Denial is the Way

Month Two (3)

Ender and Nevan walked to the nurse, going in as Ender moved slower than usual. The nurse closed the door behind them. “Can you step on the scale?” The nurse started, pointing to the scale by the wall. 


Nodding, Ender walked on the scale, not paying attention to his number as the nurse wrote down his weight. She also checked his height that was a part of the scale. 


“Okay, you can step down. Now, if you can follow me.” She told them as she started walking. 


Nevan and Ender followed her to an open room with a number four on it. When they walked in, Nevan took a seat in one of the chairs while Ender sat on the bed. 


Ender looked around at the equipment with a nervous expression as the nurse picked up a sphygmomanometer (blood pressure monitor). She walked towards Ender, asking, “Can you roll up your sleeve so that I can check your blood pressure?” 


Grabbing his right sleeve, Ender rolled it up. The nurse wrapped it around his arm, turning it on as the thing on his arm started to tighten. After a second-long, it released, beeping as a number appeared. 


The nurse stared at the number with a hum as it was a bit high. But looking back up at Ender, she could understand why. She did not say anything as she took the sphygmomanometer off. Putting it up, she went to her clipboard, writing down the information.


Ender watched the nurse, tapping his fingers on the bed as he lightly swung his legs. 


“Do you have anything to tell the doctor?” The nurse suddenly asked. 


“No,” Ender answered as he looked at his swinging legs. 


“Okay, before I go, I need to know if you have a full bladder since you are getting an ultrasound today.” The nurse continued. 


The whole time, Ender has been worrying about if he was going to have more than one baby. So, he forgot the other problem he pushed back when he left his house. He had to pee


Nevan told him when he woke him up that Ender cannot use the restroom yet since the doctor wants him to have a full bladder. Ender was not happy about it, but he forgot when he started to worry over other things. 


Now that the nurse mentioned it, it hit him again. Ender had to pee! 


He closed his legs as he felt the fullness of his bladder. “I do,” Ender answered, shaking his legs harder than before. 


“Okay,” the nurse walked towards the door, “the doctor will be in soon.” She opened the door, stepping out as she closed it behind her. 


“Nevan,” Ender called once the nurse left. 


“If you are calling me to say you want to use the restroom, my response will be the same,” Nevan answered, staring at Ender’s shaking legs. 


Ender sighed, feeling like his bladder wanted to explode. He hated that the nurse reminded him. “I am going to pee on myself; I just know it.” 


“Can you wait until after the ultrasound to pee on yourself?” 




Nevan sighed, standing up as he walked over to Ender. He sat down next to Ender, sticking out his hand. Ender’s heart raced as he looked at Nevan with questioning eyes. 


“Let’s play thumb war.” 


Ender smirked, “You know I am a champion at the game.” He grabbed Nevan’s hand as they both stuck out their thumbs. 


Nevan chuckled, “Not when it comes to me.” 


“We will see.” 


Ender and Nevan started their game, trying to push the other’s thumb down and hold it for a specific time. They were like children, wasting time as they tried to beat each other. 


Laughter and silly shouts resonated in the room as no one was winning once a competitive spirit entered them. 


The door room opened as the doctor entered. Nevan and Ender did not hear him enter as they were immersed in their game. 


The doctor watched them for a while, not saying anything as he silently closed the door and leaned against it. 


Another minute into the game, Nevan caught Ender’s thumb, holding it down as he counted to five. Ender tried to take his thumb out, but he couldn’t defeat Nevan’s strength. 


“I win,” Nevan smirked as he moved his hand away. 


Ender pouted, “Best two out of three?” 


The doctor cleared his throat, making his presence known. He did not have the time to let them play another game. 


Ender jumped at the noise, blushing when he noticed that the doctor was there. How long has he been there? I hope not the whole time; that is embarrassing. He thought. 


“Good to see that you are in a better mood, Mr. Long. Is he the other father?” The doctor spoke as he walked over to them. 


Ender’s heart dropped as his face turned pale from those words. He quickly shook his head, silently freaking out, “Ah, uh, no.” 


Nevan stared at him as the doctor did the same. The silence stretched, causing Ender’s hands to shake. 


“Okay,” the doctor put his clipboard down, “Mr. Long, I need you to lay down.” 


Nevan got off the bed but stayed near as Ender lay down on his back. He moved his body up, uncrossing his legs. 


The doctor grabbed some gloves, putting them on as he grabbed a gel right after. He sat down on a rolling stool, moving the chair towards Ender. “Are you ready to hear the baby’s heartbeat?” The doctor asked. 


Ender nodded, not giving a verbal response as he felt his anxiety acting up again. The doctor lifted his shirt, rubbing the gel on his stomach. Ender shivered as the gel was cold. 


Grabbing the ultrasound equipment, the doctor put the thing to his stomach, pressing down as he slowly moved it around. 


Silence filled the room at first until the sound of an abnormal heartbeat entered. Ender frowned, wondering why the heartbeat seemed off like it was overlapping. Nevan stared at the screen on the equipment with a hidden smile.  


The doctor stared at the screen, looking at the two glowing embryos. He wondered if he should wait until Ender looks at the screen or tell the man what is happening. 


Ender opened his mouth, getting ready to ask about the heartbeat, when Nevan interrupted him. “Ender, look at the screen.” 


Ender did. He saw two glowing dots on the screen, feeling his throat going dry. It felt like the air disappeared from his lungs as he stuttered, “W-What do t-those two dots mean?” 


“You are having twins, Mr. Long.” 


Ender saw spots in his vision as he felt like he was going to pass out. 

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