Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 627 - world

“There is such a thing? Is the situation serious?”

Robespierre was among the people present, and the only one who had no **** at present. The news is also the most blocked due to the doubling of the ban on mantras recently to teach Jennifer. He looked up in amazement and looked at everyone present.

“It’s true, my pastor and church haven’t recruited many believers for me in the past few months, and even some pastors have left the church. Those religious speculators are not very optimistic about me.”

Angela spread her hands and expressed helplessness: “There are indeed many people who are using this method to intimidate my believers. At present, in the major media and electronic networks, eschatological predictions are also popular. Although there are various versions, But they are very similar, they all think that the next big earthquake that spreads all over the world is just the beginning of the extinction of human beings. Their purpose is also the same. Salvation from the disaster. The Internet priests I have mastered have no way to stop them. “

Fortunately, she is a **** of law and does not depend on the faith of all beings. Otherwise, the current situation will be extremely embarrassing.

“Roberspierre, do you know why Odin made concessions in the Coral Sea War? That’s because they determined that the **** system established by Andre was difficult to survive this shock.”

Kang Xiuli took the words of Angela with a sneer: “There are indeed some gods who are close to Andre because of seeing hope from Andre, but most of the rest are for life, such as Morgan , Such as Rockefeller, on the one hand, because they need Andre ’s asylum, on the one hand, after the disaster, they can provide them with divine support to save them from the death, and only the two André and the Statue of Liberty . But everyone knows the stinginess of the Statue of Liberty, and there is very little chance that they will get help from Eris. Otherwise, why should the Supreme Family fall to Andre. “

He has already gone through the excitement period when Li Mochen has successfully responded, and successfully constructed the divine system, seeing through the truth behind it.

“My side is also passing slowly, more than 3 million less than the peak period five months ago.”

Li Mochen spoke lightly, seeming to care less.

But the situation is far more serious than what he said. At present, the senior officials of Australia and Amerika still hold a wait-and-see attitude towards him, and they do not want to continue to move closer to him because of the next big earthquake.

Li Mochen, as a believer of 1.9 billion ancient gods and law gods, is sure to be able to survive, but his followers are not necessarily. This will surely cause a major blow to the Destiny Department, and it is difficult to say where this division will go in the future.

With the passage of time, this trend is becoming more and more obvious. The Statue of Liberty is reassembling the hearts of Americans by giving security guarantees.

So many people regretted after joining the camp of Destiny Church. The reason why they did not withdraw at this time was because of the deterrent effect of the Coral Sea battle, which also gave the general public some confidence in him.

Can be regarded as the second-largest faith in the world after the Lord of Glory, and it is also a deity with imperfect church organization. The believers of Li Mochen inevitably become fat in the eyes of the gods.

Now, the three great deities of Outland are exhausting all kinds of means to fight for believers from him.

End-time prophecy is one of the most effective methods. Once the prophecy is fulfilled, his faith can imagine the consequences. That would be the dominoes that were torn down, as fragile as a city built of sand.

Fortunately, he had foreseen this scene a year ago and was well prepared.

And now facing the same situation, there is the Lord of Glory. The situation facing this person is worse than him. Of those 11.2 billion believers, it is difficult for this one to take care of everything.

“So even if it is just for our own sake, try to resolve this disaster as much as possible. In the next few days, you have to go all out to help me to complete this prohibition-level ‘superior method’!”

Li Mochen’s expression condensed, his eyes cold: “Every step we take now is deciding the future success or failure, and this step is especially important now.”


As Li Mochen and others discussed how to resolve this disaster, Ares, who had just experienced a war, returned to Mount Olympus suspended in the astral world.

At this time, he was far stronger than he was in the Coral Sea five months ago. The ever-expanding scale of war has allowed the source of war in this world to rise from wave to wave. It also made Ares’s divine power reach the peak of the **** of the eighteenth, and the door of false truth is about to be opened.

This is a state that he helped Zeus to conquer several worlds that could not be reached. None of those worlds can support the rank above the main god. Only the world in which he was born can provide him with the possibility of progress.

Recently, Ares has been thinking that if his believers in the world have not been lost or captured by Li Mochen, it is likely that he has reached the rank of God of Nineteenth and Vice King of God.

The two legions lost in the Coral Sea also made him hurt. Although the 14 worlds they mastered in the Outer Worlds are constantly supplementing his strength, allowing the selected warriors in the Temple of War to be rebuilt to 21 regiments again. But most of them cannot exert their full strength in the bright world.

Their divine system was originally in the Nordic system, in the Celtic system, in the Slavic system, under the brilliance of the brilliance of the gods and escaped from the light world.

At that time, they had already suffered heavy casualties, and they did not bring out many of the selected warriors belonging to this world. Today, the accumulation of his churches in these thousands of years has almost been buried by him in one fell swoop.

Andre Lee Wiltonstein!

-Whenever thinking of this name, Ares couldn’t help gritting his teeth and getting upset. But when he stepped into the supreme temple of Zeus, his eyes were slightly fierce, and a woman with a sharp eye on the side looked at it, and then was troubled by the fate master.


There are hatreds and fears in Ares’s voice.

The girl in Toga’s long dress (Greek costume) smiled and responded to him: “Long time no see, Brother Ares.”

“You still have a face to come back? You betrayed the Olympus–“

Ares tie Qingqing face, but he was only half said, and was interrupted by Zeus on the throne: “You ca n’t say your sister. Ares. Athena is staying in this world by my order, this is also the cover Ya ’s will, she needs the help of Athena. And now, for the cause of our Titan God, Athena ’s power is indispensable. “


Ares groaned, but then refrained: “I don’t like her! It can even be said to be hate, but if it is your father, I can ignore her. But if she wants to return to the gods, Athena , Then you have to make a contribution that will convince everyone. Your orders are certainly not violated, but you cannot convince the gods who are standing by your side. “

Ares’s temperament is irritable and irritable, but since the Trojan War, he has been trying to overcome the defects of his character.

In the times of Sparta and Rome, he received many subordinate gods who had great achievements in the mortal era, and got a wise staff team, who can always make suggestions and suggestions in his ears.

At this time, Ares has heard the focus of all Zeus’ words, is the last sentence-Athena’s power is indispensable.

This was obviously a year-long war that made his father uneasy. The Nordic Asa Divinity, the Shining Divinity, Ahura Mazda, and even the Destiny Divinity, all brought great pressure to them.

As a deputy king who has accumulated huge power in the main material world, if Athena returns, it is indeed a great benefit for the Olympus system.

“Of course, Athena she has provided us with a huge help now, and she and Prometheus promised to fight alongside us again.”

Zeus smiled and looked at Athena again: “So Cynthia (Natural Artemis), is she still not willing to return?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Athena shook her head: “But you don’t need to be annoyed, I guess the power of this world prevents her from doing this, and the natural priesthood is more vulnerable to the will of the world.”

“I contacted her, Your Majesty.”

The look of Apollo next to him was a little helpless. He was the younger brother of Artemis, so he couldn’t let it go.

“She told me that what we were doing thousands of years ago and what we are doing now angered nature and put her under great constraints. But she loves you and is your favorite daughter. I think if Olympi She needs her, then she will be by your side. Even if she is affected by the will of the world, she will find ways to alleviate our pressure. “

“This is enough, I know her difficulty.”

Zeus was already very satisfied. He turned his eyes back to his eyes again, just ten meters below his throne, where there was a huge map of the bright world.

“Ares, you should not know, what kind of good news does your sister bring us? After the collision of the world of beasts, we will have one hundred god-selected legions from the outer realm. The world recognizes. “

“One Hundred God Legions?”

The appearance of Ares is slight, Olympus’ legion establishment is similar to that of Asa, which is equivalent to the two semi-storm storm companies of the Rising Sun Group.

A hundred selected warriors, that is close to the power of five angels.

His staff team quickly analyzed the reasons for him.

“Is Gaia right?”

At this time, Ares couldn’t help but breed admiration for his father again.

This must be a compromise that Gaia had to make under the pressure of the Lord of Glory and all parties, which shows that Zeus’s strategy against Gaia came into effect.

Since his father returned to this world, he has been indifferent to the war with the parties. Even he didn’t care much about his defeat in the world, and he also intentionally or unintentionally damaged the power consumed in the main material world.

Aris was worried about this, and both the Asa sect and the glorious deity were extremely powerful forces. The impact of the world of beasts on the light world will also change the strength of the two sides.

In the process of the fusion of the two worlds, Odin, who is the supreme **** of the beast world, is likely to master the authority of some world roots. The warriors from his beast world will eventually be recognized by this world.

That will be an overwhelming force, and the glorious master who has cultivated in this world for thousands of years can match.

Now, however, Zeus has easily obtained what he wanted.

Ares even speculated that their ‘losing away’ thousands of years ago might also be in Zeus ’s plan. Otherwise, Zeus can only watch Gaia become the supreme god.

Ares knows that his father, who originated in the Outer Realm, really relied on Gaia thousands of years ago to finally succeed in the bright world. But this one will never be the chance to become the ‘Highest God’, and Gaia will be included in the bag.

“Yes! Taking advantage of the turbulence of the world and the instability of the root cause, she will help our soldiers get recognition.”

Zeus laughed: “But can’t it be a little more? Athena, you have to talk to the mother goddess. This warrior is not enough to repel Odin and Horus’ coveted roots. Now I am Under his command, there are two hundred selected legions. In addition, Horus is also waiting for this day. He has also made great achievements in the outer domain in these thousand years. With the help of Isis, he also conquered five. This world. This one can take out at least six legions of angels in the outer realm. He and Isis can influence the roots. Only five days, this one can let his legion enter the main material world. “

“Maybe? But the power of the Lord of Glory at the root is far less than Gaia, the two angels are the limit he can achieve.”

Athena smiled and replied: “Father, there are no more than one hundred selected legions. This is no longer thousands of years ago, and Gaia now only has a small part of the root authority. Not to mention she is not There is no other choice, Ahura? Or the master of fate? “

“Are you serious? She can trust Ahura? As for the master of fate, are you sure this one has enough power to help her? Forget it, mother goddess, if she insists, then this is the first thing. But please Tell her, I can’t guarantee 100% completion of her entrustment. “

At this time, Zeus looked slightly: “When it comes to the **** of fate, how is the situation of the world? Is there any movement of that guy? Hermes?”

Hermes Hermes, the son of Meia, daughter of Zeus and Atlas, was named Mercury in Rome.

This is also a powerful sacred shell-Hermes is the messenger of Zeus, conveying the will for the **** king. In addition, this **** is also responsible for business, travel, theft, deception, shadow, eloquence, animal husbandry, sports, sports and the guidance of the underworld, as well as a magical refuge.

In Roman times, all businessmen, thieves and assassins believed in him. In modern times, he is still believed by many magical shadow actors.

“He tried to deal with the impact of a few days later, and took many measures.”

Hermes knew what Zeus wanted to ask: “He prepared a lot of ships, and a very complicated array of magical energy was recorded on the ship, but I don’t understand it.”

Although he is an asylum of magic, he has a limited understanding of magic, and the modern magic system is completely different from the Greek era.

“In addition, this fateful master also issued a large number of amulets to the believers, and allowed his believers to go out of the house and camp at the designated place—”

“It sounds very organized and looks like, so do you think he can resist this shock? Hermes?”

Asked this sentence is the sun **** Apollo, his face full of sunshine smile: “His actions make me a little worried.”

Hermes spread his hand: “I can’t be sure, Apollo. Maybe he has prepared some other things? I can’t find out more. He is the master of destiny, even me, after all, It is also difficult to spy on his real situation. Moreover, under his present, there is a man named Reinhard Heidrich who has a strong intelligence ability. He even surpassed me in some ways. But I do n’t Too optimistic, a world impact of this magnitude, even Rhea in its heyday, or even Gaia, ca n’t stop the quelling. And the next is not only earthquakes and tsunamis, but also a large number of meteors falling, which are all outer The world is shattered by debris. In addition, the dark world will also intersect with this side. The originally solid space barriers will have a lot of cracks. They can tear people and release a lot of dark creatures. I guess he has not Ability to care for his lamb, what do you think of Athena? I do n’t think anyone here knows him better than you? “


Athena was hesitant for a while, still opening his eyes in the eyes that Zeus and others expected: “According to my calculations, this will be an earthquake of magnitude 14, equivalent to 160 to 180 million TNT equivalent.”

When it was found that Hermes had a daze on the faces of several people, Athena shook her head again, wisely dismissing the idea of ​​continuing to explain: “You can understand that this is an attack of the highest **** level, One blow can destroy a small world. And this level of impact, I think even if you are the father, you ca n’t resist it? If the Lord of Glory and the Statue of Liberty do not intervene, then I expect at least three-thirds One population died, and only the old and new continents and the East, which are located in the northern hemisphere, the vast majority of people can survive. But everyone, since the world entered modern times, there have been too many new things, all kinds of new magic, all kinds of I ca n’t be 100% sure about the discipline that analyzes the nature of the world. He must be unable to do so. “

“There is no way to be 100% sure, that is to say, do you think he is unlikely to succeed?”

Apollo heard the meaning of this man’s words, and the expression on his face was slightly relaxed: “Then I can now look forward to it, and I should be able to seize some believers from him and the Lord of Light afterwards.”

“But I suggest your father to help you to help the bright world through this crisis.”

Athena looked extremely sincere and issued an exhortation: “This will help you further integrate into this world, and also allow my brothers and sisters to gain recognition from this world.”

“Recognition of this world?” Zeus raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes deep in thought.

“Yes, the recognition of this world. The present bright world is different from the father a few thousand years ago. At that time, the root was the will of the world. It didn’t even have the will, but it naturally ruled out everything that is not good for this world. But Now, the collective subconsciousness of mankind has almost the power equivalent to the root will. I guess your father also feels right? This is probably the difference between the so-called heaven and humanity in the East. “

Athena looked at Zeus: “If we can gain the collective subconscious recognition of human beings, then even if the roots continue to exclude us, we don’t care too much. And if it is excluded, then even Gaia will have little help for you.”

Areston sneered: “According to you, Athena, wouldn’t that make me succumb to humans? There is no need to be so troublesome! If humans have a collective will, then they will crush or weaken their will. Is it impossible to influence us? I think this is the best opportunity. “

“How can it be said to give in? And—”

Athena frowned in dissatisfaction, but just when she wanted to explain. Zeus waved carelessly: “Aris is right. The root is the root, and humans are only the weeds growing on this world. We can’t abandon the root and care about the thoughts of those weeds.”

“At this point, I rarely recognize your thoughts with Ares, my brother.”

At this time, another powerful voice came from outside the temple. It was Poseidon, who was coming in from outside the temple. He looked at Athena’s indifferent eyes, full of disdain: “I think if there is a human in this world ‘S collective subconscious existence, shouldn’t it care about the Lord of Glory and the Statue of Liberty? Their believers account for half of the world’s population. “

Seeing that Athena was speechless, Poseidon shook his head: “Do you still consider yourself a human asylum? Athena? They have long forgotten you.”

Zeus looked at this man with a puzzled look: “What are you doing here Poseidon? Look at Nix and Eris, you should do it.”

“Of course, I’m watching them. But as far as I know, they are unlikely to come forward to stop this world shock. At this time, none of you are afraid of injury. And now, they are in Australia. There are not too many interests. I think our current obstacle is only that glorious lord and destiny. “

Poseidon said indifferently: “Thetis and her sisters and uncles have moved. UU reads the book She even called a lot of giant spirits in the southern sea. I guess She wants to help her god. “

The look of Zeus was slightly awkward, and the **** standing in front of Her Majesty Hermes swayed his divine power without waiting for his orders. A picture is displayed in front of everyone’s eyes. It is hundreds of tons of transport ships that are surrounded by a five-pointed star array.

And at this time, the people on the ship were dumping a large amount of black oil into the sea.

And there were three giant ships beside him, also dumping black oil into the sea.

“Is this so-called oil? What is this doing?”

Ares looked puzzled: “Isn’t it always the intention?”

Here the gods are all at a loss. Only Athena’s eyes flashed a strange color.

She recognized these oils, which should be so-called ‘damp oils’. Also known as resistance oil, anti-shock oil. And the quality is extremely high, it should come from its own brand and factory under the light magic industry.

But when thinking of the attitudes of Ares before, she did not hesitate to press to explain the thoughts to these people.

“No matter what he wants to do? Anyway, he can stop it. Can he burn the oil?” Hermes frowned.

“I’m afraid it’s difficult to do.”

At this time, the **** of forging and craftsman Hephaestus said indifferently: “They have extracted the concept of burning in this area. Hecate (Magic goddess Diana) and Winter goddess Hella are helping him . “

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