Demon School

Chapter 696 - Guests arrived

Collect for the new book “Five Thousand Years of War”!

During this time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China became the busiest department, and the major powers such as the United States, Germany, Britain, Lucia, and Neon all made requests for diplomatic visits to China. This situation even occurred in China last year. There had never been a military parade before the 70th anniversary of the establishment.

“Is this totally inconsistent with diplomatic practice?” The mutual visits of the top leaders of several major powers in the world are extremely sensitive. It is not uncommon to see such a rush, and the diplomatic department is extremely troubled how to deal with these things. As they did not have the authority to make decisions, they had to submit all these applications.

“Whoever is not good will not come!” Qin Feng smiled and threw these documents to Lu Kunqi, “If these people have to see, we will not do anything else in the next few months!”

“Look, they also submitted an application to visit the nuclear fusion power station and Xihe planned research base! Hey, it’s really welcome! If you ask us to visit the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will they agree?” Lu Kunqi After a few glances, he shook his head and said, “We welcome to discuss with sincerity. I don’t want to pay anything and want to empty the white wolf. I don’t think it needs to be ignored!”

“Well, Vladimir sent a list. The big killers like Tu-Strategic Bomber are already in the gift box. As long as we are willing to pay, they will send us!” The Red Empire had just disintegrated. At that time, China was staring at the nineteen white swans assigned to Ukraine. However, because of the obstruction of Lucia and the Western world, these big killers, which were greatly feared by the Western world, did not fall into the hands of China. Ukraine is incapable of maintaining these strategic weapons and can only hand over part to Lucia and destroy the other part. Now Lucia takes the initiative to deliver this gift.

“If it was five years ago! No, even three years ago, as long as they were willing to sell, how much did we want! But now?” Lü Kunqi nowadays doesn’t quite see these powerful weapons that NATO calls pirate flags. ! The miniaturization and superconducting technology of fusion reactors can allow China to create monsters with performance far exceeding that of Tu-! Now the prototype of this monster has been tested! It doesn’t make much sense to spend more money on these backward weapons.

“Let me say that it is okay to buy one or two for our reference! After all, Lucia’s engine technology is still very valuable! And this is also a good show for Lucia! The future international situation will definitely be overwhelming. Changes, we can’t always push this powerful country to the Western camp! “If Qin Feng’s words were heard by Vladimir, I’m afraid he would be sad and unable to add any more? Lucia people cherish incomparable treasures, but for Chinese, they have become a leader in diplomatic relations.

“Since I want to buy it, I might as well take advantage of this opportunity to buy more. I think the technology of Akula and Aspen can also be considered! In addition, the proton rocket technology can also be used as a reference for our Xi and plan!” Lu Kunqi came directly With a big lion’s mouth, he intended to completely drain the precious legacy of the Red Empire to Lucia.

A sorrow flashed in Qin Feng’s eyes. He was also a generation who grew up under the influence of the Red Empire. What a powerful and frightening country! And now his successor has fallen to the end of selling his estate! However, there is a saying on the Internet that dead teddy bears are good teddy bears. How could the fallen China without them have the glory of today?

“We must not embark on the old road of the Red Empire!” Qin Feng said inexplicably, but Lu Kunqi, who was about his age, clearly understood, “We will only be stronger and more tenacious than them! The difference is that they are , We are now on a vigorous and upward path! “

“Since Vladimir is so sincere, let’s talk to him first!” Qin Feng quickly made a decision, and then picked up the second document, “Neon’s words, I don’t I feel that they can come up with something valuable! And the United States does not allow them to take it out! It does n’t make sense to chat with their prime minister any more! Such a leader who ca n’t even decide his own affairs No need to meet! “

“However, Prime Minister Neon offered to conduct in-depth consultations on the disputed islands in the East China Sea! Do we not consider these?” The Foreign Minister couldn’t help but interject.

“The islands are ours! The issue of sovereignty has never been negotiable! They want to trade things that originally belonged to us, how can such a good thing! You go back to work! We will inform you of the results!” Qin Feng’s tone immediately became harsher.

After he left, Qin Feng shook his head regretfully, “For so many years, our foreign affairs department and propaganda department are still in such a terrible state! They always come out and hold back!”

“I think diplomatic work will become more and more important in the future, and now it seems necessary to consider changing to a more capable person to take up this position!” Too.

“France’s request can be considered, they did not ask us for technology transfer requirements ~ ~ Just wanted to ask us to build a fusion nuclear power plant for them in France!” Qin Feng took out a new document.

“This can be considered, but they need funds to provide them. We have to establish a cooperative company with technology, and the management of nuclear power plants must be responsible by our people!” It seems good to expand the impact to Europe without revealing secrets. “These employees Responsible for the country directly, and do not accept the French order! We only need to meet their power needs! “

“Then Mr. Prime Minister, see you too!” After Vladimir, the second leader was decided.

“Britain is still the kind of virtue that breaks down and don’t fall down! They want to take our technology out of words, don’t think about it!” Throw the British documents directly to the side.

“As for the Germans, let them expel the anti-China forces in their territory first!” Germany can be said to be the headquarters of European anti-China forces, and many institutions that have been classified as terrorist organizations by China have been established in Germany. Own headquarters.

Then I read the documents of South Korea, Korea, Italy and other countries, and made a decision; finally it was the rice document of the country! I do n’t know what the country wants to talk to itself? (~ ^ ~)

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