Denial is the Way

Month Three (3)

Warning: NSFW dream/memory in the beginning

Ender lay face down with his bottom in the air. He gripped the sheets, pulling them down as he felt something long and hard pushing inside him. He mewled, trying to stay relaxed. 


“Relax,” Nevan whispered from behind him. He grabbed Ender’s leaking member, sloppily rubbing it as his mind was clouded. 


Ender turned his head sideways, fully relaxing as he moaned from Nevan’s hand and the feeling of being full when the man was all the way in. 


Nevan didn’t move. He leaned his head down towards Ender, grabbing his chin as he pulled their faces closer. Ender could smell the alcohol on Nevan’s breath. But he was the same as both of their smells mixed, making him feel drunker than he already was. 


Nevan’s lips softly touched his, causing Ender to close his eyes. It successfully distracted him as Nevan pulled out, only to thrust back in roughly. 


Gasping, Ender’s hands almost slipped as the thrust pushed his body forward. Nevan took the opportunity to pull Ender’s head up, slipping his tongue into the man’s mouth. 


Their tongues touched, tangling against each other as they quietly fought. But Nevan won the battle when he quickly set a fast pace of thrusting into Ender. 


Ender moaned, silent tears falling down his face from the pleasure and pain of Nevan moving in and out of him. Nevan swallowed down the moan, his tongue exploring Ender’s mouth before he scraped his teeth on the man’s tongue. 


His hand, which stopped moving on Ender’s member for a second, started again. He moved his hand at the same speed of his thrusting. 


Ender moved his head away, crying out as saliva dripped down his chin. “P-Pleas-ah.” He moaned, not knowing what he was pleading for. 


Nevan grabbed Ender’s waist, pulling him up so that Ender could sit in his lap. Ender’s hands left the sheets when he felt Nevan picking him up. He gripped Nevan’s legs, his eyes widening as the new position pushed Nevan deeper into him. 


Grabbing Ender’s neck, Nevan pushed Ender’s head back as his hot breath was on the man’s cheek. He thrust up, moving faster and harder than before. 


Ender could only scream out from pleasure, leaving scratch marks on Nevan’s legs. His body shuddered as sweat covered it. The sound of skin slapping against each other seemed louder in Ender’s ears. 


Nevan’s hand flexed against Ender’s neck as the other went back to the man’s member. “I want you to climax for me.” Nevan’s deep voice, which drove Ender insane, whispered in his ear. 


Ender could already feel himself spilling in Nevan’s hand as he moaned out the man’s name. 


Ender woke up to his pants being a mess. He groaned, hitting the back of his head on the pillow as he ignored the wetness of his pants and underwear. 


He hated how more and more memories of that night kept popping up in his dreams. And it only grew worse as he has been feeling horny lately. 


He touched his stomach, pulling his shirt up as he rubbed the small bump. This is you two’s fault that my hormones are going crazy! He blamed the growing babies. 


Moving his hand away after a second longer, Ender finally left the bed, walking a bit funny due to the wetness in his pants. He pushed the covers, checking to see if there were any spots on the sheets. Ender let out a sigh of relief when he didn’t see anything. 


He quickly took a shower after peeing, changing into new clothes. 


Once he walked out and made it to the living room, he heard Nevan on the phone with someone. 


“For the last time, I’m not coming home for thanksgiving. You ask every year, and I always say the same thing.” Nevan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. 


Nevan’s face changed to an exhausted one, “I’m not inclined to meeting them. But we can see each other any time.” 


The person on the other end must have something that Nevan didn’t like because he clicked his tongue, frowning. “I’m going to go. Love you.” The man hung up, not waiting for the other to respond. 


Ender thoroughly walked into the living room, asking Nevan, “Older sister or the younger one?” 


Surprisingly, even though Ender knew his friends for a few years, they rarely talk about their family. Ender never met his friends’ family and vice versa (well, now Nevan met his mother and was going to meet the others). They felt it wasn’t needed to talk about family. 


But two years ago, when Nevan and Ender were left alone, Nevan told him about his family. He mentioned how he would instead jump off a twelve-story building than see his parents. Even though his parents taught him many helpful things, Nevan and them could not be in the same room without an argument breaking out.


But he still loves his older sister and little one. So he would see them from time to time. 


Nevan ran his hand through his hair, trying to get rid of his irritating feeling. “Both. It is only the usual call, nothing to worry about.” 


“Okay,” Ender responded, not pushing since Nevan didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it. 


As he was getting ready to walk to the kitchen, Nevan stopped him. “Did you finish packing already?” The man asked. 


Ender paused, turning back around, returning to his room while covering his face. His action answered Nevan’s question. 


Nevan kept the amusement off his face, “Do you need any help?” 


“No, I got it.” 


“Okay. And our friends are coming over soon since we are leaving tonight.” 


Ender cringed at the word ‘tonight’ because he had to stuff clothes in his bag quickly. He always had a habit of packing last minute. 


His siblings used to pack for him when they would go on family trips. And when his siblings didn’t, his parents would wake him six hours earlier to pack his bags. 


Once he entered his room, ignoring his growling stomach, Ender took out his bag from the closet and started throwing clothes inside it. He didn’t look at what he was putting inside as he wanted to eat. 


It took him half an hour to finish as he wiped his forehead, breathing hard. Ender looked like he ran a marathon. It took him some extra minutes to close the bag before leaving his room. 


When he reached the living room, once again, his friends were there. Tia jumped off the couch, throwing her arms around Ender, “En! Help me, Fe is torturing me!” Tia squeezed him close and tight, making his stomach feel uncomfortable. 


“Tia,” Ender tapped her arm while trying to breathe, “you’re killing me.” 


Fe stood up, shaking his head as he grabbed Tia, pulling her off. Tia flailed her arms, trying to retake hold of Ender. 


Ender sidestepped her arms, moving towards the kitchen. “Hey,” Kori greeted, not looking up from his phone. Ender hummed in response.


When he entered the kitchen, Nevan had a plate made for him. He grabbed the plate with a pout, “I swear you know I want to eat something bad, and you stop me by having food ready.” 


Nevan shrugged, “I am only making sure you eat healthy for you and the babies.” 


Ender shushed Nevan, whispering, “Don’t say that out loud; I don’t want others knowing I’m having twins. I haven’t even told my family, except my mom, yet.” 


Nevan kept an expressionless face, “Okay, I will keep quiet.” 


Nodding, Ender walked out, going back to the living room as he sat down next to Kori.


Tia pouted but couldn’t move from her spot as Fe held her down. “En, come sit next to me.” She patted the area next to her. It would be a tight squeeze if he did since the other couch was smaller than the one he was on. 


Ender shook his head, “No, you are going to kill me.” 


“No, I’m not!” 


Fe and surprisingly, Kori snorted at Tia’s response. Tia glared at them. Ender looked amused as he started eating his food. 


Tia loves hugging him to the point of taking his breath away, literally. Fe would always keep a hold of her because if not, she will end up suffocating Ender. 


He would rather not die from hugging. 


Nevan entered the room, sitting down next to Ender with a water bottle in his hand. 


Tia huffed when she realized that Ender was not coming over. She decided to start a different conversation. “How are all of you spending your Thanksgiving?” 


“The weather is starting to cool, so I’m going to a hot place with some girl,” Kori responded, his fingers flying across his phone. 


Tia raised her eyebrow, “When did you get a girlfriend?” 


“Who said anything about having a girlfriend. I said some girl.” 


Kori was like a player, which confused everyone because they did not understand how the man attracted someone when he was on his phone 24/7. Who would want to go on a date/vacation with someone who won’t even look at them? 


“Okay,” Tia responded, “well, Fe and I are going to spend a week at some resort.” 


Fe and Tia swear that they are not dating. But it is hard to believe that when they are always together. Even when the whole group would take a trip somewhere, Fe and Tia would sleep in the same hotel room. 


Usually, Nevan would spend the holidays working from home, but this time he responded with an answer that shook everyone except Ender. “I’m going to be with Ender and his family for Thanksgiving.” 


Kori stopped typing, looking at Nevan with surprise. Tia’s eyes widened, and Fe had a mixed expression of Kori and Tia’s. 


“Seriously?” Tia asked, almost not believing it. 


Ender nodded, “Yeah.” He did not have a problem with his friends knowing Nevan was meeting his family. It is supposed to be a normal friend thing to meet the parents. It was just that Ender and his friends were different about their friendship. 


“I would love to spend time with En. Nevan, you are so lucky.” Tia longingly sighed. 


Ender shivered at that thought. Tia and his siblings mixed, all trying to get his attention and smother him? Yeah, he would rather drown. 


“Tia, I love you, but our friendship works best at a distance,” Ender responded. 


Kori laughed next to him, going back to his phone. Tia pulled a fake crying face, “That is not true love, En.” 


Ender shook his head. 


Nevan leaned back, whispering in Ender’s ear, “Finish your food.” 


Ender bit his cheek, holding back his blush as Nevan’s breath on his ear caused him to shiver. The memories of that night and Nevan is going to drive him crazy. 


The conversation changed once again as Tia asked about Ender’s baby. 


He and his friends talked until night came when Nevan and Ender had to leave to go to Ender’s family home. 


Once everyone left, Ender and Nevan put their bags in Ender’s car and drove to his family home. 


As they drove to the villa, Ender started telling Nevan about his siblings. 


“Liam and Kay, the two oldest, are highly protective of me. And it is worse because my sister is a mafia boss, so she is someone to stir clear from pissing off. Also, my brother has many connections, so he could make anything happen. 


“Hana and George are the second oldest of my sisters and brothers. They are very caring. Hana is like a mother hen while George wants to cuddle with me all the time. They are friendly, caring people, but they become vicious and overprotective when they are pissed off.


“Lastly, the third oldest of my brothers and sisters, Yan and Thana, are mixes of everyone. Except Yan is more of a thinker, while Thana is more about action. They are hard to piss off unless it comes to being competitive over me or someone hurting me. 


“Liam and Kay might do a background check on you. Hana and George will make sure you are treating me right. Yan will probably ask many questions, and Thana is unpredictable.” Ender explained, taking a deep breath after talking for a long time. 


Nevan took everything in, making notes in his head. “Okay, I got it. How about your father?” 


Ender tapped his chin, thinking about how to describe his father. “My father likes to be in the background, but compared to everyone, especially Kay, his temper is the worst. Once you piss that man off, it is over for everybody. My mother and us are the only ones to keep him down to earth.” 


Nevan hummed. 


It was silent for a while as they finally pulled into the villa. As they drove down the long road, Nevan finally said something, “You know, if anyone heard you, it almost sounds like I’m about to meet a mafia/gang family.” 


Ender laughed, not saying anything because it would not help the case. If his family wanted to, they could become one, but no one needed to know that. 


When they parked the car, already seeing other vehicles there, Ender grabbed Nevan’s wrist. Nevan looked at him. “Are you ready to spend two weeks with my family? It won’t be an easy one.” 


Nevan stared at Ender, glancing down at his stomach for a second longer before looking back up. “I’m ready.” 


Ender smiled, letting him go, “Don’t regret those words, Nevan.” 


They stepped out of the car with their bags in their hands. Nevan and Ender walked to the entrance as the door opened. 


But instead of Mr. Forn opening the door, it was Liam, the eldest brother. 


“En,” the man smiled before his glance went to Nevan. His smile dropped as the atmosphere turned cold around them. Liam crossed his arms, “And you are?” 


“The one I said who will be coming with me, brother,” Ender answered, trying to warm up the atmosphere. Sometimes, his brother would forget things if it wasn’t about Ender. 


Nevan bowed, feeling nervous that he just got here and met with an obstacle already. And a tough one at that. “I’m Nevan; nice to meet you.” 


“We will see,” Liam responded, turning around. 


Ender and Nevan entered as Ender hit Nevan’s shoulder with his. He looked at Nevan with eyes that said, remember not to regret coming here


Nevan replied I don’t. Even though he was anxious, he prepared himself to do this. He will make sure to leave a good impression on the rest of Ender’s family. 

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