Denial is the Way

Month Eight (2)

They are in the second week of April, as today is the day Nevan is moving his stuff into Ender's home. Well, now, it will be their home. 


The front door was wide open as Nevan and Kay's people brought in the boxes. Kay stayed outside, directing her people to make sure they got things done. 


Ender sat on the couch in the living room, watching them. He wanted to go out and help, but his back started to hurt, and he could barely bend down to pick something up. 


He rubbed his stomach, worrying about a few things. Ender is in his eight-month mark of pregnancy, and the doctor told him that when someone carries more than one baby, they are at a higher percentage of having premature babies. 


His doctor told him not to worry too much, but his water could break at any moment. 


Ender talked with his mother about labor, and his mother only made him pale when she described it. Even though all her births were natural, and Ender will have a c-section, there will still be some pain. 


He always talked about wanting the babies to come, but now he is not ready for it. 


From the labor contractions to having the c-section, Ender was not ready to experience any of it. He is nervous and anxious. 


But he tried not to stress about it because it is not great for the babies. 


Kay entered the house with a blow horn in her hand. She had on a cap, taking it off with her free hand as she used it to wave herself. 


"How are you feeling, little brother?" Kay asked. 


She put her cap back on, pulling out a water bottle from thin air, and started drinking it. Ender looked at the water bottle with a raised eyebrow, wondering where his sister kept it but decided not to question it. 


"Bored, anxious, tired, and sore." Ender named off everything he was feeling. 


"Do you need anything?" Kay asked. 


Ender shook his head, "No. I just wanted to complain." 


"Well, complain all you like. I am going to go back out to make sure those idiots finish taking all the boxes out." Kay walked out the door after taking her small break and checking up on Ender. 


Ender thought that complaining out loud or talking about what he is currently feeling would do good. But he will do it later while Nevan is with him. He did not want to seem weird to the others by talking to himself. 


He wouldn't mind talking to himself, but it would be awkward if the people coming in and out would see it. 


Someone talking to themselves is best done alone or near someone close to them who won't judge or look at the person funny. 


Instead, Ender started paying attention to the TV, waiting for everyone to finish bringing in Nevan's stuff.



Kay and her people left a couple of hours later as they finished bringing in all the boxes. They put some boxes in the garage so that Nevan can sort through them later. 


The main things he focused on were the essential things and his clothes. Right now, Nevan brought the boxes of his clothes to Ender's room. They started pulling the clothes out, folding most to put in the dresser and the rest in the closet. 


They were also going to clear out the room Nevan first slept in when he started living in Ender's house since he would be in the room with Ender from now on. 


Nevan and Ender sat on the bed with a pile of clothes, folding them and separating them by pants, shirts, underwear and socks, and what didn't fit with the others. 


"We haven't prepared a bag for when you go into labor, yet. We should do that later on." Nevan spoke, folding a pair of pants before putting them in the designated pile. 


"I feel like we have so much to do, and it probably isn't like that," Ender responded. 


"I understand. I wonder if I should have my chairman play as the CEO of my company for a while because I want to be here and help you out with taking care of the twins when they come." 


"I feel like I took you from your job for a long time, and I am still doing it." Ender sighed, frowning a bit. 


"I don't mind. You and the babies are more important." Nevan replied. 


Folding another shirt, Ender stopped for a second, reaching over to kiss Nevan's cheek. "If you keep spoiling me like this, I won't know how to act when you go back to work." 


Nevan smiled, "I am making sure you don't know how to act without me." 


"Wow. You are working hard to keep me by your side. Don't worry; I am not going anywhere." Ender hit his shoulder against Nevan's. 


"I know." Nevan smugly responded. 


Ender rolled his eyes when he heard the smug tone; he didn't say anything about it, though. They sat in silence, folding the clothes while listening to the TV. 


After a minute or so, Ender could not help but comment, "I feel like we are an old married couple." 


"I am fine with that," Nevan responded. He didn't mind feeling like a married couple; it only meant the future for him. 


There is nowhere he would rather be. Nevan wants to spend his whole life with Ender. Ender thought along the same lines, wondering why he never told Nevan how he felt from the start. 


Even though they started everything backward, Ender doesn't regret it because, in the end, he still has Nevan by his side. 


"Do you want to get married?" Ender asked. 


Nevan looked at him with an amused expression, "Are you proposing to me?" 


"I could be. Ask me again in two, maybe three years." Ender responded. 


Nevan threw his head back, laughing at Ender's response. His smile was huge, showing off his teeth as he gazed at Ender with only love in his eyes. "Man, I am so in love with you." 


Ender turned red, feeling his heart beating fast as he looked at Nevan. The expression on Nevan's face only made his heart feel like it was about to explode. 


His face softened as a shy smile grew on his face, "I love you too."

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