Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 628 - Dandy

“In the age of great navigation, all ocean-going merchant ships will carry some vegetable oil on board. They are usually used for ballasting and eating. When the wind and waves come, the sailors will dump them on the sea surface to weaken the waves and make the sea surface as smooth as possible. This is the so-called Zhenlang oil. Those whaling ships will also hang whale fat on the ship when crossing the deep water area, in this way to lubricate the sea surface. In modern times, governments of various countries have stipulated that search and rescue vessels are in rescue operations. You must carry the oil pot with Zhenlang oil during the mission, and it will not be cancelled until after World War II. If you are interested in Hella, you can do an experiment by pouring ordinary cooking oil into the pond, and then the entire pond will be mirrored, even if encountered There will no longer be any ups and downs in strong winds and violent shocks. “

On the southern tip of the Pacific Ocean, Li Mochen was standing on the bow of the ship, and at this time he stood next to him, the sea goddess Thetis, the magic goddess Diana, and the freshly baked winter goddess Hella.

The first two are well-known, Thetis is the goddess who sheltered many medieval merchant ships, and is no stranger to Zhenlangyou.

So the object of Li Mochen’s explanation at the moment is only the winter goddess Hella. The latter also showed relief: “So, can these oils reduce the shock impact, right?”

“Probably what it means, but the specific operation is more troublesome. I used high-quality damping oil this time, and the effect is much better than vegetable oil and whale oil. In the next few days, there will be nearly nine million Tons of damping oil are poured here, which is the stock desperately produced by the light and magic industry this year. Before the impact occurs, I will first use divine power and curse to combine the water and oil here to form a total of 99 It is a huge water shield with a width of 50 kilometers and a height of 5 kilometers. It absorbs shock waves layer by layer. I named this self-made ‘superior method’ as ‘oil and water shield’. “

Because it is only suitable for such occasions, it is a spell that is useless once, so Li Mochen’s name is very arbitrary.

“Oil and water shield?”

When she heard the name, Hella almost laughed, but then she asked Su Rong: “I guess the three **** kings are likely to help. I am not sure about Zeus and Ahura, but Odin This must be done. There are too many humans in this world, so much so that it can affect the future attribution of the “God God”, so it is best to reduce a part first, and then divide your faith with the Lord of Glory. “

“Guess, that the No. 3 world has been accelerating, and obviously Odin has no mercy on his believers in the beast world.”

Li Mochen sneered with a mocking sneer: “But you can rest assured that my preparation has always been to take into account the power of the three **** kings. Moreover, no matter how hard they try, it is impossible to push the shock wave to ten. Isn’t level five or higher? They are **** kings, not gods. “

He looked ahead from afar: “According to Angela’s calculations, the 99-layer shield can absorb at least 166 million tons of TNT impact. For the rest, I will also guide the world as much as possible. South End. “

After removing 166 million tons of TNT equivalent, the remaining impact force can still be equivalent to a 13th-level seismic wave. But this can already change the fate of most people in this world.

“Among all the magic I’ve seen, your so-called” oil and water shield “can be said to be stupid. The only commendable thing is the clever use of physics, and adapting the environment to the extreme.”

Diana, the goddess of magic, does not have an emotional evaluation: “But it has three irreparable defects, and I can only complete one.”

“Fear of fire, fear of ice!”

Li Mochen sighed: “So this time you have to look at your luck, betting that those will not–“

He was talking about this and suddenly looked slightly: “It seems that I don’t have to worry about this!”

At the next moment, an angel king with three pairs of purple-gold wings, armor condensed by the Holy Light, wearing a golden crown, and a scepter in hand appeared in front of him.

That was Gabriel, the sergeant of the **** of brilliance, and the once goddess of justice, Themis.

This is not interested in talking with Li Mochen. She is holding a small snail and gently sucking it. A lot of white gas flows into the area.

Hella and Thetis couldn’t help but raise their eyebrows. She knew that this was the authority exerted by the Lord of Glory. She temporarily removed the concept of ‘ice’ from here.

Li Mochen also smiled slightly: “It seems that we have common interests, isn’t it?”

“Then the last defect remains.”

Diana looked at Li Mochen: “Even if they are weakened by these oily water shields, it is still a 13th-level shock wave, and it is also close to the rank of God in God. Except for the God King who truly reaches the level of truth, no People can resist such shocks, and it is impossible to continue to cast spells in that environment, and you will eventually be torn by shock waves. “

She pondered again: “The same thing, I experienced it once a few thousand years ago. It was the fit of another world to the light world and the source of the dark world. Although there was no earthquake, it triggered The so-called prehistoric flood was also a source of legend for Noah ’s Ark. “

Li Mochen knew that the prehistoric flood was a flood that almost covered the entire world. It happened between 10,000 and 16,000 years ago, and it has left records everywhere.

For example, the East-“Huainanzi · Lan Ming Xun”: In ancient times, the four poles were abandoned, the Kyushu split, the sky was not covered, and the land was not fully contained. Huo Yan is not extinguished, the water is endless. The fierce beasts eat the zombies, the birds of prey catch the old and weak. So Nu Wa made five-color stones to make up the sky,

For example, Babylon, “Epic of Gilgamesh: The flood accompanied by the storm, almost submerged all the high mountains on the continent overnight, and only those who lived on the mountain and fled to the mountain survived.

In ancient Mexico-“Chimarca Drawing Text Book” ‘The sky is close to the earth. Within a day, all people are extinct and the mountains are hidden in the flood.

Also includes Atlantis, which was recorded in the Greek classics and was allegedly destroyed by the prehistoric flood in 10,000 BC.

There are more than 600 legends about the Great Flood in this world. Many ancient mystical books have recorded in detail what happened when the dark world and the light world were joined.

In addition, it is said that before the dark world, this world also experienced a huge impact, which led to the almost extinction of the dragon and the sky overlord at the time, which was also the source of the three misty continents.

“Because I have personally experienced it, I know that no one can stop this disaster, Andrea.”

Diana issued a sincere exhortation: “You will crush bones under this impact!”

“It is very dangerous, but I have a countermeasure.”

Li Mochen did not explain this time: “You will know when you look at it. The specific method will allow me to keep it secret. Whether it can be successful or not, I always have to try it.”

This is almost a kind of merit, he will not miss this opportunity anyway.

As he said to Kang Xiuli and others, he must resolve or even prevent this disaster, even for himself or even for his own benefit.


In a small destiny church on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, Dandy Glanz hesitated, and received a divine amulet from the white priest on the opposite side.

Talisman sells for 1,500 gold shields, which is said to only cost. Above is an astrolabe, which is one of the symbols of the **** of destiny, and below is the image of a girl holding a giant shield, that is, the recently enshrined earth angel Kristin (Kristin), meaning God’s follower. It is said that this man also has a Chinese name Moon God Rabbit, an angel who helps the destiny master to control the earth and protect all living beings.

And on both sides of the earth angel Christine, there is the fighting angel Robert and the disaster dragon angel Heluoer.

Dandy Galanz still has some doubts about the so-called “cost only” notice that the Church of Destiny has announced to believers. But when this talisman started, he found that the material of this thing was really good.

Although Dandy used to be just an ordinary company employee, since the chaos that spread to Australia six months ago, he has been thinking day and night, wanting to get his own body protector, also in this regard. Some kung fu research.

And the magical talisman in his hand has a magical fluctuation of almost nine-level magic weapon. In today’s era of magical materials prices, the cost of this amulet is more than 1,500 gold shields.

“Actually, it’s okay not to buy this talisman. The Lord is the asylum of all believers. You won’t take back his asylum to you because you didn’t buy this talisman.”

The priest in white smiled and said: “This talisman is actually to deal with some very troublesome dark creatures after the cataclysm, and there may be some disorder in the social order. In addition, you must remind you that this thing Can be used five times, sheltering 20 people in disasters of high extrajudicial level. My Lord hopes that his believers will help each other, and hope that you, a richer believer, will do what you can to those who are poor and those who are not. People with self-defense capabilities lend a helping hand. “

“Of course, I will.”

Dandy looked slightly condensed and solemnly promised, but his eyes still contained a little hesitation: “Master Carol, I have heard many bad things recently, all about my Lord.”

“Someone preached to you, right?”

Pastor Carol ’s eyes are gentle and clear like water: “They preach the world is about to be destroyed. The cataclysm a few days later is just the beginning. Only by returning to the old beliefs of this world can redemption be possible? There have been many such things recently. “

“There are Apollo, the sun god, and the priest of the guardian **** Heimdall, the master of the dawn in Northern Europe. They organized several missions in my community.”

Dandy realized that there was no need to cover up, so he opened up and said: “There are some experts on TV who are in this argument. They even said that our Lord and the Lord of Glory only stole the honor and authority of the old God and said that my Lord will sooner or later. Destruction will be ushered in. And we foolish people who believe in Him will also be with my Lord— “


Pastor Carol snorted and interrupted Dandy. A sharp expression appeared in his eyes, but then he calmed down again: “So what do you think? Mr. Galanz? I remember you used to believe in the Nordic **** of peace, Frei? I guess people like you, more Can recognize the mercy of my Lord. “

Dandy Galanz couldn’t help being silent for a while, indeed as Carol said. The destiny’s attention and shelter to believers can be felt as long as they are not blind.

He has always believed that the master of destiny is a benevolent deity, which is actually beyond doubt. All he doubted was the power of fate.

This made Dandy ashamed, but he had to doubt and had to understand. If it is really because of your own beliefs that your own family has been shattered in disasters, or even lost in a catastrophe, you will regret it.

“I was also very angry at that time, I wished to tear their mouths, but I have no such power.”

Dandy Galanz ’s face is complex: “They said that this cataclysm was the revenge of the old gods on this world, so that the mortal people can re-recognize their supreme majesty. And that this is the punishment of the Statue of Liberty, this kingdom The people betrayed her and forgot who made this country. So the people here will surely be destroyed, and only those who have sincerely repented can survive. “

“So do you still trust the Lord?”

Pastor Carol asked back, and then he saw Dandy’s look struggling. After ten breaths, this man’s eyes were still not calm.

Carol could not help shaking his head: “You must recognize that faith is not an exchange, and my lord does not need believers. You should know Dandy, he is the only ancient **** since the new century, or a great law God. This matter, there is no description in the divine code, presumably you have understood it, right? My Lord ’s feedback and refuge for believers is not for exchanging believers ’belief in Him. , He thinks he has a responsibility to race and the world. So He will fairly use your divine power from every believer. “

He didn’t let Dandy Galan continue, but pointed to the star-shaped **** emblem on his chest.

“If you still doubt, you can give up his emblem. And if you still believe in your god, then take it with you, take your family to the place where the church is shown to the public. There, your **** and the church Will provide you with safe haven. But Dandy, the glory and authority of the gods also need the protection of believers— “


After hesitating again and again, Dandy Galanz decided to drive with his family and have food for them to eat for ten days to the gathering place released by the Church of Destiny.

According to his understanding. It is a large farm on the south side of Melbourne, with an area of ​​about 30 square kilometers, surrounded by endless plains and high terrain.

It is said that the entire land around it has been purchased by the Church of Destiny to serve as a refuge and hiding place for believers.

——If you are taking refuge here, you really do n’t have to worry about the collapse of the building or the torrents.

When Dandy Galanz rushed here, it was found that around the gathering place, three walls with a height of 25 meters and a thickness of 50 meters were built abruptly, as if they were ancient city wall fortresses surrounding them. land.

There are a large number of fortresses above the high walls, giant artillery and magic armor, a team of elite warriors are on patrol on the line.

This scene also made Galanz’s uneasy family members settle down instantly.

“This is simply a fortress, when was it built? It looks so powerful, I feel it can withstand a magnitude 10 earthquake.”

This is Dany Galanz ’s wife, Yuni Galanz, and then she was worried again: “When it comes to the earthquake, what will happen to our family? Our family has no more deposits in Dandy.”

Dandy also frowned equally, which is what he was worried about, but staying at home is only more dangerous now.

“Don’t worry too much, two people.”

A young girl wearing a white burqa came to their car: “Our Lord had an oracle a long time ago, as long as it is a building that can withstand an earthquake of magnitude 7 or more, and has recently been repaired You do n’t have to worry. The church let you take refuge in the refuge just to prevent accidents. The cataclysm will indeed happen, but my lord will also try his best to calm down and stop. Crucifixion. “

Dandy was silent. He recognized that the girl was not a priest, but a volunteer recruited by Destiny Church.

But he has reservations about the girl’s words. The oracle dominated by fate, he had known it as early as twenty days ago.

Recently there are experts in related fields popularizing science on television, it will be an earthquake of magnitude 14. In ancient times, it was this level of seismic waves that caused the death of countless dragons. It’s just that today’s bright world is broader, so it can withstand more power.

When the epicenter of the collision between the two worlds was not transmitted to Australia, the magnitude of the earthquake was still as high as 10.4, which is enough power to destroy all the buildings in this country.

They also uncovered the truth of the prehistoric flood. That is not because the glorious master saw the earth’s evil behaviors full of corruption, **** and lawlessness, so he planned to use the flood to destroy the wicked, but only the disaster caused by the union of the two worlds.

“I know that many members of the church are very worried, but how about changing the way of understanding? The gods have given up this country, and only our Lord is still trying to save it.”

The girl next to the car window has entered the working mode: “Please show your driver’s license and the emblem emblem OK? Is there a believer who is not our church, is a believer of the **** of singing and dancing MJ? There is also a less than a month of teaching! Then please pay 1,300 Australian guilders, one hundred gold shields a day for each person. Protestants are 20% discounted. Those who believe in His Majesty ’s obedience to God. Fifty. You have also seen that our church has invested a lot of manpower and material resources for this shelter. Although the government has also allocated funds, most of the funds are raised by our church itself. There are only 100,000 campsites designed here, and Your arrival may occupy the position of other believers. Well, your camp is in the East 12th district. Please follow the signs and someone will arrange it for you. “

Dandy Galanz had already prepared for the charges here, and he did not hesitate to pay A $ 1,300 to the girl by the window.

According to the exchange rate, this is about nine hundred gold shields, which is equivalent to the salary of their husband and wife for half a month. But Dandy Galanz knew that the church really invested a lot in this. Just looking at the fortress-style camp, you know that the cost is not less than one billion gold shields, and those armed forces and equipment may cost more.

Although believers in Destiny Church will donate to the Church whenever possible, several wealthy people in Australia have also donated billions of dollars to Destiny Church in recent years.

Like a camp like this, Destiny Church has established no less than 100 churches across Australia.

“Damn! Roya, you two, let us spend more than a thousand gold shields!”

Ms. Galanz has a headache: “What kind of MJ do you believe in? He can keep you alive, or can you make money?”

“I like Jackson!”

Luoya is the eldest son of the two, and he recklessly responded in the back seat: “Do you believe in the gods, in order to benefit from the gods AH? Besides, MJ is also the slave **** dominated by fate.”

His sister Clemie said weakly: “It’s my parents who made me change my letter slowly ~ ~ I actually like the Lord of Destiny. I wanted to change my letter a long time ago.”

“You are dead, can you dance and sing?”

Mrs. Galanz continued to reprimand her children, and then she exclaimed: “Wow! A lot of people. Have so many believers dominated by fate?”

This is because the pickup truck they took had already entered the city gate, and then they saw countless tents appear in front of them.

Mrs. Galanz couldn’t identify the quantity, and at first glance, it was endless. Both are large tents two people tall, standing orderly on both sides of the road.

Then she was pleasantly surprised to find that the ground here had been preliminarily hardened, and it seemed to be connected to water and electricity. This made a few people in the car feel slightly upset, knowing that the next few days may not be as hard as they thought.

But at this time, Mrs. Galanz found her husband again, although he was driving the car, his expression was a bit daunting, and he couldn’t keep his soul.

“Dear looking at the road, we seem to have walked through, East 12th, we should turn left from the previous intersection.”

At the same time she reminded, she also looked puzzled: “Do you have any concerns, Dandy?”

“I was thinking about that girl, what she said just now.”

After returning to God, Dandy Glanz sighed: “I think she is right, if you look at the current situation in Australia from another angle. It is not the gods who are watching, but our Lord is trying to save this Country? “

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