Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 191 - chain reaction

The New York nuclear explosion hit the headlines of the evening paper without any suspense. The evaporation of hundreds of thousands of US troops and the Martian-like New York area caused the biggest sensation in human history. The fastest update In any case, the excuse of the US government’s abbreviated nuclear leak is meaningless in the face of such a magnificent tragedy. The White House is crowded with angry people asking for an explanation, and it lasted all night without stopping.

The U.S. Congress urgently summoned all politicians and began a fierce and never-ending discussion. At the meeting, all parties are considering how to shirk their responsibilities so that they can continue to remain in the US government. Anyone with a little bit of political common sense knows that if anyone carries this scapegoat on their backs, they will definitely be recorded in the history of mankind with a stinking posture for thousands of years, and there will never be a day of turning over again.

Riots, crimes, demonstrations, and the crime rate in major cities in the United States increased by more than three times that night. There are only recorded cases. The ubiquitous speculators took advantage of this rare opportunity to mobilize for their own interests. Arousing the masses, the United States, known as the beacon of human civilization, has become one of the most chaotic countries in the world. It is estimated that this “one” can be removed in a few days.

Satellite photos taken from New York after the nuclear explosion are widely circulated on the Internet. In the face of this cruel scene that makes people unable to believe that this is the earth, all Mayan prophecies and doomsday theories such as 1999 are pale as a three-year-old child. The same as a joke. This scene is the real end! People all over the world reached a consensus at this moment. If it weren’t for something that might destroy the world, no one would want to make a once prosperous city look like a ghost like the **** it is now.

However, the U.S. Department of Propaganda still remained silent and firmly guarded the last line of defense of the zombie virus information. It was referred to as a nuclear leak accident, but the scale of the leak was relatively large. Of course no one would believe such obvious nonsense. People have speculated that the nuclear explosion is willing to aliens, mutant monsters, and visitors from other dimensions. In short, which direction is more critical, they will think in which direction. Panic has spread from the United States. worldwide.

And besides emotions, there is another more practical thing that has plunged the United States into the deepest turmoil. The destroyed city is not Los Angeles, Chicago, or even Washington, which is destroyed. However, it is the largest economic center in the world in New York and the headquarters of the United Nations. The daily flow of funds is hundreds of millions. Even as long as there is a power outage in New York City for an hour, the national economy of the United States will be shaking three times, not to mention that it is now completely razed to the ground?

How many transactions will break down, how many people will lose their jobs, and how many companies will go bankrupt?

Statistics are no longer available.

Unemployment frenzy, financial turmoil, trade deficit, large-scale immigration, and it is foreseeable that in the days to come, an irreparable and severe economic turmoil will plunge the United States into a prolonged market chaos. When a capitalist country loses its economic support, what can be left of it?

America is over! This is a conclusion that can be drawn after considering this series of knock-on effects.

On the night of the nuclear explosion, the security guard found the body of the current US President who committed suicide by drinking a bomb in the White House. As far as the current situation is concerned, this is the last choice he can make as a national leader.

It can’t be saved anyway, so just run away. Is it necessary for him, a politician who is likely to become the last president of the United States, to continue to make meaningless remedial remarks like a clown in front of angry people?

I’m afraid I can’t even go to the podium. The riots will turn this conference into a **** of blood and fire.

In the government, whether it is the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, it is not worth believing! In this desperate situation, there is only one person, a person called a hero, who may be able to win the trust of the American people.

Early morning that night

Captain America was awakened in a strange bed by the cracking of the glass outside the window and the loud shouts. Still confused, he arched his body and hugged his head in distress. Everything around him was so strange. , It seems to be just a simple house that can be seen everywhere.

“Where am I?”

He only remembered that after he was blown away by a nuclear bomb on the sea, a purple light suddenly appeared behind him, and then his body was like being torn apart by someone, and then he lost consciousness and knew nothing. Up.

Suddenly a deja vu purple light appeared in front of him, a wormhole glowing with purple light opened out of thin air in the air, and a girl with black hair and black pupils wore a tight fur coat with a bump, like an alley from the other side I got out of my Oh, it’s nice to see you wake up, Captain America, I thought I was a few seconds late. Thank God, at least the professor’s last wish was repaid. “

“Wait, Professor? Are you from the X-Men?” Captain America immediately realized the identity of the other party, and at the same time felt nervous about the extremely bad word “last wish”, “Professor X, is he dead?”

“If he is still alive, he will definitely be nagging in my mind now” The girl’s words were a bit playful, but her tone was heavy and sad, but she quickly regrouped and explained to Captain America Said: “Let’s introduce yourself first. My name is Clarice Ferguson. My Chinese name is Fan. I am an intern of the X-Men police. The code name is flashing. As you can see, I can reverse the space to form a portal to shuttle. It’s very unstable.”

“Nice to meet you, Flash.” Captain America shook hands with Flash politely, and understood what happened after he lost consciousness, “You saved me from Queens, thank you.”

The flickering of being thanked was a little unhappy. She blamed herself and responded: “I’m very sorry, if my ability can be used to familiarize myself, maybe I can save more people. At least Professor, he shouldn’t die in that place. .”

“You have done very well.” Captain America encouraged as always, and then asked his doubts about his existence from the beginning: “You should have brought the professor back first, but I was the one who was saved in the end. Why? ?”

Flashing raised his head, staring firmly at Captain America with tearful eyes and said: “Because only you can save America. This is what the professor told me before he died.” (To be continued…)

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