Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 680 - Ambush

, The fastest update of Destiny dominates the latest chapter!

At a time when the South American theater was in a stalemate, the flames of Alaska also began to show signs.

On January 5, 4003, just after the New Year, the Ten Beast Empire used their transport ships to send the two army groups, a total of 1.2 million people, to Alaska territory.

A total of seven days, a lot of gods came to the world to **** this transport fleet, and did not give the ‘Destiny Alliance’ any chance.

Of course, the ‘Destiny Alliance’ is not actually taking them helpless. When judging the other party’s strategic plan, they have already mobilized the fleet in this direction. But Li Mochen’s staff team gave up the naval battle after repeated deliberations.

At this time, the number of Amerika’s large fleet, although two more were added in this half year, also tame and recruited more sea beasts and giants. However, due to the persistent break-through of the “Alliance of the Gods”, they could not, within a short period of time, be able to assemble a large fleet of ships of the scale of the Battle of Grand Island.

In this state, if you decide to fight against the “Alliance of the Gods” on the ocean, wouldn’t it be exactly the other’s arms?

The key point is that Li Mochen did not recognize it. The situation in Alaska has not deteriorated to the point where a decisive battle is necessary. Although his mind has been determined, this time he will not avoid the war, but of course the time of the battle of the gods will be as late as possible.

After landing, the army of the Thousand Beast Empire did not rush to try to attack the cities of Alaska. They first built fortifications in various strategic locations in Alaska.

Surprisingly, they carried almost no food during the landing, and these soldiers easily provided food for millions of people with their skilled hunting skills.

Subsequent supply ships either delivered guns and ammunition or transported humans-they sent a large number of people originating from poison and South Africa to Alaska.

Although the vast majority of them are not used to the cold environment, the current cold protection clothing still allows most of them to survive. And to survive, you can provide manpower.

“He was guessed by Heidrich.”

In a subsequent combat meeting, Rommel shook his head: “We really can’t cut off their support.”

Rommel looked solemnly at the prototypes of the fortresses marked on the map, as well as the three military ports at different locations.

“I can’t think of any way to stop them now.”

The progress of the “Alliance of the Gods” is fast, thanks to the large amount of construction machinery they transported and the oppression of those slaves.

They are not doing nothing here. Since the landing of the army of the Thousand Beast Empire, they have continued to strike and harass with long-range artillery, missiles and fighters.

The effect is still there, but the Ten Beast Empire is constructed entirely from slaves, and people continue to be transported from the body poison and South Africa when they die. So now, they can only delay each other’s construction period.

The “Alliance of Gods” has also shown the spirit of not hesitating to fight dead, and a large number of gods sit here for 24 hours. The gods including the sea goddess Thetis and the winter goddess Hella couldn’t help but be in awe, and had to sigh the other party’s wasteful approach.

This was the place where Thetis and Hella showed their might, but the’Holy Flame Angel’ Urie burned the Holy Fire near the construction site all the time, and the sun **** Apollo and the’Light Tomorrow’ Mithra also desperately Shining the sun on the construction site. In terms of oceans, the two sea kings of Northern Europe and Olympus, however, managed to suppress every gram of seawater, making the sea unsurprising.

But they do so, they need to consume a lot of magic power every day.

So after Rommel, Ishtar also commented with condensed expression: “I feel this time is really a bit dangerous. Since ancient times, I have never seen them work so hard. It’s tacit and selfless. I can feel that they are incomparable and desperate to kill you.”

Li Mochen was very calm: “Look again, if the time is not right, I will not rush.”

It depends on the situation of Estantine. His layout a few years ago was expected to close the network. But if the network fails to be recovered, he can only give up this opportunity.

“However, Maple Leaf’s current border defense must be strengthened as much as possible.”

If they can’t fight in the end, the ‘Alliance of the Gods’ can not only rely on Alaska to strike their Arctic Ocean routes, but also further invade Maple Leaf’s territory.

The headache is that Maple Leaf has a long border with Alaska, and most places are deserted.

These places are almost forbidden places for the modern army, and even if they are stationed, it is difficult to maintain logistics supplies. But this can’t fail the soldiers of the Thousand Beast Empire. They can cross the mountain with their feet and jump over the river.

“There is no problem in strengthening the line of defense.”

Garcia Ferren sighed: “But in this way, they will use these 1.2 million people to contain at least 400 elite teachers.”


In mid-February, the base and fortress of the League of Gods in Alaska were completed one after another. They also stored a lot of food during this period, a large part of which came from the ocean. The meat of giant beasts and large fish in the sea can be stored in the ice storage for a long time after being processed.

During this period, another 900,000 troops landed in Alaska. They all came from the old continent, of which 600,000 people were armed by the Bright Church, and another 300,000 were the Divine Army of Olympus.

At the same time, the route of the “Destiny Alliance” in the Bering Strait has been completely cut off. Relying on their harbour in Alaska, the submarine of the “Alliance of the Gods” has expanded their range of activities and expanded the entire East Ying and the northeast of China. The coast is covered.

This not only affected the Arctic Ocean military routes, but the ocean transportation between China, Dongying and Amerika was also hit hard.

Fortunately, by this time, the gods of the “Alliance of Gods” could no longer maintain a high-consumption, high-load mode. They are probably preparing to recuperate with fixed work for a period of time, and then continue to the next offensive.

But the counterattack of the “Destiny League” started from here. The eleven “Angel Kings” under Li Mochen and a large number of gods began to take turns to attack the fortresses, ports, hunting teams, ships, and submarines. Wait for the goal, and the results are numerous.

In just twelve days, they destroyed four temporary strongholds, two ports, twenty-four high-speed destroyers, seven submarines, and killed at least 73,000 soldiers in the League of Gods, letting the other party work hard for more than a month. , Most of them have disappeared.

At the same time, several large fortresses and particle beam heavy artillery bases they built in Alaska were completed. A total of 124 particle beam heavy artillery named “Fire Dragon Roaring” are ready to go.

However, due to their range, they can currently cover only a few major cities in the southeastern end of Alaska, and they have only a negligible lethality to the fortresses built by the League of Gods.

Otherwise, with only one hundred and twenty-four “Fire Dragon Roars”, the army of “Allied Gods” can be rushed to the sea again.

In the middle of February, Li Mochen performed a second space-time retrograde. This time he did not gain much, only brought back a small group of metal sources to strengthen his destiny sword, and then he was also given a mythical weapon called “Claudeen’s Nail Scissors”.

This is the name of this artifact by a giant dragon named “Claudeen”. If Li Mochen is named, it might be a name like “Ice Flame God Cut” or “World Cutters”.

Eventually its owner, Herrell Wildenstein, renamed it ‘Scourge Dragon Shears’.

These are a pair of slender blades with exaggerated length and weight. They are propelled by two forces of ice and fire, and they have a ‘sharpness’ level of pseudo-truth. And if they are combined into one and changed into the shape of scissors, they can also have a pseudo-truth level of’cutting’.

And because of their exaggerated size, Heihor must use a large body before it can be used. This is the reason why it is named ‘Dragon Shear’. It is a weapon that can only be used by giant creatures like dragons.

This is exactly the kind of mythological arm that Li Mochen was looking at for Hairouer. He prepared carefully for this, and started to collect this thing before the ‘Claudeen’s nail scissors’ entered the ancient dragon city. Then it immediately followed its owner to prevent any changes caused by the loss of “Claudeen’s nail scissors” until the dragon died, breaking all lines of causal fate.

During this period, Li Mochen also felt the terrible butterfly effect. Since then, a whole sequence of time has been changing. But even the insignificant turbulence almost tore his entire person apart.

Li Mochen finally made a wish with 500 million repeated merits, and finally stabilized his body, and also suppressed the long-term changes in time series.

It was also this time and space journey that made Li Mochen feel terrified, knowing that he still underestimated the power of time series, destiny and causality. Given the established historical trajectory, it is best not to do anything easier.

This kind of thing can still be done in the future, but it must be guaranteed to be foolproof, with more than 10% certainty. In addition to this, he must also accumulate a lot of merits to prevent changes.

For this reason, Li Mochen never sought any mythological artifacts and sources in the next two journeys in time and space.

Twice counter-clockwise, he focused on strengthening the’Light World’ at the end of the Middle Ages. The purpose is to make the internal core structure of the “Bright World” more stable, to make its core rules more and more flawless, and it is also trying to repair the deep secrets of the world.

He first observes and identifies the parts that are not involved in cause and effect, and then starts to do it. He is extremely cautious and careful, trying to break the corners to ensure that he will not disturb the timing.

This time period was also specially selected by Li Mochen. At the end of the Middle Ages, Gaia, who was entrenched in the roots, was almost breathless by the brilliance of the Lord, and he had no time to visit. She knew nothing about the existence of Li Mochen, and the powerful gods of the bright world also left one after another, and there was a rare period of empty windows.

It was these two time journeys that allowed Li Mochen to gain nearly 3.5 billion ray of merit.

More than that, Li Mochen also received a “billion refund” of “2.2 billion strands of merit” from the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda” itself. The reason is that history has changed.

After Li Mochen’s return, he clearly felt nature, and the closeness and favor of the earth and the will of the world to him. If he was said to have been just the’child of Heavenly Deeds’ that everyone thought, then now, this name can be said to be genuine.

It is also because of ‘Heavenly Dependence’ that Li Mochen’s consumption of the ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ wish in the past history must be reduced by at least 30%. Li Mochen deliberately used his own time to intervene and postpone these merits to the current time period. Otherwise, history will still change.

At the same time, Li Mochen finally waited for the opportunity to snipe the night goddess Nix. He did not hesitate to summon Ishtar, Prometheus, Hercules, Fenrir and the Supreme Dragon God Io to his magical tower in Destiny.

Io arrived last, but this man’s footsteps had just entered the twenty-eighth floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, which drew everyone’s attention.

Li Mochen’s eyes also flashed different shades. His truth level’perception’ captured the rhythm of truth in this person the first time.

“Congratulations, Your Royal Highness. Your breakthrough made me more confident.”

This supreme dragon **** was born almost at the beginning of the world. It was born after the first rainbow between the ancestor dragon **** Alderwin and the heavens and the earth. Years, almost in the same era as Nix.

As Aldwin’s youngest son, Io’s temperament is very different from his arrogant, arrogant, nonchalant counterparts. He is low-key and unpretentious, with outstanding wisdom Although I also like to collect treasures, Io also knows to give back and cultivate while obtaining resources from nature. Unlike those of his brothers, it was just looting.

So in the disaster that made the entire dragon clan nearly extinct, only Aio and his partner, and many of his heirs survived.

After this disaster, Io’s style of behavior was more deeply concealed, without revealing the corner of Gui. And in its subsequent tens of thousands of years, this supreme dragon **** also accumulated a lot of merits unconsciously, the number even exceeded Prometheus, which also became Aio on the road of theocracy. Further assistance.

During this one-and-a-half year period, the vast majority of Ao Xu’s wishes were related to the participation in lightning.

“Blessing Your Majesty, I have entered that state, but it will take a while to stabilize.”

Io’s face was also full of joy: “Your Majesty called us here today, is there any action? Is it for Alaska?”

He used to work for Li Mochen, in addition to having no choice, three views are similar, and his interests are the same, there are also factors such as closeness in blood, foresight in foresight and other factors.

But now there are two more reasons-unlimited prospects and the gift of truth!

This also made Aio more willing to contribute to Li Mochen, even if the next Alaska war had a greater risk than the previous Battle of Grand Island.

At the same time, Io’s heart did not think that the current gods of destiny would lose to those few gods on this land in Alaska.

“You want to kill Ni Bis that Bi Chi, this is exciting, right?”

Seeing Aio’s face clearly showing shock, Ishtar smiled and narrowed his eyes again: “I don’t object, Andrea, we really need to reduce the enemy as much as possible, and we also have enough strength But the problem is, we are afraid that we cannot find the right time. That Bichi will not give you a chance, and other gods will not sit back and watch. The result is likely to be nothing after our efforts, even at a huge price. It was later profited from.”

She certainly hopes to kill Nix. After all, Ishtar’s current dark priesthood already has a direct competitive relationship with Nix. But Ishtar still has reason, knowing that this possibility is close to nothing.

“I know! But what if Nix was killed two days ago?”

“Two days ago?”

Prometheus thought about it: “Does it depend on your timing theocracy? But in this way, it may also cause violent turbulence in the long sequence of timing. Your strength, your majesty, has not yet opened up these worlds. The point of the timeline. The end result may be that you suffer a life-threatening death. Unless it’s you who are already prepared—”

Prometheus knew Li Mochen’s intention to send these people to Nixi two days ago.

This is undoubtedly a very genius idea, but there is still no possibility of realization. The war between several **** kings cannot fail to disturb the surroundings and affect the past history.

Opening up the timeline alone is an ability that cannot be created by the time-series theocracy. That is tantamount to opening up another parallel world of heaven and earth outside this world. But the existence of such abilities can not be melted into this world.

What’s more, going back to the past is only to get rid of the several great gods of this time period. But many gods in that bright world two days ago could not ignore their actions in besieging Nix.

However, Prometheus knew his lord better, and he could not have considered this beforehand.

“Of course I am prepared.”

Li Mochen smiled, his eyes shimmering: “This battle will happen in the outer domain. Even if it fails, the impact on the timeline will be minimal.”

He looked into the distance into the void: “What is certain is that during these two days, our highness night goddess was in the outer realm, not in contact with anyone or anything.”

The people present couldn’t help moving slightly and looked at each other. They all saw the color of their emotions from the eyes of these colleagues around them.

Especially Ishtar, her breath became sharper in an instant.


Two days ago, Ni Ke’s expression deliberately stepped into a small world called’Xuan Huang’.

In the boundless star field, there are hundreds of millions in the world. The world named’Xuan Huang’ has 10,000 to 8,000, similar to Yanhuang, Pangu, Shenxiao, etc., with this name, 10% of them are inherited by the Pangu civilization and the bright world. The Eastern China is in the same line and is the realm influenced by the Pangu gods.

After Nix entered this world, he saw the same scene as ancient China. In front of Tian Qianlian, scattered villages and cities are scattered, whether it is thatched cottages and manors in the countryside, or those high-rise mansions in the city, they are all made of brick and wood, and are full of rich oriental flavors.

It was only when her mind was swept back and forth in this world that she couldn’t help but froze for a while. This is very different from what she sensed outside of the Xuanhuang Small World. It should have been normal. Farmers are farming in the countryside, vendors are selling in the city, book boys are studying in the school, and the rich are having a banquet in the blue house.

However, when Nix really set foot in it, he found that this small world has no creatures. No matter in those cities or villages, there is no half figure. Even in the barren mountains, old forests and canyons and swamps, there are no creatures. Not only are common tigers, leopards, pigs, rabbits and the like missing, there is not even a worm.

Ni Ke realized at the first time that he should have entered a trap against himself.

The reason she came here this time was because she got a clue recently. There is an ancient book left by an oriental monk, who once said that he had discovered a cave house left by an ancient fairy in this small world called ‘Xuan Huang’ while traveling through the heavens and the world. It is a pity that due to the strong forbidden line left here, he could not get inside.

However, only from the clues obtained by the ancient monk, it is likely that this fairy mound contains a certain source of darkness and metal.

Nix has no doubt that this ancient book, “The Prospects of the Stars”, is a famous oriental spirit fairy writing seven hundred years ago. About three hundred years ago, when the ancient eastern country was forced to open its doors, it was looted by American adventurers to Amerika, and became one of the collections of the famous American Vidic family.

It was not until recently that the Vidic family lost the family due to the Statue of Liberty. This book “The Prospects of the Stars” was seen again and again. It appeared in the underground auction house in Manhattan and was bought by one of her red priests. Offered as a sacrifice.

When Ni Kesi got this book, he traced the past of “Xing Xing Tan Xuan Lu” and found that everything had a context and no trace of human intervention.

She then searched the heavens, and it took two months to find this small world named ‘Xuan Huang’. This is because the celestial fields are not fixed, they will migrate with time, and will follow a certain trajectory or move slowly or quickly in the celestial fields.

After waiting for the target to be locked, Nix completely dispelled the last doubt. There is indeed a cave house here. This little thousand world is also similar to the existence of the original dome world. In the ancient era, due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power and resources, coupled with the monks’ thousands of years of war, the boundary was finally broken. . In terms of its original scale, it even surpassed the boundary of the original dome during the heyday.

It is entirely possible that an ancient Jinxian cave house has certain sources. “Xing Xing Tan Xuan Lu” records that in order to defeat his opponent, the golden fairy placed a forbidden array before the boundary was broken, trying to forcibly extract the power of the world’s pronucleus. Died. However, this forbidden array should have played its role, and the world source it has extracted may not be the owner so far.

This is her opportunity to further enhance her ‘Hand of Eternal Night’. If the “source of darkness” here is enough, then she will possess two pieces of mythical armament of pseudo-truth level and use three levels of darkness in the battle.

This opportunity, she could have gotten from the Lord of Fate, but because of the residual unwillingness and immortality of ambition, Ni Ke finally gave up.

However, at the moment, when Ni Ke stepped into this small world of’Xuan Huang’ with full expectation, he found that the cave house did exist, and then the whole world was filled with a strange and ominous atmosphere.

Almost without any hesitation, Nix broke the space wall again, preparing to leave across the border. But at this moment, the space around her was distorted, destroying Nix’s attempt to return to the outer realm.

Nix noticed that a dense array of forbidden arrays appeared on all four sides of the sky. The scale of the forbidden array was incomparably large and almost covered the entire world of’Xuanhuang’.

Regardless of the runes or arrangement in the Forbidden Array, they are completely different from Western Mosaic and Arrayology, but they all contain the most profound and true truth in these heavens and the world. It will turn this entire small world into a cage, so that no creature can enter or leave the realm.

At the same time, Ni Kesi also saw a figure that was unfamiliar, but cherished his name for a long time.

Nix’s pupil suddenly shrank slightly: “Emperor Zhuan Xu?”

“It is just below that the little tribal leader is afraid to be called the emperor.”

Zhuan Xu stepped out of the outer realm and looked at Nix with pity: “I heard that His Royal Highness the Night Goddess has always been cautious and intelligent. Why was he so careless this time?”

Nix’s face was cold: “Do you think this can trap me? Zhuan Xu?”

At this time, the space around her was already twisted in the distance, and numerous bubbles appeared.

“Is liberty right?”

Zhuan Xu glanced at these bubbles and didn’t care much: “You don’t have to waste your time, His Royal Highness, Nix, this fairy array, plus my own strength, I believe that even the true Statue of Liberty, she did not carry that root In the case of the scepter of freedom, it is difficult to break away from here, not to mention you who only get 70% of her strength!”

At this time, Nix also found that the power that trapped her was not only the fairy array itself, but also the truth-level’suppression’ and the same truth-level’confuse’.

The Great Emperor Zhuan Xu in the rumors of the East apparently does not have this power. It is not just the one in front of her who is calculating here.

Ni Ke’s eyes became even colder: “Your Pangu gods, have also begun to directly interfere in the battle of the kings of the light world? If your emperor knows, he will never sit back and watch.”

“Under normal circumstances, this is indeed over the line. But when it comes to the five gods of chaos, it can’t be more reasonable.”

Zhuan Xu smiled slightly on the face, but said something without temperature: “The Lord of Destiny in your world turned to me for help. In order to prevent the seal of Kaos from being broken and to prevent further chaos from chaos in the bright world, he thought it necessary to You seal or kill, as the source of China’s immortal path, it is duty-bound.”

“Chaos? This is a good excuse.”

Ni Ke’s expression was relieved, and the speed of those’bubble’ around him was more intense.

“I have to admit that the trap you have prepared is perfect, and it seems that I can hardly escape in a short time. But Your Majesty, you should do your best, right? So I would like to know, what method do you intend to use Kill? Do you depend on your fellow students? Or is it the Lord of Destiny?”

A little bit of coldness appeared in her eyes, but more of it was still inquiring: “According to my knowledge, the Pangu deities you are facing are now in great trouble. The star domains that you are entrenched in have something to do with the bright world. Unreachable distance. As for the master of destiny, thanks to his rapid rise in the past years, the gods’ suspicion for him is still above the chaos. How can he hide the sight of the gods and bring his subordinates , Come here to promote the crowd?”

“You are right.”

Zhuan Xu’s response was still bland: “The destiny master’s plan is very imaginative. In theory, I only need to have enough ability to trap Your Royal Highness Nix in the’Xuan Huang’ small world for two days. There will be no problem with time. Neither the cause and effect in the next two days nor the fate will involve the present, and the time sequence between the past and the future.”

Nix was puzzled first, and then the whole body was cold and chilled: “Timeline?”

“Just the timeline!”

It was Li Mochen who answered Ni Ke’s sentence. He walked side by side with Ishtar, and walked in from the outer domain with ease. Behind these two, followed by Prometheus, Hercules, Fenrir, and Sloth Demon King Behrir, a group of deputy kings, or a powerful presence of pseudo-kings.

To Nix’s surprise, she was still behind Fenrir and saw the figure of Apollo, the sun **** of Olympus.

“Amazed, right?”

Ishtar’s eyes are full of excitement and anticipation, and the war is full of war: “We have revised the timeline to Nix, the ancient night goddess, it is time to die in this time!”

“is it?”

Nix’s face has long been ugly to the extreme: “If you can do it, just try it.”

She has noticed that these people, headed by Li Mochen, haunted the violent timing fluctuations all around. This should be the pulling force exerted on them during their own time period-to distort time into this dimension, it is impossible to have no influence at all.

These enemies of hers should face at least 20% more time flow than her. This may be her opportunity.

Just the next moment, Zhuan Xu’s move broke her dream, and the man raised his hand: “Law! Within ten hours, this place will be isolated from the heavens and the world!”

‘Speech Spirit’ and ‘Law’—This extremely powerful ability of truth, instantly made the Xuanhuang small world completely cut off any connection with the outer realm, and temporarily smoothed the lingering sequence fluctuations of Li Mochen and others.

“Idle, His Highness Nix.”

The lazy devil Belial said weakly: “Anyway, it’s already dead, so why bother struggling? You should know your destiny, don’t you?”

Nix instantly felt lazy, unable to lift his body.

Truth-level’laziness’-this is Bellir’s most terrifying ability, letting people die in laziness and laziness.

“When I turned into the sun, the darkness of this world could only be hidden on the dark side that the light could not reach.”

Apollo has deified the scorching sun and hung himself high above the Xuanhuang Small World. He drove most of the darkness and void under the influence of Nix’s power for an instant. As he said, Nix’s power can only retreat to the corners where the sun cannot directly shine.

This is actually the “sun” at the level of pseudo-truth and the “light” at the level of truth!

Nix’s pupils angered: “It seems that you are the one who killed Badr!”

Of course, the ability of Apollo alone cannot be done, but if there is Li Mochen and his destiny **** system as a help, it is still possible to kill the sun **** Badr of the Asa **** system silently.

“How can His Highness, Apollo, sneak into Asgard? This is just your assumption.”

This is Prometheus, the **** of the Prophet. He beckoned to Nix: “But it doesn’t matter anymore. I predict that all your actions, Your Highness Nix, will be perceived by our gods.”

He then waved with his left hand holding the flint: “Flame!”

A very simple word has made the whole world burn with flames, and it is almost everywhere, filling every corner of the world. Unlike the sun and light in this world, it will also be hindered by obstacles.

The supreme dragon **** Io also issued a dragon roar almost at the same time. The meaning of the dragon’s language is “Thunder”!

Thousands of thunder and lightning spread throughout the world and filled all the void in the world. The combined power of thunder and fire made Nix’s darkness nowhere to escape.

These strong deputy kings and pseudo-god kings are not Nix’s opponents. But when they join hands. Those truth-level divine powers are extremely tricky, making Nix completely powerless to confront.

Immediately after that, Ishtar declared loudly: “I will replace the darkness and the void in this place!”

Her war with Nix has begun, taking place in every corner of the darkness, every flame, the void that the thunder and sunlight can’t reach.

At the same Li Mochen also announced his amnesty order, which is also his ‘wish’: “In the name of destiny, the night goddess Nix will—”

At this time, he felt something in his heart. After frowning slightly, he immediately changed the content of the wish.

“Nix, the goddess of the night in Xuanhuang World, will surely die here!”

Zhuan Xu was a little stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes became clear.

In front of them, the’angel of angels’ Hercules had already carried his sword of beheading and slashed into the darkness ahead of which the flame of truth could not be dispelled.

It is difficult for his power to play a role in the darkness and the void, but besides this, the “Angel of Divine Power” masters the level of beheading of truth.

It is a derivative of causal divine power, meaning that no matter what in this world, Hercules can kill it!

Fenrir followed, and its truth poison had spread with darkness. But besides that, the physical strength of this demon wolf is only inferior to Hercules, and it is also extremely fierce.

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