Denial is the Way

Month Three (4.1)

As they walked more into the house, Ender stopped by the stairs causing Nevan and Liam to do the same. 


His brother looked at him with a questioning expression on why he stopped. "I need to go upstairs to put up my bags and show Nevan where he is staying," Ender responded to the look. 


Liam hummed, taking a glance at Nevan, "Would you like me to go with you?" 


"Liam, I have it." Ender silently tried to give Liam the message to leave already.


Liam sighed, "Okay. The family will be in the living area waiting for you and your friend." He walked away. 


Nevan walked towards Ender, whispering, "I think your brother does not like me already." 


Ender shook his head, "It is not that. Give it time; he will warm up soon. But do know, he is most likely already calling someone to do a background check on you." 


"That is fine. I have nothing to hide." 


Ender hummed, "Okay, follow me." 


They walked up the stairs, going to the right-wing of the house. "We are going to my suite; there is a guest room connected. You can stay there. But do not let the others know; it won't give you any good points." 


Even though Nevan would like to stay in the guestroom, he wanted to do right with Ender's family. So, he reluctantly asked, "Wouldn't it be better to stay in a different place?" 


Ender knew that would be smarter, but he has been feeling clingy lately, and it is easier to have Nevan near him so that he could beg for attention. 


Plus, he would instead not ask for attention from his siblings because they would never leave his side if he did.  


"Do you not want to stay with me?" 


"That is not what I am saying." 


Ender stopped in front of a black oak door that had a sign with EN written on it. He turned towards Nevan with a broad smile, "Then, there should be no problems. Like I said, as long as you do not mention it to the others, you will be fine." 


Nevan sighed, already feeling himself giving in to Ender's smile. Ever since he met Ender, he has been giving in to him all the time. "Okay." 


Ender kept smiling as he turned back to the door, standing on his toes. He ran his hand along the top of the door until he hit a key.


Grabbing it, Ender unlocked his room door before pocketing the key. He opened the door, pushing it wider as he walked in. 


When Nevan entered, he saw the walls were like a night sky. Painted stars mixed with glow-in-the-dark stars on them. Someone even painted trees into the picture with a moon and clouds present. It was beautiful. 


The floor had black carpet that stood out more with the white couches and table situated in the middle of them. Near the wall was a white desk with a built-in mini bookcase. The desk held two monitors with a keyboard that seemed to light up. The desk chair was also white and had comfortable cushions on them. 


Ender kept walking, passing through a wall with vast open space. The wall was more of a divider between that area and his bedroom. 


His bedroom had the same painted walls, except the sky looked more like a sun setting with more greenery added. 


Ender had a mounted 75-inch flat-screen TV with a sky blue shelf under it. There was a vast window on another wall covered by transparent black curtains, making the room darker than it was. 


A California King bed faced the TV as the sheets were silk and blue while the cover was thick and black. A black six-drawer dresser with a mirror rested near the window.  


The area was big with three doors. The doors had labels on them. 


On the right wall, two doors said closet and guest room. And on the wall, near the bed, had a door that said bathroom. The rest of the room was surprisingly empty. 


Ender set his bag down near his bed before facing Nevan, "Are you ready to see the guest room?" 


Nevan nodded as he took another glance around the room. He noticed the bear-shaped lamp on the blue nightstand on the right side of the bed. He silently smiled at it. The room seemed childish-like. 


Ender walked to the door labeled guestroom, opening it as he entered. Nevan followed behind him, seeing the room. 


The room was smaller but still significant as it was only a bedroom with two doors that Nevan knew were the closet and bathroom. 


The bedroom had the same setup as Ender's, except the walls were a cream color with no pictures. Even the bedsheets and covers were the same colors as the wall. 


Nevan set his bags down as Ender started talking. 


"If you want to use the computer or want to rest on the couch, you can come to my room whenever you like." 


Nevan's fingers twitch at those words; he had to take a deep breath to calm himself down. "Okay. Should we go see your family?" 


"Oh, yeah," Ender laughed, "I forgot about that. Follow me then." 


They left Ender's room as he locked the door behind them. Nevan raised his eyebrow at that. "If I don't lock my door, my siblings would fill it with gifts," Ender answered. 


They walked downstairs, entering the living area, seeing everyone sitting on couches, talking, leaving the TV off. Well, Ender's father sat in a love seat by himself while the father's wife was not present. 


"Where is mom?" Ender asked as he entered the room, causing everyone to turn towards him. 


The siblings looked ready to jump at Ender when the father gave them a look that had them staying in their seats. The father stood up, "She is with the chefs talking to them about dinner tonight. Come sit." 


Ender walked over as Nevan silently followed, trying to keep himself from the other's eyes. But it was hard to do when he is tall and good-looking at that too. 


"I don't want to take your seat, father," Ender spoke, even though he took a seat on the love seat. 


His father shook his head, trying to keep his amusement off his face, "That is fine. I can kick one of your siblings to the floor." 


Ender laughed as the others groaned at their father's words. Hana, George, and Thana went to sit on the ground. The floor had a comfortable, fluffy rug on it, so they did not have a problem. 


The father gave Ender a look that said, 'see,' before walking over to the new spot, sitting down. 


Nevan awkwardly stood near Ender, not knowing where he should sit. But Ender grabbed his hand, pulling him down, "Sit down." 


Once Nevan sat next to Ender, he could feel the stare of wolves latching on their prey. Nevan internally cursed because Ender was not making it easy for him. 


And when he tried to get up, Ender tightly held his hand, making him stay.


The father's eyes narrowed at their hands. Nevan moved his away while Ender did not notice how the atmosphere in the room changed. 


"So, Nevan, right?" Kay started. Liam was showing her something on a tablet as they strolled through the information. 


Nevan nodded, "Yes, ma'am." 


Kay looked at him with no expression, "Ma’am? How polite of you. Your background is not bad: a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) degree at 20 and a Bachelor's degree in architecture at 22, impressive. I can see that you are an ambitious person, owning seven companies while trying to buy out more. 


"Polite, ambitious, and successful. But tell me, Nevan, what are your intentions with my little brother? And do be honest, I have a problem with liars."


Ender covered his face with his hand, sighing. The room laid quiet as no one stopped Kay's interrogation as they also wanted to hear what Nevan had to say. 


Nevan was nervous. He couldn't be utterly truthful because if he were, the night would take a terrible turn. And it was only the first night here. 


He thought quickly, "I am not here to take advantage of Ender or do any harm to him. I care for him a lot, and I only want what's best for him. I swear and promise that I would never hurt your little brother. 


"And if I do, I will allow you to do whatever you want to me without struggle." 


Ender looked at Nevan with surprise, filling his heart pound. He covered the blush appearing on his face as he glanced away, trying to calm his stupid racing heart. Ender felt like Nevan was too sweet and caring. 


Then he felt his stomach drop a bit at how Nevan has been too caring. 


Ender is not dumb. He may be dense at times and clueless because he loves to deny the picture in front of him. But, when he wanted to, Ender could be sharp on some things. 


And his gut and mind, looking back to their interactions since he became pregnant, is telling him that Nevan knows.


Ender did not know if the nauseous feeling came from the realization or the babies in his stomach. All he knew is that he felt sick. 


Kay hummed as the atmosphere lightened a bit, "We will see. And do not back down from those words. Verbal words can also be binding." 


"I won't," Nevan replied. 


"Good. Because I already recorded them." Liam spoke this time, looking at Nevan with eyes that left no room for argument. Liam closed what he and Kay looked at on the tablet before handing it to George.


Before anyone else could speak, Yan jumped in first. "I have some questions for you," Yan told Nevan. 


"I don't mind answering them," Nevan responded. 




Ender started to block out everyone around him when Yan began asking questions. His mind kept going over if Nevan knew. 


Ender has been getting his memories of that night back each time, so how could it not be the same for Nevan? If that is true, then why hasn't Nevan said anything? 


Is he waiting for Ender to say something? Is he waiting for the babies to be born? Does he not want to be a father and only helping now but going to leave right after the babies come out? 


Ender came up with different theories and still had no answer or solution. He could ask, but that frightened him. Because he lied, and Nevan accepted it without a problem. 


And it is not like they are in a relationship. Ender did not know if Nevan even wanted to be with him. He secretly felt something for Nevan that he pushed down and denied. That night, the alcohol brought it all up, making it hard to resist his desires. 


But did having children with your best friend ruin any relationship from forming? 


Maybe, Ender shouldn't say anything like he has been initially doing. If Nevan is going with his act, why should he bring it up? 


The relationship between them is good, and there is no reason for him to screw it up by addressing the elephant in the room. 


"If everyone can join me in the family dining room, it is time to eat," Ender's mother spoke, entering the room, as she took Ender out of his thoughts. 


Everyone stood up, walking to the family dining room as they all took their seats. But, instead of Ender sitting between the eldest siblings. He sat with Nevan on his right side and Liam on his left. 


His mother smiled at everyone before her gaze stopped at Nevan, "I am happy you can join us for these two weeks, Nevan." 


"Thank you for having me, mo-Leilani." Nevan quickly fixed his mistake. He almost called Ender's mother, mom. 


Ender felt his heart stop when he noticed what Nevan almost called his mother. He does not know if his heart could survive his rollercoaster emotions. 


And Ender was not the only one to catch the slip as the atmosphere turned terrible once again. The mother laughed, "No need to stop yourself; you can call me mom. No one sees a problem with it, right?" She narrowed her eyes at everyone except Ender and Nevan. 


Everyone backed down. 


"Now, we will have a good dinner, so do not push probing questions at the table and fix all your faces." The mother continued. Dinners are meant to come together for a good, relaxing meal, not a time to fight. 


Everyone listened, causing the atmosphere to become a light one. 


The mother nodded her head with satisfaction as she allowed the people to come in as they set down the meals. Once she got comfortable, her husband whispered, "Do you accept that young man?" 


Leilani sighed, "Seb, did you ignore what I said? And the young man's name is Nevan." 


"Love," Sebastian tried to continue. 


"Don't "love" me, Seb. We will have a nice dinner, and if you have any questions, you can tell me after dinner." Leilani interrupted. 


Sebastian could only nod as he grabbed his wife's hand, squeezing it, "I love you." 


"Are you trying to talk sweet to me? Because only a foot massage would work." Leilani smirked. 


Sebastian smiled, "Anything for you, love." 


Ender watched his parents having a silent conversation, looking at the love between them. After so many years, their passion only seemed to grow rather than decrease. Sometimes, he could not help but feel jealous. 


He shook his head, ignoring it as he looked down at his food to eat. But before he could, Nevan and Liam tried to add food onto his plate. 


"You should eat a little more for the babies." Nevan silently whispered to him. 


"Here, little brother, you should have more food for the baby." Liam simultaneously spoke. 


But the food never landed as Nevan and Liam looked at each other. Ender could feel the tension. 


"You don't have to waste your food; I do not mind giving Ender some of mine." Nevan politely smiled. 


Liam shook his head, "No need, I can give my little brother some of mine. You should keep your food; I can see that you should eat more yourself." 


Nevan, who has a lean muscular body with a six-pack and v-line, eye twitch as his finger shook on the fork he held. 


He tried to tell himself that he should not fight with Ender's brother. Especially the one he told him not to make mad. But, Liam reminded him of his parents for a second that Nevan could not help himself. 


"I know older people's appetite can change, so I am fine with giving mine away-sir." Nevan belatedly added the word "sir." He kept a smile on his face, even though his muscles twitched. 


Liam gave a small laugh as Ender groaned, slapping his face. How did things end up like this? 


"Nevan, you are a funny man. I will let you have this battle. But do know, I always win the war." Liam put his food back on his plate. 


"Thank you," Nevan told the man even though it did not sound like one. He put the food on Ender's plate. 


Ender did not say anything as he started to stuff his face finally. He decided not to get into the weird fight Liam and Nevan started. His siblings always did this, and now that Nevan chose to join in, it was strange. 


His heart seriously could not take this. 


The dinner passed through quickly without any more trouble as the siblings kept trying to grab Ender's attention. And Nevan had a pleasant conversation with Yan and Hana while having a silent fight with Liam. 


Nevan started to fit in like a glove. 


When it was time for bed, everyone hugged and kissed Ender good night while getting a chance to rub his stomach. 


Once he reached his room with Nevan, Ender's hand did not want to leave his stomach. He used his other hand to unlock the door, setting the key on the table when he entered. 


Nevan closed the door and locked it behind him. He knew Ender wanted to make sure his siblings did not have a way to sneak in. 


Ender rubbed the small bump on his stomach as he yawned. "I am going to shower then sleep." 


Nevan hummed, thinking the same thing. Before he could reach the door to the guest room, Ender stopped him by calling him. 


"Good night, Nevan." 


Nevan did not turn around, "Night." He opened the door to the guest room, closing it behind him. 


Ender watched for a second longer before doing his business and changing into his pajamas for sleep. 


It was the middle of the night when Ender woke up to a full bladder. He went to go pee, coming out after he finished and washed his hands. Ender stopped at his bed, looking at it rather than getting back in it. 


He felt needy. Ender wanted someone to hold him. He rubbed his stomach, feeling like his growing babies wanted that too. 


He looked towards the guest room door, biting his lip. Ender was too old to try to sleep with his parents, and his siblings would probably end up smothering him. 


His only choice was to go to Nevan. 


Ender felt nervous. His fingers shook as he walked towards the door, holding onto the doorknob. He took a few deep breaths before opening the door. 


A small light from the moon entered the room, shining on Nevan's sleeping face. Ender's heart picked up as his face felt hot. 


It seriously was not far that the Gods blessed Nevan. The man looked attractive no matter what he did. 


His face looked soft under the moonlight, making someone want to run their finger down his cheek. His eyelashes only enticed others. 


Ender walked closer, "Nevan." He called more than once. 


Nevan moved before his eyes slowly opened. The man blinked a few times before sitting up when he realized that Ender was there. 


His blanket slid down, showing off his biteable collarbones and sexy body. Ender shivered, feeling heated before keeping his eyes only on Nevan's face. 


"Ender? Is something wrong?" Nevan asked with concern laced in his tone. 


Ender shook his head, swallowing, "Can I sleep with you?" 


Nevan's heart skipped a few beats from Ender's words and cute expression. How could he tell Ender no when he looks like an adorable puppy asking for attention? 


Although, he always found it hard to tell Ender no. 


He nodded, moving back as he opened his arms. Ender crawled into the open spot, lying down on his side. He faced the door rather than Nevan. 


Nevan laid down, wrapping his arms around Ender. His hand touched Ender's small bump as his arm rested on his waist. Nevan's hand trembled as he stopped himself from rubbing the man's stomach. 


Ender moved closer to Nevan, relaxing in the man's hold as he let the warmth take over him. He closed his eyes, already feeling sleepy again. "Thank you." He whispered. 


"No problem," Nevan whispered back as he wanted to hold Ender tighter. Having Ender in his arms felt right


He closed his eyes, falling asleep.


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