! “

Speaking of this, Xia Jia smiled naughtily, “By that time, you may be eligible to take a doctoral student. Take me by then!”

Hehe, I may not come here in the future! And I am not sure that you will continue to stay in the field of high-energy physics. From the contact during this period, you seem to be more suitable to become a science fiction writer! Therefore, Lu Qiujian did not answer positively, “If you are still interested in physics research when I get the qualification to take a doctoral student. As long as I can pass the exam, I will definitely not refuse!”

“Huh, it’s still so strict.” Xia Jia threw out her tongue, “I’m so hard recently, you don’t give people a chance to walk through the back door!” Follow him ~ ~ and don’t say if you can Achievements in physics research, at least there is no shortage of inspiration for writing novels, Xia Jia thought so.

“Haha, let’s do this! When I understand the situation here, I will tell you an interesting story, maybe you can write it in the book!” Lu Qiujian replied with a smile.

“Okay!” Xia Jia applauded and congratulated. Since talking about it on the road just now, she has been thinking about it. Now Lu Qiujian finally gave a certain time, which is certainly worth celebrating.

“But you have to take me through this place!” Theory and experiment are different. Learning theoretical knowledge may be done by looking at the book alone, but when it comes to actual operation, someone must bring it, Xia Jia sophomore Only the very basic things can be touched; the high-end part may only be known to a few seniors of the high-energy institute.

Therefore, Lu Qiujian’s plan for himself during this period of time was to observe and learn by himself first, and then wait for the foundation to be solid, and then use his superb mathematical skills to intervene in the transformation project in order to design the collider. , Construction, operation mechanism, etc. have a complete and clear understanding. (To be continued.)

ps: Thanks to Eclair Fallon, Chenguang’s explosion, Wuzi’s millennium, Sun and Moon, Tongguang, Fei ol, Shuyou 150731232725585, I’m sensensen, tired♂Hongchen, 168666609, Shuyu I’m strong reward.

Thank you for the monthly tickets such as darkmask, kiss kiss, sunset, Hannan, lyy007 and others.

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