Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 553 - Chucheng

PS: I wish you all a happy new year and good health.


“Then solve him as quickly as possible. Not only have the industries under your name been panicked in these two days, but even the Wiltonstein family has been panicked.”

Regarding the magic wolf Fenrir, Kang Xiuli has no intention of worrying: “This is also Liwei, which can further establish your position in the Wiltonstein family. My side has suspended the relocation of the company’s main body to Manhattan. Plan, then in Atlanta, the Wiltonstein family must be the king here. Now the power behind Fenrir has come together with Philip I. This is undoubtedly a provocation to us, only the most determined and coldest response, Can shock people’s hearts. “

“Do n’t underestimate him, Andre. Fenrir is still planning a murder. I have dealt with him once, and it is really difficult to capture him. Someone inside the Magic Tower Committee is helping him. So now, If you have a way to get rid of him, it will be as fast as possible. “

After he said this sentence, all the magic projections turned into electro-optical dissipation.

“Magic wolf Fenrir? Are you really okay? The mythical equipment in his hands is very tricky. Even if you have the ‘Void Night King’ Delfinia Adrick, you may not be able to find him as you wish. . FBI and CIA are not without similar capabilities, such as the Star Agents we have seen before. “

Angela frowned long ago: “This is really endless trouble.”

“This Atlanta is originally undercurrent. I am now a big stone thrown into the water. How can it be smooth all the time?”

Li Mochen smiled, and his eyes expressed a cold expression: “What’s more, this is just a disease of scabies for me. Angel, you can just do your business with confidence, I will handle the situation on my own. Right Now, get married— “

Angela blushed again: “But this, is this too early? We are not all 18 years old.”

“In theory, as long as the guardian’s consent is obtained, sixteen years old will do.”

Li Mochen didn’t care much, saying that in the world where he was originally, at the age of forty-five, there were more marriages.

“As long as we have this will, then we can easily solve legal problems, right?”

“This is too sudden.”

Angela complained, but did not refuse: “I think about it again! I will reply to you within two days.”

Then she ran out of smoke, leaving the magic tower in a hurry as if to escape. That panic-stricken figure made Li Mochen endure, and he laughed for a while.

But after laughing for a while, he took out a mobile phone from the void.

He had originally planned to deal with the matter of the magic wolf Fenrir in the first time after returning. Kang Xiuli’s warning, he also took it seriously.

The phone number that Li Mochen dialed at this time belonged to Zoe Dallington, head of the field office of the FBI Atlanta branch.

——It is worth mentioning that, due to some legal requirements, the mobile phone he currently uses is not used frequently. So even my own voice has been processed.

“Mr. Darlington, yes! Yes! I have returned to Atlanta. So, did you think about the deal I said two days ago? Mr. Darlington. Those components of ‘Longway’, Is it useless for you to hold the FBI? I think my offer is also very sincere, 700 million gold shield in exchange for those non-critical parts. “

“Mr. Wiltonstein, I still say that, this is an exhibit, which is not very compliant.”

Zoe Dawlington’s voice was cold, but impliedly respectful, which was completely different from the attitude when he saw Li Mochen more than half a year ago: “I would like to promise you, but now there are many obstacles. I am very embarrassed, I may have to refuse— “

Li Mochen smiled and interrupted the other party’s words: “But is it still procedurally correct? There have been many precedents before. The court and the Van Derrick family can be held by me. I will convince them. And as a price , I will be responsible for handing the devil wolf Fenrir to you FBI. “

“The question is, even if you don’t have Long Wei, are you doing it with Fenrir right now?”

Zoe Dawlington said with little interest: “He is staring at you, it looks like the kind of endless, you have no choice.”

“Wow, Mr. Dollington, this kind of rhetoric is not very friendly. But shouldn’t such a murderer be your government’s responsibility?”

Li Mochen laughed: “Do you want me to say something unpleasant, right? I know this involves a lot of people, so please tell your friends. We have found that Fenrir was released early, some of you FBI It ’s an effort. Also, at most tomorrow, the detailed information about Fenrir and the recent case about him will be seen in the newspaper. You should be clear about the power of the public relations department of Rising Sun Media and the Wiltonstein Group. ? “

There was a sudden silence on Zoe Dawlington’s side. When he spoke again after a long time, his tone was a little hurried: “This is inappropriate and contrary to the rules. Mr. Wiltonstein, I believe you don’t Yes, you should know the consequences. “

“I will.”

Li Mochen continued to sneer, and the tone was also very cold: “My beloved Ms. Drew, this time almost killed by Fenrir, but the government has been indifferent. No results have been achieved so far, you can not ask me to swallow! I do n’t need to care, Dawlington. The Wilton Stan family is not just Van Derrick, who currently only has three half-gods.

Silence returned to the microphone again, Li Mochen looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone again, and then slightly slowed down the tone: “It is nine o’clock in the evening, I will give you 12 hours, in short, give me an answer as soon as possible. Otherwise, I You can only choose another head of the field department to complete this transaction. Of course, if you can help me to facilitate this, I will remember your relationship with the Wiltonstein family. “

“Yes, Mr. Dawlington. You only have 12 hours. I ca n’t sit back and watch the madman continue killing my employees. But if I get the key components of Longwei, and its accessories ca n’t reach me, then you The people behind you will be my enemies! “


Ten minutes after the end of the phone call, Li Mochen met Nanette Drew.

Since Drew was assassinated, Ms. Drew has been staying at Sword Manor to recover. When Li Mochen saw the lady, the latter was lying naked in the cultivation tank, and dozens of pipelines were connected all over her.

Li Mochen himself felt embarrassed, but Ms. Drew did not take it seriously and insisted on meeting him.

“Relax, Ms. Drew, up to three days, and I will give you an explanation within three days.”

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Mochen gave a guarantee with a strong tone: “I will definitely cut off Fenril’s head–“

However, Ms. Drew herself was not interested in this, and interrupted him directly: “Of course, I know your ability to BOSS, and I have no doubt. I came to you at this time, I want to say this assassination, In fact, as early as I expected, I knew they were already staring at me. If I plan to continue to expand in the media industry, they will stare at me sooner or later. “

Li Mochen heard this and raised his eyebrows slightly: “Is the National Progressive Association? I heard that they pushed you out of the Abraham Post? I guess there should be a conflict of interest between you? For some not What report should be published? “

“But in fact, for an ambitious woman who is aspiring to develop in politics, the fool will offend them! I would rather attack the president and his staff, rather than the powerful participation of many large families. Organization. The former can bring me fame, but the latter can only bring me disaster. “

Ms. Drew in the training tank shrugged: “I have no conflict of interest with them and I have not published any reports that are detrimental to them. Even if they can afford it, I can write anything they want to see. Really promote The reason they drove me away from the Abraham Post was because they thought I had a secret that threatened all members of the Progressive Association. In fact, I did. “

“Confidential? Can you tell me more about it?”

Hearing this, Li Mochen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows slightly, his face now listening to him.

“Of course! I invite you over to tell me about it.”

Ms. Drew’s expression was solemn: “BOSS, you should know the potion” beast blood “? I know you have been in contact before.”

“Beast blood? This is the case, and it’s impressive.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly, he first saw one of his classmates turned into a monster of half human and half crocodile.

“That’s the potion that the Progressives Association is developing, about three years ago. The American New World Magic Association observed that we were near the coordinates of the astral world, and a more primitive civilized world was approaching us. The distance between the two sides was very close , And are attracting each other, there is a possibility of mutual integration. So the forces of this world are exploring this world in advance. The American Progressive Association is also one of them. Many American families take this white supreme association as The platform has begun to try to explore and develop this wild world, and it has also been fruitful. The prototype of the animal blood pharmacy comes from this wild world officially named “World No. 3” by Amerika. People in that world, You can use some special medicines to gain the power of wild monsters. You can even change into giant monsters without even practicing, and obtain extremely powerful power. “

Ms. Drew explained the causes and consequences leisurely: “They conducted a large number of illegal human experiments. At the beginning, they collected stowaways, missing colored people and black people as test specimens. After certain results, they were conscious Spread this imperfect medicine to increase the target of the test. Then one day, there was a guy who thought he had a conscience, and put a lot of information about the “beast blood” medicine at my door. “

At this point, Ms. Drew said with a powerless look on her face: “The key is that the guy is not careful enough to do things. In the end, the Progressive Association found clues and suspected it was on my head.”

“But you didn’t choose to reveal it?”

Li Mochen still has doubts after the waves in his chest: “So as long as those things are handed over, according to my understanding of them, they will not treat you like anything, or even give you some compensation.”

“The trouble is here. I still had a little conscience.”

Nanette Drew sighed and had a complex look: “I know this matter can’t be revealed by me, and I can’t stand the pressure of the behemoth like the Progressive Association. The spread of the ‘beast blood’ potion is definitely there The military, the CIA, and even the acquiescence of certain high-level power figures in the presidential palace. So I gave those materials to someone who could reveal this truth. So the next situation is conceivable. I pretend to be right about this one. I do n’t know anything about it, and the Progressives Association is just skeptical, and there is no real evidence. They care about my influence and connections, they dare not remove me rashly, but they are not willing to take risks, they simply sweep me out of the Abraham Post.

Li Mochen already understood what Ms. Drew wanted to say: “Are you worried about me? Ms. Drew?”


Nanette Drew looked at Li Mochen apologetically: “I’m worried that in the battle between you and Philip I, the enemy is not just Philip I. They have already begun to intervene. I know that behind the magic wolf Fenrir, we must There is their shadow. “

Li Mochen’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said indifferently: “So, do you still keep those research materials? Can you give me a copy?”

He wanted to be thankful that he was sufficiently prepared. Otherwise, this time it is mostly to be caught by surprise.

And now the situation. In his full strength, it is not a problem to fight against three or five weak gods. Especially after obtaining the full version of Longwei, he now has 60,000 merits, even in the face of high and middle gods, he also has a blow.

It must be impossible for the Progressive Association to invest so much power in this battle. After all, it is a consortium of dozens of families, and it is impossible to achieve uniformity and uniform scheduling.

However, the biochemical dress prepared for Ms. Drew seems to have to be completed as soon as possible.

Although Li Mochen is not afraid of the National Progressive Association, this is indeed not an opponent he can solve in a while. So before making those families awed by the Wilton Stein family, he must provide adequate security for Nanette Drew.


“No, BOSS. It will take at least a month. This is for Ms. Drew’s safety.”

After obtaining the materials from Nanette Drew, Li Mochen went through the fixed portal to the Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical Experiment Base on the outskirts of Manhattan.

But Professor Gu Hong ’s reply made him slightly disappointed: “These biomass colonies are really hungry for too long. If there is not enough suppression, the host will be 100% swallowed by them. And Ms. Drew, although She is also a fifteenth-level wizard, but the time she spends on personal practice is very limited, and more rely on external forces to reach this situation. So the risk of delivery is very great. You do n’t want her to be swallowed by her biological colony. ? “

“Can’t you speed it up a little bit? OK, OK, I won’t urge you.”

Li Mochen didn’t force him, and then he delivered two CD-ROMs and a large stack of materials to Professor Gu Hong: “This is all the test data about the animal blood medicine. It is said that this medicine has been quite perfect. To a certain extent, this is also our competitor. You look for some people to see if there is any technology we can use? Then set up a project team to improve R & D on this basis. “

——Although the Progressive Association ’s testing of the ‘animal blood’ medicament is very inhumane, the number of deaths is over one million even if it is conservatively estimated. But the “beast blood” medicine itself is still extremely valuable.

He glanced just now that the ultimate goal of the National Progressive Association is to use this potion. Bulk manufacture of legendary powerhouses, and it is quite close to this goal.

The only problem is the control of the ‘Beast Blood Warriors’. The latter’s strength, once it exceeds the eighth-level occupation, thinking will be biased towards the beast, or even completely beastized, or crazy. This is what the research team of the National Progressive Association has been testing.

The reason why Li Mochen thinks they are competitors is because he also aimed at the orders of the Ministry of Defense. There is no doubt that there is a certain conflict between them.

“Let me see–“

Professor Gu Hong quickly flipped through the documents, and then exclaimed: “These big families are really well-deserved. It is really enviable, and you can take people’s lives to conduct experiments without any mercy.

Li Mochen heard this and could n’t help but cast a weird look on the latter, who immediately spread his hand: “I ’m kidding! Sorry, people like us may have a weaker moral outlook, but the bottom line still has to be followed, I treat them with ‘S behavior is disgusting. “

Li Mo was half-confident, guessing that the professor was mostly fooling himself.

However, this personal moral issue has nothing to do with him. At most, he will make people focus on it later, and don’t let these people go astray.

At this time, Professor Gu Hong has brought the topic back to the right track: “BOSS, I am very interested in a lot of things. Some of these technologies can be integrated into biological colonies. Using colonies to control the power of those wild and fierce beasts, this It can solve the problems we face, but we ca n’t take the time to study them for the time being. The research and development of the “Warrior A Biological Colony” has come to an end, and then only the final debugging, finalization and mass production design are left. But we can recruit some reliable and professional personnel for pre-research. But I have to know first, how much capital are you going to invest? First of all, let ’s remind you that this type of large project has an initial start-up capital of less than seven. A hundred million gold shields can’t afford to float. “

“Recruitment of personnel at the research base can be started in advance. At most one week later, I will allocate a billion dong to the book here.”

After Li Mochen finished this sentence, he looked slightly: “You said that the research and development of the” Warrior A Biological Colony “has come to an end?”

“Yes? Boss, didn’t you read the report sent by us?”

Professor Gu Hong looked at him with surprise: “I mean the one ten days ago?”

Li Mochen has not seen it. A few days before these ten days, he stayed in Rochelle Canyon. In the following days, they sailed in the Pacific Ocean and the dull sea.


Professor Gu Hong looked helpless: “I said, I wanted to give you a surprise, but your reaction is very limited. It seems that you are really a busy person. But okay, the live report is more intuitive. BOSS, please Come with me! “

He took Li Mochen to the bottom of the base, an extremely wide space. Through the tempered glass, he could see a warrior covered in a strange black armor, fighting two twelve African fire lions. The armor looks like a leather jacket, but it is very tough and resistant to fire. The two African Fire Lions slapped their claws on it twice, and the leather armor was only slightly damaged, and then quickly recovered as before. And the flames they sprayed did not scorch the surface of this armor.

“As you can see, this armor allows our sixth-level magic warrior to have a combat power comparable to the twelfth-level African fire lion. Its fire resistance is also very strong, and it can resist high temperatures of up to 1000 degrees. This degree is basically a magic mage above level 13. “

Professor Gu Hong led Li Mochen forward while explaining. Next to them, there is a closed laboratory. It was an extremely cold environment. There was a middle-aged man wearing a black armor of the same shape sitting inside. His surroundings were covered with ice and snow, almost frozen in the ice.

However, Li Mochen was able to sense this man’s steady heart rate-this man was asleep and his physique was very normal. Obviously he was in a very comfortable environment. The thermometer can be placed outside the laboratory, and it shows minus two hundred and twenty degrees.

“We are currently doing experiments in a variety of extreme environments. The performance of ‘Warrior Type A Biological Colony’ surprised us a lot. It has few obvious weaknesses except for certain alkaline substances. -“

Professor Gu Hong continued: “Look, here is the test of toxin confrontation. The results of several tests are very good, which can completely close the contact between the soldiers and the outside world, and supply oxygen to the latter for 15 minutes. Weaknesses, our combat support system still ca n’t keep up, at least not at the level of the Mosrah. So the host ’s combat skills will be weak, and we will continue to improve. ”

At this time, he looked at Li Mochen slightly with complacency: “In fact, we can already hold a press conference to announce this scientific research result.”

“Wait still, wait for the product to pass through all the test items and finally set the shape. We have to mass-produce part of it and give it to our armed forces for trial. We are not in a hurry at this moment, this is after all a kind of life and self The more conservative the verification process, the more cautious the better. “

What Li Mochen thought was to wipe out the people of Philip I first, and then he knew that this epoch-making product would definitely attract the covetment of all parties.

Announcement of all this prematurely will only attract him some unnecessary enemies.

“After all, I read your research log more than 20 days ago. It seems that there is a problem with the colony self-regulation system, which led to the abandonment of previous achievements? How could it be so fast?”

“It is because of our recent self-discipline system for the biological colonization of the Mosrah people, we have made new research progress, we have cracked some of their biological signals, and thus reverse compiled their self-discipline system. Of course, this is not The complete version. You only need to copy a part of it, you can achieve the control of the “Warrior A Biological Colony”. “

Professor Gu Hong said with a smile: “So it is expected that our next ‘Front A Biological Colony’, UU reading will also complete all the research and development within one month. In fact, the following legendary biological colonies Most of the technology has been mastered by Americo, and the final problem is the “self-discipline” of biological colonization, which has caused many experimental institutions to fail. And now we are actually standing on their shoulders and putting their Technology to integrate. “

Li Mochen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows again, and his face now looked forward to.

The battlefront colony and the warrior colony are projects developed in parallel by the Rising Sun Biological Laboratory. The latter is aimed at magical professionals at level 11, while the “warfront” is at level 15. The goal is to be able to use it as a Used by the sword front during the war.

“What about the cost? How much does it cost?”

“It is lower than you think. Even if it is a war front, the estimated cost is only one-third of the magic refining armor, and the more it is made, the cheaper it is.”

Gu Hong raised his lips again, and he was very excited: “However, the competition between the two is not great. Our biological colony is compatible with various magic armor. After embedding the corresponding auxiliary combat system, it can be used 1 + 1 & gt; 2 effect. BOSS, it is almost a perfect product, it will make all magic professionals crazy. “

“In short, as soon as possible–“

Li Mochen spoke only halfway through, and his voice choked,

He saw his driver and bodyguard Song Aiguo, who was walking across the road with his mobile phone.

“BOSS, there was another situation in Atlanta. Three minutes ago, Ms. Li Mei of the Rising Sun Retail Company was assassinated. The avatar we prepared for Ms. Li Mei died, and she herself was slightly injured and was sent to Sward manor.”

Li Mochen’s sword eyebrow slightly raised, and the anger in his eyes almost spewed out of his pupils.

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