Denial is the Way

Water Breaking!

Surprisingly, after cursing out loud, Ender calmed down. He did not have any contractions yet, so he went back to eating, finishing his food. 


He sat in silence, not reaching for his phone to text or call anyone because he wanted to finish his food. 


Once Ender cleared his plate and gulped down his drink, he put the dishes in the sink. Then, he bent down, struggling a bit as he opened the bottom cabinet under the sink. 


He pulled out two towels he kept under there, closing the cabinet. He used the edge of the sink to help himself stand up before walking over to the wet mess. 


Using one towel to wipe up the mess, leaving it there, Ender used the other to put it between his legs. He grabbed his phone, weirdly shuffling to the front door. 


Luckily, Ender and Nevan packed a bag last week for when he went into labor. Ender grabbed the bag and his car keys, leaving the house while locking the door behind him. 


He walked to his car, unlocking it as he put the driver's seat back a bit. Once he finished, Ender laid the towel, between his legs, on the seat before sitting down. 


Buckling himself and closing the door, Ender quickly started the car and began driving to his family's hospital. 


While he started driving, he connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth and called Nevan. 


The phone rang for a few seconds, indicating that Nevan is probably busy or in a meeting, because he usually answers after the first ring. 


The call went through as Nevan answered, "Hey, is something wrong?" 


"Well, my water broke, and I am driving to my family's hospital," Ender answered, paying attention to the road. 


"What! Are you in any pain? Are you okay? Why didn't you call anyone to come get you?" Nevan spits out a few questions, growing anxious. 


"Remember, our home is an hour away from life, so it would be pointless to wait for someone to get me. I am not in any pain yet, which is excellent. I promise I am fine." Ender calmly answered. Although, he hated how wet his bottoms felt since he did not change clothes. 


"Okay. I am leaving my meeting and driving to the hospital. Have a safe drive, En, and call me if anything happens. I will drive and get you if something does. I love you." Nevan spoke. 


Before Ender could respond, Nevan hung up the phone. Ender was listening to the ending sound, sighing a bit. He knew that Nevan quickly hung up to leave his job, so it did not fully bother him. 


Ender moved to call his mother. His mother quickly answered, "Did your water break?" 


Raising his eyebrow, Ender responded, "Did Nevan text you or something? I just got off the phone with him." 


"No. It is early in the morning, and you are up, so either someone woke you up to do something, or your water broke." His mother answered. 


Ender pouted, "Everyone is so mean about me waking up early." 


His mother laughed before saying, "I already called the hospital, so they know you are coming. I am also on my way there with your father." 


"Okay. Should I call the others?" 


"No, pay attention to driving; I will send a group message to everyone." 


"Thank you, love you, and see you soon." 


"Love you too, son." 


Ender focused on driving, not calling anyone again. He hoped Nevan would tell their friends. If not, Ender would do it when he reached the hospital. 


Ender drove for two hours, happy that he had not felt any contractions yet, but his tone would soon change when he reached the hospital. 


He parked his car in the hospital's parking lot, unbuckling himself as he stepped out, leaving the towel in the car. He pulled out the prepared bag, putting the strap over his shoulder as he closed the doors and locked them. 


Once he did, his contractions finally hit them. Ender leaned over, holding onto the car as his face scrunched up in pain. He wanted to cry as the contractions felt intense. 


He took a few deep breaths, breathing through his nose as he tried to deal with the pain. Ender stayed like that for a few seconds longer before walking. 


He slowly shuffled to the door, holding his stomach as he kept doing the breathing exercises that the childbirth class taught him. 


The hospital doors automatically opened as he got near them. Once he entered, Ender heard two people calling his name. 


"En!" The voice simultaneously yelled. 


He turned towards the noise and saw Nevan and his parents coming towards him. Nevan quickly took the bag from him when he got close while his mother helped him walk. 


"How are you feeling?" His father asked. 


"Terrible. Ask me again when the babies are out." Ender responded. 


They walked to the front desk as a doctor already stood there with a wheelchair. Since his father owns the hospital, Ender is not surprised that the place is already ready and prepared for him. 


His parents helped him into the wheelchair as Ender bit his lip, trying to keep his tears back from the pain he was feeling. Ender let out a muffled groan, leaning back on the chair. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend he was not in pain. 


Nevan touched his shoulder, squeezing it, but Ender ignored the comfort Nevan was trying to give him. 


The doctor started pushing him to the maternity wing. His parents and Nevan followed them. 


"Your siblings will be coming soon." His parents mentioned. 


"I messaged our friends, and they said they are coming," Nevan added. 


Ender hummed, barely listening to them, although he could already see that his room would be full of people. 


He did not feel like answering as he tried to keep himself from crying out from the pain. Ender never liked pain, and the intense contractions are making it worse. 


But he failed when a contraction, more intense than others, hit him. "Fuck!" Ender cried out, almost wanting to apologize for cursing in front of his parents. 


But he could not get the words out as he started moaning in pain. Nevan grabbed his hand, which Ender squeezed hard. 


"We are almost there." The doctor spoke. 


Please, please, please, let this end quickly! Ender thought. 

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