Demon School

Chapter 695 - Let China chaos

Qin Feng has never had such a comfortable Spring Festival since he stepped on the job! At the regular New Year’s party, no matter where you go, those people will gather around him to inquire about controllable fusion! This news made almost all Chinese people have confidence in the future.

The cheap and almost unrestricted electricity makes the whole country laugh, and the otakus can turn on the air conditioner to the maximum overnight to play the game; the factory owners quickly tap on the calculator, they want Calculate how much profit they can increase by reducing the cost of electricity to the current 20%; the bosses of major foundry companies have calculated that the factory cost will be relocated from Vietnam, India and other places to the country. The decline in electricity cost is enough to offset the advantages of labor costs in these places. But the quality of Chinese workers and the support that the government can provide are far from comparable in these places!

On the Internet, people have also begun to discuss the changes that nuclear fusion power generation can bring to their lives. “You can probably see such posts on the audio forum in the future. Using nuclear fission power to listen to concerts feels a bit manic and more suitable for listening to concerts. Listen to rock music, and the sound of nuclear fusion power music is more restrained, suitable for listening to such heavy tracks of classical music! “Someone yelled up.

“I graduated this year, and Ma Ma told me yesterday that it would cost me half a million to send me to the oil company. It seems that the money is now saved!” Someone secretly rejoiced.

“Your mother must have been cheated, and the oil department stopped entering for many years! The old man is still shunting! The gas stations are now basically returned to the charging station, and overseas personnel have been placed in overseas construction groups! In the past few years, the number of employees in the traditional energy industry such as oil and coal has been declining, and there is still something that can be spent on! “Insiders from oil companies came out to refute.

“It seems that the country has a plan! Just read the information. Now the number of people in the traditional energy industry has fallen to the lowest point in decades. This is definitely the result of the state’s deliberate regulation! Oil and coal are still very large as chemical raw materials. The role of these people, there is no need to worry about work problems in the short term! A big crisis has been eliminated unconsciously! “Some people were greatly lamented,” This big game has been laid out a long time ago, but now It ’s the last general! “

“Ahahahaha! The freshman of Industrial Power Control passed by! It seems that I don’t need to worry about employment anymore!” Some people began to feel optimistic about their future.

“My big Manchester United can finally turn over from the pressure of Manchester City! Look at how many silvers they can use for squandering! I’m afraid those countries in the world who don’t want to hear this news are those countries in the Middle East?” Would H. Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan faint in Barcelona be happier?

“The oil tyrants in the Middle East who have been lying and earning money have enjoyed a good life for decades! Now it’s finally coming to an end, I hope they still remember how to work?” Some people started to die, “If they have no money, the extremes of the world Should the organization lose its source of funds? Can we settle down in the northwestern part? “

“Upstairs! Check the water meter!” Anyway, with the news that China has achieved nuclear fusion power generation, the belief that it will be better in the future has once again appeared in the hearts of all Chinese people, which is even more than nuclear fusion itself. Important.

Contrary to a jubilant China, the White House fell into a heavier atmosphere after the Norfolk incident! When Norfolk time happened, even if they knew it would cost countless manpower and material resources, they did not think the accident could threaten the country’s global dominance.

But the realization of controlled nuclear fusion means that the petrodollar system they are working on is facing the risk of collapse, or from the moment Qin Feng delivered his speech, they have already begun to collapse!

“I have contacted the National Ignition Project, ITER, and all the institutions in the United States that do nuclear fusion research! They all told me that at least ten years later, they could not see the hope of a successful experiment, and the commercial application will be even longer!” Scientific advisor and director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Jonathan Osterman replied sweatily that he thought this was a valuable position, but he never thought that he had been in trouble since he took office.

“We must have this technology in our hands!” Trump felt that he was probably the worst president of the United States in history. First, the meteorite impact, and finally it was almost cleaned up, and the country suddenly burst into black technology.

“If you don’t pay a considerable price, the Chinese will not give it away!” Secretary of State Edward Colby replied with a frown. “We may be able to look at the technology we have now, what are the If the Chinese are interested, we can compile a list. “

“Most of the technology in the United States is in the hands of enterprises or research institutions. How can we convince them to take out things and trade with China?” Ostman asked.

“We can set up a new company to be responsible for the management and operation of nuclear fusion power plants, and the company’s equity allocation is determined by their contributions! I believe this will certainly attract the interest of many institutions!” Colby took out himself Plan ~ ~ The oil tycoons now want to kill us! Do you still think we die fast enough? And why do you think Hua Guo is willing to trade this technology? If we have mastered this technology, will we give this technology that is destined to make our country the most powerful country in the world? “Admiral Selva Air Force chose the hawkish method,” Now is the time for the aircraft carrier fleet to return to Asia! We can send the newly unsealed aircraft carrier to the Middle East and transfer the Middle Eastern aircraft carrier to Asia! Put pressure on China! “

The performance of the reopened aircraft carrier is certainly not as good as those that have been in service for a long time, and the new aircraft carrier has not completed the construction. He has to choose the strategy of demolishing the east wall to make up the west wall. the difference.

“Fighting against China? Going to war with a country whose GDP has exceeded us, and the military spending is the second largest in the world?” Everyone is clearly not ready to return to the Stone Age.

“The risk of war is too great! Especially when we lost five aircraft carrier formations and tens of thousands of elite soldiers!” Trump did not dare to take this risk, “but we must not let Hua Guoan develop quietly, we We must find a way to make China chaotic! Only then will we have a chance. “(~ ^ ~)

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