Denial is the Way

Month Eight (3)

Ender woke up feeling like today was going to be a terrible or good day. It was from how people would see it. 


He laid on his side, turning on his phone in the darkroom. His eyes squinted when the light hit them, causing him to turn the brightness on his phone down a bit. 


Ender saw that it is only six in the morning and today is Thursday, April 22nd. He sighed, almost wanting to close his eyes and go back to sleep because it was too early to get up. 


But he set his phone aside, quickly getting out of bed because he had to pee. He shuffled to the bathroom, trying to hold back from peeing on himself as it felt like the babies were on his bladder. 


When he made it to the bathroom, Ender quickly relieved himself, feeling better once he cleared his bladder. 


He washed his hands, walking back to the bed to lie down. Ender did notice that Nevan was not in bed with him. He knew that Nevan went out early to deal with something at his company. 


Ender wished he could say he did not mind an empty bed, but after Nevan slept with him all the time, he misses Nevan being there. 


He ignored the cold feeling from Nevan not being there and wrapped the blanket around himself before grabbing his phone. He even reached into his nightstand drawer, pulling out a snack to eat. 


Opening the bag of chips, Ender started scrolling through social media while eating. Minutes began to pass as he looked through his family and friends' accounts; he commented and liked a few of their posts and pictures. 


Then, he started watching funny videos, laughing at some of them while saving the ones he thought were the most hilarious. Ender even screenshotted some memes, sending them on the friends' group chat. 


Tia: Wow, I don't know what I should be amazed at, the memes or that Ender is up early? 


Fe: Ender waking up early without anyone telling him to? That deserves a medal. 


Ender: Wow, I wasted memes on you two. I feel ashamed of myself. 


Tia: Well, you should have saved them and showed us later. You being up early trumps everything. 


Fe: ^ I agree. 


Ender: This is abuse. Nevan, they are abusing me. 


Nevan: Good morning, En. 


Tia: Damn 


Tia: Do you smell that? 


Tia: It is Nevan not giving a fuck. 


Ender: I feel betrayed and alone. Everyone will be getting divorce papers; I am leaving. 


Tia: Don't leave; I love you.


Fe: I seem to have forgotten how to read. 


Nevan: You're cute. 


Ender: That's it, I am going to ignore all of you. 


Ender put the group chat on mute, ignoring them. He knows that is childish of him, but he is only playing around. 


He went back to scrolling through social media when he received a call from his old editor. Ender was surprised to see it because after telling the woman that he is going on a long break, it has been a while since they last talked. 


Pushing the accept button, Ender answered, "Hello, stranger." 


"You turned me into a stranger when you decided not to make another book." The editor responded. 


"I am taking a break from writing. I cannot think of anything. Every time I would try to type words on a blank document, nothing would come." 


"Yeah, yeah." 


Ender chuckled, "Why are you calling?" 


"Do you think you can do a book signing? I had been working with a new author, and they ended up having to go aboard for a sick family member, making them unable to attend the significant book signing in two weeks.


"So, I thought, how about Ender, who is a famous author, and people would love to see at the book signing." The editor explained. 


"Well, you know, I barely showed my face. And, I also am unable to. I am eight months pregnant with twins and could go into labor at any time. I'm sorry." Ender responded. 


However, Ender did not feel sorry at all. He barely showed his face when he was an author and never likes going to any book signing. 


"You are pregnant? Congrats, I guess. Well, on to the next person on my list, then." The editor sighed at the end. 


Ender decided to give her encouragement, "You got this and thanks." 


"Hopefully. Well, good luck with parenting, bye." 


"Bye." Ender hung up his phone. 


He turned it off, keeping it in his hand as he finally got up from his bed to walk to the kitchen. Ender could feel his hunger kicking in.


When he entered the kitchen, Ender set his phone on the counter and went to the pantry. He pulled out a box of waffle mix. 


Once he set the box down, he went towards the fridge to get an egg. 


After that, he grabbed the oil and two measuring cups for the waffle mix and water. When he had everything he needed, he turned on the waffle iron and sprayed the oil on it. 


He did the needed measurements, grabbing a bowl in the end and mixing all the stuff. 


Ender whisked the ingredients for a while until the batter was smooth and good. He walked over to the waffle iron, pouring a bit of the batter on it. 


When he got a nice amount, he closed the waffle iron and let it cook. Ender did that two more times, creating three waffles with the batter he made.


He put the waffles on a plate, letting them sit as he cleaned up his mess. After he finished, he grabbed some fruit to put on top of the waffles and some syrup. 


Ender took his plate with a fork and knife to the table. Instead of sitting down, he made himself some orange juice and grabbed his phone. 


Finally, finishing everything, Ender sat down to eat his food. And as he started to dig in, taking one bite, the sound of water hitting the ground filled the room as it felt like he peed on himself. 


Ender looked down, sighing as he set his fork and knife down. "Fuck my life." He swore out loud. 

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