Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 554 - Ambush (Nine K Grand

Also in Atlanta, on the 67th floor of Starscream ’s refuge floor, ‘Magic Wolf’ Fenrir is looking towards the Wiltonstein Building. His eyes contained hatred and a trace of regret.

After thirty seconds, he turned his gaze to a highway to the north.

“I suggest you better converge.”

This voice appeared without any warning behind Fenrir, the ‘magic wolf’, who initially had tight shoulders and instinctively intended to break away from here.

But when he recognized the voice and the more familiar breath behind him. He just relaxes a little. Turned his head and looked behind him.

It was a man wrapped in silver-white cloth. It looks like a silver mummy.

However, Fenrir looked at this person, in addition to the fear, there was a trace of sarcasm.

“It’s you? America’s top three demigod killers, is it to guide me how to perform the task?”

“You can understand that.”

The man walked to Fenrir’s side with self-confidence: “According to what I have learned. The lucky Andre has returned. And the first thing he has to do now is to catch you, Kill! What you need now is a more thorough action plan and a safer escape route. Not in this conspicuous position and rash action. “

Fenrir’s face condensed: “I don’t need your concern, Lord Duke of the Silver Wings. I think my current plan of action is already perfect. I believe that no matter what the situation is, I can handle it myself. “

The silver mummy looked calmly and looked at Fenrir: “The mythical equipment in your hand is indeed very powerful. Even if only the core three parts remain, Longwei is still the top sniper rifle. But this does not guarantee you Nothing is wrong. My observation of Andre has been for half a year. Believe me, their strength is beyond your imagination, and Andre has a way to get rid of you. “

“I said, Long Wei is not in my hands!”

Fenrir’s expression was impatient and a bit grumpy again. But then he took another deep breath and calmed himself down: “OK! Monroe Kincari, I am not your disciple, and I don’t need your advice. I know he has a virtual night king under him, that lucky one Andrea, may also have certain emptiness, but what about this, Lord Duke? I believe that if I only want to escape, even a top killer like you, I ca n’t help my demon wolf Fenrir. Do you know what I have experienced because of him this year? “

He turned his cold eyes away from the glass curtain wall again: “I will increase the frequency of shots until the will of the Rising Sun Group is completely defeated.”


The silver mummy’s eyes showed an unmistakable color. But just when he wanted to continue to say something, suddenly there was a illusion on their side.

Then a burly figure appeared in front of them. It was a man in a military uniform, but his face was vague and unclear.

But the two people present recognized the identity of the other person at the instant they saw him. That was the five-star special attack on the Federal Army, General George Mattiola.

“Let him act according to his wishes, Jim Carrey. The next course of action, I am on Fenrir’s side, and I will do my best to provide support.”

Demon Wolf Fenrir was expressionless and ruthless after hearing the words. The silver mummy frowned: “This will be extremely risky, Admiral Mattiola! You despised your enemies. I think the **** defeat of the blood clan has confirmed his strength. I think his subordinates, at least There is also a demi-level combat power that has not surfaced. “

“My advisory team also judged this way. They even thought that Philip I’s odds were never as high as he thought. So before this battle, we have to weaken Andre’s strength as much as possible.”

Admiral George Mattiola was at ease: “As for Fenril, don’t worry at all. According to the calculations of my magic advisors, Andre, even with two virtual night kings, caught the possibility of Fenril , Less than 3%. “

“Three percent? Are you sure?”

The silver mummy’s eyes contained a question: “Do you know what would happen if the mythical armament and Longwei held by Fenrir fell in Andre’s hands? That would be a one for your National Progressive Association A disaster! “

“I’m sure!”

Regardless of the tone of his voice, Admiral George Mattiola remained calm as usual: “This is just the result calculated based on his personal ability. In addition, he also has us. I will ensure the Atlanta Magic Tower Committee, It wo n’t pose any obstacles to his actions. So Kim Carrey, you do n’t need to be so cautious, like a mouse in a gutter. If you can join forces and provide fire support for Fenrir, then I expect the most Within three weeks, the Rising Sun Group and the Wiltonstein Group can be paralyzed. “

The silver mummy fixed his eyes on this for a long time, and then turned around: “Since you must persevere, I don’t care. But I have my own way of acting, and I also don’t like being interfered by others. Bye-“

Then he stepped into the darkness and disappeared in front of the two.

“As rumored, I will do my own thing with the Silver Duke.”

Admiral George Mattiola spread his hand and turned his eyes to the magic wolf Fenrir: “This guy is not very reliable. The mission entrusted to him, Monroe Kim Carey has not yet expressed a clear response to accept No. So next, you still have to rely on you, Mr. Fenrir. This is also for your own blood feud, right? “

“I will do what you want.”

The magic wolf Fenrir looked at George Mattiola’s gaze, and was also full of coldness and hatred.

“But I also hope that you can keep your promises, otherwise, I will make you pay.”

He had already taken out a 3721 Linfield-shaped rifle and pointed the muzzle towards the north highway.

The magic wolf Fenrir quickly locked in his goal. It was a high-end business sedan driving fast on the viaduct. In the back seat window of the car, there were two men in suits and leather shoes, discussing what they were talking about.

“of course!”

George Mattiola laughed, his magic projection has disappeared, leaving only a sentence: “I will give you what you want, I think the entire Amerika, dare to provoke you the magic wolf Fenrir Very few. “

At this moment, the fierce wolf Fenrir suddenly fired fire at the muzzle, blasting a bullet out.

Just a moment, the head of a middle-aged man in the business car suddenly burst into blood.


Li Mochen had just returned to Atlanta through the portal and received a call from Heinz Van Derrick, the current owner of the Van Derrick family.

This one’s voice was sober: “I heard that you are now working with the demon wolf Fenrir? So little guy, I want to know if you are sure to get rid of him?”

Li Mochen was a little surprised, and then answered frankly: “There is certainty, I dare not say that 100%, 70% or 80% still exists.”

“70 or 80 percent? It seems that you are really confident.”

Heinz Van Derrick laughed, and said in a non-committal tone: “So lucky, Andrea, I will send you some small gifts later, I hope you will be satisfied.”


Li Mochen couldn’t help raising Jianmei’s eyebrows, and there was a radiance in his pupils: “Is Longwei’s component?”

“Guessed, but we don’t have much in our hands. The big head is still in the hands of the FBI.”

Heinz’s voice was hoarse: “This is the reward I will give you in advance. If you can really get rid of this guy, I will give you the 3 billion gold shield offered by our Van Derrick family for this. And Our family will also owe you a favor for this. What I want to say is that if you really have a way, then please kill him anyway. “

“Of course! I won’t keep my hand. I have an enmity with him now, Mr. Van Derrick, and it’s the endless kind, that is our common enemy.”

Li Mochen walked to the gate of Sword Manor and looked at the sky ahead: “The problem is the magic tower committee. I hope to get help from the Van Derrick family. Even if this magic tower array cannot help us , Can’t be our obstacle. Thank you, Mr. Van Derek. With your words, I can add another 10% chance of winning. I will invite you to drink someday— “

And just after he hung up the phone, Li Mochen received another bad news from Thompson Adams.

Rising Sun Mining Company’s newly hired second operating officer was attacked by the demon wolf Fenrir and died on the spot.

This news made Li Mochen’s complexion look even colder.

“This is really a brazen dog cub.”

He knew that it was no wonder that Thompson and others, the ability of the magic wolf Fenrir, has exceeded their range.

Li Mochen can only suffocate the fire in his stomach and nowhere to vent. He even regretted that he chose to sit back and watch while the demon wolf Fenrir wandered Atlanta a few months ago. After all, this trouble still bites on his head.

“What about Delfinia? Where is she now?”

“Void Night King started chasing after the incident and once had a brief encounter with the demon wolf Fenrir, but she lost it not long ago. She is now on the roof of the Wiltonstein Building–“

Li Mochen immediately summoned the dragon veins, and also walked through the void.

However, during this period, he received a call from Zoe Dawlington, head of the field department of the FBI Atlanta. The latter had agreed to trade the Longwei component in their hands, and Li Mochen needed to pay for the body of the demon wolf Fenril, There is also billions of gold in cash.

“Some people let me tell you, do n’t be too crazy about Andre. Our transaction was because Fenrir really affected public safety and tarnished the reputation of the Atlanta Police Department and the FBI. Do n’t take our Concessions should be taken for granted— “

Li Mochen didn’t have the patience to listen to it, and after a casual response, he hung up the phone directly.

But this good news slightly calmed his mood. When Li Mochen came to the top of the Wiltonstein Building, he found that the ‘Void Night King’ Delfinia was looking down with an eagle eye.

“Dell, you have dealt with him? What is the situation? And his mythical equipment, can you tell me more about it?”

“It’s time to fight, he just shot me. But in fact, I have no ability to catch up with him. It was he who took the initiative to stop. He tried to kill me. But Long Wei in his hand is not a complete version, personal The strength is only legendary level two, and I was fortunately avoided by me. “

Delfinia ’s face is extremely ugly, and she seems to be in a bad mood: “As for the mythical equipment, it is similar to the information you collected in advance. It can lock more than ten spatial coordinates in advance for Fenril to choose and produce in him. The idea of ​​going to other coordinates, or when in danger, achieve a maximum distance of 150 kilometers of space displacement. In addition, this mythical equipment also has the power of God, that is the space system, called the “dimensional vortex” Powerful divine power. This makes Fenrir have extraordinary destructive power during the space jump. That mythical equipment will stir the surrounding plane walls and space, forming a powerful space storm. This means that we are very It is difficult to limit his instantaneous movement. We are also unable to track his trail. The space debris and energy flow caused by the space storm made me unable to lock his teleportation coordinates at all. “

Li Mochen was thoughtful: “After all, have you followed him for a period of time? That is to say, your transmission speed. Should it be above him?”

“Of course! Otherwise, what else do I call the King of the Night?”

Delfinia squinted at him: “But it’s useless. I have to spend a lot of energy to completely eliminate the interference of the dimensional vortex. So at most five to six times, I will be completely rid of him.”

However, Li Mochen looked slightly relaxed. If he had only 70% to 80% grasp before, then it is now 10%.

In his eyes, the magic wolf Fenrir was already meat on a chopping board and could be slaughtered by him.

“Then Dale, tell me the coordinates and directions he transmitted, the more detailed the better.”

Although Delfinia was puzzled, she readily reported out a total of fifteen coordinates, and then she squinted at Li Mochen: “You are in big trouble, Andrea, this guy is very tricky, I ca n’t think of any way to solve it now. ”

“That may not be necessary.”

Li Mochen is already calculating with the ‘Zhou Tian Shen Ji Xuan pivot star secret method’. The information provided by Delfinia certainly does not help him find the location of the demon wolf Fenrir. It helps him understand the strength of Fenrir and the characteristics of that mythical equipment. In short, the more detailed the information, the better. It can reduce the burden of his calculation while chasing and reduce the loss of merit.

Then he threw a red crystal ball into Delfinia’s hands.

After the latter took over, he was puzzled: “Is this?”

“Temporary communication tool can allow you to be far away, even in the process of transmitting in the sky, you can receive my ideas in real time.”

Li Mochen explained: “The next thing you have to do is to do your best to delay his transition process. Then follow the coordinate orientation I gave you, and just jump in space.”


Delfinia put away the red crystal ball; “In short, I will do whatever you want me to do.”

She was not too optimistic about Li Mochen’s pursuit of killing, but Delfinia had learned a lot from her previous experiences.

This guy in front of her is indeed good at making miracles. It has been several times beyond her expectation to accomplish what is impossible in her eyes.

So now, she looks at it first.

“However, whether this task is successful or not, you have to agree to the thing I proposed and give us a land of aliens.”

In Li Mochen’s eyes, there was a hesitant look. After a long time, he nodded reluctantly: “Yes, but I can only give you 70,000 square kilometers of land. And within a maximum of ten years, I will build a fortress there, and your territory must be moved. . Of course I will give enough compensation and will also guarantee your safety. “


Delfinia was obviously overjoyed, although she forced her not to be overjoyed. But in her eyes, she still couldn’t restrain herself.

It was at this time that Li Mochen felt a sense of heart, and Jianmei raised his eyebrows slightly.

“I found him!”

“Found? Where is he?” Delfinia glanced at Li Mochen, wondering if this was true or not? She thought she had to wait until the magic wolf Fenrir shot next time.

“It is twelve kilometers away from us, in my industrial Bert building.”

At this moment, Li Mochen laughed angrily: “After only twenty minutes, he actually stared directly at my headquarters building. How much does he despise this crazy dog?”


The battle that broke out with the magic wolf Fenrir was abrupt and sudden. When Li Mochen and Delfinia appeared on the fifteenth floor of the Burt Building at the same time, the magic wolf Fenril was already surprised.

The latter sensed the space movement caused by the two’s void transition early, and the magic wolf Fenrir felt strange, not knowing how he was exposed. He did not hesitate to press the button of a remote control in his hand to detonate the remote control bombs he buried around.

Fortunately, Delfinia had already made preparations. The first time the shuttle came over was a group exile. All the bombs buried by the magic wolf Fenril were exiled into the astral world. At the beginning of the explosion , When it was destroyed in the bud, it also protected the Bert building from explosion and collapse.

At that time, the 3721 Linfield rifle in Fenrir’s hand was banged, almost as Li Mochen’s eyebrows came from the middle of the sky.

The latter is only a few centimetres away, and the magic bullet up to the 27th level is torn apart from the center. The Sakura Blood Sword’s “must-cut” divine power is extremely powerful. As long as it can hit the target, it is by no means an ordinary artifact and spell to resist.

The demon wolf Fenrir also slightly changed color, and a void vortex was born behind him, as if it were a big mouth, to swallow him whole.

In this pupil’s eyes, the fire of hatred is burning, and he is fixedly watching Li Mochen.

“It’s a new amount of divine power. You really are stronger than what the intelligence described! So, it’s you who captured the remnants of Long Wei. Is it also you who planted this matter on the Fenrir Hunting Corps? “

Li Mochen thought about these two things, should there be no causal connection? But by this time, if the demon wolf could not guess his own hand, it would be a real idiot. After all, there is the ability to plant this one, and there are few in the whole Amerika.

He was too lazy to answer, and chopped directly to Fenrir with a knife—his knife not only could break the gold and the stone, but also cut the void.

But Li Mochen eventually cut a void, as Delfinia described, the mythical equipment on Fenrir had the divine power of ‘dimensional vortex’.

The space vortex formed a great resistance, making Li Mochen’s idea and Sakura Blood Knife even unable to lock Fenrir’s figure. The resistance in front of the blade was too great for him to imagine, making Li Mochen feel numb in his wrist.

When the vortex and the resistance disappeared, the demon wolf Fenrir had disappeared without a trace.

“Shall I provide coordinates?”

Delfinia came to his attention: “I just barely locked his whereabouts.”

“No need, the spatial coordinates I provided to you will only be more accurate.”

Li Mochen had already controlled the dragon’s veins and shuttled beyond the void wall: “Del, you should spend more time on this instead of delaying his displacement speed. Just now if you try a little harder, I might let him suffer. A little injury. “

Delfinia stared at the crystal ball, then appeared surprised.

There is really a coordinate in it, which is very close to the position she speculated, and the distance is only less than three kilometers.

And when Delfinia arrived at her destination almost at the same time as Li Mochen, she discovered that the magic wolf Fenrir was in front of her.

This is a motor room, surrounded by powerful remote-controlled bombs. Delfinia looked roughly at thirty. Afterwards, she recognized it as the first charity hospital in Wiltonstein, east of the city.

Delfinia raised her hand with ease, and exiled the bombs out of the light world before they exploded. At the same time, he was amazed and wondered how Li Mochen calculated Fenrir’s position.

The calculation results provided by Li Mochen saved at least thousands of lives.

——If the transition is based on the coordinates of her own performance, then she has no time to disarm these bombs.

Fenrir, the demon wolf opposite them, was also stupefied. A vortex was generated behind him again, and he looked at Delfinia in surprise.

“Interesting! Then follow you, I buried a lot of bombs in this Mr. Wiltonstein’s industry, the number is far beyond your imagination. From now on, as long as you missed once, you will Many people have funerals with you. One hundred thousand or two hundred thousand? So come with me, everyone! “

Fenrir’s words came to an abrupt halt, and Li Mochen’s blood-stained knife had been chopped up. This time it didn’t fall through, a trace of blood swelled in the void. Then it was directly annihilated by the violent void energy.

The next third space jump, both of them appeared exactly in Fenrir’s body.

This time Delfinia’s figure is slightly faster than Li Mochen. She is still the first time to perform the exile, to lift the surrounding remote bombs.

Fenrir ignored her and raised her hand again to shoot at Li Mochen who came across the sky. This time he was more prepared, and there were countless purple lightnings around him, bombarding Li Mochen.

The intensity of this purple electricity shocked Delfinia nearby, which was undoubtedly a kind of divine power-this guy in front of them, who did n’t know where to get the divine scroll, was arranged here Such a deadly trap.

But Li Mochen was fearless, and he forcibly cut the bullet. Then the whole body around the light and magic eight was covered with a layer of water.

The power of the divine power of the water system allowed Li Mochen to condense a layer of pure water shield directly, and then hard against the vast purple thunder, impacting the demon wolf Fenrir.

The bleak arc ignited by the Sakura Blood Knife swept the void again, but Li Mochen unexpectedly cut the sky again. The figure of the magic wolf Fenrir has disappeared before their eyes.

Li Mochen and the two did not stagnate at all, and both stepped into the void.

However, before leaving, Delfinia couldn’t help but yell: “Asshole! Before you use this method, give a notice anyway.”

She refers to the pure water shield that Li Mochen condensed with water system divine power. The pure water can isolate the thunder and lightning, which is enough to resist the “ divine thunder punishment ” that refuses this primary divine level.

But at the same time, there were also a part of Zilei, who was isolated by the pure water shield, attracted her and slammed her towards her.

This made Delfinia caught off guard, and the danger was caught by the thunder. With her legendary five-level cultivation base, only a little rubbing by the power of this theocracy level is a disaster of extinction.

But after listening to Li Mochen, he didn’t care.

“Then you can be at ease, I have my own balance! Don’t forget what is my most powerful divine authority? And, from now on you have to call me BOSS! Are you my vassal now?”

The figures of the two, once again in tandem, entered another spatial coordinate.

And this time, the target pointed at the muzzle of Fenrir was Delfinia. This man’s face was cold, but his eyes were still cold.


There was another gunshot, and the crimson bullet forcibly pierced the layered twisted space in front of Delfinia, pointing straight at her eyebrows.

Delfinia can’t help but change color slightly, this is undoubtedly a powerful magic bullet of level 27 or above, and its characteristics are related to space shuttle, which has a strong pertinence to her space ability.

At a distance of less than twenty meters, Delfinia could hardly make any effective response. She can only instinctively start her last contingency, ready to reorganize her body in the dark world with the help of her soul and flesh pinned to the void after this body is destroyed.

——This is an ability that she has recently mastered, which can help her escape any fatal danger.

Her previous experience of being counted by Li Mochen made her feel painful and prepared this backhand for herself. Of course, the cost of this ability is extremely high, which means that her magic class level must be reduced by at least two levels.

But just after the bullet hit Delfinia’s eyebrows, a strong vitality emerged from her body. This not only allowed Delfinia’s injuries to recover quickly, but even acted on her soul, helping her resist the tear of the magic bullet to her soul.

On the contrary, the face of the demon wolf Fenrir was pale, as if he was hit hard.

Delfinia knew what was happening in a flash, which was when Li Mochen’s life and death power came into play. Not only did she capture a lot of vitality from the magic wolf Fenrir, but she also passed on the concept she just faced called ‘death’.


Delfinia felt angry and angry except fortunately. She was angry that Li Mochen regarded herself as a ‘voodoo doll’, and used her as a prop to fight against the magic wolf Fenrir; angry was the latter, which was obviously a legendary second-level bastard, but she almost put her Deadly.

There was almost anger in her eyes, with a slight wave of her hand, which was a “Void Slash” waved ten meters away. The violent void energy destroys everything along the way, and even the divine wolf Fenrir ’s divine ‘dimensional vortex’ cannot be completely blocked.

In this blow, Delfinia invested an unprecedented concentration, not only to hurt the opponent, but only to interfere with the spatial transition of the magic wolf Fenrir.

“Wow, Del, are you ready to go crazy? The problem is, this is my property! The market value of this warehouse is at least 12 million gold shields—”

After Fenrir left here again, Li Mochen looked at him in surprise. Here is a warehouse under his name, but at the moment there is a full 500 meters of space in front of them, all the buildings and life. All were torn to pieces by Delfinia’s “Void Slash”.

Fortunately, he was on the scene, and he also possessed a powerful theological power of life, which allowed those around him who should have died to reorganize their lives in an instant.

“Shut up! Give me the coordinates!”

When Delfinia spoke, she sensed that in the red crystal ball, a new space coordinate was being generated. She walked across the sky without hesitation and stepped into the starry void.

The anger in Delfinia’s eyes had now turned into substance.

She was angered by the crazy wolf and vowed to let the **** bear the cost of angering her.

At the same time, in a luxury manor in the north of Atlanta, Admiral George Mattiola was smoking a cigar in his temporary study while looking at the magic projection in front of him with a disgruntled expression.

-This is a three-dimensional map of Atlanta, with red and blue dots constantly showing above, marking the direction of the appearance of the magic wolf Fenrir.

“You can’t blame me, Mr. Admiral!”

On the side of the desk was the man wearing a black magic robe and a cloak of the same color: “The battle between them was too quick, too bright and concise, and I never even stayed in one place for more than three seconds. I think even It ’s Estantin, and I ca n’t provide you with detailed combat images right now. Being able to help you pinpoint where they appear is already the limit I can achieve. This is the result of the intentional cooperation of the demon wolf. ”

“I know! Of course I know!”

George Mattiola responded a little irritably: “But this is not right, Richard. They jumped too fast, and it was faster than we expected.”

“It’s really amazing, they follow very closely.”

The black-robed magic advisor nodded slightly: “Almost perfectly keeping up with Fenrir’s space shuttle, and the distance between the two sides is always within 20 meters. It ’s almost insignificant. It ’s incredible. I do n’t know how they did it. Is it the King of the Night? Or the lucky Andrea? But from the current point of view, this has no effect on our plan. Lear ’s transition, as long as he was careful enough, that Andre could not have caused him fatal injuries. Now, they are approaching outside the city and approaching the ambush position we have scheduled— “

“But now I feel a little uneasy.”

George Mattiola removed the cigar from his lips, and at the same time he thought deeply: “You know, the Violet family has always been very good at predicting danger.”

“But this time, we have nine demigods, including Philip I, and even a magician.”

The magic adviser could not help but pay attention to the desk: “With the agreement reached before, this must be beyond the expectation of Wilton Stein’s grandson. In fact ~ ~ According to what we have now Several semi-god-level combat powers have not moved so far. We only need three minutes to kill Andrea and end all of this. “

“The problem is the Duke of Silverwings, the guy from Monroe Kincarry who refused to participate.”

George Mattiola frowned, “He also warned me that if I act lightly, there will be a fiasco. I guess that guy must have some information that we don’t have. He stares at Kang Xiu. Lizusun has been staring at it for a long time. “

“Jin Carrey?”

The magic adviser’s voice was obviously disapproving, but he still asked in the tone of asking: “Then stop planning? But we have already paid a great price to persuade Philip and the magician to move ahead. Also There is the magic wolf Fenrir— “

“No! At this time, of course, it is impossible to stop. We can first look at the situation and then say, if the situation is really as Kim Carrey said, the lucky Andre has hidden strength, then we will change the goal, try to Get rid of the virtual night king first. As long as Philip I and Howard do n’t take action, they ca n’t be considered a breach of contract. Those demigods were not their men. ”

Admiral George Mattiola seemed determined and took a sip of cigar again with complacency: “To be honest, I have a little regret now. I knew that this was the case, and I slaughtered that Dyer directly. Finia, if you are not afraid of playing the grass and startling the snake. That crazy wolf, plus the bullets we provide, has this ability. “

But at this time, his magic advisor looked at the three-dimensional map, his pupils contracted.

“It’s not quite right, Mr. Admiral, Fenrir, he has deviated from our preset coordinates.”

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