Denial is the Way

Month Four (2)

When they got to the doctor's office, the people did their usual thing and told Ender that he and the babies were fine. 


The doctor also mentioned that Ender needed to pick up exercising again. Then, the doctor told him the dates he needed to get a second ultrasound and check his health. 


Ender sighed at them, already hating going to the doctor; this is the first time having to go to the doctor a lot. After his babies are born, he will take extra careful steps to make sure he never gets pregnant again. 


Once they left the doctor's, Nevan and Ender were on their way to a store catering to pregnant females and males. 


Ender was on the phone, texting his mother, when Nevan asked, "Should we buy some baby things too?" 


"No, my mom planned for my baby shower next month. My siblings are going to buy everything we need and more. Prepare for the mountain of gifts that will come." Ender responded. 


Nevan felt nervous at that. Most people would think Ender exaggerates, but Nevan knew that Ender was telling the complete truth after meeting his family. 


"I guess we should think of names then?" Nevan wanted it to come off as a statement, but it becomes more of a question. 


Ender set his phone down, blushing a bit. He should have thought about names a long time ago, but it felt too real to him. He is already four months pregnant, so this is already beyond real. 


But finding names made things serious. 


"Can we wait for that?" 


"Ender, we should not take long on finding a name. What if time goes by fast, and you are already in labor without knowing what to name our children?" Nevan loved saying and hearing "our children." 


Ender bit his lip, looking at his lap. "I promise I won't take long, but can we wait before thinking of names?" 


Nevan sighed, "Fine." 


It was quiet as they were pulling into the store, parking the car. But before they got out, Nevan started again, "We should sign up for childbirth classes." 


Grabbing the car door handle, Ender quickly stepped out, taking his blanket with him. He does not know if he should regret telling Nevan or not. Since they aired out one elephant in the room, Nevan wants to do a lot of things. 


Honestly, Ender wants to laze around and hope for the best of raising his babies. Plus, he has a mother that could help tell him if he is doing something right or wrong since she had seven kids. 


Ender started walking to the store. He heard Nevan sighing behind him as the man followed him. "You know, you cannot get out of this conversation," Nevan spoke. 


They entered the store, Ender not saying anything until they reached the clothes part. "I know, but can we not have it now?" 


Nevan grabbed Ender, causing him to look at the man. Ender could not stop his heart from beating fast as a slight blush appeared on his cheek from how close they were. 


"You know that I spoil you, right?" 


"Hmm, do you? Because if you were, then the conversation would have been over." 


Nevan's eyes dropped to Ender's lips for a split second before moving back up. "I guess I should leave since you cannot see me spoiling you." 


Ender smiled, hitting his hand on Nevan's arm, "I am kidding." 


Before they could continue their conversation, a woman cut in. "You two are so cute. You both look young. Are you two first-time parents?" 


The woman cannot see Ender's stomach, but she can guess he is pregnant since they are in this store. Plus, Nevan's stomach is completely flat. 


Nevan kept hold of Ender as he quickly answered, "Yes, we are." 


Ender blushed, glaring at Nevan. 


"Aww," the woman responded. She rubbed her protruding stomach, "let me tell you; there will be moments where it is not easy; I am already on my third child." 


"Congratulations," Ender said. 


"Thank you. I know young parents want to find stylish clothes to wear during their pregnancies, but sweaters and sweatpants are the best things ever. And I mean the best." 


Ender smiled, "Thank you for the advice." He already wears those all the time, but he rather not say that because he did not want to seem rude. 


"Well, I am going to let you two go. Congratulations on stepping into parenthood." 


"Thank you," Nevan spoke those words. 


The woman waved goodbye as she walked off. Ender watched her leave before looking at Nevan, "I think she thought we were together." 


Nevan let him go, silently whispering, "I would love to be with you." 


Ender knew Nevan spoke, but he did not hear his words, "What?" 


"Nothing, go find some clothes." 


Shrugging, Ender walked over to the sweaters. 


Ender was at his family home, hanging with his mother as he rubbed his stomach. It is starting to get bigger. It was hard to tell due to his oversized sweater, but it was a bit noticeable. 


His mother was already putting up Christmas decorations, even though the date is not near yet. Ender stopped touching his stomach, finally putting the lights around the stairs as his mother walked back in. 


"Where is Nevan?" 


Ender put on a fake pout, "Do you only love Nevan and not me?" 


His mother rolled her eyes, "You know I love you." 


Ender chuckled, "He had to go to work because someone messed up on one of their projects. So, I came over here because I want some attention." 


"Wow, do you love Nevan more than me?" His mother throws back at him. 


Ender choked at his mother's words, blushing hard. "Mom, you know I love you!" 


"I am only teasing; why are you getting so nervous?" 


"I am not getting nervous; you are seeing things." Ender went back to putting the lights through as he tried to exit the conversation. 


"Why don't you tell the man how you feel?" His mother asked, coming up the stairs to help him with the lights. 


Ender shook his head, feeling his fingers trembling. "I cannot do that. I am already lucky that our relationship is still good even though we are having twins together." 


"It would be even better with you telling him how you feel, especially because you might end up like me. My sex drive was crazy during my pregnancy." 


Ender almost slipped off the stairs as he let go of the lights. His eyes were wide, "Mom!" 


His mother laughed while shrugging, "What? I am only telling you the truth." 


"Boundaries. There should be boundaries between a child and parent." 


"Okay. Okay. But remember, you should tell Nevan how you feel." 


Ender sighed, "Can I hold off on that?" 


"Like how you are holding off on naming your babies and talking about going to childbirth classes?" His mother responded. 


Ender stared at her, raising his eyebrow, "Is Nevan telling you that? What are you two, gossiping buddies?" 


"No need to be jealous. If you told Nevan how you feel, you could have him all to yourself." 


"I will leave." Ender threatened. Although, he wouldn't leave. 


His mother laughed, shaking her head as she waved her hand, "Okay, I will stop for now. Let's finish the lights so that we can get to putting up the fake snowflakes around the house." 


Ender went back to helping with the lights as they continued decorating. He thought about telling Nevan how he felt, but it made him nervous. He did not want Nevan to believe he wanted to be with him because he is pregnant. 


Ender wished he could go back in time so that he could have done everything right. 




Yan sat on his couch, watching a drama while drinking some green tea. He was so into the show that Yan jumped, almost dropping his cup when his phone made a sound. 


He blushed, happy that no one was there to see it. Yan set his cup down and grabbed his phone that rested next to him. 


He saw that Kori sent him a text message. He unlocked his phone, reading the text on a bigger screen. 


Kori: You want to see a movie? I have some tickets to a horror one.


Yan: Are they tickets from a previous date? Am I the second choice? 


Kori: No, more like fifth, but that is still up there. 


Yan laughed, knowing that Kori was playing with him. 


Yan: Hmm. I don't think so; I like being on top. 


Kori: Are we talking about movies or fucking? 


Yan: Can you be any less crude? 


Kori: Can you give me a clear answer? 


Yan: Can you see that I did? 


Kori: And what if I said you were my first choice? 


Yan: What if I told you it doesn't matter? 


Kori: Then, I will tell you to meet me in an hour at Phoenix Cinema.


Yan: Hmm, interesting. We will see if I will be there.


Kori: I'll be waiting. 


Yan put his phone down, picking up his remote as he turned the TV off. He gulped down his cup, walking to the kitchen to put it in the sink. 


When he finished, Yan went upstairs and got dressed. He left the house in thirty minutes and made it to Phoenix Cinema in twenty-three minutes. 


Yan entered the place, quickly seeing Kori hanging nearing the food area, looking down at his phone. Yan walked over as Kori greeted him without looking up. 


"I see you came." Kori greeted. 


"Well, it would make it our fifth date and I had to come because I know how much you dislike odd numbers," Yan responded. 


Kori chuckled, "You're so funny." 


"How will you watch a movie with your eyes glued to your phone?" Yan asked. 


"Isn't it another screen, but bigger?" Kori answered. 


Yan smiled, "You seem always to have something to say, huh?" 


"And you seem to never be out of questions, huh?" 


Yan playfully pushed Kori, "Don't forget that I am older than you." 


"Since you are older, you should buy the food." 


Yan shook his head, opening his trench coat, revealing candy and snacks, "I already have us covered." 


Kori looked away from his phone, glancing at the snacks. He looked at Yan, moving closer to the man until they were barely an inch apart. 


"You are amazing." 


Yan smirked, "I know." He closed the gap between them, softly kissing Kori before pulling back. 


He closed his trench coat. 


"Now, let's go to the movie you promised me." 

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