Denial is the Way

Month Two (2)

When it was time to go out, Nevan drove them to the park. Once they parked, Ender stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath as he was already ready to go home. 


Do not get him wrong; he does not mind being outside. But Ender loved being inside. He lived in isolation for so long; he has gotten used to being indoors. 


Being outdoors is suitable for a person, so Ender will enjoy it for today. He walked over to a table, sitting down on the bench as Nevan joined him. 


"How is it?" Nevan asked. 


Ender looked around, seeing that it was a lovely day out. The temperature was warm, the sky was clear, and it seemed that the bugs were doing their own thing. 


He yawned, talking in the calm atmosphere. "It makes me sleepy," Ender answered. 


"Lay on my shoulder and take a nap. You need it." Nevan responded. 


Ender bit his lip, wondering if he should, but being outside was making him sleepy, and he hasn't slept well for the past two weeks. 


He sighed, looking at Nevan's shoulder. Ender moved closer, resting his head on the man as he closed his eyes. 


His body was tense as it took a while before he could relax and go to sleep. Once he did, Nevan looked at Ender's sleeping face with a soft expression. 


Nevan popped his free arm on the table, resting his head on it as he watched Ender sleep. 


Fingers ran down Ender's skin, causing him to shiver in pleasure at the touch. When the fingers touched his nipple, softly rubbing it, Ender gasped as his body trembled. 


"Shh, I got you." The person whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek as they moved down to his neck. 


Ender bit his lip, trying to stop the moans threatening to leave his mouth. He looked down, grabbing the person's hair as he tugged it. 


The person lifted their head as they met Ender's eyes. 


Ender stared back at Nevan as his heavy eyes gazed at Nevan's lips. "Kiss me." He whispered. 


Nevan's lips fell on his as they softly kissed. Nevan's fingers continued to move down his body, touching his clothed erection. 


Ender gripped Nevan's arm as he moaned. The man swallowed down the moan as he stuck his tongue in Ender's mouth, exploring it. 


Ender's grip tightened as he moved his tongue with Nevan's; he felt his mind starting to cloud. The only thing he could feel was the pleasure making his body numb. 


Ender quickly opened his eyes, moving away from Nevan as he was breathing hard. Nevan was on the phone as he looked at Ender with a raised eyebrow at his abrupt awakening. 


Touching his chest, Ender could feel how crazy his heart was beating. And his racing heart was not the only problem, as he was half hard from his dream. Or more like memories that keep coming back from that night. He anxiously thought. 


"Hold on," Nevan told the person on the phone, covering it with his hand. "Ender, what is wrong?" 


Nevan reached out with his other hand, causing Ender to move away from it. He felt guilty when he saw the apparent hurt on Nevan's face from the move before the man swiftly covered it. 


But he was scared of the man touching him after he had a dream (memory) like he just did a few seconds ago. 


Ender shook his head, "Can we go home?" Then, when the word 'home' left his mouth, Ender blushed at what he said. 


"I mean, can we go back to the house?" Ender quickly corrected as he almost fumbled his words. 


Nevan stared at Ender for a second longer, looking like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. He nodded his head instead. 


He put his phone back to his ear, saying to the person on the other end, "I will call you back." 


Nevan stood up, reaching out his hand to help Ender up, but put it down last minute when he remembered how the man reacted earlier. 


Ender felt his stomach drop at that but did not say anything as he stood up. 


They walked to the car in silence and even drove to the house with a tense atmosphere. Once they were at Ender's home, they walked inside as Nevan closed the door behind him. 


Before the man could walk away, Ender grabbed the bottom of his shirt, stopping him. Ender looked at the ground, feeling nervous. "I am sorry." 


Nevan looked at Ender before pulling the shirt of his hold. Ender felt his chest hurting when he thought Nevan did not forgive him. But when he felt a hand on his head, Ender looked up. 


Nevan gave him a half-smile, "It is fine. Go rest; I am going to cook soon." 


Ender nodded as Nevan moved away, walking to his room. He was standing in his same spot, touching his head as he sighed. I think I am losing it. He thought. 


Today, Ender is six weeks into his pregnancy and going to have his first ultrasound. The doctor said it was to check the baby's heartbeat, the estimated due date, and if he was having more than one. 


Ender was anxious, rubbing his stomach as he hoped that he only had one baby. He would not know how to react if the doctor says he is having more. 


Nevan looked over at Ender, noticing that the man looked close to breaking down. He kept one hand on the wheel as he moved his other to grab Ender's hand. 


"Everything is going to go well, Ender, so try to calm down. Stress is not good for the baby." 


Ignoring the feel of Nevan's warm hand on him, he looked at his stomach that barely had a small bump. "I know. I am only hoping that everything will go my way. I do not want any more surprises." 


"Well, I am always here for you no matter what," Nevan responded. 


"I know." Ender sighed. And that is another worrisome thing. He thought. 


When they reached the doctor's and went into the building, Ender felt nauseous as he rubbed his stomach again. 


You better be one baby in there! He told his stomach.


Nevan brought them to the front desk, signing them in since Ender did not feel well enough to do it. 


As they moved to sit in the waiting chairs, Ender looked at the white walls, trying to calm himself. Nevan moved closer to him and started whispering stupid things that made no sense to distract him. 


It worked for half an hour until he heard something that made him freak out again. 


A door opened, and a nurse called, "Long, Ender!" 


Ender lost the color in his face as he was not ready; this feeling was worse than when he discovered that he was pregnant. 

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