Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 679 - plot

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Li Mochen threw the entangled mass of the “earth” and “metal” directly to the Moon Rabbit.

He is also very short of metal sources now, but the problem is that these two sources are too entangled and cannot be separated at all, so they have to be cheaper. Li Mochen believes that in the latter’s hands, this mass of source can get the most benefit.

This girl is still kept by him as a pet, so there is no problem of unfair rewards and punishments.

The Moon God Rabbit is happy, she now thinks that she is confronting Gabriel, or Uriel, these pseudo-god kings, and will not fall out of favor, but it is a loss in the mythological armament.

Her “Shield of Tifeng” is very strong and has the ultimate level, but compared with the artifacts in those two hands, it is still slightly inferior.

And the source quality given by Li Mochen can further improve the grade of the “Shield of Tifeng”, which is infinitely close to the level of pseudo-truth.

In particular, as long as she can reach the level of truth, even if she can reach the level of truth, even if she is Michael, she can’t fight.

The second thing is a piece of metal strip with a soft texture-this is the shape it was born in nature, and after a little trimming, it can be used as a belt.

This belt, which he named ‘superimposed’, was given to ‘Eternal Angel’ Atlas by Li Mochen.

This is an ultimate mythical artifact. It has not reached the level of pseudo-truth, but it is also very powerful. One of its abilities is the ultimate’space’ and the ultimate’star’, which can make up for Atlas’ weakness in speed. The ultimate star can also form a linkage with Li Mochen’s side, which not only allows Art Russ uses the star jump technique, and can also restore his strength under the shining of the stars; then the ultimate “sturdy” and “guardian” can greatly enhance Atlas’s defense capabilities.

Then there is the ‘superimposed’ level of pseudo-truth — this is the most terrifying ability of this ‘superimposed belt’. Can superimpose power, superimpose divine power, can make Atlas’s attack power strengthened to an extremely terrible level.

Originally, this thing can only exert his greatest power in the hands of the ‘angelic angel’ Hercules.

However, Li Mochen also saw a “power bracelet” in the long course of time, which is really suitable for Hercules, has the truth-level “power”, and the pseudo-truth-level “endurance”.

But Li Mochen was temporarily unable to obtain this thing. The “Bracelet of Power” was originally in the hands of the omnipotent **** “Dionysus”, who slept with Arcos under the Arctic ice cap. The’Bracelet of Power’ is on the side of’Dionysus’.

Li Mochen also thought about stealing this thing directly. Anyway, after this thing was sleeping in’Dionysus’, the’Bracelet of Power’ had no intersection with the outside world.

But for the time being, he could not do without disturbing ‘Dionysus’ and ‘Kaos’, and once the two were awakened. It was either that Li Mochen suppressed the changes in the time series, or that he was bitten by the time series and died.

And the probability is the latter. These two gods are extremely powerful. How about the butterfly effect they set off? Once these two are awakened in advance, then Andre Lee Wiltonstein may not be born in this world.

In the current era, Li Mochen can neither circumvent the seal, nor ignore the “Kayos” that has gradually recovered.

The same is not true in modern times. The closer the age, the greater the possibility of awakening Dionysus.

So Li Mochen is ready to wait for a while, and realize the related theocracy such as “theft” and “replacement” before trying again. As long as he reaches a higher level, he can be sure to steal the “Bracelet of Power” from “Dionysus” in ancient times.

And because this is the mythological arm that he is sure to have at his disposal, the user of the “superimposed belt” can only be the “Eternal Angel” Atlas.

For a long time, Atlas has worked diligently for him, and he is the most diligent of all the angels. In this year, Atlas played a total of 67 times, surpassing the number two battle angel Robert, thirteen times.

However, due to the lack of powerful mythological arms, he can only rely on the set of high-level mythological arms built by Anthony’s alchemy team for him. Atlas mostly consumes his opponents with lasting power, but Atlas itself also Therefore, a lot of losses are lost.

The six powerful divine powers of “Earth”, “Eternal” and “Enduring”, “Endurance”, “Life” and “Vitality”, although it can give Atlas a continuous and endless power, can Once Tras was injured, it was not without damage.

Li Mochen has always wanted to find a stronger mythological arm for his powerful subordinate, so that Atlas can relax a little while fighting, and get less injuries. Limited to resources and time, he couldn’t find anything suitable. And this’superimposed belt’ is very suitable, with all offensive and defensive, and also matches with Atlas’ ability, which is more suitable for his mythical armament.

Atlas, who was given the ‘superimposed belt’, was also very happy and excited.

“I will not regard this object as your gift, just because you have given me the freedom, it is already the greatest gift to me, and it is the kindness that I can’t return in my life. Like the previous oath, I will Make good use of this artifact and fight for you to the end of these heavens and the world, or I will die!”

Atlas likes this era very much, even though he will attack from time to time throughout the year. But in ordinary times, he can walk in the streets of Ameriga, chat with people in those taverns, watch those competitive shows, or shut himself in the room to play those online games, use the chat tool to hook up women, This day is much stronger than he was at Mount Olympus.

This feeling of freedom and freedom is exactly what he longed for in the past thousands of years.

And his monarch can give the precious object of “superimposed belt”, which also shows that the monarch attaches importance to him.

This is much stronger than Zeus and Cronus. Atlas has already understood that the two have always only used rhetoric and tricked them into acting with false promises. It was his brother Prometheus who was smarter and had a long-term insight into the essence of the father and son.

The third artifact is a horn, called the “horn of battle”, which originated from Maya’s “God of Wind and War” Ulakan, which is the power source of the “Heart of War Angels” and one of its creators.

In the history of Li Mochen’s observation, this god, who holds both wind and war, and battle, is the right and left hand of Maya king Itt Sumner, and his most powerful arm.

It is a pity that he was seriously injured in the battle with the Mosrah, and was subsequently calculated in the process of recovery from sleep. It is precisely because of this fall that there is the “feather of snakes” Kukulkan among the nine united gods, and the rise of Kokata, the **** of death, human sacrifice, and fighting, they shared Ulakan’s Authority and faith.

The ‘battle horn’ is the powerful artifact controlled by Ulakan. However, Li Mochen did not interfere with him in the past time series. Before Ulakan’s death, he probably realized that he had calculated his murderer. He permanently sealed this mythological armament in a certain space. He did not want to be Kurkul. Kan is armed with this powerful myth.

Li Mochen knew its location, so he easily obtained the object.

This mythological arm belongs undoubtedly to Robert. Although the “horn of battle” is only the ultimate mythological arm, the combination of “war” at the level of pseudo-truth and “storm” at the level of pseudo-truth is extremely powerful– This is also the direction of Robert’s specialization.

The “Battle Angel” Robert Ivan is more trustworthy than Luna Rabbit in a way. If it were not for recovery ability to be inferior to Atlas, Robert would play more than a hundred times during the year.

Whether she is fighting or practicing, she has no distractions, and Andre Lee Wiltonstein is the meaning of her existence.


After waiting for the distribution of these three objects, Li Mochen summoned the three brothers and sisters of Fenrir. The body of Yemengade, the ‘Earth Python’, certainly cannot come. It can only bring part of its soul here, turning into an illusory little snake.

But in the snake’s eyes, there was a little dissatisfaction flame. If it weren’t forcing Fenrir and Hella, Ye Mengjia would like to sleep more. But after Fenrir got out of trouble, Yemengarde thought he was getting less and less sleep.

There is no doubt that this is the fault of the human **** in front of it!

But when Li Mochen took out a mass of flesh and blood. Even if Ye Mengjiad was a soul concussion, his eyes showed disbelief and moxibustion.

“This is Umir’s blood and flesh?”

The Winter Goddess Hella was shocked: “Your Majesty! May I ask where did you get it from?”

Umir is the ancestor of all Frost Giants, even the Asa Protoss, also has the bloodline of Umir. He was born at the same time as the oldest **** of Greece, Kaos, earlier than Gaia and the Titans.

This is of great significance to them, as they can complement the missing parts of their blood and bring their bodies closer to their ancestors.

In short, this may be the key to their further improvement of the physical personality.

Originally, of their three brothers and sisters, only Fenrir was the first born, so the physical personality reached nineteen. And Yemengad, not to mention the incredible body, but in fact, the whole has reached the eighteenth divine personality. Just relying on its special abilities, the body is tougher and more resistant than those gods of the twenty gods.

“This is my new ability, and I took a lot of risks when charging it.”

Li Mochen did not lie, this time he was indeed very risky.

According to mythological records, after Yumir’s death, his blood caused a huge flood to drown many giants. In addition, the light elves (Ljósálfar) and the dark elves (D?kkálfar) were changed by maggots on Yumir’s body to make. The Dwarf is said to have been created by the gods using part of the flesh of Yumir. The remaining remains were used by Odin to create the realm of human life.

But this is a myth, after all, the gods used to trick humans into believing in gods.

The essence is almost extinct elves and dwarves, and indeed they all have part of Yumir’s blood. It is impossible for Umir’s body to be used by humans. It is estimated that Odin used it to cast Asgard.

This time Li Mochen, he just stole a little bit of flesh and blood, but almost alarmed Odin. Fortunately, this King Asa is not as strong as he is now. He experienced a rebirth in the light world. When he conspired with his brothers to kill Umir, he was only a master god.

“–So, I dare not charge too much, and I don’t know how much help this can bring to you.”

As Li Mochen spoke, he divided this part of the flesh and blood into four, and three of them were handed over to Fenril. The remaining one was retained by Li Mochen for biological research. In fact, this is Li Mochen’s main purpose, which is very likely to give them a new breakthrough in their lagging “biochemical cloak technology”.

Umir not only has great power, but also unparalleled tolerance, which can be seen from the strange creatures he left behind. Actually, they are collectively referred to as the Frost Giant, but the giant wolf of Fenrir and the earthly giant Python Yemengarde are actually a member of the Frost Giant, and are the royal vein of the Frost Giant.

This is actually related to the chaos of the light world. The stars and beasts of the heavens and the world and the powerful gods projected here. Umir’s body accommodated their projections and power, and then, through the birth of descendants, these mixed places were separated from the body one by one. The earthly giant python Yemengarde is very similar to the candle dragon in oriental mythology; Fenrir is very similar to Panhu. Maybe their genes are all from the same star beast.

The situation is similar for Kayos and Gaia, who also gave birth to a large number of gods and monsters in their long years. Such as Hydra, Giant Hundred Eyes, Kamala, Cerberus and so on.

“Your Majesty is enough!”

Hella Jin took this part of flesh and blood with great weight, and her eyes were full of joy. This will not only allow her physical personality to break through in a short time, but also strengthen her control of the Frost Giants. It even affects elves and dwarves who live in Greenland, Alaska, and northern Siberia.

“I am very grateful for your gift.”

Fenrir swallowed the flesh and blood, and then stared at Li Mochen with incredible thoughts: “Actually it is true! Damn it, what kind of abilities do you have in the boss now, can you interfere with the past?”

Li Mochen shook his head slightly, “I can’t interfere with the past, Fenrir, I can only interfere with the past without disturbing history.”

Fenrir probably understood Li Mochen’s meaning. He blinked: “Can you help me find my previous treasure? I used to hide it tightly, but it disappeared after the result came out.”

As one of the most powerful mythological creatures in the era of mythology, Fenrir still has many families. Unfortunately, it was counterproductive. Now he can only use the “Glepurnier” chain, and the seal of his “Kiol Big Slate”, “Twiti Rock”, and “Stark Longsword” are transformed together ‘Grepner’s three-headed hammer’ to fight.

Although the power of this thing is also very powerful, even many mythical truth-level armed forces may not be able to match its lethality, but Fenrir still misses his previous property, maybe Anthony can build it for him What about a stronger mythological arm?

“very sorry!”

Li Mochen shook his head: “You should have revealed the location of those treasures to your friend Tyr, they have been divided by several heirs of Odin.”

He pointed to his own eyes again: “I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Tir! Odin!”

Fenrir couldn’t help grinding his teeth, and endless anger grew from his chest.

Hella’s eyes are different: “That is to say, those treasures that have disappeared in past history, your majesty, can you get them back?”

She more and more admired her original choices, and the loyalty of their majesty was very promising. Now even the shortcomings in resources, this majesty can quickly fill up.

Li Mochen shook his head: “It depends on the situation, this is not something that can be done in a short time.”

Just like this anti-space-time journey, it will take a long time to wait for the time series and destiny to stabilize again.

Secondly, many of the resources that Li Mochen saw in ancient times are not connected to the outside world, just like the mass of source that was given to the Moon God Rabbit.

For example, Li Mochen was interested in a piece of ‘earth’, but this thing became ‘Alps’. If the Alps are taken away, how much will the history of the world change?

So Li Mochen has to look at it again. On the one hand, he understands all the fate and cause and effect related to the “Alps”, on the one hand, he finds ways to replace it.

In addition, Li Mochen also took a fancy to the treasures accumulated by the Dragon tribe in the ancient times. Due to many powerful dragons, they died abruptly in disasters, and many of the treasures they left were in an unowned state. There are two artifacts in it, which are very suitable for Dragon Vessel and Hairol.

But the problem is that these things are buried in the ancient dragon city, and have a lot of cause and effect with the dragon family, so Li Mochen is temporarily helpless.


Three days later, Li Mochen came to the 28th floor of the Magic Tower in Destiny Land to participate in another military meeting.

His prophecy came true, and the League of Gods, led by the Asa sect, was preparing to land in Alaska and open up a new battlefield in the northernmost territory of Amerika.

But this is not how powerful he is in predicting things and predicting strategy, but the intelligence provided by Heidrich.

Alaska is the largest state in the American Federation and one of the most sparsely populated states. With more than 30 million square kilometers of land, only 13 million people live here.

There are rich mineral resources there, but because of the cost, it is basically impossible to mine, but its current strategic position is very important. West can peep into the’Slavic Empire’ and’Dongying’, and the East can attack the Maple Leaf country.

However, what makes them feel the thorns most is the impact on the Arctic Ocean route after the fall of Alaska.

——That is the safest route in the entire bright world and an important hub for the connection between the old and the new continents. From the port of Maple Leaf State to the Slavic Empire, they are basically under their control.

The ‘Arctic and Winter Goddess’ Hella, which is laid out in advance in the Arctic, as well as the nuclear-powered warships with strong ice-breaking capabilities that the Slavic Empire and the American Federation can produce, are sufficient to guarantee absolute security in this region.

It is precisely because of the hundreds of large icebreakers that they sailed in the Arctic that to a large extent ensured that their trade with Asia and Northern Europe was smooth.

In fact, most of their military-related materials are connected through this route. The submarine and high-speed destroyer on which the “Allied Gods” relied to fight the “Allied Destiny” was simply unable to enter this sea of ​​icebergs.

Only those sea beasts can play a role, but Hella and the four Frost Giant Legions under her control have firmly controlled this area.

This is the place where the Frost Giant lived. The Frost Giant’s secret realm, Jotunheim, is on the Arctic ice sheet, and the three Fenrir, descendants of the Frost Giant’s royal line, have at least 13,000 Frost Giants. Among the ethnic groups, there is an extremely powerful appeal.

They hate to leave their territory, but they can fight near the frost giant’s home. They are the most brave warriors.

This is an unmatched force that is enough to frighten the group of wisdom giants originating from the Asa Protoss.

However, once Alaska fell, the power of the gods could be cut in the middle of the Arctic Ocean route, and even the four frost giant regiments in Hella could not guarantee foolproof.

Once this route is affected or even interrupted, it is likely to affect the production of some high-end equipment in Amerika.

You should know that a large part of the magical materials they have obtained is purchased from the Northern Slavic Empire. The ancient eastern countries are also passing the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean routes, and they are continuously transfusions to Amerika-this route is undoubtedly much safer than the vast and dangerous Pacific Ocean.

Especially rare earth, the rare earth resources and refining technology of China are very important for many magic armor and heavy equipment of the light and magic industry.

“The current situation is very daunting. I have calculated that even if the Arctic Ocean route is completely cut off, it will not cause our military production to stagnate. It is just that the production speed of some individual equipment has slowed down and the cost has increased slightly. The risk of Alaska’s decisive battle with them is still acceptable.”

Garcia Ferren frowned tightly, his eyes fierce: “To defend Alaska, there must be a price to pay. They will seduce us to step up and step up, and then in this place, force the God of Destiny to fight against them.”

“I disagree too!”

Anthony shook his head: “The Arctic Ocean route is cut off, and we still have deep sea routes. The nuclear transport submarines that we build heavily are about to enter service. They use the most advanced submarine technology, and the possibility of the Alliance of Gods to find them is very unlikely. , So this has little effect on the supply of high-end materials.”

Rommel smiled bitterly: “It’s really not cost-effective to fight against them for this territory that has no war potential. The problem is that its territory is too large. If the Alliance of Gods wants to land, we can’t stop it. There are only a few people in the 32 million square kilometers. It is better to evacuate the people and try to stop them from building military ports and bases. I think that if they are stationed in the army, we can cut off the supply line. They were completely sleepy.”

“This is unlikely.”

“Peeping Angel” Reinhard Heidrich said blankly: “The only elite corps that will be stationed in Alaska will be the elite corps of the Thousand Beast Empire. They themselves do not rely on thermal weapons to fight, but also have powerful Survivability, and Alaska is rich in resources.”

“I am not against war avoidance.”

Bismarck sticks with his cane: “But after all, this is the native land of the United States of America, and it is close to the Maple Leaf State. Once it falls, it may have a series of adverse effects, and we must find ways to avoid it.”

“So we still have to force them to turn their attention to South America–“

While everyone was discussing, Li Mochen was sitting on the throne, holding his chin in his hands.

About a minute later, the voice said firmly: “All cities in Alaska with a population of 200,000 built fortifications and military airports, arranged arrays of magic towers, and then all civilians were evacuated to Maple Leaf to take refuge within 20 days. Can it be done?”

Everyone in the room could not help but looked at each other, their eyes dignified. Li Mochen said this to confirm the strategy of confrontation with the Alliance of Gods in Alaska.

“His Majesty!”

Garcia Ferren is raising words and preparing to reprimand.

But Li Mochen smiled and asked: “Do we have no chance at all? Everyone?”

“There is a chance, and it’s not low. Several of the high-tech weapons we have developed recently can give us an advantage for the war. Of course, it is mainly up to you and His Highness Lucifer.”

Garcia Ferren fell into meditation: “But the risk is also very large, even if we win on this side, we have to pay a huge price.”

“That’s fine.”

Li Mochen’s tone was firmer and could not be shaken: “That’s it, Garcia. If this war is destined to happen in Alaska, I won’t escape, don’t forget, I am an asylum of the American Federation, free and equal Guardian.”

Garcia Ferren thought that the divine nature of his lord had not reached this point yet? Wouldn’t it be possible to give in a little bit in Alaska? Obviously time is on their side, now every six months of delay, their strength can rise by an order.

However, Li Mochen’s next sentence made him change his mind: “According to my speculation, the Gaia mother is ready to re-enter the game. So this battle, we must win. We must try to be in the battle, Kick one of the four great gods out of the light world.”

Of course, Li Mochen could not rashly play Alaska because of the gods’ suspicion of the brilliant Madonna Isis.

Gaia’s hands and feet in the seal of Kaos are the reason why he is ready to accept this decisive battle. The root goddess was clearly unable to sit still.

So before that, he had to rush people out in advance.

As it happens, his **** of truth and justice has been in the Assa deity long enough, and the war situation in the bright world needs to be further clarified.


Li Mochen looked at his hand: “I think I now have the key to winning.”

“If this is the case, then I suggest placing more particle beam cannons in the Alaska Mountains.”

Garcia Ferren has completely changed his mind. He tapped the map with his pointer: “There is no need to drag it down on the South American side either. I think we can launch the offensive simultaneously.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly, agreeing.

In Argentina, about 500 million people have not converted. But this population has little influence in the overall situation.


However, the subsequent “Winter Moon Offensive” adopted by the South American Theater did not go well. This is due to the terrain. The narrow strip of land bordering Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil has numerous forests and swamps, which is not conducive to the army. Unfold. The second is that the Ten Thousand Beast Empire has been prepared for a long time, their fighting intentions are also extremely determined, and the supplies are still very rich. This led to the three armored clusters prepared by Goodrian being intercepted by the backup line carefully prepared by the opponent after completing the first breakthrough. They could only stand under the fortress and make the entire frontline deadlock again.

According to the follow-up information provided by Heidrich, the Ten Thousand Beast Empire really only increased 1.2 million troops. But the seven beast gods of Asa lowered the grace, and with the help of a large amount of drugs, the companion war beasts of the thousands of beast empire warriors were greatly increased in the way of consuming the source. It is expected that this time will be maintained for about 20 days. During this period, the overall combat strength of these 35 million soldiers will be increased by 50 to 60%.

“It seems that they intend to sacrifice all the war beasts if necessary to ensure that their soldiers can safely evacuate.”

When reporting on the situation, Heidrich also said his guess: “Your Majesty, you want to use the battle in South America to suppress the Asa sacred system. The effect may not be very satisfactory. They are also waiting for this Alaska god. The result of the war.”

“Forget it!”

Li Mochen was still very sorry. He thought that he could increase the vitality of the Ten Beast Empire in South America.

But now, although the death of the associated war beasts, these soldiers’ strength will be greatly reduced and their vitality will be seriously damaged. But once they return to the homeland, as long as a few years of cultivation, their strength can be restored to 70% to 80%.

“There is another thing, your majesty, you can look at this!”

Heydrich took a trick into the void and took a small medicine bottle into his hand: “I have noticed that this new drug is spreading widely in Amerika, Australia, and the old continent. I think it is very dangerous. ,”


Does Li Mochen want to poison the mortal society? New types of drugs appear almost every year and are prohibited. However, he knew that Heidrich specifically mentioned the matter for a reason. He absorbed one of them before his eyes, and then used his divine power to analyze its structure.

“Is there anything special about this drug? Hmm-“

“It’s more addictive, it can make people enter an extremely happy state, and the time is relatively long, just like its name’Kek Lok’. I especially tried it with addicts, they said that the previous types of drugs, It cannot be compared to it at all.”

Heidrich narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a cold color: “Recently, California alone has added 200,000 addicts. In addition, I also know that it is in high society and began to spread secretly. .”

Li Mochen has gained insight into the composition of this drug and is aware of its danger. It was here that he discovered a mineral that has never been seen in the bright world, and that is the reason for the potency of this drug.

“So when did these drugs start to appear? Where are their sources?”

“It first appeared two and a half months ago, spreading covertly in the old continent and South America, and then recently spread to the new continent and Australia. When I discovered it, it had already formed a huge scale. Your majesty you may be difficult Imagine that in just 20 days, the drug market in California has been almost completely occupied by this drug.”

Heydrich: “As for the source, there are different opinions. Some people say that they come from South Asia and the Golden Triangle, some people say that they are South America, and some that are the countries of the Truth. But I have checked them, they are not, they just know that they are Related to some werewolves.”


Li Mochen suddenly gave birth to enlightenment. He knew why he suddenly had a strong murderous intent on the night goddess Nix, not only because of Incaos, but also because of the upcoming war in Alaska, but also because of his Instinctive vigilance of the mind.

This woman, she is going to dig up her foundation! If it wasn’t Heidrich, this time the situation might worsen.

“Inform the local governments to let them do everything possible to cut off the spread of “Elysium”. Then tell the Church of Destiny that they will fight against drug dealers who sell “Elysium” from now on and kill all werewolves.”

“Your Majesty!”

Heidrich obediently obeyed, but he was not optimistic about the killing of werewolves. As for the werewolves, they were struggling to fight against them long ago, even though this group was once an ally dominated by fate. But in order to cut off Nix’s foundation and faith in the world, they still waved **** butchers mercilessly.

However, the effect has been limited. The werewolf has the protection of Nix, and the ability to sneak in the dark has become extremely powerful. They have also been accustomed to avoiding human chase for thousands of years.

It’s bliss, as long as all measures are effective, it can still be restricted. At least it can slow down the spread of this drug.

“Notify all blood races, I need them to hunt down all This will allow them to cleanse their sins, as long as they abide by the laws of the world, they can obtain the pardon and refuge of the Church of Destiny. Legitimate blood races can receive generous rewards from the church, and the best of them, I will give them the power not to be afraid of the sun.”

——Since the Cain and his wife rebelled, they were refined into ‘slashing knives’. Amerika and the blood of the old continent are in a state of headless dragons. Some of them did not participate in the rebellion. They followed the secret party led by Odyssey Vatican and others and continued to serve Li Mochen. But most of the rebels have entered a state of retreat, panicking in the dark.

Heidrich nodded in agreement: “This is a good way!”

The one who knows the’werewolf’ best is naturally their dead enemy’blood family’.

“Then release the oracle, the Lord of Fate hates drug users. Starting today, all addicts will not be shrouded by the brilliance of the gods of destiny.”

In fact, the power of faith provided by drug addicts is still quite strong. They pray in a psychedelic state and can provide a power of faith far beyond ordinary people.

Considering the “sin”, Li Mochen still decisively renounced this part of the interest, which is not worth the loss, and it is not conducive to his divine nourishment. Hey

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