Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 192 - Official press conference

“He chose to save me” Captain America whispered while pressing his chest. To be honest, he couldn’t understand why Professor X thought he was more important than him, the leader of the X-Men, one of the strongest mutants in the world. For example, in the current situation, if Professor X is willing, he can erase the memory of people all over the world related to New York, and manipulate the will of mankind to make them consciously ignore that place in New York.

Of course, if Professor X would do this, he would not be respected by humans.

“Why did the professor foresee that the other party would use a nuclear bomb? Did he use telepathy to read the enemy’s mind?” Captain America raised his question. After all, if Professor X really learned about the opponent’s actions through telepathy, he should It’s only right to be able to manipulate the enemy’s will to make this plan ruin.

However, this seemed to irritate the flicker. She frowned and emphasized loudly like a cat stepped on her tail: “Professors will not use power to pry into the hearts of others, let alone manipulate others on their own. !”

“Oh, sorry.” Flashing realized that his reaction was a bit too aggressive, and covered his mouth with a small hand, and after taking a few deep breaths, he explained to Captain America: “Professors have always taught us that we must control powerful forces. We must adhere to the principle, so that the power that can be limited will not be feared. There is nothing more terrifying than losing control of ourselves.”

“The person who should apologize is me, and the professor is right.” Captain America also realized what the result would be if Professor X used his abilities to change the world, at least Professor X pursued a dream that humans and mutants were in harmony. Coexistence, if it is achieved through Professor x’s telepathic control of the consciousness of all mankind, then the x-men will be no different from the super villain who advocates mutants to rule mankind like Magneto.

A superhero is a superhero by being able to do something while having great power.

Although Professor X was sacrificed, at least his spirit was not tarnished. He was always the great leader of the X-Men.

“Well, let’s talk about the current situation. I think we should be at the Xavier Gifted Youth Academy, the base of the X-Men now. Why are we in this room?” Captain America glanced around the room. Why? It seems that this is just an ordinary residential building room.

“Sorry, there are some problems in our college now.” In the previous conversation, Professor X also said that the backbone of X-Men such as Laser Eye and Storm Girl need to stay at the base to handle some things, so Captain America also understands the flickering. Hardship.

But the next thing that flashed ahead of time, surprised him.

“Originally, Magneto is planning to split the X-Men’s operation again. Laser Eyes will be so busy that they can’t score. But now I don’t know whether to say good or bad. Alas, they have cooperated.”

“Wait, who is it with whom? Did you cooperate?” Captain America’s reaction was as surprising as hearing about the merger of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. You must know that the Brotherhood of Mutants founded by Magneto and the X-Men founded by Professor X The two organizations have been fighting for decades, and it is ridiculous to suddenly say that they are cooperating, and more importantly, “And who are they cooperating against?”

“U.S. government.” Flashing said words that shocked Captain America even more. Seeing Captain America’s brain overheating reaction, Flashing knew that she had to explain everything that happened in detail from beginning to end.

Time back to about an hour ago

The head of the U.S. Department of Propaganda stood on the podium in a suit and leather shoes, staring blankly at the media reporters huddled in front, holding long guns and short cannons. And further behind the media reporters, a large number of heavily armed soldiers armed with live ammunition stopped the American masses that were as turbulent as the ocean.

“Dear American People”

The spokesperson did not finish the first sentence of the opening, and the reporter below, like a zombie, rushed over and asked various sharp questions like a cannon. In normal times, they may be more reserved, but now, this is news about the fate of the United States. Their bosses have all issued death orders to make them grasp the first-hand news.

“Quiet!” The spokesperson had to give a stern warning. Several soldiers also entered the scene with guns to maintain order. This is the first government press conference that requires this kind of action in American history. Thanks to the blessings of those black hole muzzles, the volume at the scene finally weakened a bit, but the questioning voice never stopped.

“The nature of this nuclear explosion is a premeditated national rebellion.” As soon as the spokesperson said this, the reporters below immediately exploded the pot.

“National Rebellion? Who is it!?”

“Why can they get the right to launch nuclear bombs!?”

“If it is a national rebellion, why did you choose to proceed in New York where the masses were evacuated in advance!?”

“I said be quiet!” The spokesperson waved his hand, and the sound of bullets rang out at the same time. This group of crazy reporters settled down a little The spokesperson began to realize that if he followed the original manuscript That way, if you talk about the political theory for a long time and then talk about the key points, then this conference may be about to end in blood. He had no choice but to escape the first page of the publicity manuscript, starting with the key content of the second page:

“According to on-site investigations, the organizations involved in this rebellion include the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and other mutants and superhumans. They voluntarily attacked our aircraft carrier battle group conducting military exercises on the coast of New York, and This led to an extremely fierce battle. In the course of the battle, American soldiers fought bravely and successfully repelled the enemy’s offensive, but a deadpool member of the insurgents invaded our nuclear bomb launch base in North Dakota and fired a nuclear bomb. Which led to the nuclear explosion in New York”

Such heavy news made the reporters rushed up without regard to their lives, surrounded the spokespersons, and asked like a beating that they could not wait to kidnap the spokesperson back:

“What you just pointed out are basically the so-called superhero groups. Do you mean that the superheroes have betrayed the United States?”

“No, I didn’t say that, nor did I mean it. What I pointed out was only the situation of the on-site investigation.”

“So was the New York nuclear accident just an accident? Why did the other party deliberately choose to defect in New York?”

“Maybe it was an accident, or it could be a deliberate act of the rebels. Everything must be subject to on-site investigation. I can’t make a conclusion at this time.

“So are the enemies who rebelled still alive? Will they attack again?”

“We did not find their bodies, so it can only be said that the life and death are unknown. As for whether the next attack will be launched, it is currently impossible to judge.”



“Excuse me”

(To be continued…)

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