Denial is the Way

Month Three (4.2)

It was Thanksgiving Day, and Ender sat on his bed, feeling his emotions going a bit crazy. Tears began to build in his eyes as he tried to button his shirt. 


Ender usually wears sweaters, hoodies, joggers, and sweatpants. The only time he would dress up is for family dinners and holidays. So, this whole time, he did not realize the weight he gained. 


When he grabbed his button-up shirt, trying to put it on, the buttons wouldn't close towards his stomach. He is nearing four months, and he did have a small bump, but he did not realize that it would make it hard to put on his button-up shirt. 


But then again, he wore a size small. 


Still, Ender rubbed his eyes, trying to stop his tears because there is no reason to cry. But, he could not stop the feeling. 


Nevan walked out of his room, fully dressed as he stopped when he saw Ender sitting on his bed in an open shirt and underwear. He could see the tears in the man's eyes. 


Walking over, Nevan bent down in front of Ender, "What's wrong?" 


Ender shook his head, "It is stupid." 


Nevan moved closer, grabbing Ender's chin so that the man could look at him. "Don't say that; tell me what's wrong." 


Ender bit his lip, staring at Nevan as he felt himself calming a bit. "My shirt won't fully fit. I feel like..." He dragged his sentence, not knowing what to say. 


Nevan's eyes slipped to Ender's stomach, making sure he stayed above the man's underwear band. He glanced back up, "Why don't you wear a shirt?" 


"I always wear a button-up for the holiday dinners. Can we leave right quick and get a bigger size?" 


"We don't have time." Nevan stood up, going to Ender's bag as he went through it. He found a long-sleeve v-neck shirt that looked nice. Nevan pulled it out and put it in front of Ender. 


"Put this on. It still looks nice, and your family won't say anything about it. I'm pretty sure you can come in your pajamas, and your family would tell you that you look cute." 


Ender chuckled as he rubbed his eyes again. Nevan was not wrong. His family would cheer or support anything he did. But he dressed the way he did for himself and not his family. 


He looked at the shirt, not wanting to put it on, but it would be better than sitting here all day because his mother always wanted dinner to start at a specific time. 


Grabbing the shirt, Ender took off his button-up one. He put on the shirt, sighing as he looked at it. Nevan looked through the bag again, pulling out some pants. 


"Here," Nevan handed the pants over. 


Ender grabbed the pants, putting them on. Once he finished dressing, Ender stood up, feeling a bit better. 


Nevan could not help himself from touching Ender's blue hair that was a bit messy with its roots showing. "Did you brush your teeth already?" 


Ender pushed his hand away, flatting his hair, "Yes, mom." 


Nevan laughed before asking, "Are you feeling better?" 


"Yeah. But do not talk about this to anyone." 


"It will be our little secret," Nevan smirked. 


Ender hummed, "Let's go join the others." 


They walked to the family dining room, seeing Thanksgiving decorations surrounding it. Not everyone was there yet as dinner hadn't started. 


Liam walked over, touching the top of Ender's head. "You look adorable, little brother." Then he turned towards Nevan, looking the man up and down. "And I guess you look presentable." 


"It is hard to take a compliment from someone who cannot see others in their view. But thank you, I guess you look presentable too." Nevan clapped back. 


Liam's lips twitched like he tried not to smile or laugh. "Nevan, why don't you join Kay and me?" 


Looking over, Kay was leaning on her seat, scrolling through the tablet in her hand. She had her phone in the other one. 


Nevan looked at Ender, and Ender glanced back with eyes saying, 'My brother likes you.' Nevan gave a small smile before looking back at Liam. 


"Sure." Nevan agreed. He walked off with Liam as they went to Kay. 


Ender watched them before seeing his mother looking at a list near the other door in the room. He walked over to his mother, "Hey, mom." 


His mother looked up, smiling at him, "My sweet baby boy, don't you look cute." 


Ender shook his head, laughing, "Can all of you stop saying that? It is only proving Nevan right." 


His mother looked where Nevan talked with Liam and Kay before glancing back. "I can see that he is fitting in." 


"Yeah," Ender smiled, "and I saw that he was anxious about the others not liking him. Which I did not understand because he is a likable person." 


"He is, isn't he?" His mother said with a smirk and knowing eyes. 


Ender's hand trembled at the expression as he looked down, growing nervous, "I do not know what you mean?" 


"En, a mother's instinct is strong. You know you can tell me anything, honey; I am always there for you." 


Ender bit his lip, his voice starting to lower, "How did you know?" 


His mother grabbed his hand, squeezing it as she whispered, "I know you, En. You do not allow anyone this close to you without reason. Tell me, is he the father?" 


Ender slowly nodded, not saying anything. 


"Does he know that?" 


"I-I told everyone that the father disappeared, even him. But I think he knows, although he has not said anything." Ender slowly answered. 


"Honey, look at him." His mother spoke. 


Ender glanced at his mother as she started talking again. 


"When I first got pregnant, I was only a teenager who did not know what to do. I was scared and had nothing. I did not tell my parents for fear of getting kicked out, and I did not tell your father because I did not want to ruin his dreams. 


"Your father already had his life planned as he wanted to be a professional basketball player. He was terrific, at the top of his game, so I did not say anything. 


"I hid my pregnancy from everyone, and when I went into labor, having Liam, my parents kicked me out. I lived in a shelter home, still trying to finish school and work while simultaneously raising a child. I even broke up with your father so that he couldn't learn about anything I was going through. 


"For the first year and few months, I raised Liam on my own and barely ended up passing to the next grade. Your father tried to talk with me, but I ignored him because I thought I knew what was best for him. 


"So, when he found out, you know what he did?" His mother explained, stopping her story as she asked him a question. 


"What?" Ender responded. 


His mother smiled, "He told me that I am an idiot. Your father had a scholarship for basketball, his life going on the right path, but he gave it away because he believed the right direction was with me, raising our child together.


"We argued because I thought he was stupid. Why throw a good life away for me? Why give up your dream for a terrible, struggling life? He told me a rich life would never compare to being with me and raising our child together. 


"Right there, I knew that he is the man I want to spend forever with because he gave everything up for love and family. And still, it is hard to believe that we would end up here. 


"I want you to talk with Nevan and tell him the truth because nothing hurts than taking away that opportunity. If he doesn't want them, then tell him to stay away. And if he does, do not take his children away from him. You understand Ender?" 


Ender nodded, wiping the tears from his face and eyes, so the others wouldn't notice that he was crying. His mother smiled, kissing his cheek as she wiped away the rest of his tears. 


"Do you and father ever regret getting pregnant, thinking life would be different if you didn't?" Ender asked. 


His mother shook her head, looking at her other children in the room, "No. All our struggles, sleepless nights, and hungry days led us here. I would never change that. I love my children, I love my husband, and I love where I am, and I cannot wait to love my grandchildren. Nothing will ever change that." 


Ender softly smiled, "I love you too." 


His father walked over, "I want some love too." 


"Have you checked the kitchens to make sure everything is ready?" His mother quickly asked with a pointed look.  


His father turned back around with sweat falling down his face, "Oh, I seemed to have forgotten my belt. I will be back." 


Ender laughed because he could see that his father had on his belt. His mother sighed, shaking her head. "Sometimes, your father makes me want to smack his head." She walked off, going after her husband. 


Ender chuckled at his parents before looking around and joining Yan, Thana, and Hana. 


When dinner started, the family sat down at the table, eating food while having joyful conversations. They talked about funny memories and other light conversations that kept the atmosphere cheerful. 


Times like this are what Ender wished could last forever. The family always came together during holidays or if there is some serious news to tell. 


Most of the time, the family is all over the place and world, working while barely seeing each other. 


So, when they come together, the feeling is always a good one, leaving Ender homesick at times. 


Nevan felt his loneliness leave him as he stayed with Ender's family. They were lively, loving, and strong-willed people that he could not help but get sucked in. 


He could see how much the family loves and supports each other (especially when it came to Ender). Deep down, Nevan wished that his family could be the same. 


His parents raised him properly, and his childhood was not bad. But they did not support him in anything he wanted to do, and they could never see eye to eye. He and his parents always fought when they were in the same room together. 


And instead of his sisters seeing his side, they always tried to get him to be friendlier with their parents so that they can all be together. 


He loves them all, but Nevan will never be in the same room with his parents. He does not want to deal with the headache and heartache of their fights. 


Looking around at everyone, then stopping at Ender, Nevan wanted to be here forever. 


Noticing Nevan's stare, Ender looked at him with a smile. Nevan's heart skipped a beat as his eyes dropped the man's stomach. 


Nevan always wished for a loving family, and Ender is the only person he wanted it with. Even if Ender does not want him, he wants to stay around for him and the babies. 



The rest of the days went by fast as Ender and Nevan were packing to go back home. 


Nevan walked into Ender's room, closing the guest room door behind him as he looked at Ender sitting on the bed. 


Ender tightly held a stuffed giraffe in his hand, looking lost in thought. "Ender," Nevan called. 


Ender looked towards him, breaking out of his thoughts as he stood up. "Are you ready to go?" 


"Yeah. Where did you get the giraffe?" 


"Yan. He went to the store and secretly handed it to me. But he was acting weird; I think something happened at the store." Ender answered. 


"Is that why you are stuck in your thoughts?" Nevan wondered. 


Ender shook his head, "No. When we get back, we need to talk." 


Nevan felt his stomach dropping at those words as dread filled him. When people said those words, nothing good came from them. 


His parents said those words to him many times when they disapproved of something he did. 


Nevan swallowed, "Okay." 


Ender hummed, grabbing his bag, "We should hurry and sneak out. If not, my siblings will stop me with a ton of gifts." 


Nevan nodded as they snuck out of the house. When they reached the car, Ender sent everyone a goodbye text for him and Nevan. He would still have to call his mother later on. 


They buckled themselves before driving away. 




It was early in the morning as Yan woke up. He put on some random clothes, tying his long white hair (he dyed his hair) in a bun. 


He yawned, silently leaving the house as he drove to the store to get some candy. Yan had a secret sweet tooth and noticed that he ran out of his stash. Plus, he wanted to get something for Ender while he was there. 


When he got to the store, parking his car, and going in, Yan quickly went to the candle aisle. Since his mind was only on that, he did not notice the person near him, looking down at their phone. 


They hit against each other. Yan swiftly found his balance as he grabbed the person's waist to keep them from falling. "Are you okay?" Yan asked. His deep voice never fit his feminine-looking face. And his hair only seemed to add to the look. 


Yan saw that he held a male in his arms. 


The said man looked away from his phone, glancing at Yan. 


Yan sucked in his breath because the man is attractive. He had baby blue eyes, long lashes, a cute nose, and kissable lips. 


"It is fine. Can you let me go?" The man asked. 


Quickly letting the man's waist go, Yan took a step back, clearing his throat. "Sorry. I am Yan, by the way." 


The man looked him up and down before glancing at his phone and not looking away from it again. "I heard of you. Aren't you the professor at Spring Hill University known as Flower Yan?" 


Yan blushed at that, wishing the nickname would disappear. Most of the time, people joined his class to see his face. 


"I am, but can you not call me that?" 


"Yeah. My name would be Kori if you wanted to know. And I kind of need to go." Kori responded, his fingers typing on his phone. 


Yan moved out of Kori's way, "Oh, sorry. See you around, I guess." Yan jokes. He was barely acting like himself because he felt nervous. 


Kori started to walk off, saying over his shoulder, "You will." 


Hearing those words, Yan could not help a smile from appearing on his face before quickly removing it. For a thinker and realist, he could not stop his wistful feeling when it came to relationships. 


He sighed, entering the candy aisle. Yan should cut his hope away because, even if the man said those words, he would probably never see him again. 

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